The Correct Way Of Feeding The Sick And Delicate Villain

Chapter 11: A ghost knocks on the door in the middle of the night


no respond.

Ding Yi didn't open his eyes, but felt that the chill lingering on his neck was getting heavier, the wind was blowing, and the window leaves were rattling, it was quiet and eerie.

The candle on the stand suddenly went out.

The room was plunged into darkness in an instant, Ding Yi, who felt a little uncomfortable, frowned and called twice, but she couldn't hear Mu Yueshi's answer after a long time, so she opened her eyes sleepily—

The vision in the room was dim, and the moon-gauze white bed curtain swayed in the wind, making it a bit bleak and shady. And the moment her gaze was fixed, she saw a dark figure appearing in the corner of the wall through the veil, seeming to be staring straight at the direction of the wooden bed.


In the middle of the night, where did someone come out

Ding Yi's drowsiness disappeared immediately, and suddenly a chill ran down her spine!

She sat up abruptly and yelled: "Who is it!"

"I... am the owner of this house." The ragged woman's voice was hoarse and tired, she looked around stiffly, and muttered to herself: "... I was deceived again, this is my home."

"What?" Ding Yi didn't understand at all.

"He lied to me! They all lied to me!" The woman suddenly exclaimed excitedly, screaming as if she was eager to accuse: "They lied to me and sold this place! They... made me wait at the bridgehead, wait... my clothes It's gone, it's cold, it's really cold..."

After she finished speaking, she squatted in the corner and cried helplessly. The desperate sobbing sounded so dark that it made my heart tremble.

Hearing this speechless cry, Ding Yi felt his scalp tingle for a while. Sure enough, the second-hand housing is still unreliable, the property rights are not clear, and the original owner is still in dispute. You see, people have jumped over the wall and entered in the middle of the night!

"That... You made a mistake? You should have mortgaged this yard. I just bought it today, and the deed and land deed are all there." Ding Yi kindly reminded her, but she added another sentence: "You It is no longer the owner of this place."

The woman stopped crying.

After a while, she looked at Ding Yi blankly, her eyes were lifeless, and said, "But I have nowhere to go."

Ding Yi was not happy when she heard it, and thought to herself, does this girl not understand people's words or is she deliberately finding fault? Pretending to be stupid, pretending to be a bully from outside, isn't it! !

Ding Yi was about to get angry, but by the moonlight, he vaguely saw that the girl's torn clothes were soaked through, even covered with sand, stones and muddy water, her arms and back were covered with bruises, she looked very embarrassed miserable.

She was stunned, thinking that this homeless girl is also a poor person.

Ding Yi: "... oh, forget it. Since you have no place to go, let's stay here temporarily tonight. Let me just say yes, I don't plan to take you in for a long time..."

The woman looked up at her with blank eyes.

"Can you get up?" Ding Yi asked her.

The woman stood up slowly.

Ding Yi rubbed the corners of her eyes helplessly, wanting to get up and find a casual dress for the woman to change into, but for some reason, she glanced at the woman's frail figure from the corner of her eye, and a subtle disobedience flashed in her mind. feel.

A bad thought came together, and a chill came out from the bottom of my heart.

Ding Yi calmly put his gaze under the woman's skirt...

Sure enough... no feet!

Ding Yi froze all over, at that moment, his whole body froze.

She didn't move, or rather, couldn't move her body at all.

After a long time of no response, the woman tilted her head and asked with a puzzled smile, "Aren't you coming?"

Ding Yi's teeth were chattering.

She went crazy with fright and knocked on the system: Big! ! ! help me! I'm damned! ! !

The system is unresponsive.

Ding Yi was in despair.

The atmosphere became weird, and she didn't dare to make a sound at all.

At this time, the cold wind suddenly blew up, and the moment the bed curtain was blown, she saw clearly the pale and bloodless face of the woman in the corner, and evoked a bloody smile at her—

"You... scared... scared." The woman suddenly smiled sinisterly, her gentle and delicate voice carried a curse-like venom, with two lines of bloody tears hanging down, she said to herself: "You made me Stay. Then by the way—come down with me!"

After finishing speaking, ghosts with distorted faces approached instantly.

"Ah!!" Ding Yi was terrified, and scolded in a terrified voice: "Accompany, accompany you to paralyze me!! I'm a decent person! Ahhh! It's fake! It's all fake! The core of socialism Values protect me!!”

With a plop, her head fell heavily to the ground, a sharp dull pain came out from the back of her head, and the eerie woman instantly became distorted.

"Ding Yi! Ding Yi!! Wake up!!" Mu Yueshi's anxious face appeared in front of her eyes, and Ding Yi gasped heavily, looking around in shock.

It was empty, there was no one in the room, no ghosts of any kind.

Was it a dream

Ding Yi touched the back of her bruised head in pain, turned over with difficulty, and asked in confusion, "Did I fall asleep just now?"

At this time, the uneasiness on Mu Yueshi's face had not completely faded away, Na Na nodded, and replied: "I kept calling for you, but you didn't wake up. Just now you suddenly called out, fell off the bed, and woke up."

As he spoke, he pointed to a small hole that had been smashed into the ground.

Ding Yi grinned and cried out in pain, no wonder it hurts so much!

Seeing Mu Yue's little face was full of nervousness and worry, she forced a relaxed smile and coaxed: "It's okay, I'm just too tired to have nightmares. Are you sleepy? Go to bed quickly."

Mu Yueshi rolled over on the couch with a grunt, her eyes were serious: "I'm not sleepy! I'll accompany you."

From Mu Yueshi's eyes, Ding Yi felt a strong concern that did not expose the truth that she was afraid of not daring to sleep at all, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, ashamed, children are more courageous than her.

In fact, it can't be blamed on her being afraid, because that dream is so real! It is simply 5D cinema effect! !

Ding Yi sighed exhausted physically and mentally. She took advantage of the situation and lay down, pulled the quilt to cover Mu Yueshi, and said: "Got it. It's so late, go to sleep, and I will sleep too."

Mu Yueshi didn't seem to listen to coaxing, she snuggled up to Ding Yi's limp body, and said with a serious face: "Ding Yi, don't be afraid, I will accompany you."

Ding Yi, who didn't dare to close her eyes at all, was moved when she heard it, but she was afraid, and she couldn't let Mu Yueshi stay up late with Insomnia, so she had to be brave and said, "I'm not afraid, go to sleep."

Mu Yueshi looked at her silently, after a while, seeing Ding Yi closed his eyes, he lowered his eyelids, and then slowly closed his eyes.

In fact, Ding Yi didn't feel sleepy at all.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she slapped the girl and frantically locked the system: Great! ! are you there? Why did you ignore me just now? Daddy, if you don’t talk, I really feel insecure! Poor, helpless, people are scared! ! !

The system said coldly: The system has not yet developed the dream chatting function. If the host needs to pass the time, please switch the local game mode automatically.

When Ding Yi heard the cold mechanical sound of the system, she was still familiar with the ruthlessness, which made her feel very cordial.

She is basically sure that as long as she is in a clear state, no matter what she fantasizes, the system will most likely respond, even if it is a do-not-disturb window!

So that was really a dream just now!

After such a reasonable analysis, Ding Yi lay down contentedly, and said haha in his heart, I am really tired and hallucinating, how can there be any ghosts in this clean yard? She closed the quilt, and prepared to sleep in the dark again.

However, just when Ding Yi was relieved, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Knock, knock, knock on the door, each time getting heavier and more urgent.

Ding Yi suddenly opened his eyes, having a fart nightmare! Ma Dan is really true! !

The cold wind hit, and the sound of knocking on the door became louder and louder. In the middle of the night, any movement seemed extremely clear, let alone this weird knocking sound.

Hearing the louder and louder vibrations outside, Ding Yi was so frightened that his heart rose to his throat.

The 'person' outside is obviously the original owner of the yard, swaggering 'going home' in the middle of the night, knocking on the door so hard, he must be furious now that he can't enter before returning home.

Ding Yi was about to cry in fright, and asked for help in a panic: the system is big! ! I, I, I have never seen a ghost! How to deal with this situation? What should I do if it is about to smash the door into pieces! !

System: it can't get in.

Ding Yi: How is it possible? Don't lie to me! ! Generally, isn't that thing able to pass through walls? It's all on TV!

Then why don't you think about it, if it can, can it still use the door? The system is very speechless to its host whose brain often crashes.

System explanation: It can't come in, that's why it chose to pull you into the dream at the beginning.

Ding Yi was stunned: why

The system said coolly: Because it couldn't and didn't dare to approach Mu Yueshi, that's why it chose you. If you couldn't wake up just now, it can possess you and enter the house majestically.

Ding Yi was shocked.

Is this shit still a scheming ghost! !

At this time, Mu Yueshi suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were sharp: "It wants to smash the door."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned over and sat up, his face was gloomy, and he looked like he wanted to run out and fight directly.

Ding Yi was stunned, and hurriedly pulled him back, "My ancestor, why are you going? You, you don't move around, just stay here, I... I'll go out and have a look!"

As soon as the voice fell, a loud 'bang' was heard, and the door seemed to be smashed by a stone.

The system suddenly reminded: No, the door is broken. Close the door quickly!

Didn't you just say it couldn't get in? !

Ding Yi was so frightened that her calves trembled, she didn't even have time to complain, she quickly closed the door that was blown open by the dark wind, and pressed the latch to death with force, she shouted anxiously: "Moon time! Quick! Close the window tightly!" !"

After hearing this, Mu Yueshi hurriedly climbed onto the low cabinet and closed the window forcefully. Almost at the same time, the two candles in the room were instantly extinguished by a gust of cold wind.

The room was instantly plunged into darkness.

Ding Yi hugged Mu Yueshi tightly in her arms, her eyes looked at the distant and near shadows outside the window, the dead white and terrifying face in her dream seemed to emerge little by little in front of her eyes, she gritted her teeth and trembled.

The door in front of the room vibrated again, and the 'man' outside knocked again and again, with a dull voice: "Open—the door—"

The author has something to say:

Ding Yi: I saw a ghost today! !

System: Be normal, I will see you every day in the future, dear.

Thanks to 'Dudu', 'Rice Wine', 'La La La', 'A Rose Hair' for their nutrient solutions and mines~