The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 44: She came for him


The river suddenly caught fire, which no one could imagine!

Water is what put out the fire. What kind of fire can burn on water? It must be sorcery! The person blocking them is not a human being, but a monster!

The water bandits who were watching the show suddenly panicked. They lifted the anchor and wanted to leave this sea of fire!

However, the cargo on the ship was too heavy and the draft was too heavy. After fleeing in panic, several ships collided with each other.

After the ship collided, someone fell from the deck into the river. They were all water bandits and were naturally not afraid of water, but what was terrifying was that the fires floating on the water would not only stick to the boat, but also stick to people. Water splashed, like maggots on tarsal bones!

This made the people who fell into the water panicked and screamed!

Seeing those people who were good at water being engulfed by the water one after another, the people on the boat were even more panicked and shouted like they were almost collapsed.

"This fire will eat people!"

"Can't go into the water! This is a ghost fire!"

Under the rendering of this panic, the scene became more chaotic, and many people tried their best to row boats, trying to rush out of the sea of fire!

But because the river is narrow, all the boats are crowded in one direction, and the result can be imagined.

After being knocked back to his senses by the boat behind Lian Ke, he shouted to his subordinates to calm down, but no one listened to him, and it was too late to stop him. The boat was all blocked together, and more people fell into the water. ... That scene, just like purgatory!

… No wonder they are so panicked, who can keep calm in a sea of fire

No, there are still people who are calm.

Xie Linlang stood in a sea of fire and looked up at Qin Jue.

The boat under her feet was also engulfed by the fire, but she stood on it, not afraid at all, just picked up a bamboo pole, propped up her hand, and sailed towards him...

Suddenly surrounded by fire, Qin Jue was only shocked compared to the panic of others!

What kind of earth-shaking ability does it take to set the water on fire and ignite the ten-mile Heihe

He didn't know... He only knew that the person in front of him, who could subvert the normal state of nature with his gestures, swept thousands of troops and came here to find him!

- At that moment, there was a sudden silence in his ears, only his heart was beating very fast...!

At this time, Xie Linlang's white clothes had been licked out several holes by Mars. She walked to the front of the boat and raised her head. The moment she looked at Qin Jue, she asked helplessly.

"How many times do I have to rob you before you follow me obediently and stop running?"

She seemed to be really asking, and the fluttering voice had no weight at all, but it seemed to hit the heart directly and force it to stop! Make people panic!

Qin Jue was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to explain. He wanted to say that when he exchanged substitutes, he actually hesitated and would go with them, but he just wanted to kill them all... But the words came to his lips, but disappeared in her connivance. In his eyes, he suddenly covered his heart with suffocation, then pursed his lips and jumped directly from the bow!

Xie Linlang was startled and hurriedly reached out to pick it up.

In the sea of fire, Xie Linlang's hand grabbed Qin Jue's hand and brought him directly into her arms!

The falling weight crushed the burning ship beneath their feet!

Immediately, sparks splashed everywhere, and little sparks rose into the sky, just like the fireflies all over the sky, flickering and elegant.

Xie Linlang supported him and took a step back, feeling Qin Jue's body tense, she asked.

"Are you scared?"

Qin Jue shook his head.

"Then are you leaving?"

Qin Jue paused, then suddenly smiled.

He was already extremely handsome, and the haze of the past seemed to have been burnt away by this fire, and it flew away, leaving only the essential bright and restrained brilliance.

He looked at her and shook his head.

"Don't go."

And after that, I don't want to leave.

Xie Linlang smiled lightly when she heard the words.

Just as she picked up the bamboo pole and was about to punt away, a gnashing voice came.

"Xie, Lin, Lang...!"

Lian Ke, who finally knew that he couldn't control the situation, went crazy! He couldn't help but go crazy, Xie Linlang didn't know what kind of sorcery he used, and in an instant, the power he had accumulated over the years was destroyed! This hatred is even worse than before!

I saw him rushing to the bow of the boat a few steps, staring at Xie Linlang as if he was about to eat his flesh!

But he didn't dare to go into the water, so he grabbed a bow and aimed it at them, shouting frantically, "Go to hell!"

The moment he held the bow, Xie Linlang had already picked up the bamboo pole in his hand and pushed it hard against Lian Ke's boat.

With the powerful recoil, her small boat quickly retreated like an arrow from the string!

An arrow shot into the air, and Lian Ke wanted to draw an arrow again. Xie Linlang's boat had already gone far. Seeing that her boat was fast, it was about to burst out of the sea of flames.

"Xie Linlang! If you don't kill me today, I will definitely make you regret it! I will definitely kill you and break you into pieces!"

Xie Linlang said with a smile when she heard the words.

"Regret? Would you regret letting go of an ant for fear of being killed by an ant

I can let you go, and I can easily kill you. If you survive this time, it is not because of your luck, but because of my kindness.

The kindness of the strong is also strong. For example, I am merciful to you now, and you have no choice but to bear it! "

"You!" Lian Ke was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot, and suddenly he spat out a mouthful of blood!

Seeing that he was so careless, Xie Linlang shook her head regretfully, and once the bamboo pole in her hand was propped up, the boat completely rushed out of the sea of fire.

Oil is originally very light, it floats on water and sticks to objects.

And the waterway is narrow and crowded by these twenty or thirty boats, the oil will naturally burn around them, and it is easy for her to escape with them blocking her.

Dong Qi and the others in the dark were completely stupid, things happened too fast, they were still in the shock of the river burning, and Xie Linlang had already escaped with His Royal Highness.

The whole process should not be too easy, too calm, too unrestrained... Is this still human? The one who set fire to ten miles with this hand is a god, right? !

After seeing Xie Linlang escape from the sea of flames, the flames attached to the boat had gradually extinguished, and a subordinate beside Dong Qi came back to his senses and pulled his master.

"That, my lord, His Highness was taken away by Young Master Xie, shall we pursue it?"

After Dong Qi regained his senses, he couldn't help but hammer him on the head!

"What are you chasing! Are you more powerful than those more than a thousand water bandits?!"

Xie Linlang could easily rob the crown prince among more than 1,000 people, how many of them are there now? Are you going to deliver food? !

After the subordinate was hammered, I felt a little aggrieved,

"Then, in the Red Sand Valley, do you want to inform?"

Dong Qi glared at him, "I must inform you! Hurry up!"

"Oh... subordinates are going to... "

With that said, he walked away aggrievedly, leaving Dong Qi on the shore, watching the congested ships and the burning fire.