The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 25: I would rather suffer


Listening to Qin Jue talking about this, Xie Linlang's mood relaxed a little bit.

"...It turns out to be like this... However, my personal habits are different. I don't like people around me when I take a shower! Look, even Xiaoxi didn't come in!"

Qin Jue frowned and said in a low voice, "I just saw the wound on your hand, it seems that it was injured by the seven-star spider. If it is really it, it can't get wet!"

But it was just a quick glance, he couldn't be sure, he shouldn't just come in like this for things that were originally uncertain, but he was afraid that if it was really a seven-star spider, then her hand would definitely be abolished!

Xie Linlang shrank her neck and was speechless, "I... I wasn't stung by a spider."

Hearing this, Qin Jue stood condescendingly beside the tub and reached out to her.

"let me see."

"It's all said no!"

"Do you know the seven-star spider?"

Xie Linlang was speechless for a while...

Really, Xiaoxi shouldn't go to boil the medicine as soon as she gets it, right? Doesn't he know that if he doesn't guard when he takes a bath, his kind and lovely master can easily be taken away by bad guys? !

But thinking of her small body that hasn't developed much, Xie Linlang hesitated for a while, and then stretched out her hand, because if Qin Jue couldn't see clearly, he would definitely not give up, so it would be better to fight quickly.

Qin Jue saw that she had disappeared a lot, but the back of her hand was still blue and purple. After examining it carefully, her expression gradually became solemn!

This injury does not look like a seven-star spider sting, but rather like being stung by an earth wolf poisonous scorpion!

He suddenly turned and ran out, then quickly came in with a bunch of stuff.

Xie Linlang was stunned, and then saw him half-kneeling in front of her and took out a knife, as if he was going to put poisonous blood on her!

"Stop it, young man!"

Xie Linlang was startled, and quickly pulled out her hand. Seeing Qin Jue looking at her with some puzzlement, she said hesitantly.

"I can't hide it from you now... In fact... I was born with God's love, and I was not afraid of all poisons when I was born, so no matter what poison bites me, I will be fine! If you don't believe me, look at me. The back of my hand was still swollen, and it will be almost gone by now!"

Qin Jue didn't believe a word of her words, it was possible to be born with poison, how could it be possible to be born resistant to poison

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Xie Linlang suddenly stretched out her feet and lit up her calf. She saw all kinds of poisonous snake teeth marks all over her calf. Although the blue and purple had faded a lot, under her white complexion, those teeth Yin looked even more intimidating, Qin Jue just glanced at it, and her pupils shrank fiercely!

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Xie Linlang's ankle in one fell swoop. Xie Linlang remembered being embarrassed and was about to retract his foot.

But Qin Jue held her tightly and her expression was cold. She had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"When I was collecting medicine... I accidentally ran to the poison den, but it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of poison. You can see that I've been bitten so many times and it's fine. Now you should believe that I'm naturally resistant to poison, right?"

She said it easily, but she couldn't make Qin Jue's eyebrows relax.

I saw that his pale fingertips traced those teeth marks little by little, and in his mind, the hideous appearance of the poisons has emerged...

Blue-scaled pit vipers... Purple-gold-crowned snakes, spotted-footed insects... Ordinary people would not survive for a quarter of an hour no matter who they bite, but Xie Linlang's feet were densely packed with tooth marks left by them!

Even if what she said was true and she was not afraid of poison, would the place where so many poisons gather would be an ordinary poison den? Will it be an ordinary place

Even if the venom couldn't hurt her, but there were so many snakes and so many insects, wouldn't she be afraid when she went? !

"... Are these all left by you to find medicine for me?"

Qin Jue spoke with difficulty. His voice was very soft, without ups and downs, but if he listened carefully, he could hear a vibrato.

Xie Linlang gave an "ah", and after thinking about it, she said, "No! When I was looking for medicine, I accidentally ran to a place where I shouldn't go. I didn't know there would be so many poisons there..."

Qin Jue sneered palely, "Is the other foot like this too?"

Xie Linlang's toes shrank in a guilty conscience, "The other...the other foot is better..."

"let me see."

"This..." Xie Linlang didn't want to take it at first, but after seeing Qin Jue's eyes, she thought about it before she stretched out her other foot.

Originally, Qin Jue really thought that her other foot would be better, but who would have thought that the teeth marks on her other foot would be more dense! These poisons don't bite deeply, but the bruises and bruises are especially shocking!

Moreover, in addition to the traces of venomous snake bites on this foot, there are also traces of bone-eating insects. He tightened his hand holding her ankle, and his eyes became extremely terrifying!

"What kind of medicine, what kind of medicine are you looking for, to go to such a place!"

Xie Linlang thought, he found out anyway, so there is nothing to hide, so she smiled a little embarrassedly, but her eyes were shining.

"Didn't you have a bad body since you were a child? Because you are born with poison, it is difficult to heal from injuries and dark diseases. As a result, I told Xiao Xiyi that he really has a solution! And he also said that you are now on the verge of internal and external troubles. The ultimate state is the most suitable for detoxification! It's just that some medicines are not easy to find, so I searched for them.

Hmm... Those medicines grow in the deep mountains and old forests, so it's not surprising that there are poisonous substances!

Originally, I didn't plan to tell you now. I wanted to wait for him to cure you before telling you and give you a surprise!

Who would have guessed that you found out so quickly, thinking about how much less fun it is to say…”

She originally thought that after Qin Jue was cured, she would suddenly tell him, so he would be very pleasantly surprised, and maybe he would kneel down and apprentice as soon as he was happy!

But it's okay for him to know now, so that he can expect more in his life, and his life will be a little easier.

Thinking of this, she retracted her feet, leaned forward on the side of the tub, and said with bright eyes.

"When you're healthy, you won't need to take those hard medicines to nourish your body, and you can learn martial arts with Xiaoxi in the future! How are you? Are you happy? Are you moved? Do you want to..." Woolen cloth

Before she could finish the last few words, she suddenly became dumb, because Qin Jue suddenly leaned over and hugged her, which made her stunned!

Fortunately, because of the height, he could only hug her shoulders when he bent over, and he took her into his chest, pressing his chin on the top of her head, and said softly.

"I am very happy."

Xie Linlang couldn't see his expression, but smelling the cold medicinal fragrance on his body, her originally tense body relaxed a little bit.

Then she listened to him continue.

"But not anymore."


"In the future, don't take risks for me again."

Xie Linlang was about to say that she was not afraid of poison, but Qin Jue tightened her arms and hugged her tighter.

"It hurts to be bitten. I'd rather endure hardship than you do."