The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 186: Mo Lianzi, she is not that stupid


If it wasn't for that red-haired man, I wouldn't be living in Wanhua Pavilion. "Yu Ge gritted his teeth, then maybe Mo Qingyu's eyes won't be stabbed, maybe everything will be different.

"But it was also because of him that you saved your life." Mo Qingli really hated this man in front of him who would blame others for anything that happened.

It was only then that Yu Ge remembered that Mo Qingyu was stabbed in the eye that night. Rumors said that Mo Qingli had stabbed her. He couldn't help shivering, but still said stiffly: "Hmph... It's useless to say anything now. Li Mingxiang was killed by me, and I am the murderer."

"You love Mo Qingyu, but does Mo Qingyu love you?" Mo Qingli changed the subject.

Upon hearing this, Yu Ge blurted out, "Of course she loves me."

"Oh?" Mo Qingli raised her eyebrows, "How do you know? If she loves you, why didn't she buy you that day on the oiran election night, but bought someone else instead

"Because I'm not an oiran." Yu Ge said.

Mo Qingli sneered, "Because you are not an oiran, you bought someone else. Is this what you call true love?"

Yu Ge was startled, then turned his head away and said nothing.

Sure enough, Mo Qingyu was his weakness, so Mo Qingli continued: "If she loves you, why would you be exiled to Wanhua Pavilion? I just let her not know that you were exiled to Wanhua Pavilion, but why did you It's such a big battle with Li Mingxiang, she knew about it, but she didn't take you away?"

"Stop talking." Yu Ge yelled at Mo Qingli. He covered his head with his hands and muttered to himself, "She must have her reasons, and there must be other reasons."

The corners of Mo Qingli's lips curled up, and he stood up slowly, looking down at Yu Ge, giving Yu Ge an extremely strong sense of oppression, and continued: "She just wants to use you, she doesn't love you at all. you."

"You lied," Yu Ge stared at Mo Qingli with red eyes. Mo Qingli was unmoved, and continued: "When you were with her, did she ever say that she loved you? Did she ever say that she would take care of you for the rest of her life? Did she ever say that she wanted to marry you?"

"No." Yuge covered his head, shook his head in pain, and kept saying, "No."

"Sixth sister, long time no see."

There was a coquettish and charming voice from the door, Mo Qingli turned her eyes to look, and saw Mo Qingyu leaning on the wooden pillar, smiling slightly, exuding an aura of calmness and prestige as a whole.

When she saw Yueyao who was unwilling to stay still behind Mo Qingyu, the corners of Mo Qingli's mouth slightly raised, and she also smiled at Mo Qingyu: "Sister, long time no see. I didn't expect that not only did Sister not die, but her martial arts improved a lot .”

"Why isn't Sixth Sister? Not only is she becoming more and more beautiful, but even her verbal skills are much more 'cute'!" Mo Qingyu countered with a smile.

"To each other." The smile on Mo Qingli's face deepened, but if you look closely, you can still see the strong hostility in their eyes.

The person in front of him is the murderer who killed Li Mingxiang with his own hands.

"Princess." Seeing that it was Mo Qingyu, Yu Ge rushed forward, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Is the princess here to save me?"

Mo Qingyu touched Yu Ge's hair with a smile, nodded slightly, and said, "Of course, I have wronged you."

"No, Yuge is not wronged at all." The resentment and bewilderment that Yuge was told by Mo Qingli earlier disappeared at this moment.

"Is this yours, big sister?" With a smile on the corner of Mo Qingli's mouth, he took out a round pearl from his bosom and put it in his hand.

A flash of surprise flashed in Mo Qingyu's eyes, and then she returned to normal, and said with a smile: "I mean, why is there one missing, so it was picked up by my sixth sister!"

"I found this from Li Mingxiang's hands." The smile on Mo Qingli's face remained the same, but her eyes became sharper, staring at Mo Qingyu closely, not letting go of any slight look on her face.

"Li Mingxiang?" Mo Qingyu thought for a while pretending to be puzzled, and suddenly realized, "Is it the only daughter of General Li? Why is my pearl in her hand? Could it be that she saw that my pearl is beautiful?" , slipped by me? Tsk tsk... Really, how did General Li Jing teach such a thief's daughter. What a pity!"

If Yueyao could talk now, she really wanted to scold Mo Qingyu, she didn't even want to use her honorific title, this kind of person is the sister of the sixth princess, she is simply insulting and humiliating the sixth princess, utterly shameless.

"Really?" Mo Qingli smiled, "This is the pearl that Li Mingxiang held tightly in her hand when she died. Li Mingxiang must have met the eldest sister before she died."

"What? Li Mingxiang is dead?" Mo Qingyu pretended to be surprised, "The world is really impermanent! But I didn't expect her to like my pearl so much. If I really like it, I can tell me If you want, I will naturally give it to you. Hey... why do you have to die of guilt for this! What a silly boy."

"Oh? How did the elder sister know that Li Mingxiang committed suicide?" Mo Qingli sneered in her heart, the ability to pretend to be stupid is really better than the other.

Mo Qingyu said: "I didn't say that she committed suicide. It turns out that she was really hit by what I said. She committed suicide!"

The ending of her "suicide" was extraordinarily long.

"I didn't expect Eldest Sister to be so eloquent!" Mo Qingli said sarcastically.

Mo Qingyu's eyes darkened slightly, and then she smiled and said, "Sixth Sister is really joking, it's just each other!"

"Sister thought, if the Queen Mother knew that Eldest Sister was still alive, she would be very happy. Eldest Sister didn't see how heartbroken Mother Empress was crying when she heard the news of Eldest Sister's death!" Mo Qingli said to herself. Knowing that Mo Qingyu will beat him to death and refuse to admit that he killed Li Mingxiang, he can only get the words out of Yuge. But if Yuge is threatened like this, Yuge will definitely not escape.

Yuge's weakness is Mo Qingyu, and Mo Qingyu's weakness is Xiaoyao Yunshang. It can be seen from the fact that Mo Qingyudao still keeps Xiaoyao Yunshang's silk, and the words she said that day. It seems that the previous Mo Qingyu was not as cowardly and incompetent as they thought.

The reason why she was the most favorable candidate for the throne among the princesses was not only because she was the most favored by the empress at that time, but there were also some unknown reasons.

Sure enough, the moment Mo Qingli mentioned the word "Queen", Mo Qingli clearly saw a stern look on Mo Qingyu's face, although she was quickly restrained by Mo Qingyu, she still noticed it.

"I really worried the Queen." Mo Qingyu continued to fight with Mo Qingli with a false smile, "I never thought that the assassins from other countries would not be able to assassinate me that day, and they would report false news to the Queen. It's all my fault, I didn't report the safety letter to the Queen Mother in advance, which made the Queen worry. How is the Queen Mother now? The phoenix body is still in good health."

"Eldest sister, you are really worried about me." Since she, Mo Qingyu, was lying nonsense, she, Mo Qingli, has not lived in vain all these years.

"I don't know how sad my mother was when I heard the news of your 'death', so I sent my younger sister and General Li to avenge you!" Mo Qingli had a worried look on her face. Yueyao is familiar with her own princess, so she might be deceived too.

Mo Qingyu narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Mother is really worried about me!"

I'm afraid I'm worried that I'm not dead, so let the two of you spy on me! Hmph... Mo Qingyu sneered in her heart.

"That's not true. The Empress is planning to come in person, but..." Mo Qingli raised her eyes and glanced at Mo Qingyu before continuing: "But the Empress is pregnant and is not suitable for traveling, so I sent my sister, General Li, and I here. If this is not the case, with the degree to which the empress loves the eldest sister, she must come here in person."

"What? She's pregnant?" Mo Qingyu's indifferent expression finally changed, she exclaimed, and then realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and immediately changed her words: "Mother is pregnant?"

Mo Qingli smiled with a pretended harmless smile, and said, "Yes, sister, I was also taken aback when I heard the news! Looking at the Queen Mother, she seems to like the child in her stomach very much. You know, The empress is not young anymore, and it is already very rare to conceive a child. What is even more rare is that there is a man in the harem who makes the empress willing to conceive a child. Now the empress hardly goes to court, and all affairs of the court are handed over to It was managed by the fourth sister, and the empress herself took care of the baby. But what made my sister feel strange was that the empress did not tell who the father of the child was when the ministers kept asking. There are many!"

Hmph... That old hag didn't dare to tell who the father of the child was? She still wants to be a Mingjun! If people knew that she had robbed her daughter's husband, wouldn't her reputation be destroyed in one lifetime. Mo Lianzi, she's not that stupid!

"Presumably that man's mother must love him very much, otherwise she wouldn't protect him so hard!" Mo Qingli continued.

"Have you said enough?" Mo Qingyu finally couldn't help but burst out, and shouted at Mo Qingli.

Yu Ge was taken aback. In his opinion, everything Mo Qingli said just now was just talking about the Queen, and they were nothing but words! How could Mo Qingyu get so angry

The smile on Mo Qingli's face deepened, "Sister, why are you so excited? I didn't say that the man behind the empress is Xiaoyao Yunshang."

"Shut up." Mo Qingyu's face was gloomy and cold, and his eyes bulged out because of anger, which looked particularly frightening.

"Mo Qingli, are you waiting for me in this dungeon just to say these things?" Mo Qingyu stared at Mo Qingli firmly, as if she wished she could swallow Mo Qingli alive right now.

Mo Qingli glanced at Yuge from the corner of his eye, and an extremely complicated look appeared on his face. The corners of Mo Qingli's lips curled up involuntarily, and he smiled at Mo Qingyu: "Of course not only, my sister also wants to congratulate the elder sister's eyes!" Back then, Xiaoyao Yunshang still disliked Eldest Sister One-eyed and refused to marry Eldest Sister, if he knew that Eldest Sister's eyes had recovered and her appearance was better than before, he would definitely admire Eldest Sister!"

Niu Niu has been great recently, there are so many more, dear friends, is it enough to watch? Haha... I wish my dears a happy new year! mwah!