The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 170: You dead zombie, you are so mad at me!


When Mo Qingli was soundly asleep, she suddenly felt something furry rubbing against her face, she reached out and waved it, but she couldn't shake it off.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and stared at the visitor displeasedly, "Die!"

Ge Yueming shrugged indifferently, "You still don't let me die just because I want to die."

"Oh? Are you so sure that Ben Gong won't dare to kill you?" Mo Qingli raised her eyebrows, moved closer to Ge Yueming, exhaled warm air and sprayed it around Ge Yueming's ears, making Ge Yueming The neck shrank instinctively.

"If you kill me, aren't you afraid you won't be able to ascend?" Ge Yueming moved back, trying to keep a certain distance from Mo Qingli.

He was really full, and when he saw Mo Qingli sleeping soundly, remembering her usual indifferent appearance, Ge Yueming wanted to tease her.

Unexpectedly, it is really a steal!

Mo Qingli sniffed, and a trace of sweet fragrance came into her nostrils. How could she let the "food" in her hand fly away! With a backhand grab, Mo Qingli pinned Ge Yueming to the c/huang and pillars, and a bloodthirsty golden light flashed across Mo Ran's pupils, which surprised Ge Yueming.

Is this damn zombie going to eat me

Ge Yueming swallowed hard, "What do you want to do?"

"What do you think I want to do?" Mo Qingli smiled, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Ge Yueming with a smile in his eyes.

" can't suck my blood, blood doesn't taste good." Seeing that he couldn't retreat, Ge Yueming seemed a little panicked, and his words trembled.

The smile on Mo Qingli's face deepened, she moved closer to Ge Yueming's neck, and took a light sniff, "Oh? I think it smells good!"

Hearing what Mo Qingli said, Ge Yueming was in a bad mood.

This zombie is really going to eat his own blood! When it was over, Ge Yueming suddenly became nervous, and kept looking at the door, hoping that someone would come in and "save" him!

Even if it's Mu Tianlang or Naimo, or just anyone, it's fine!

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. No matter how Ge Yueming looked towards the door, Kemen still stood there without moving at all.

How could Mo Qingli let go of Ge Yueming's small actions, at this time her stomach was getting more and more hungry, but Ge Yueming's neck kept emitting you/. The human aroma kept seducing and bewitching her.

"Ge Yueming, do you want to go to the fairy world?"

Ge Yueming did not expect that at this moment, Mo Qingli would ask a question that had nothing to do with the current atmosphere.

He was stunned for a moment, and replied, "I think so."

"That's fine." Mo Qingli had expected Ge Yueming to answer like this, and said with a smile: "Since you want to, then you can suck blood for me! I'm hungry."

While talking, Mo Qingli couldn't help showing her pair of sharp fangs, exuding the smell of "hunger" in the air.

" wait, wait." Ge Yueming leaned against the c/huang, Zhu, unable to retreat, so he had to put his hand in front of x/iong, pushing Mo Qingli, "Why do I want to Going to the Immortal World will suck blood for you, please make it clear, I don’t want to suck blood for you in such a vague way. Ah—”

Before Ge Yueming finished speaking, Mo Qingli's sharp fangs had already touched Ge Yueming's fair skin, where there was a unique fragrance that only zombies could smell.

"Because you don't suck blood for me, I'll be hungry. If I'm hungry, how can I practice well? If I can't practice well, then how can I become a fairy? If I can't become a fairy, how can I take you to the fairyland?" So, just obediently suck blood for me!"

Thinking that Ge Yueming is indispensable for the road to becoming a fairy in the future, Mo Qingli endured instinctive y/u and longing at this moment, and explained to Ge Yueming first.

But thinking of Ge Yueming's blood flowing in his body, Mo Qingli couldn't help shouting excitedly. This kind of opportunity is so rare, will she give up? No, of course not, she's not that stupid.

So before Ge Yueming could speak again, Mo Qingli couldn't bear it anymore, and bit Ge Yueming's neck.

Ge Yueming's blood is like a spring in summer, continuously pouring into every corner of Mo Qingli's body, nourishing every meridian in Mo Qingli's body. The reason why Mo Qingli feels so hungry now has a lot to do with her spiritual overdraft before. But for some reason, although now she won't faint like when she just came to the mortal world, she will feel hunger like never before.

Unbearable hunger.

Therefore, in the face of delicious food, even Mo Qingli, the ten thousand year corpse king, cannot resist it.

Mo Qingli restrained the urge to continue sucking Ge Yueming's blood. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and put the unconscious Ge Yueming on the c/huang to lie down. As for herself, she sat aside and meditated, and a part of her spiritual consciousness entered her body.

If it is said that her spiritual power when she first came to this world belonged to the infant stage, then the capacity of spiritual power in her body now has reached the capacity of a teenager.

This discovery made Mo Qingli very excited, presumably the Jade Emperor sent her to the world to experience various emotions in the world. During this period of time, she has experienced a lot, so the spiritual power in her body can grow so rapidly? !

All of this is just Mo Qingli's guesswork.

Continuing to search, Mo Qingli suddenly discovered that her heart, which had been silent for a long time, started beating slightly again. Drive the surrounding meridians and beat together.

My God, the blood of the gods is really extraordinary. There is such a big reaction in just one inhalation. It seems that this "food" of hers has to be properly raised in the future.

If Mu Tianlang knew that Mo Qingli attributed all the credit to Ge Yueming, he wondered if he would be pissed to death.

Most of the blood that Mo Qingli sucked before was dedicated by him, so the main contributor to all this should be him!

Unfortunately, Mo Qingli didn't think so.

She suddenly remembered the punch she broke the formation before, and there seemed to be a golden halo around the fist. Mo Qingli's punch before was almost a punch she created herself when she was comprehending the boxing technique. This punch mainly used the airflow fluctuations in the space, mixed with spiritual power, and came out with the trend, thus causing the most violent blow to the enemy.

But that day, Mo Qingli did not display one percent of the power of this fist, but just like this, the effect is extremely terrifying.

The important point here is that Mo Qingli knows this boxing technique best, she didn't know that when she punches, there will be light.

Moreover, she still remembers that the palm of her hand didn't seem to be her own at that time, she was being pulled by someone, and there was a trace of warmth in her heart from the fingertips.

Mo Qingli raised her palm and observed carefully.

Suddenly, she saw the golden ring that Mo Qingli had almost forgotten, which she had been wearing on her little finger since she entered the mortal world.

She reached out to take the gold ring off her little finger, wanting to study the gold ring carefully.

But helplessly found that no matter what method Mo Qingli used to pick it off, the golden ring remained motionless.

Come on, is there something strange about this golden ring

But when she looked left and right, the gold ring was just an ordinary gold ring!

Forget it, wait for Ge Yueming to wake up, ask him to see if he knows!

Mo Qingli turned her eyes to look at Ge Yueming who was in a coma, just like looking at a big gold mine, she couldn't take her eyes off it.

Ge Yueming finally woke up, but his first reaction when he saw Mo Qingli was to pick up the pillow under his head and throw it at Mo Qingli, "You dead zombie, ungrateful, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge. This old man is so mad."

Ge Yueming was really angry this time, he even moved out his previous self-proclaim in the heavenly court, at this moment he stared at Mo Qingli, panting non-stop.

Mo Qingli received the pillow that Ge Yueming threw at her accurately, "If you go crazy like this again, I will immediately throw you out of the city and be with wolves and dogs."

"'re ruthless." Ge Yueming held back for a long time before he could say these two words.

To deal with a rambunctious person like Ge Yueming, you must not be weak in front of him, otherwise he will immediately ride on your head.

So after Mo Qingli said this sentence coldly, he threw the pillow back to Ge Yueming, then got up gracefully, walked to the dining table, and said: "If you don't come here again, it will be difficult to make up for the blood you lost .”

Ge Yueming hugged the pillow, pouted and sulked.

Seeing that he ignored him, Mo Qingli was not angry at all. He poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, and said: "This wine is really good wine. You can't drink such strong wine in the imperial city." .What a joy."

Hearing the words, Ge Yueming swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then his eyes always drifted involuntarily to Mo Qingli and the flagon on the table.

Finally, Ge Yueming couldn't bear it anymore, jumped off the c/huang, barefoot, and went straight to the dinner table.

He snatched the wine glass from Mo Qingli's hand and drank it down in one gulp.

As if one drink was not enough, he picked up the flagon and poured another glass.

"Hoo... happy." Ge Yueming said proudly.

Mo Qingli looked at Ge Yueming, who was drinking heavily, and narrowed her eyes slightly. She knew that this guy must not be able to bear the temptation of fine wine, and it really was as she expected.

However, he has been drinking and not eating, when will the blood in his body that was just sucked by Mo Qingli come back.

So, Mo Qingli snatched the jug from Ge Yueming's hand who was drinking happily.

"What are you going to do again?" Ge Yueming was really going crazy, just after drinking a few more glasses of wine, Ge Yueming took advantage of the drunkenness, stood on the bench, stared at Mo Qingli condescendingly, and shouted: " Dead zombie, if you suck my blood, I won’t bother with you. But now, you still don’t let me drink. you have sex/ing!!”

Mo Qingli squinted at the excited Ge Yueming, and said flatly, "No, I'm a zombie, so naturally there are no human sex, I only have corpse sex."