The Crazy Forensic Doctor Consort

Chapter 123: Three doubts


Liu Wei looked at Yihui for a while, and when she came to Xiangfu on the night Liu Feng disappeared, firstly it was too late, and secondly she was wearing a hat herself, so she had a vague look at Yihui's appearance. After so long, I also forgot. . .supply

Now that she mentioned it, she just remembered, isn't this the big maid in Liu Feng's house

She said to Yue'er: "Take Yihui to take a bath and change clothes first, and then come to me to answer."

Yue'er replied yes, and Yihui also thanked her before leaving.

When Liu Wei returned to the house, her mind was clear.

After a while, Yihui finished her bath and came back after changing into clean clothes. Liu Wei sent the others away, leaving two people behind, and said, "Tell me what happened from the beginning to the end, without any mistakes or omissions!"

Yihui has been working under Nanny Qin during this period of time, and she has long lost the bearing of a maidservant. She dare not ask the young miss why she is so interested in this matter, and won't let her answer the housekeeper or the nanny. But she was asked to say it here again, but she still told the whole story honestly.

Yihui was tied up this morning.

She got up early in the morning as usual, first cleaned and replaced all the clean rooms in the mansion, and when she came back from exhaustion, she hurriedly washed her body and went to the big kitchen to get breakfast.

But she went too late, and there was no leftover food in the big kitchen in the outer courtyard, so she had to go to the big kitchen in the inner courtyard to ask for some food. When she was about to go back after eating, someone behind her called her. In pain, he fell to the ground and passed out.

When she woke up, her eyes and mouth were tied, and she was stuffed into an unknown place.

She tried to call for help, but after a whole morning, no one rescued her.

She didn't know where she was, or who caught her. Just when she was in a daze and was about to faint again, she heard Yue'er's voice. She tried all her strength to call for help, but she couldn't make a sound. They could only grunt and scream, or try to move their feet and kick the stones next to them.

It was not easy for Yue'er to save her, and she was saved.

After she finished speaking, Liu Wei turned her eyes to Yue'er again without saying a word.

Yueer also hurriedly shared her experience.

Yue'er saw a male relative passing by the corner of the yard, she followed, but didn't see anyone, but found Yihui who was hidden there.

After they finished speaking, Liu Wei pondered for a moment and asked Yihui, "Did you hear the voice of the person who called you?"

"It's a man's voice." Yihui said, "It's a voice I've never heard before."

"Is the tone high or low?"

Yihui thought for a while, then shook her head distressedly: "I don't remember."

Liu Wei fell silent again, and after a while, she asked, "Where are the clothes you changed?"

Yihui was taken aback, and turned her head to look at Yue'er.

Yue'er said, "In my room."

"Go get it."

"Huh?" Yue'er was at a loss.

Liu Wei urged: "Go!"

Only then did Yue'er respond. Although she didn't know what the lady was going to do, she ran back to her room quickly, hugged the dirty clothes, and ran back again.

"Put it here, you go out."

Yue'er obediently put the clothes on the table, exchanged glances with Yihui, and went out together.

When he came to the door, Liu Wei suddenly raised his head, and said to Yue'er: "Send her back, she belongs to Mother Qin, right? Tell Mother Qin that I like this maid, and I will transfer her to you in the future." Come to my courtyard to serve, if she refuses, let her come and tell me, if she won't let her go, and won't come to me, then I will personally ask the old lady to see her, and ask her if the servant below has already It’s so long that you can’t even listen to the master’s words.”

After hearing this, Yue'er was stunned and couldn't say a word.

Yihui blinked her eyes several times before regaining her senses in fear. She immediately plopped down on the ground and kowtowed to Liu Wei: "Thank you, Miss, thank you, Miss, for your kindness, I will never repay you! Loyal and uncompromising, tie a grass ring to repay the grace of the eldest lady for rebuilding!"

Liu Wei looked at the pile of clothes and waved her hands casually: "Go down, remember, you must not tell anyone about your kidnapping, do you understand?"

Yihui kowtowed again: "Understood, this servant understands! The eldest lady is what she says, and the servant listens to the eldest lady."

Seeing Yihui kowtow endlessly, Liu Wei motioned to Yue'er to take her away.

Only then did Yue'er come to her senses, and hurriedly dragged Yihui away, but she was very worried. Yihui was punished because she offended his wife. Didn't the eldest lady make her an enemy even more by doing this

The cousin has already said that the lady will deal with the eldest lady tomorrow, and today the eldest lady will take Yihui over, not to mention whether Nanny Qin will let her go or not, she will let her go, isn't this just giving the lady a handle? Are you dragging it inside

Yue'er's worries are also unaware, she only knows that the eldest lady is a living Bodhisattva, and if she is saved from dire straits, she will soon be out of trouble.

After the two maids left, Liu Wei closed the door before unfolding the clothes.

She spread out the dress completely, lit a candle, and specially moved closer, looking at it inch by inch.

The clothes were dirty and torn. After looking around, I couldn't find any traces left by the murderer.

She rubbed her chin, slowly thinking about the ins and outs.

The servants who were thrown away before are all men, and they usually come and go in the outer courtyard, so it is easy to get started, but Yihui is now in charge of cleaning the house of the masters, and walks around the inner courtyard on weekdays, only in the morning before work and at night After work, and When eating, it will be in the outer courtyard.

Yihui lives in the Datong room, and there are ten cleaning maids in one room. The murderer must be hard to do. And when she goes to work in the morning, Yihui, together with other rough maids, cleans the house of all the masters in the entire inner courtyard. Yihui can't do it alone.

Therefore, the murderer can only strike when Yihui is eating.

He should have observed Yihui for several days, set today and made all preparations, but Yihui went to the inner courtyard to get food temporarily, the murderer's plan was blocked, but he still took a risk and sneaked into the inner courtyard to deal with Yihui Let's start, but because it's not easy to get out, I can only hide her first.

But he didn't want to be discovered by Yue'er by mistake.

After thinking about it for a while, she felt that this conjecture should be considered consistent. The only thing she can do now is to continue to look for evidence on Yihui's clothes, and the other is to wait for the good news from the hidden guard.

Even if he didn't catch anyone, didn't track down the murderer's whereabouts, and didn't fight against him, at least he could see the murderer's facial features, or his body shape, hairstyle, profile, body features, whatever.

This person took the risk to arrest Yihui, he must have thought that the people in front of him were not the ones who leaked the news, so he continued to kidnap Yihui.

Since he hasn't found the "instigator", he will definitely come again.

She transferred Yihui to her own yard, even if the murderer escaped this time, but if there are some characteristics, she will be able to recognize him and capture him next time he appears.

After looking at the clothes several times, Liu Wei listed several suspicious places.

One, there are black dust marks on the shoulders of the clothes. She is not sure whether it was rubbed up in the rockery or left by the murderer.

Second, there was a sharp knife scratch on the waist of the clothes. Similarly, she was not sure whether Yihui was scratched by the stones in the rockery while struggling, or the murderer used a sharp weapon.

Third, there are half black footprints on the trousers. The footprints are obviously the footprints of a man, but Yihui went to and from the outer courtyard and saw a lot of male relatives. It is possible that someone bullied her and kicked her. I can't be sure. Left behind by the murderer.

These three doubts need to be answered by Yihui when she comes back.