The Crazy Forensic Doctor Consort

Chapter 87: Let Liu Wei have a hard time


Liu Wei didn't say anything, just looked at Nanny Yang, and suddenly asked Yue'er: "Cousin told me, you said that you only found out my mother's name after asking an old nanny in the mansion, who did you ask?"

Yue'er didn't care much when she heard the words, and blurted out: "It's Mother Yang. (饭)$(cun)$(小)$(说)$(网)."

Liu Weixin said that it was so, she pursed her lips, and then took another deep look at Nanny Yang.

Yue'er added another sentence at this time: "I heard that Nanny Yang once served Aunt Ji."

"Huh?" Liu Wei raised her eyebrows: "How do you say?"

Yue'er said: "Nurse Yang is an old man next to the old lady. At that time, it seemed that Aunt Ji entered the house with a child, and she didn't even have a decent maid by her side, so the old lady sent her to take care of her. Later, Ji After my aunt gave birth to you, Missy, Nanny Yang came back, and she seemed to have only been in contact with her for a few months, but Nanny Yang was kind. Miss, did you forget? When you were young, Nanny Yang was the best for you. You didn't have enough to eat in the main courtyard, so it was because Madam Yang sent someone to bring over a snack box."

These memories are a little fuzzy, and the original owner was very young at that time, so he can't remember many things clearly.

Liu Wei didn't know who this Nanny Yang was, but Nanny Yang did seem to care a little about her, probably because she was born under the watchful eye of Nanny Yang, so she had some affection for her.

Liu Wei thought, if she wanted to investigate her mother's affairs, she would probably be the first to start with Madam Yang.

Liu Wei was thinking, at this moment, a group of people came out from the Daxiong Hall.

The first thing Liu Wei saw was Mrs. Lu. Unlike the last time they met, Mrs. Lu today is radiant and energetic. It seems that the disappearance of Liu Feng has not affected Mrs. Lu that much.

On Lu's left, there is a woman with cloudy temples and beautiful face, white teeth and crescent eyebrows. The woman seems to be about sixteen or seventeen years old, with beautiful features and a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

Liu Wei recognized this person at a glance, even after five years, Liu Yao's appearance has not changed much.

And walking a little ahead of the two of them was a hale and majestic old man.

The old man's face, which was washed by the years, was full of shrewdness and depth, under his frowning brows, there was a pair of eyes that did not show sharpness.

Those eyes were already a little cloudy, but the light they emitted was unexpectedly frightening.

The old lady of Xiangfu, Mrs. Xiao!

Whether it is Liu Wei after time travel, or the original owner before, they are actually not close to the old lady.

The old lady has a very quiet temperament, she will not come out and walk around in her yard all year round, and all matters in the mansion are handled by Mrs. Lu.

Most of the time, the old lady just likes to kneel alone in the Buddhist hall and copy scriptures.

Every time the juniors in the family go to pay their respects, the old lady always nods deeply, then rewards some melons and fruit preserves, and sends them away.

The old lady doesn't seem to care about anyone, and she has the same attitude towards any child.

But Liu Wei knew that the old lady just didn't like daughters, but liked men.

Because the time for the granddaughter to pay her respects is different from that of the grandson, all the ladies saw was the cold side of the old lady, but whether it was Liu Yu, Liu Kun, or Liu Yi, no matter if it was a male or a concubine, But they can get the care of the old lady.

Seeing the old lady again after five years, Liu Wei subconsciously became cautious, because compared to Lu Shi and Liu Yao, the old lady is the most difficult person to deal with.

With the support of Mrs. Lu and Nanny Qin, the old lady walked over step by step. Liu Wei just looked at the old lady calmly, with her eyelids slightly drooping.

When they got closer, it was Liu Yao who spoke first: "Big sister, you are back."

Liu Wei looked at Liu Yao, and what she met was the bright smile on Liu Yao's face, which was unparalleled in beauty.

"Big sister, do you know how much your parents missed you these days when you left? And the old lady, who misses you every day, how can you bear to leave us like this and walk away."

As Liu Yao said, she came over with small steps and grabbed Liu Wei's arm.

Liu Yao's desperate strength, I don't know if it's because she is really intimate with her eldest sister, or she wants to hold her tight so that she won't have a chance to escape.

Liu Wei glanced at Liu Yao lightly, but didn't speak.

Liu Yao approached now, but vaguely saw the potholes under Liu Wei's veil, suddenly the corners of her mouth turned up, her hands turned in vain, and Huo De lifted Liu Wei's veil!

Liu Wei knew what Liu Yao wanted to do when Liu Yao moved, but Liu Wei didn't move or stop her, just waiting for Liu Yao to reveal her appearance to the world.

And just a second after the veil fell, bursts of cold gasps sounded around.

Today is the pilgrimage day, there are many other pilgrims outside the Daxiong Palace besides the Xiangfu's people, Liu Yao's sudden act not only scared the people in the Xiangfu, but also those innocent people who happened to pass by.

Lu's face turned pale, looking at Liu Wei's horrible and disgusting burnt half of his face, he covered his chest with his hands, and almost passed out.

The old lady turned her eyes hard, glared at Liu Yao, and reprimanded: "Put on the veil!"

Nanny Yang hurried forward, snatched the veil from Liu Yao's hand, put it on for Liu Wei, pulled Liu Wei, and walked to the old lady.

Liu Yao knew that she had been reckless, the old lady always had a good face, the so-called family ugliness was not exposed, after all she was the eldest lady of the Xiangfu, such a disfigured face was exposed in the blue sky and broad daylight, isn't it just a joke for others

But Liu Yao is not convinced, she just doesn't like Liu Wei, she just wants to use all methods to make Liu Wei feel bad.

Liu Wei was brought to the old lady, she hung her head, her eyes were reddish, her throat choked up, and she called out: "Grandmother"

The sound is very small, if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

The old lady looked at Liu Wei. From this angle, she could just see the leaked burn marks on the corner of Liu Wei's veil.

After taking a deep breath, the old lady finally said calmly: "Go to the meditation room and talk."

After the words fell, the old lady turned and left.

Mrs. Lu glanced at Liu Wei, the shock on her face had passed, the rest was indifferent and contemptuous, raised her eyes, and called Liu Yao.

Liu Yao replied crisply, and when passing by Liu Wei, she deliberately smiled at Liu Wei, that smile was so beautiful that it also made Liu Wei even more ugly.

It wasn't until the three of them walked away, and the other servants followed, that Liu Wei heard that Nurse Yang, who was beside her, sighed softly.

Liu Wei turned her head and glanced at Nanny Yang, but Nanny Yang had already pulled Liu Wei and followed.

In the meditation room, Nanny Yang accompanied the old lady, Liu Yao and Mrs. Lu sat at the table, and Liu Wei stood in the middle of the room.

Liu Wei still lowered her head and said nothing.

The room was very quiet, and no one spoke all the time.

Liu Wei knew that it was Liu Yao who most wanted to talk at this time, but Liu Yao was reprimanded just now for acting recklessly, but now she dared not speak easily.

Mrs. Lu also wants to speak, but Mrs. Lu has always been cautious. Before she has figured out the old lady's state of mind, she will not rashly express her opinion, so as not to cause trouble for herself.

The old lady has been silent, her mature eyes have been looking at Liu Wei, not for a moment.

The old lady is in a bit of a mess right now.

Liu Wei appeared too suddenly, and her appearance became like this again, she was caught off guard, and the old lady was full of thoughts.

I thought a lot and wanted to ask a lot, but none of them came to the point, so the old lady was still thinking.