The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 197: Retreat back to court


"Cough... we are already married. She didn't lie, but..."

Ge Yueming hadn't finished speaking when he saw Xiaoyao Yunmang's body emanating outrageous anger, and immediately attacked Mo Qingli.

Mo Qingli's expression changed, his feet quickly stepped back, and Xiaoyao Yunmang slashed at Mo Qingli's body with a palm.

The powerful spiritual power blew up the entire tent with a great impact, and it dissipated in the wind in an instant.

All the soldiers looked up at this scene in astonishment, and looked at the two standing in the air with fluttering robes.

"Get out of the way, everyone, and get out of here as quickly as possible." Ge Yueming was worried about the crowds gathering around him. If the two of them really fought, these people might all become cannon fodder. Ge Yueming didn't want these innocent people to become cannon fodder because of the war between the two, and he didn't want them to sacrifice their lives in vain.

"Come on, catch this man for me." Concubine Liu's voice sounded coldly not far from Ge Yueming.

The soldiers who obeyed the order immediately arrested Ge Yueming.

"Let go of me, let go of me." Ge Yueming shouted loudly, "Why don't you leave here quickly, what are you doing here? If you are a step late, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Concubine Liu slowly approached Ge Yueming, pinched Ge Yueming's chin with one hand, and the two looked at each other, "Beauty, it's too late for you to say something?"

"You know it yourself," Ge Yueming said with a cold glance at Concubine Liu.

"Crack!" A crisp voice sounded on Ge Yueming's face, and Concubine Liu shook her hands, saying, "You are just a gift, what qualifications do you think you have to say these words? Huh?"

"Then what right do you have to beat him?"

Suddenly, Concubine Liu felt a cool breath coming from the back of her neck. Concubine Liu looked back and met Mo Qingli's bloodthirsty golden pupils. Called: "Yunmang, Yunmang."

And Xiaoyao Yunmang, who was originally opposed to Mo Qingli, was looking coldly at Concubine Liu who was sitting on the ground, her appearance was no different from looking at a dead person.

"Tell me, what right do you have to beat my husband? Huh?" Mo Qingli raised her hand and grabbed Concubine Liu's hair, and picked her up. The surrounding guards had already turned pale with fright, and when they were about to go forward to rescue Concubine Liu, they were frightened back by Xiaoyao Yunmang's look.

General, what's going on? Concubine Liu was bullied by this mysterious woman, yet the general didn't react at all

All the soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one dared to move first.

They have all seen Xiaoyao Yunmang's methods before. Compared with Concubine Liu, they are all afraid of Xiaoyao Yunmang from the bottom of their hearts.

Concubine Liu opened her eyes in horror and looked at Mo Qingli in fear, her throat became more and more difficult to breathe, her tongue (head) stuck out, her seductive eyes were rolling their eyes blankly at this moment.

Seeing that it was about to fail, Ge Yueming said, "Li, just teach her a lesson. You don't need to hurt her life."

Mo Qingli glanced at Ge Yueming, and then threw Concubine Liu out of her hand. Concubine Liu fell to the ground after a few rolls, her hair was messy, her face and forehead were scratched by small stones on the ground, and her blood was red. The marks on her face were shocking.

The maid at the side hurried forward to help Concubine Liu up, she didn't even have the courage to look at Mo Qingli, for fear that Mo Qingli would get angry, and she would be the next to suffer.

"Does it still hurt?" Xiaoyao Yunmang caressed the place where Ge Yueming was slapped by Concubine Liu just now, where five palm prints were clearly printed. If Mo Qingli hadn't attacked Concubine Liu first, he might have wiped Concubine Liu from this world long ago.

Ge Yueming glanced aside in embarrassment, he really couldn't accept the (touching) of two big men here, "It's okay."

"Did that woman go back when she beat you and scolded you?" Mo Qingli looked at Ge Yueming angrily.

"Hey, who allows you to say that about our family's Ming?" Xiaoyao Yunmang yelled at Mo Qingli in dissatisfaction.

"Your family?" Mo Qingli snorted coldly, "He is my husband, you should give up on that."

The guards were shocked by what they saw, what did they hear just now? His own third prince, the great general of the Xiaoyao Dynasty, actually likes men? !

This news is too explosive.

They didn't hear it, they really didn't hear it. All the guards took a few steps back knowingly, until they could no longer hear their conversation.

They didn't want to meet Lord Yan the next day for no apparent reason.

Xiaoyao Yunmang, who heard the words, made a gesture to fight Mo Qingli again, but Ge Yueming stood in the middle and isolated them, "Stop."

"Do you want to kill all these people because of your own selfishness?" Ge Yueming's voice was full of anger.

"Ming." Xiaoyao Yunmang called to Ge Yueming aggrievedly, while Mo Qingli remained silent.

"Yunmang, promise me to retreat?" Ge Yueming said to Xiaoyao Yunmang.

Xiaoyao Yunmang said: "Unless you come with me, I will not retreat."

"Impossible," Mo Qingli immediately refused.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Mo Qingli looked at Ge Yueming in surprise, "Ge Yueming, do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know." Ge Yueming looked back and gave Mo Qingli a complicated look, but it's a pity that Mo Qingli didn't think about the meaning in Ge Yueming's eyes at all.

"Li, the matter of Mo Qingyu has been sorted out. Now as long as the Xiaoyao Dynasty agrees to withdraw the troops, your promise to the queen will be completed." Ge Yueming said, with a hint of sadness in his tone of parting.

Mo Qingli said with a sullen face, "Ge Yueming, I don't need your help. Come back with me now."

"Li... You know that I've been staying in the Motian Dynasty all these years, and I've actually wanted to go to the outside world for a long time. This, too, happens to be an opportunity."

"Have you thought it through?" Mo Qingli stared at Ge Yueming and asked.

Ge Yueming nodded, "Yes."

Hearing the words, Mo Qingli let out a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "Since that's the case, then I won't force it."

The happiest thing to hear this is Xiaoyao Yunmang, Ge Yueming can finally be with him. He knew that Ge Yueming still had him in his heart. Marrying this woman back then must have been just for fun, and there were countless things to do.

"Retreat and return to the court." Xiaoyao Yunmang said loudly to the soldiers.

"Wait a minute." Ge Yueming continued: "I have one more request, I hope Yunmang you will put those innocent men back."

"Okay." Xiaoyao Yunmang agreed without even thinking about it, and Concubine Liu, who was all dirty beside her, looked at Ge Yueming with a glint of coldness in her eyes.