The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 209: Xiao Mo is really a good zombie


Hearing this, Xiao Mo cried and said, "Then I won't be able to see what's behind."

"Afterwards, I didn't take this album seriously. After all, it was a pain in my heart. Anyway, it only records the deeds of Leng Jiasheng's ascension. I have no interest in these."

Mo Qingli thought to herself, everything must be more than Xiao Mo thought so simple. There were so many people in Xiao Mo's group back then, and the album they worked so hard to get must not be as simple as just talking about the deeds of Leng Jiasheng's ascension to immortality.

What's more, the first three levels I have encountered, each level is extremely thrilling, and if you pay attention, you will be trapped or die forever.

And after passing these three levels of checkpoints, what he arrived at was such a stone room with the scene of Leng Jiasheng's ascension.

If it's not that Leng Jiasheng is too narcissistic and conceited, all of these are vaguely connected.

What's more, this Leng Jiasheng is also from the fox clan, so it is very likely that Leng Meishi will join him in attacking him.

But why would an immortal who had been immortal for tens of thousands of years go to such lengths to deal with him. If you want to kill yourself, can't you move your fingers? !

After all, what is all this for? Mo Qingli didn't understand. Could it be that everything is not as I imagined, so what is it? !

"Xiao Mo, did you bring that album?" Mo Qingli asked.

Xiao Mo nodded, "Of course I have."

After saying that, he took out the album from his bosom, and handed it to Mo Qingli without reservation, but Mo Qingli was startled, and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will keep it for you?!"

"Don't be afraid, because Xiao Mo originally planned to dedicate this album to you, Wang." Xiao Mo scratched his head embarrassedly, "Anyway, this album is not very useful to me, and I can't read a few pages. How about giving it to Wang, hehe... Thank you Wang for saving my life."

Mo Qingli took the album from Xiao Mo's hand, rubbed Xiao Mo's head, and said: "Xiao Mo is really a good zombie, but in the process of cultivating immortals, you can't be so heartless to others. This is my Take Xiao Mo's album and give Xiao Mo advice!"

"Well, Xiao Mo knows." Xiao Mo looked at Mo Qingli with a touch of reverence in his eyes.

Then Mo Qingli closed her eyes, raised her eyes again, and when she stretched out her hand and waved, Xiao Mo disappeared in place.

Mo Qingli opened the album in her hand, and it was exactly as Xiao Mo said, the first few pages were all about the scene of Leng Jiasheng becoming a fairy. Mo Qingli turned the pages quickly, and when she turned to the next few pages, Mo Qingli suddenly stopped.

It is no longer a picture, but engraved with densely packed words that Mo Qingli does not understand. Mo Qingli turned to the back a few more pages, all of which were engraved with words that Mo Qingli could not understand.

Mo Qingli frowned slightly, what do these words mean

When Mo Qingli was about to continue to turn backwards, she found that she couldn't move it no matter what. It stands to reason that Leng Jiasheng should have not ascended to immortality when he made this picture book about his life and wrote the words, and although his spiritual power has not fully recovered, it is impossible for him to open it.

Moreover, Leng Jiasheng took so much trouble to hide this album, and he needed to be related to his own cultivation level to open it page by page. Then this must not be just an ordinary picture book, but what is hidden in the end! ? Mo Qingli tried again, but when she still couldn't open it, she gave up and was going to go back and show it to Naimo.

Mo Qingli put the album into her bosom, now is not the time for Mo Qingli to study this album, how is she going to get out of this stone room, and find Leng Mei. After finding it, hand over Leng Mei to Leng Hanling for disposal. After all, Leng Mei is a member of the fox clan, so it would be best to leave it to him. As for how to deal with Leng Hanling, Mo Qingli will not ask any further.

She looked around carefully, this is a closed stone room, different from the stone room just now, this stone room does not have any door for Mo Qingli to open, except for the pattern on the wall, there is nothing special about it. Mo Qingli frowned slightly, could it be that the way out is still on this pattern

Thinking of this, Mo Qingli carefully observed the patterns on the wall. The depiction of Leng Jiasheng on the wall was lifelike. Even if Mo Qingli was not present, he could still feel the grandeur of the scene and Leng Jiasheng's arrogance.

Why does Mo Qingli feel that Leng Jiasheng is lonely, withdrawn and arrogant!

Mo Qingli noticed that Leng Jiasheng was standing on the high platform, and there was a dense crowd standing below, but except for the respectful faces of Leng Jiasheng, the rest of them showed jealousy, resentment, disdain, etc. A series of looks.

Mo Qingli could take the expressions on these people's faces as jealousy of Leng Jiasheng, but...why didn't anyone sincerely bless him? Moreover, ascension, shouldn't it be extremely thrilling? How did he invite so many people to watch? If he fails to become immortal, wouldn't it give his enemies an opportunity to take advantage of? Aren't his clansmen the ones who suffered in the end

Mo Qingli didn't understand this senior who ascended to immortality thousands of years ago. However, judging from the situation, he should have successfully ascended. Otherwise, he wouldn't have left an album and a mysterious tree array to publicize his deeds. Although he was the predecessor of the fox clan and the ancestor of Leng Hanling, Mo Qingli did not take this person seriously. It would be a bit too narcissistic to spend such a large amount of time just to publicize his deeds of becoming a fairy to future generations.

I don't know if Mo Qingli paid too much attention to the patterns on the wall, but Mo Qingli suddenly felt her eyes flicker, and when she realized it, the surroundings were already crowded with people. Mo Qingli was taken aback, she didn't know when she had the illusion, it seems that Leng Jiasheng really has a skill.

She raised her hand and was ready to attack the people around her. In Mo Qingli's view, all of this was just an illusion used by Leng Mei or Leng Jiasheng.

However, Mo Qingli didn't believe that Leng Mei could do this, and even overturned her previous thoughts, thinking that Leng Mei and Leng Jiasheng had teamed up to deal with her. Presumably, Leng Mei just played a trick on herself at the beginning, tricking Mo Qingli into this place. And she, if Mo Qingli did not expect, she might have already left here.

It's just that maybe Leng Mei didn't expect that the people who set up these checkpoints here were actually the ancestors of their fox clan. Perhaps, everything was already doomed in the dark.

Besides Mo Qingli, just when Mo Qingli raised her hand to attack the people around her, she heard someone shouting, "Look, Leng Jiasheng's catastrophe is coming."

The Heavenly Tribulation is divided into nine paths, each of which is extremely powerful, and one of them is more powerful than the previous Heavenly Tribulation. Many of them were caused by not being able to persevere, ranging from being severely injured, to being wiped out in ashes.

Therefore, every immortal cultivator who has experienced the catastrophe will prepare a few amazing treasures, which have been used to survive the catastrophe.

Like Mo Qingli, who crossed again and again and was kicked off by the Jade Emperor in the end, I am afraid that there are very few of them.

But it was this voice that made Mo Qingli lower her raised hand, and her eyes fell on the high platform not far from her. Leng Jiasheng, who was dressed in a red dress, stood gracefully on the high platform, without a trace of emotion on his beautiful face, he just quietly looked at the clouds that gradually gathered above the sky.

Looking at the situation, this phantom array actually tells the scene of Leng Jiasheng's ascension to immortality, and isn't this scene also one of the scenes depicted on the wall of the stone chamber before? !

Mo Qingli looked around, and the eyes of the people around were all holding their breath, paying attention to Leng Jiasheng on the high platform.

Everything was so real that Mo Qingli could even hear the breathing of the people around him. Everything was so real that Mo Qingli thought that he had come to the place where Leng Jiasheng had ascended into a fairy.

At this moment, the first robbery fell from the sky and rushed straight to Leng Jiasheng's forehead. Leng Jiasheng remained calm in the face of danger, until when the first catastrophe was one meter away from him, a flash of sharpness flashed across Leng Jiasheng's eyes, and with a wave of one hand, a powerful spiritual force approached the first one. catastrophe.

Then it dissipated into the air in an instant, and Leng Jiasheng's first catastrophe passed easily. Mo Qingli watched silently from the side, and at the same time recalled the scene of her own first day of calamity, and it was not as easy as him. It seems that Leng Jiasheng is very strong.

Immediately afterwards, the second catastrophe followed, attacking Leng Jiasheng with a more powerful attack than the first catastrophe. Leng Jiasheng was just like dealing with the first catastrophe, but the spirit he swung Strength is stronger again.

Just after the second catastrophe was broken, the third, fourth, and fifth catastrophes came together. Mo Qingli could clearly hear the crowd around her gasp, and she might have been frightened by the battle.

Mo Qingli already knew that Leng Jiasheng would rise to immortality after going through all these catastrophes, so she wasn't too surprised.

Sure enough, Leng Jiasheng defeated all the third, fourth and fifth catastrophes with only a little effort.

It's just that Leng Jiasheng's expression was not as relaxed as it was before the beginning, but instead had a touch of dignity. He knew that the catastrophe after the fifth way was the real highlight.

There was only a "boom" in the sky, and there was a roar. More and more dark clouds gathered together, bringing people a strong sense of oppression. The rumbling sound in the clouds was even more frightening. Some people with poor cultivation , Yao, had long been overwhelmed and knelt down on the ground.

Mo Qingli roughly glanced around, there were not a few people who fell down, and a doubt rose in Mo Qingli's heart again, those people who knew that their cultivation was not good, but still came, didn't they want to die

This Leng Jiasheng is also strange, people and monsters are invited, and the level of cultivation is also uneven. What is he going to do? !

Finally, when everyone was holding their breath, the sixth heavenly tribulation roared from the thick clouds, and attacked Leng Jiasheng with an aura that the first to fifth paths combined did not have.