The Crazy Forensic Doctor Consort

Chapter 32: Liu Tiancai


With these herbs, Liu Wei's next steps will be much easier. (饭)$(cun)$(小)$(说)$(网).nsxs

She tested the caterpillars with different herbal medicines, some were directly let him smell them, some were ground into powder, blended into a paste, and then rubbed on the caterpillars.

After an hour of experimentation, she recorded the drugs to which several caterpillars responded.

These drugs are then reconstituted.

Soon, the results came out: "Sunflower root grass, golden stalk flower, silver yellow plum, black silkworm, wood willow grass, Liye"

Liu Xiaoli looked at his mother's record, and said with a small face: "Sunflower root grass and golden stalk flower are soothing to the nerves, Li Ye and wood willow grass are poisonous in nature and flavor, and silver-yellow plums are sharp, but they need to be paired with Vulcania, black silkworm Dispelling wind and purging fire, what can these medicines do together?"

Liu Wei put down the brush, with a smile on her face: "There's a lot I can do."

Liu Xiaoli turned to look at her: "Father, do you know?"

Liu Wei didn't say much, just ordered: "Take out my Huangshan Wan and Yuqiongjiang."

Huangshan Pill and Yuqiongjiang are patent medicines developed by Liu Wei. Huangshan Pill is used to relieve pain and shock, and Yuqiongjiang is used to calm the nerves and help sleep.

Liu Xiaoli didn't know what her mother was going to do, but obediently took out the two medicines.

Liu Wei shook out two Huangshan Pills, poured half a bottle of Yuqiongjiu, and then crushed the herbs that the caterpillars had reacted to just now, and blended them in until the bunch of medicines were mixed into a very small puddle of mud. , she directly poured it into a teacup, put it on the table, picked up the motionless caterpillar with tongs and threw it into the syrup.

As soon as it entered, the black caterpillar seemed to come alive, and slowly began to stretch its body, and finally even got into the medicine slurry and could not come out.

"That's right." Liu Wei smiled.

Liu Xiaoli was so curious: "Father, what's going on, what's going on?"

Rong Leng was also waiting for Liu Wei to clarify his doubts.

Liu Wei didn't give a shit: "There's nothing special about this worm, it's just a very common caterpillar outside, but someone bred them from eggs and used different drugs to breed them into a specific mutated worm. This kind of worm should be derived from human After entering the brain, it began to eat the human brain. You see, the smell of this syrup is similar to human brains?"

"This worm was brought up by this thing. Out of instinct, it enters the human brain and eats food with the same taste. And because of the mutation of the gene chain, if the worm loses food for a long time, it will not eat other things. Then it will enter death, just like the dead body of an insect will be oxidized into fertilizer for trees. Some of the medicines for cultivating this insect have strong properties, which will prevent the insect from being oxidized by the air, but will be oxidized by itself, which is equivalent to, stop After ingesting energy, the internal organs will immediately enter failure, and after death, they will directly volatilize into ashes."

"So that's how it is!" Liu Xiaoli understood as soon as she heard it, and immediately felt that her mother was indeed the smartest person in the world.

Liu Wei was also very happy, she felt that she seemed to know what the so-called Southern Border Gu Art was.

It may be nothing more than the study of microbial variation, but in the distant ancient times, these almost unscientific things were deified.

Both mother and son were in high spirits, and Rong Leng, who was standing aside: ""

So, what is the genetic chain? What is oxidation

Liu Wei has found the crux of the caterpillar, and it is much easier to develop a restraint formula.

Listing out all the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials contained in the syrup, and with the live samples in hand, she stayed up all night, and the tinkering can be said to be in full swing.

Rong Leng stayed with her all the time, Liu Xiaoli was sent back to sleep, the air in the room was unusually quiet.

Liu Wei was very focused on the research, even though she knew that there was a gaze fixed on her for a long time, she was not distracted by it.

When it was four o'clock, she felt her neck was a little sore, and she couldn't help raising her head to pinch her shoulders, but her hands were full of herbal juices, and she was at a loss for time.

"Uncomfortable?" The man beside him leaned on his chin and asked while looking at her.

"A little sour."

The man got up and walked directly behind her, touching her fair neck with his warm palm: "But here?"

Liu Wei was very uncomfortable, she pursed her lips sensitively and broke free: "No need."

"Don't move." Rong Leng said in a low voice, "You do what you want."

Liu Wei still wanted to refuse, but after being pinched twice by this person, she felt comfortable all over, and swallowed the retort that reached her throat, but she did not forget to speak hard: "I stayed up all night to save you, you You should have answered me."

The man chuckled, and a light voice escaped from his throat: "Yes."

Liu Wei pursed her lips, and accepted the work benefits with peace of mind.

It is not so easy to develop drugs. Although we know the breeding principle of caterpillars and food formula, the main purpose is not to kill caterpillars, but to develop a drug that can make users immune.

Commonly known as vaccines.

No one knows when the caterpillar was implanted and who implanted it, so what she has to do is not only to remove the implanted person, but also to immunize the non-implanted person.

This is the most important thing!

She was very attentive, enthusiastic, and by daylight she had accomplished something.

Rong Leng pressed her shoulders all the time, Liu Wei felt very comfortable, and silently reduced her prejudice against this person a little bit, but, just a little bit, just a little bit as big as a nail shell!

The next day, Qin Zhong was still recuperating, and the other three were called into the room again.

Because the three of them saw Qin Zhong's example, they felt a lot more relaxed at the moment, didn't they just open their minds, Mr. Liu is so capable, there must be no problem.

Among the three people, they had already lined up, and the second one waiting to open his mind was a man named Fang Cheng.

As soon as he entered the room, he stood more prominently than the others, with his head held high and his chest held high, with a solemn and majestic aura about to go to the battlefield.

Liu Wei didn't look at the three of them, she was still fiddling with the medicine bottle in her hand, when she saw the three of them coming, she shook the medicine bottle and said, "It may hurt a little later, bear with it."

Fang Cheng's puffed up chest immediately went down.

pain? Doesn't it hurt? Qin Zhong said it didn't hurt.

Rong Leng stayed with Liu Wei all night, seeing that she already had circles under her eyes, she couldn't help frowning: "You are not in good spirits, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"It doesn't take a lot of effort." Liu Wei said leisurely, applied the medicinal juice on a grass stalk, and looked up at the three of them: "Which one of you will start first?"

The other two looked at Fang Cheng.

Fang Cheng took a deep breath and stepped forward resolutely.

Even if it hurts, Qin Zhong can bear it, there's no reason why he can't.

The other two were planning to leave, and they were outside when Brainstormed yesterday.

Rong Ling also planned to leave.

Liu Wei asked, "Where are you going?"

All four looked at her.

Liu Wei just patted her head, and suddenly said: "I forgot to tell you, you don't need to open your brain, I have developed a medicine that can draw out your poison, and the recovery period of brain opening is too long." And it is a major operation after all. , there are certainly risks.

Even if she can reduce the risk to almost nothing, she will have to spend more energy on it.

After such a high-intensity few days, she was afraid that she would become mentally weak.

Fang Cheng twitched his lips, and asked incredulously, "No, don't you need to open your head?"



"Well, it's true."

Fang Cheng was so excited that his heart was surging, and the other two were also on fire, and the worries of the previous two days suddenly disappeared.

Rong Leng smiled quietly, he still underestimated this woman, she could do this in one night, how many Confucianists he had seen in Taiyuan Hospital, and spent his whole life, he just stood still.

And she is already so amazing at such a young age.

Such a person should be a genius.

"Liu Tiancai" still didn't know Rong Leng's high opinion of her. She asked Fang Cheng to sit on the stool, and put the grass stalk that was stained with medicine to Fang Cheng's ear. The smell of the grass stalk was very strange, very fishy It stinks and looks very disgusting.