The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 206: So cruel


The gauze was slowly put down, revealing the figure of the two (glued) together.

When the sky was just getting bright, Mo Qingli had already finished dressing, and she was sitting quietly on the edge of the soft couch, her slender fingers slid across Naimo's cheeks, then bent down, and printed a light kiss on the corner of Naimo's lips. kiss.

The eyelashes that were as long as cattail leaf flickered lightly, and a pair of bright black eyes appeared in front of Mo Qingli. Thinking of what happened last night, Nai Mo couldn't help but blushed, and called softly, "Li."

"Hehe..." Seeing Naimo's appearance like this, Mo Qingli couldn't help biting his lips lightly, and then reluctantly moved away.

It was only then that Naimo noticed that Mo Qingli had finished dressing, and his eyes darkened involuntarily, "Li, are you leaving now?"

"Well, there seems to be some movement at Leng Mei's side." Mo Qingli replied softly.

" careful." At this time, Naimo was really like an ordinary mortal, which made the smile on the corner of Mo Qingli's lips more intense.

Opening the door, Yueyao quickly greeted her, "Princess."

"But is there any movement at Leng Mei's place?" As early as this morning, Mo Qingli heard Yueyao's anxious footsteps walking back and forth outside the door, and wondered if it had something to do with Leng Mei.

"Back to the princess, the servant is incompetent." Yueyao knelt down on the ground again with a thud, "The people sent by the servant to monitor Miss Leng Mei are all missing."

Hearing the words, Mo Qingli's eyes sank, she was so cold and charming, there really was a ghost.

"Where is she now?" Mo Qingli asked.

Yue Yao, who was kneeling on the ground, kowtowed, and replied respectfully: "I saw Miss Leng Mei leaving the house early in the morning, so I already sent someone to follow her. However, I'm afraid that the person following this time is also (sexual) ) is in danger."

Mo Qingli's expression froze, and after saying "keep the house well", she quickly left here.

Yue Yao wanted (to) follow Mo Qingli, but she had no choice but to leave too fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. This made Yueyao couldn't help feeling again, "Princess's martial arts are getting better and better, I'm afraid she won't need me in the future, but it's okay. No, no, no, I must practice harder, so that the princess still needs me. "

Thinking of this, Yue-Yao showed determination on her face.

Besides, Mo Qingli, after she left the house, she turned around and dodged into an empty alley. After seeing no one left and right, she closed her eyes, changed her hand gestures back and forth, and muttered to herself.

After a while, Mo Qingli suddenly opened his eyes again, and shot towards the south fiercely.

In order not to attract attention, Mo Qingli performed the invisibility technique as usual, and then moved quickly towards the south.

In the middle of the journey, Mo Qingli smelled a trace of fresh blood, frowned slightly, and temporarily stopped chasing Leng Mei, but followed the smell of blood to find her.

In a remote corner, something wrapped in a burlap bag was left in the corner. Stains of blood oozed out from inside, Mo Qingli stepped forward, raised his hand and waved lightly, the bag disappeared in an instant. Then (revealed) the person inside, completely unrecognizable, covered in blood, only from the inconspicuous place on the corner of the person's clothes embroidered with the word "protection", can the person's identity be judged.

Mo Qingli thought, this is the person Yueyao sent to monitor Leng Mei!

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Mo Qingli would never have believed that Leng Mei could be so cruel.

A golden-red light flashed across Mo Ran's pupils, and he looked coldly to the south—Leng Mei, I want to see what you want? ! How dare you break ground on the head of this zombie king.

I saw a golden figure flickering slightly, and left here. But before Mo Qingli could leave, Mo Qingli cast a fireball, burning the victim's body. Mo Qingli only hoped that she could rest in peace instead of rotting here.

In this way, Mo Qingli has been using tracking spells, relying on the remaining breath of Leng Mei to pursue Leng Mei.

Finally, when the sky was getting dark, Mo Qingli saw the enchanting (voluptuous) red-clothed figure in front of her, and followed behind.

Leng Mei looked around, looking cautious, and then stopped in front of a big tree.

She closed her eyes and whispered something incantation. To Mo Qingli's surprise, after Leng Mei finished chanting, several roots of the towering tree suddenly opened with a "boom" and slowly.

Then Leng Mei walked in, in order to find out what kind of medicine was sold in the Leng Mei gourd, of course Mo Qingli could not let go of this opportunity, so she followed Leng Mei and chased after her.

Just at the moment after Mo Qingli entered the tree, the tree door slowly reconciled. Mo Qingli let out a sigh of relief, and secretly said - it was so dangerous, I almost didn't come in.

When Mo Qingli looked up again, she found that there was no cold and charming figure in front of her, only a lonely dark corridor was left in front of Mo Qingli, extending to that unknown place.

Could it be the phantom array? Mo Qingli frowned slightly. Although the tree looked huge from the outside, she came in from the bottom. If it was extended into the tree, there would never be such a long walkway.

Then there is only one possibility, which is the phantom array. There was a phantom formation here.

Mo Qingli couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, she was so anxious to come in just now, she forgot to think about this possibility. Now that I think about it carefully, I'm afraid that Leng Mei actually lured her here on purpose.

She had long since realized that she was suspicious of her, that's why she killed those who watched her so carelessly, and in such a cruel way, but she didn't destroy the corpses.

The purpose is to let Mo Qingli find out, and the purpose is to introduce Mo Qingli into this phantom formation. If this is the case, Mo Qingli might not be able to let her go.

Although Leng Hanling might blame himself if he found out, but even so, Mo Qingli couldn't care less.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Mo Qingli looked around carefully. This corridor is only wide enough for one person to pass through. Every one meter, there will be a moonstone illuminating the surroundings.

Mo Qingli slowly paced and took a step forward. She didn't know enough about phantom formations. She only knew that any formation has its weaknesses. She just needs to find the weak points in the formation and break through them.

Just like last time, when they passed a mountain on their way here, they were stuck in place and couldn't get out. And the weak point at that time was the sun, as long as the sun was broken.

So what Mo Qingli has to do now is to carefully observe the surroundings, browsing every place with his spiritual sense, only to find the weak point of the formation.

But it seems that this is a difficult formation, because Mo Qingli has stayed here for so long, but there is no attack.

But Mo Qingli still didn't have time to spend here, she didn't know if Leng Mei was looking at her coldly outside the formation, or if she had other things to do. If she just wanted to use this formation to trap her and then go on to other important things, Mo Qingli would not want to see such a result.

The moonstone exudes a faint afterglow and gently shines on its small area. When Mo Qingli walks by, he will take away a shadow.

The more Mo Qingli walked along the corridor, the more impatient her heart became. Everywhere in the surrounding area, she did not find a single flaw. On the contrary, her heart became more and more unstable, and there was a hint of impatience between her brows and eyes.

I don't know how long I walked like this, but when I looked up, it was still a dark corridor with no exit. Mo Qingli's eyes darkened, and she raised her hand and punched the wall next to her.

With a sound of "bang", Mo Qingli's fist marks were left on the wall. Mo Qingli frowned slightly, she picked up a moonstone from the ground, and placed it next to the wall she just smashed, the deep marks on the wall seemed to tell what Mo Qingli had just done.

Mo Qingli's complexion became more and more ugly—this phantom array was so realistic that even her random punch was clearly printed on the wall, and it didn't heal itself.

Last time, when Mo Qingli and the others were in the phantom formation, if they hit something, it would immediately return to its original state. This was because the phantom formation itself had already been set up. But at this moment, it has not healed.

Looking at the moonstone in his hand, it was emitting a weak light in his hand. Even this moonstone can be held in the hand, then... Did she enter the phantom formation? !

It's so difficult that what I guessed before was wrong, in fact, she didn't enter the phantom array at all. And it's really just a corridor.

Perhaps, Leng Mei was in a daze when she first came in, so she took the opportunity to escape through this corridor!

The more Mo Qingli thought about it, the more possible it became, so she didn't care about anything, so she rushed forward, as fast as she could.

Just like that, after another long time, when Mo Qingli stopped panting, she raised her eyes to look ahead, and there was still a dark corridor with no exit.

Exudes a horrible and gloomy feeling.

Mo Qingli was about to go crazy, the sense of presence in her heart became more and more serious, almost to the point of scratching her head.

It stands to reason that Mo Qingli's mentality has always been relatively calm, but since entering here, an inexplicable sense of irritability has gradually spread in her heart, what's going on? !

Mo Qingli couldn't think of it for a second, so she punched the wall next to her angrily. It's just... There seems to be a slight tingling sensation where the fist touches.

Looking up, Mo Qingli was even more surprised - isn't this where she just punched? What, why is she back here again? !

Mo Qingli can guarantee that she has never turned back, but she is running forward. But what happened to the traces on the wall? Even the shape and the finely broken stones left by her swing just now are the same.

How is this going? !

Suddenly an idea appeared in Mo Qingli's mind, and this thought made Mo Qingli break out in a cold sweat. If so, the self just now really almost fell into the trap of Leng Mei.