The Counterfeit Madam Hou

Chapter 37: Captured (top)


As soon as Liu Qinghuan turned over from the wall of the Hou Mansion, several gleaming long knives were raised in front of her.

She stood motionless on the spot, raised her eyes and glanced at Tang Zibo who was resting: "Is this what you call cooperation?"

Tang Zibo smiled and said, "Miss Du Juan is very witty, I'm afraid that you will play tricks and tricks."

Liu Qinghuan sneered: "When it comes to conspiracies and tricks, who can compare to you Tang Zibo? On the one hand, he said that he would cooperate with me, and on the other hand, he went to Xue Mu to inform him. The kung fu of these two tricks is really unmatched."

Her tone was full of contempt, Tang Zibo said indifferently: "I just want to let the girl know that you have no choice but to join me."

Liu Qinghuan couldn't help but chuckled, "I'm really grateful."

"I dare not be ashamed." Tang Zibo greeted the people around him in a good mood, "Invite Miss Du Juan to your house as a guest."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Qinghuan saw a burly man walking towards him with a piece of black cloth on the opposite side. She took a step back subconsciously, and the tips of the knives beside her were sent towards her immediately. She glanced at Tang Zibo, and asked with an unkind expression, "What do you mean?"

Tang Zibo motioned for the big man to cover her eyes, and whispered in her ear: "You have to wrong the girl, as long as you behave obediently and don't mess around, I promise I won't hurt you."

Liu Qinghuan frowned and let them cover their eyes. Seeing how mysterious they were, they probably didn't go to Tang Zibo's house, but probably the secret gathering place of the Zoroastrian Cult.

In order to deceive others, Tang Zibo put on a veiled cap for her. Liu Qinghuan was helped into an ox cart, and an accompanying maid sat on the ox cart. After she got into the car, the maid held her arm and exerted a little force on her hand: "Hi, girl."

Liu Qinghuan's eyes moved slightly. If she heard correctly, this voice was the voice of the girl in purple who cheered the boy that day.

She didn't reply, and the maid didn't seem to care much, but still held her hand. The bullock cart started to move slowly, with such fanfare, it really looked like a daughter of some family was out to play.

Although Liu Qinghuan was blindfolded, she deliberately paid attention to the direction they turned along the way. The bullock cart should have left Chongrenfang from the west gate, walked south for a while, and then turned to the west.

The farther west they went, the more intense the smell of spices in the air. Even if Liu Qinghuan couldn't see them, she knew they had arrived in West Market. From time to time, I could hear a few words in Hu's language, and Hu Shang, who had traveled a long distance, was bargaining with people in jerky Chinese.

After bumping for a while, the bullock cart suddenly turned around and headed east. Liu Qinghuan's thoughts were spinning quickly. If she guessed right, their destination should be Yiningfang, where there is a temple where Zoroastrians gather. But if he just brought her to the Ao Temple, why did he deliberately blindfold her

When the bullock cart finally stopped, there was no sound around me. Liu Qinghuan sat in the car without moving, the maid beside her jumped down first, held her arm and said: "Girl, get out of the car."

Liu Qinghuan pursed her lips slightly, supported her hand and jumped off the bullock cart. After getting out of the car, Tang Zibo didn't remove the black cloth from her eyes, the maid followed her all the time, guiding her where to go.

After Liu Qinghuan walked for a while, her brows gradually frowned, as if... she was walking underground.

The surroundings became more and more quiet. Liu Qinghuan didn't know if the servant girl deliberately led her around a detour. In short, she turned left and right on this road no less than ten times, and finally heard her whisper in her ear: "Girl, we're here."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that the draped veil cap on her head was taken off, and the black cloth on her eyes was also untied.

Liu Qinghuan blinked, and the blurred vision gradually became clear. It was still the same group of people, but the location had changed.

This is a square room, furnished very elegantly and delicately, the only fly in the ointment is that it is surrounded by walls and there is not a single window in sight. A lot of candles were burning in the room, which made the room bright and bright. On the left side against the wall, there was a big bed with lifelike peony carvings on the bedside.

"This is the room I carefully arranged for the girl, what does the girl think?" Tang Zibo stood opposite her, smiling like a beast in clothes.

Liu Qinghuan curled her lips and said to him, "It's about the same as you."

"Oh?" Tang Zibo raised his eyebrows curiously, "I would like to hear more about it."

Liu Qinghuan said: "It's hypocritical and contrived enough, I like it."

Tang Zibo laughed a few times, and the deep echo echoed in the room: "As long as the girl likes it." He pulled a girl dressed as a maid beside him, and introduced to Liu Qinghuan, "This is your personal maid named Feng Zi , you should still have an impression, right?"

Liu Qinghuan's eyes fell on the maid, and it was indeed the girl in purple that day. She looked at her and said with a smile, "I will never forget it."

Tang Zibo glanced at her and reminded: "Feng Zike is different from your two maids in the Hou's Mansion. She is very good at martial arts, so you better not play tricks in front of her."

Liu Qinghuan said: "I'm trapped here, I'm called every day should not be, and the earth is not working, what tricks can I play?"

"It's best like this." After Tang Zibo finished speaking, he smiled at her again, "I've been tossing around all morning, I think the girl is hungry too, let's have lunch first."

In the Hou's mansion, after finally driving away the Zoroastrians who came to find fault, the nurses found that they were facing a bigger problem - Madam disappeared? !

Liu Qinghuan acted lightly this time, and Chi Tao and Qing Zhi woke up not long after. The two were dizzy for a while, then rushed out like crazy. Xue Mu hadn't returned home yet, and the first to be alarmed were Nuyuan and Niantang. When Nian Tang heard that Liu Qinghuan had disappeared again, his face immediately turned dark. The last time she didn't see them, she searched for them day and night for two days, and she didn't want to experience this life again at all.

She hurriedly searched outside, but found nothing.

With a sense of luck, she went straight to the main room after returning to the Hou's mansion, grabbed Chitao Qingzhi and asked, "Is she back?"

Chitao said with red eyes, "No."

Madam also knocked them out like this last time and escaped. It seems that they should learn martial arts before learning cooking.

Nian Tang's illusions were shattered, so she had to go to the army to inform Xue Mu of the matter, but as soon as she reached the door, Xue Mu came back with Peng Peng and Nuo Yan.

Nian Tang subconsciously froze in place.

Xue Mu glanced at her dull expression and asked, "What happened?"

Nian Tang took a deep breath, and said with the determination of a strong man to break his wrist: "Master Hou, Du Juan has run away again." It seems that those barbarians in the morning did not come to find fault, but came to cover with her!

Xue Mu's face changed in an instant, and before he could speak, Pengpeng yelled with a look of being struck by lightning: "Ulala ran away again?!" Good God Mani, when will it stop? The torture of his little flower

Xue Mu was silent for a while, and said expressionlessly: "Run away, just run away."

Niantang and Pengpeng were taken aback at the same time, when Du Juan ran away last time, Lord Hou still had a look of eating people, why is he so calm this time

But what Nuo Yan thought was, Master Hou was really too soft-hearted towards her, so he just let her go like this

Several people stood at the gate of the Hou's Mansion with different thoughts, but after Xue Mu finished speaking, he stepped into the gate of the Hou's Mansion.

After walking a few steps, he saw Liang Chen rushing out from inside in a hurry, Xue Mu frowned, and walked up quickly: "Why are you so flustered? But Auntie is not healthy?"

Seeing Xue Mu, Liang Chen suddenly stopped, panting and shaking his head: "No, no, the old lady heard that my husband and wife are missing, and I am looking for you in a hurry!"

Xue Mu's gaze sank, and he said to her, "Understood."

Seeing that he finished speaking, Liang Chen walked towards the inner courtyard, and hurriedly followed: "Master Hou, what happened to Madam?" This good person was lost in the Hou Mansion, not to mention the old lady who was hard to explain, even The Minister's Mansion will definitely discuss with them.

Xue Mu just pursed his lips and walked towards Ning's house without saying a word.

Ning Shi leaned on the couch, her temples ached. A maid behind her pressed her temples gently with two fingers, and when she saw Xue Mu coming in, she whispered in her ear: "Madam, Master Hou is here."

Ning opened her eyes slightly, and waved to the maids in the hall: "You go down first."

The maids were ordered to retreat, Xue Mu walked up to Ning and asked softly, "Mother, is your head hurting again?"

Ning looked up at him, and said angrily: "I ask you, where is Qing Huan? Are you sick again?"

A look of surprise flashed across Xue Mu's face, and Ning smiled at him and said, "Mu'er, don't you really think that Auntie is old-fashioned?"

Xue Mu buried her head and did not speak, Ning exhaled and murmured: "When Qing Huan came to greet me this morning, I felt something was wrong." She paused and looked up at Xue Mu, " Mu'er, what do you usually do, you don't want to tell A Niang, and A Niang doesn't ask, but A Niang has to take care of Qing Huan's affairs. Last time she was injured to save you, Madam Liu cried until her eyes were swollen Now, now that he's gone, how do you explain to the Shi Lang's mansion?"

Seeing that Xue Mu still kept silent, Ning became even more angry: "What's the matter with you? Who cares if you don't feel sorry for your own daughter-in-law? You don't even think about her being a weak woman. Outside, what if something happens?"

The more Ning talked, the more excited she became, Liang Chen, who was guarding the door, rushed in to help her calm down: "Madam calm down, the doctor said, you can't be so excited."

"With such a son, he will be mad at him sooner or later!" Ning couldn't wait to throw the shoe on Xue Mu.

Seeing that she was very angry, Xue Mu also hurriedly admitted her mistake: "Mother, don't be angry, it's all the fault of the boy, and it's the boy who is sorry for her."