The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 29: Hate makes people powerful


Fortunately, Qin Jue is a very tenacious person, otherwise he would not have persevered in the hands of the escort team, but he did not know where his limits were, and whether he had the courage to break through one limit after another.

When Qin Jue climbed to the middle of the mountain, his legs were already heavy. For the past fourteen years, he had been a noble and noble prince. Even though he had been wasted in the past few months, his physical fitness could not be improved overnight.

He stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and continued to climb up with willpower.

If he wants to meet Xie Linlang, he has to climb eleven mountains. If he doesn't want Xie Linlang to wait too long, he has to hurry up, hurry up!

It was not until the west end of the moon that Qin Jue finished climbing a mountain, and when he found a place to rest temporarily, he was exhausted.

But instead of resting in a hurry, he lit a fire and threw a handful of herbs collected on the road into it.

After the herbs are burned, they emit a pungent smell, which can drive away poisons in the mountains and some animals that have not hibernated.

After doing all this, he sat down leaning on a boulder, first took a sip of water, then ate a little dry food, and then took off his boots after he recovered a little.

Climbing non-stop all day, coupled with the steep and rugged mountain road, a lot of blisters appeared on his feet, and after a day of freezing outside, his hands and feet were chilblain, and there were faint signs of festering.

Qin Jue looked at the wound and suddenly smiled.

He is no longer the prince, but his body doesn't seem to recognize the reality. Even after resisting the torture for a month, he still can't bear the pain.

Thinking like this, he popped the blisters, applied the gold sore medicine, and baked them by the fire before putting on his shoes again.

It must be more comfortable to take off his shoes and bake on the fire at this time, but considering that emergencies can happen at any time, he still needs to be careful.

Xie Linlang sat on the tree watching and nodded secretly. Although it was the first time to live in the wild, Qin Jue had already done a good job, much better than her first time.

After a night's rest, when Qin Jue woke up, the bonfire had been extinguished. If he had slept in the mountains for a night like this before, he would definitely have gotten sick, but now, he was refreshed and felt that his strength was back!

This difference made him truly feel his own transformation, and he was more confident about the next road! But what he didn't expect was that this second mountain was much harder to climb than the previous one...

This is an extremely steep mountain. Because there are few trees and thick snow, Qin Jue can easily slip or trip when he steps on it, so he has a very difficult journey up the mountain.

Going up the mountain is difficult, and going down is naturally even more difficult. Qin Jue leaned on the branches and took every step carefully!

Because of his concentration, the sweat on his forehead never stopped.

Sudden! A rabbit rushed out, he was startled and fell down!

This time he fell badly, not only was his body in severe pain, but his wound was also burning.

He leaned on the tree and sat up, opened his clothes to check, and sure enough, there were two open wounds.

The gurgling blood quickly soaked through the gauze, he frowned and tied the gauze even tighter!

The leg seems to be twisted... This makes his situation even worse. If it goes on like this, he may not be able to go down the mountain before dark, but if he doesn't go down the mountain, it will only be more dangerous to spend the night on the mountain!

Thinking like this, Qin Jue gritted her teeth and got up, found a branch to support herself, and then limped down the mountain!

After the leg injury, coupled with fatigue and slippery road, Qin Jue almost fell after taking two steps.

This may be the hardest time he has grown so big! Those tree roots and stones hidden under the white snow will become a trap to trip him, and on his left side, there is a bottomless abyss! It opened its mouth wide and roared in its ears, as if it was ready to engulf him at any time!

Qin Jue's hand holding the branch was full of cold sweat, and suddenly, he tripped over a stone hidden in the snow again! But this time, there was nothing to grab in front of him. After he fell, he rolled straight towards the cliff!

A branch came out of nowhere! After hitting the snow, all the snow was shaken off, exposing the knotted tree roots.

Qin Jue's eyes are quick and his hands are fast. During the process of sliding down, he grabbed the root of the tree and stopped!

At this time, he had already slipped to the edge of the cliff, and the icy mountain wind was howling, making the cold sweat on his back almost freeze!

He tried to climb up several times, but he couldn't do anything, because the chilblain and swollen hands had already cracked, and his fingers were connected to his heart. The pain in his heart made him familiar and made him awake...

After a while, he took a deep breath, and almost with his steely will, he climbed little by little from the edge of the cliff to a relatively gentle place, and then he could no longer move.

His hands and feet seemed to have turned into stones. He really wanted to rest here for a while, just for a while... But when the sky darkened, a wolf howl was faintly heard. If he closed his eyes, he might never wake up again.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and stood up, but before he took a few steps, he fell down again with a soft body!

When he fell, he accidentally choked on a mouthful of snow, and suddenly coughed violently! He hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands, coughing so hard that he coughed into a ball, but at the end of the cough, he smiled hoarsely...

This is the second mountain...

He laughed at himself, he knew he was weak, but he didn't expect that he was so weak!

And he is so weak, but still thinking about revenge, how oversight is this

Thinking like this, his consciousness became more and more blurred, and the cold air eroded his body again and again, making his whole person very heavy, very heavy.

He is so tired... I really want to sleep like this...

He should just die like his mother, instead of lingering on like this...

How lonely is it to be alone in the ground...

His voice is getting weaker and weaker, maybe this is his limit, just when Xie Linlang decided to make a move, Qin Jue, who was about to pass out, was suddenly shocked! The hand holding the snow also tightened suddenly!

He remembered! !

He remembered why he wanted to come back.

He's coming back for revenge! He wants to make those who hurt his loved ones pay with blood and blood! He wants to make those who fall into trouble never to laugh again! He came back to bring hell to the world!

Before taking revenge, he must gain the strongest power! He can't admit defeat, and he must not fall!

I saw him slowly get up... Against the unimaginable pain of others, with a twisted posture, he stood up a little bit!

At the same time, there seemed to be a faint trace of Qi in his body. Under the stimulation of the breath, his numb body once again felt pain and itching.

He looked at his scarred hand and held it tightly!

Sure enough, hate is the most powerful thing in the world! With the support of hatred, what else could he do