The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 1: Crossover adult life winner


In the fourth year of the Yuan calendar, the frost winter solstice.

Xie Linlang stood in front of the Xia Mansion that was being copied against the goose feather heavy snow, and sighed for a long time.

"... Sure enough, I still didn't catch up."

The book boy Xiaoxi beside her comforted her and said, "Young Master, don't be sad, it's not your fault, if it wasn't for the long journey to the north, and the road was blocked by heavy snow, you wouldn't have walked for so long, maybe, this is God's will... "

"God's Will?" Xie Linlang sneered and shook her head. She didn't think it was the will of God. Lu Yuan was right, and the heavy snow was right, but the bandits who suddenly appeared, and the horses that died of poisoning, were these the will of God? Someone didn't want her to come back.

She tapped the palm of her hand with the jade fan bone, then suddenly turned and walked towards the carriage.

Xiaoxi was startled and quickly followed, "Young Master, where are you going?"

After Xie Linlang got into the carriage and sat down, she raised her voice, "Go to the palace to find your Majesty's return, and then go to repay your kindness."

"Repaying your kindness?" Xiaoxi was a little confused. Queen Xia was dead, and the Xia family had been slaughtered. Who else could the son go to to repay his kindness? He thought about it and asked in a low voice, and Xie Linlang replied while brushing the snow off his body.

"Everyone in the Xia family is dead, but the Empress still has a son alive in this world."

"Young master is talking about... abolishing the crown prince Qin Jue? But he was exiled to Xiangcheng half a month ago..."

After Xie Linlang heard it, she raised her eyes and glanced out the car window, her eyes burning brightly.

"Then run after him and find him."


At this time, the streets and alleys are being attacked by various rumors.

In just a few months, the Xia family was accused of treason and the entire clan was destroyed.

As a result, half a month later, the prince actually showed up and came back alone with the queen's body...

In front of civil and military officials, he confessed his sins, and was willing to admit all his sins, only to keep his birth mother's honor and let her be buried in the imperial mausoleum.

The emperor agreed. He originally planned to kill him, but for some reason, he just deposed Qin Jue's crown prince and exiled him for thousands of miles.

This wave of accidents caused the entire capital to be stunned. Only today was the atmosphere on the street a little more relaxed, because Xie Linlang is back!

Xie Linlang was a famous child prodigy in Daqin. He could write and draw at the age of eight, read the classics and books at the age of nine, and even more so at the age of ten.

After that, he improved the paper-making technique, so that the existing paper was no longer fragile, and he created tables and chairs so that everyone would not have to sit on the floor to share meals. Ice is stored in winter, as long as you spend money, you can eat ice at any time.

Because of his various abilities, the emperor began to reuse him and assign him tasks, and no matter what tasks, he was able to complete them satisfactorily.

At the same time, he is also the emperor's pistachio, the favorite disciple of the emperor's teacher, the learning benchmark for officials to educate their children, the representative of a good official in the eyes of the people, and the dream of a girl's boudoir.

This time, he went to the Northland for half a year and perfectly avoided all the chaos. Now that he is back, does it mean that the turmoil is coming to an end

At this time, on the way to the palace, Xie Linlang was sitting in the carriage, listening to the gossip outside, and turning the beads in her hand.

When she traveled to Daqin, this body was only seven years old. This Daqin was not the Qin country she knew, but a country that existed in an overhead world.

As soon as she came here, she almost died because of the original owner's situation. Fortunately, she was rescued by Queen Xia. It was the Queen who helped her change her name and surname, and created a household registration, so that she could live in this world again as a man.

The grace of saving life and the love of rebuilding may be just an ordinary act of kindness to the queen, but to her, it is a kindness that is even heavier than Mount Tai!

After that, she used her new identity to worship the emperor, mainly considering that the emperor is the head of the family, which is more convenient for her to realize her ideal.

And if she wants to repay her kindness, she also needs to have power and power, and the emperor's side is obviously a shortcut.

But didn't expect...

Xie Linlang suddenly squeezed the Buddha beads tightly.

... But I didn't expect that in order to help the emperor persecute the empress and the Xia family, the emperor would send her to the north for disaster relief in advance for fear of her making trouble!

It is also her fault that her development in the past few years has relied on the foundation of the emperor, so it was too late to know the news. Even if she rushed back with the fastest speed and avoid layers of obstacles, the overall situation has been decided!

However, if the emperor thought that she would give up like this, it would be too underestimated.

If she can't save the queen and the Xia family, she can save the prince! So what if he was demoted, and what if he was exiled for a thousand miles? She can still chase after him and give him everything he wants!

So Qin Jue, you must live...

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