The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 235: Sometimes in life there must be


"Oh, I was just joking! Why do you all have to take it so seriously?" Leng Jiasheng had a harmless smile on his face.

The corners of Mo Qingli's mouth twitched, you really don't look like you're joking.

Immediately, when Mo Qingli lost his mind for a moment, Leng Jiasheng pointed at Mo Qingli and said, "I want her."

"Me?" Mo Qingli pointed at herself, obviously a little unbelievable.

"That's right." Leng Jiasheng curled his lips and nodded.

"You're dreaming."

"You're dreaming."

This time it was Mu Tianlang and Nai Mo's turn to roar at Leng Jiasheng at the same time, and then rushed towards Leng Jiasheng with lightning speed.

Leng Jiasheng's expression suddenly faltered, and he raised his hand violently, a fierce air (shot)(shot) from his sleeve, and ran straight towards Mu Tianlang and Naimo.

Both Mu Tianlang and Nai Mo reacted extremely quickly, and both of them took extremely fast countermeasures in the first time. However, Leng Jiasheng's attack seemed normal, but it was actually a dark one. It was a hundred times more powerful than what Leng Jiasheng had done with them just now.

"Hmm." Mu Tianlang groaned and stopped in place. And Naimo narrowly avoided Leng Jiasheng's blow, but was still shocked by the aftermath.

Seeing that Namo escaped his blow, Leng Jiasheng raised his eyebrows, looked at Namo and raised his mouth, "Oh, not bad."

After finishing speaking, Leng Jiasheng raised his hand again, but this time, his hand was grabbed by a slender palm. Leng Jiasheng's eyes looked at Mo Qingli who grabbed his hand with great interest, "What? Agreed?"

"That person is your junior, the current king of the Fox Clan, Leng Hanling. Please save his life for the sake of the same clan." Mo Qingli gritted her teeth, forcing herself to say this sentence come out.

Who knows that Leng Jiasheng didn't show any emotion at all, he said nonchalantly: "Then this is also his fate, there must be some time in his life, and there is always time in his life, so don't force it. I can't do anything about it."

The corners of Mo Qingli's mouth twitched when she heard the words, how could she have forgotten that this man in front of him would sacrifice the lives of thousands of top monks in order to become an immortal. What's more, Leng Hanling is a young junior.

Mo Qingli bit her lip and said, "It's not impossible for me to promise you, but I have conditions."

"Conditions?" Leng Jiasheng's mouth gradually curled into a smile, "I just like to talk about conditions, come on, let's talk about it."

"First of all, it's not you who want me, but you who I want." Mo Qingli slowly let go of her hand, and after giving Mu Tianlang and Nai Mo a reassuring look, she turned to look at Leng Jiasheng. road.

"Interesting and interesting. This is number one, what about number two?"

Mo Qingli took a deep breath and said, "Second, I allow you to stay by my side, but you are not allowed to fight any man beside me. Otherwise, this condition will be void at any time."

"No problem." Leng Jiasheng replied without thinking.

Mo Qingli didn't expect Leng Jiasheng to agree so readily, and after a brief surprise, he continued: "Third, my current identity is the sixth princess of the Motian Dynasty, so if you follow me, I will give you A position as an attendant. But the human world is different from us after all, so you must listen to me, and you can't reveal any traces of your spells like humans."

"Human world? Wow, that sounds good." Leng Jiasheng clapped his hands, his face was full of excitement, and Leng Jiasheng, who couldn't help but want to go to the human world to learn more, took Mo Qingli's hand and hurriedly said: "OK All right, I promise you."