The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 51: She made him feel dangerous


After that everything went smoothly.

Tao county magistrate was arrested, and all his subordinates turned their backs, but the frightened imperial envoy did not dare to stay any longer, and was eager to return to Beijing.

There are too many things that happened this time. The river caught fire, the county officials were killed, and the people rebelled... Look at what a terrible place this is, and I will never want to come here for the rest of my life!

Xie Linlang understood and made a decisive decision after knowing it, and spent a morning helping the imperial envoy prepare the luggage and the motorcade, so that he could leave at any time.

The imperial envoy was very moved when he found out, so he didn't wait any longer and said goodbye to Xie Linlang after lunch.

Anyway, with Xie Linlang's ability, nothing in Xiangcheng can't trouble her. Since that's the case, he might as well return to Beijing earlier.

Seeing that it was useless to retain him again and again, Xie Linlang had to send him away "with a look of regret".

Watching the imperial envoy and the prison van escorting Tao county magistrate leave, Xie Linlang turned her head and said goodbye to the officers and soldiers borrowed from the neighboring city.

This time, she owes a favor to Lord Zhao of the neighboring city, and she must pay it back if she has a chance in the future.

And these officers and soldiers have seen Xie Linlang's greatness, and after returning home, they will definitely help her to say more good things in front of Zhao County magistrate, so as to promote the friendly relationship between the two cities in the future.

It wasn't until everyone was gone that Xiaoxi, who was standing beside Xie Linlang, let out a long sigh!

While knocking on his neck, he muttered, "It's finally done... Young Master, will we live in Xiangcheng in the future?"

Xie Linlang was also very emotional, "Yes, after going so far, this place will be our home in the future."

Hearing this, Xiaoxi nodded happily!

Although this place is a little out of the way and looks very broken, he still likes it more than the capital, because the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so they can do whatever they want!

I saw him asking excitedly, "Then what are we going to do now? Ride horses and parade through the streets, so that everyone can admire the style of the new magistrate?"

When he said this, Xie Linlang was also in high spirits, but she had a better proposal, and her eyes suddenly burst out!

"Before taking office, let's go to Tao County magistrate's small treasury to count the money! I took a look before and I feel like we are going to make a fortune!"

Xiaoxi was even more surprised when she heard it! Then the two hit it off and went to count the money seriously.

On the other side, the city is bustling with activity.

Everyone rushed to run, telling the good news that Tao County Magistrate was arrested!

As for the tin workshop, Xie Linlang also waved his hand, saying that the work would be suspended for three days, and the moon would shine.

This time, the people in the city are just like the Chinese New Year, and there is uproar everywhere.

Qin Jue was walking in the crowd, and the lively environment around him gave him a strong and unreal feeling, all of which were different from what he imagined.

He originally thought that from the day he held his mother's corpse and decided to come back for revenge, his life was nothing but hatred and darkness.

Whether it is the road of exile from the capital to Xiangcheng, or the road of revenge after arriving in Xiangcheng and returning to Beijing step by step, it will definitely be bloody and cold.

This kind of life will never have such a thing as happiness, and he has never expected it.

But when Xie Linlang said that he would not be left alone again, he still became selfish.

He wants to grab a person to accompany him desperately on this lonely road, but why is this person... so unpredictable

Shouldn't she just be with him? Why should he understand what is good and evil, what is power, what is pattern, and what is hope? She persevered, as if in her eyes, he had a future...

She was getting closer and closer, pressing step by step, filling his blank and dark heart to the fullest. He should have been happy. There is someone who treats him so sincerely, but when she is close to a certain level, he will Feeling uneasy and dangerous

As if he shouldn't have hesitated before, he should be decisive to exchange with the substitute, as if he should stay away from her as soon as possible, so that everything will return to the right track he originally expected.

Where is the problem!

The fourteen-year-old boy couldn't understand, let alone where the danger came from.

At this time, in the noisy crowd, the voice of a small vendor hawking fell into his ears.

"Selling spices, selling spices! Spices from Vietnam can be used with all meats, and there are no good goods anywhere else!"

Qin Jue's footsteps on the street suddenly stopped, and then he walked by ghosts and gods.

Xie Linlang is very greedy, and apart from what she made and what Xiaoxi made, everyone else looked disgusted. She also likes to eat something with different flavors. Should she like the spices from Vietnam

"How much?"

The small vendor was originally sad that there were no customers, but when he turned around, there was a beautiful young man in a white robe who looked like a fairy to buy something from him, and he hurriedly sold it enthusiastically!

"This bile is a pack of ten cents, which is used to match meat. All meat can be cooked with this bile to make the meat more soft and glutinous. This leaf is three cents a pack, and meat and soup can be eaten. Tim Fu, the taste is sour, the most appetizing, which one do you want?"

Qin Jue had never cooked before, so naturally he didn't understand, so he took a bag as well. After taking it, the strange feeling in his heart became stronger. Does he have to carry spices with him in the future

Seeing that Qin Jue bought it without a word, the small merchant laughed even more!

"Young master, walk slowly, come back next time if you like!"

Qin Jue nodded and continued to walk forward. After he left, the small merchant secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The people here are not used to the taste of the ground. They think the gall is too bitter and the leaves are too sour. The little boy, can become his repeat customer!

After buying the spice, Qin Jue's mood was inexplicably better, but Xie Linlang was very kind to him right now, and he didn't pose any threat. He would feel dangerous, feel palpitations, maybe it was an illusion.

He shouldn't be upset about this kind of thing, after all, he still has a lot to do.

At this moment, a strong man blocked Qin Jue's way. He was wearing a hat and did not speak. Qin Jue just glanced at him and followed him to the attic not far away, and went up to the second floor.

This is a tea shop. The first floor is lively, but there is no one on the second floor. It is obviously cleared.

Huang Lao had been waiting here for a long time. As soon as Qin Jue came up, when he saw him, he wanted to kneel with excitement!

Qin Jue hurriedly stepped forward to support him with a very emotional tone.

"Old Huang, long time no see."

That strong man was Dong Qi, and Huang Lao was Qin Jue's former teacher.

Seeing that Qin Jue had lost a lot of weight, he did not look as gloomy and haggard as he imagined. Instead, he was introverted and calm. Huang Lao nodded repeatedly, and after getting up, he couldn't help crying.

"Your Highness suffers..."