The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 33: Prove it to me


On the other side, Qin Jue was trapped in the eleventh mountain.

Because Xie Linlang walked so fast, no one was there at this time, and in front of Qin Jue, there was a vertical staircase that was as high as two people.

It's actually quite vivid. This mountain is different from other mountains. It doesn't have many trees from bottom to top, especially near the top of the mountain. Just like the steps that the gods cut down with a giant ax, some are short, some are tall, some are high and low, and they have spread to the sky.

Climbing to this position, Qin Jue has already climbed a lot of steps, but he is the first at this height.

He looked left and right, and wanted to find other roads and mountains nearby, but he couldn't. The edge of the stone steps was a steeper mountain wall.

He looked up, moving his wrists while thinking of a way to climb up.

The weight on his hands and feet has become accustomed to him. Although he is tired all the way up, it is not impossible for him to persevere. He can also accurately capture the breath in his body, but it is just because the infuriating qi is too little, not enough for him to turn over the face in front of him." steps".

Qin Jue wanted to insert the dagger into the mountain, so as to take advantage of it, but he tried it. The stone wall in front of him was very neat, and his dagger could not be inserted at all.

The range of movement around is also very small, making him unable to run. The key is that there are no rocks or trees, and he can't even build a ladder.

How to go up

The sky darkened a little bit, the sun set in the west, and the mountain wind became cooler. Qin Jue finally spent two hours grinding the stone wall with a dagger after trying various methods to no avail. It plugs in!

With the dagger as a base point and leverage, Qin Jue wiped the sweat from his forehead, took two steps back, and stepped on it!

But after he went up, before he went far, there was a similar "step" in front of him, and it was higher and smoother than the previous one!

This is really... Obviously he is not far from the top of the mountain, but under the obstruction of these "steps", it is almost impossible to reach the top.

Right now, even if he wanted to go down the mountain and take another route, it was too late, and with his current physical strength, he might not be able to walk down the steps he had managed to climb up before, and the key point was that he didn't want to look back.

… The moon gradually climbed to the west, and the mountain became colder and quieter.

But in this silence, the sound of running, jumping, falling, came from time to time, again and again.

Bean-sized beads of sweat rolled down Qin Jue's cheeks. He tried to jump up the steps again and again, but every time he was a little short... But he couldn't stop, because the temperature on the top of the mountain had dropped to minus ten degrees, and there were trees around him. There are no trees, and there is no way to keep warm. He has to keep trying, ten times if he fails once, a hundred times if he fails ten times, and he can always go up!

But countless failures took away not only physical strength, but also patience. When Qin Jue tried to rush up for the first time, when he jumped up, his knees softened and he fell. At this time, he felt His knees were aching like needles, and it seemed that he was really going to be stuck here.

"Look, my little highness is in trouble!"

Xie Linlang's voice sounded abruptly from above her head, and she saw her stick her head out from above the stone wall, her chin on her hands, and looked down at him.

"Seeing that you haven't followed, I thought you were taken away by a beast, but I didn't expect you to be trapped here. Why didn't you call for help? If you call me, I will definitely appear."

Perhaps because it was too close to the sky, Qin Jue raised her head when she heard the sound, and could only see the stars all over the sky sinking in her direction, and her eyes were also bright, as if there were stars hidden inside...

"I..." he said, but he didn't know how to start.

Said he had no idea of asking for help? Or, he didn't trust anyone for a long time, so he only wanted to rely on himself from beginning to end, even if he couldn't do it on his own, he was stubborn and made useless attempts here.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xie Linlang squinted again.

"Speaking of which, I have been following you for more than ten days, and in these ten days, to be honest, you have given me a lot of surprises...

There were times when I thought you were going to die and you'd reached your limit, but you always made it through, in a way that I didn't expect, but you know what? I'm not very happy watching you get stronger so quickly. "


Qin Jue frowned at her.

At this time, his whole body was bathed in starlight. He couldn't see how embarrassed he was, nor could he see the bleeding from his wound. All his attention was devoted to becoming stronger, so his eyes were firm , pure, like this mountain, tough and sharp.

Xie Linlang said slowly, "You are breaking through the limit, but what makes you break through is your hatred for the enemy.

I didn't think it was anything at all, after all, it was a way to become stronger.

But on the way after that, you obviously have many opportunities to treat yourself better, at least get hurt less, but your hatred is too heavy, you hate others, and you hate yourself, so you don't care about your body at all, once Pushing myself to a corner..."

She paused when she said this, and then her voice gently melted into the wind.

"... Maybe... From the moment you came back with the Empress's body, you didn't plan to live. The Qin Jue I saw right now was just a corpse manipulated by hatred.

You come from hell, no matter how hard you work, it's just to pull more people into hell, so should I be happy? "

Qin Jue lowered her head and was silent for a long time, then stood up slowly and showed her a pale smile.

"You're right, I'm just a corpse, a puppet, but what does that matter?"

He looked up at Xie Linlang, the stars all over the sky illuminated his ink-like eyes and illuminated his loneliness.

"... As long as I can take revenge, whether I hate it or resent it, I don't care.

And I found that hatred is the most powerful thing in this world. It is it that makes me survive the betrayal and separation, and it is also it that makes me go through the near-death situation again and again.

I can't even live in front of you without it...

It's the strongest power I have, shouldn't I hold fast? "

Xie Linlang was taken aback by his question. This scene reminded her suddenly that Qin Jue asked him why the enemy could be a bad person, but he couldn't.

These were all things that could not be answered, so she slowly stood up, stood on the edge of the vertical stone wall, and looked at him condescendingly.

"If hatred is really that strong, can you climb this stone wall with the support of hatred?"

Saying that, she took a few steps back and said solemnly.

"If hatred can really make a person omnipotent, then come up and prove it to me. I will allow you to take off the shackles on your body and convince me with actions."