The Correct Way Of Feeding The Sick And Delicate Villain

Chapter 68: I shouldn't have been reserved in the first place


Ding Yi urged Mu Yue to leave, but the pain in her body did not ease much, and for some reason, she had a bad premonition when she saw Qing Lang's gloomy eyes just now.

This kind of hidden person is very dangerous. If he suddenly jumps up and burns everything and drags Yue Shi to death, then everything will be over!

Why have this intuition

Oh, that's because she still has lingering fears about the time when Lu Liheng resolutely dragged Chong Lian Jun and Yue Shi to die together in Shuidong Tian before his death!

The two left the forbidden area some distance away.

Ding Yi obviously felt that the pain in his body that was about to be torn apart eased. She slowed down, and then frantically stopped the bleeding on her hand.

Ding Yi wanted to wipe the blood off Mu Yueshi's neck, but felt the blood oozing from his back through his clothes, and was startled: "Where else are you hurt?"

He was wearing black clothes. If she didn't touch him, he really couldn't see that he had blood on his body. And just now seeing him playing so fiercely and powerfully, those who didn't know thought he was really fine!

Mu Yue paused slightly, her voice a little hoarse, "It's nothing, just a small injury."

Ding Yi didn't believe his nonsense, if she didn't happen to find out, maybe he didn't even mention his serious injury!

I don't know if it was affected by the destruction of the Forbidden Land, Yun Zhongqiu, which was like a fairyland, suddenly became cloudy, or the spring blossoms in front of me suddenly turned into a miserable wind and bitter rain.

There is no sense of transition in this picture style switch!

Ding Yi asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Mu Yueshi's expression was indifferent, and she sarcastically said: "The holy tree is withered, and the illusion here can no longer be maintained. The fox family used the same kind of demon heart to raise that evil animal to guard the holy tree, and now it is finally unable to maintain it."

Ding Yi paused, his expression a little dignified.

Mu Yueshi seemed to have guessed the scruples in her heart. He pursed his lips and said, "Even if the golden-scaled beast doesn't die today, it won't last long here. The fairyland on earth created by this insidious way can't last long. Fox The family spirit is exhausted."

In the final analysis, the ending of the red fox jade original body may have been preordained long ago.

She couldn't escape, and when she couldn't offend Mu Yue, there was always a dead end.

There was a strong wind blowing everywhere, Mu Yueshi's eyes turned cold, and she said: "Someone is chasing you. You go out first and wait for me outside."

Ding Yi was anxious: "But..."

"I'll find you soon." Mu Yueshi didn't give her time to refuse, he quickly cast a secret formula, intending her to send it out.

But when he was about to send her away, he suddenly paused.

Perhaps because of some bad memories, Mu Yueshi's eyes turned dark waves, he grabbed her shoulders, suddenly lowered his head and asked her forehead, and suppressed: "You must wait for me. Don't walk around, otherwise …”

Ding Yi's expression was a little dazed at first, but after being kissed by him, his face slowly turned red. Immediately, she followed the trend and raised her head, quickly pecked his chin, and replied softly: "Understood."

Listen to you! I listen to you! !

A moment of astonishment flashed across Mu Yueshi, those beautiful eyes were as bright as stars. But at this time, it is obviously not suitable for them to linger and talk about love. Before the fox monster came to kill him, he sent Ding Yi out of the illusion without hesitation.

Ding Yi, who was a little embarrassed at first, was shy for only three seconds before being pushed out by Mu Yueshi. The piercing wind was blowing through the cracks in the illusion, and her face was almost paralyzed!

After the illusion of the fox clan collapsed, is it just such a garbage project? When Ding Yi thought that the poetic and picturesque Yunzhongqiu illusion when he came here used this heart whose body was taken away, the anger in his heart came up again!

What a shit paradise, it should have been destroyed a long time ago!

When Ding Yi came out of the illusion, he found that almost a day and a night had passed outside, everything on Luling was as usual, and it was almost evening here.

Ding Yi was a little surprised that the time in Qiuli Yunzhong was stagnant. To some extent, this is really an absolutely closed heterogeneous space.

In short, after she came out, a series of data windows popped up in the background of the system, and there was a series of congratulatory messages for upgrading and perfecting the character data. Ding Yi was really angry!

She has never seen such a brazen pit ratio system!

What about the impeccable and perfect new account? In the end, she hadn't done anything yet, and Honghuyu had already caused a series of problems!

Of course, what made her even more furious was that the alluring and powerful Red Fox Jade was so miserable that only half of her heart was left! Suddenly become a precarious short-lived ghost ah hello! !

Ding Yi was furious: Is this what you call an impeccable and perfect character? ? The original bug of Honghuyu's body will destroy her account at any time! ! You cheated me again! !

System: ... Abandoned account rebuilding, as the name suggests, is rebuilding.

Ding Yi sent a smiling expression: Complain. goodbye!

The system is busy defending itself: self-protection is also one of the tasks! Do not believe you look at the progress bar! I went to explore Yunzhongqiu and got my heart back. Isn't the progress much faster

Ding Yi glanced at the progress bar suspiciously, good guy, as the system said, it actually exceeded half of the progress!

She was surprised.

Ding Yi: What did I do

The system is concise and to the point: I saved my life, and the direction of attacking the target is right.

Ding Yi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he thought of Mu Yue who was thrown up and hugged and kissed by him. I've hugged and kissed, and now they are... they are in love with each other, right

Boyfriend or something, I still feel so shy!

Ding. Girl. Yi sat down in the haystack. She guarded a place not far from the waterfall, silently waiting for Mu Yueshi to come out, but she held her cheeks and smiled and blushed for a while, looking like a fool.

Ding Yi, who was meditating to heal her wounds, was waiting patiently, but when night fell and he didn't come out of it, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Why is there no movement for so long

Could something be wrong

Waiting and waiting, seeing Haoyue quietly climbed up the treetops in the sky, and there was no one to be seen, Ding Yi finally couldn't sit still. She couldn't do anything, she could only wait anxiously.

I don't know how long it has passed, the waterfall that has been silent for a long time suddenly exploded with cold lights, Ding Yi heard the movement and immediately passed by. Sure enough, she saw Mu Yueshi who was dressed in a terrified body in the past.

"Moon time!" Ding Yi ran in front of him.

She saw that his robe was torn, his black hair was messed up, his slightly pale face was stained with blood, and he looked very bad.

Ding Yi looked shocked: "Why so much blood?"

Mu Yueshi raised his hand and wiped off the blood on the side of his face fiercely. He didn't answer, pulled her and left. His face was gloomy, and he uttered a sentence: "Let's go. Go back to the Demon Palace."

Seeing his appearance, Ding Yi didn't want to delay, and hurriedly said: "Okay!"

She immediately stepped forward to support Mu Yueshi, took him, and left Luling that was melted into the night without looking back.

There is no doubt that Mu Yueshi was seriously injured, but he did not lose consciousness, and was awake all the way.

He didn't say much on the way, but his eyes were as quiet as the night, quietly looking at Ding Yi who was anxious and heartbroken for him.

Ding Yi felt panicked when he touched the blood on his body, he couldn't think of anything else, his mind was full of worries about whether his injury was serious or not? Does it matter

After arriving in the Demon Realm, Ding Yi directly helped Mu Yueshi back to the underground palace, and he didn't care how strange and shocked the expressions on the faces of those demon cultivators were when they saw her supporting their Master Mozun.

"Your Majesty... Is this going to Yuling Mountain to snatch the Red Fox Jade back personally?"

Someone said impatiently: "Nonsense! Don't you have long eyes to see?"

Probably none of them thought that this vicious vixen really succeeded in relying on her beauty?

Watching the red fox jade swaying into Junshang's bedroom, those female demon cultivators' eyes were red with hatred. You must know that what Junshang likes in his heart is the coquettish bitch, so they shouldn't have restrained themselves in the first place!

Ding Yi didn't know that she didn't dare to catch her breath all the way, and when she came back anxiously supporting Mu Yue, it was understood that she had officially entered the room!

Mu Yueshi's dormitory remained the same, it was empty and empty, so deserted that she couldn't feel any warmth.

Ding Yi helped him down, seeing that the white collar inside his black robe was all red, his eyes were full of distress, it must be a serious injury.

She wanted to heal him quickly, but she had just helped him onto the bed, and before she could lie down, she was suddenly pulled by him, and fell onto his chest unexpectedly.

Ding Yi was taken aback.

Mu Yueshi hugged her very tightly, completely ignoring the injuries on her body, his hoarse voice seemed to be aggrieved: "I miss you so much."

Ding Yi was stunned, wondering why he said this all of a sudden, and suddenly became so clingy again

But she figured it out soon.

Mu Yueshi seemed to be like this when she was a child. If he is sad, scared or hesitant, when no one else is around, he likes to lick his wounds silently and act like a baby.

He always seems to have a way.

Let her heart soften like water.

"What's wrong with you?" Ding Yi let him hold him, patted his back, and said softly: "Heal the wound on your body first, I'll heal it for you, let go first, okay?"

Mu Yueshi didn't move, but after she finished speaking, she leaned sideways and took advantage of the situation to bring her down who was not sitting firmly, and both of them fell on the bed.

Light and shadow intertwined sadly, and the four eyes met.

Ding Yi, who was lying down, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and when he looked at Mu Yue with his black hair hanging down, there was a glint of light in his dark eyes, which was so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

Everything was so still that she could only hear the beating of her heart.

Ding Yi felt that his throat was tense, and stammered: "You, you, why..."

Mu Yueshi didn't let her continue, because the next moment, he lowered his head and sealed her chattering lips.

Ding Yi opened his eyes even wider, his breathing was trembling even at the tip of his heart.