The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 68: I will come by myself


How could Xie Linlang take other people's things for free? She touched the money on her body and planned to buy one to take back to play, but in the end she had trouble with the two masks.

One is a lifelike fox mask, and the other is a ghost mask with green face and fangs. She originally wanted to buy a fox demon, but the fox demon's curved eyes reminded her inexplicably of a person, she shook her head, then turned to pick it up. Goblin mask.

The old lady smiled and said, "Mr. Xie, why don't you take both of them. This fox demon mask was made by my wife with a lot of work. It's carved very finely. It's better to take it back for viewing."

Xie Linlang just wanted to shake her head, but a voice said beside her.

"Yeah, isn't this fox demon mask good-looking?"

Hearing this voice, Xie Linlang suddenly froze!

And the person who spoke had already picked up the fox demon mask and put it on his face.

She turned her head with difficulty, and saw a man in a dark purple robe with a mask of a ghost fox on his face, looking at her with a smile.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze, all the sounds passing by around disappeared, and the red lanterns lit by every household behind him gradually became blurred.

"I want this mask!"

Xie Linlang put the copper plate on the small booth, dragged the man and left.

Adult men and teenagers have completely different statures, so they were dragged away like this, but they didn't violate much.

It was just that there were too many people who knew Xie Linlang. She had no choice but to cover her face all the way, while the man behind her smiled and looked at her through the mask.

Finally, she took the person to a small pavilion by the river, and then sat down opposite the person a little depressed.

"How did you come!"

Seriously, Xie Linlang didn't expect to see the Emperor again so soon!

At the beginning, she had a dispute with him because of the queen's affairs, and she must come out to repay her kindness.

But he was determined not to allow it, and she had made up her mind. As a result, he suddenly drew his sword and pressed it on her neck, saying that instead of letting her go like this and causing disaster in the future, it would be better for him to kill her now!

Xie Linlang endured a sigh, kowtowed three times against his sword, and then turned away resolutely.

He didn't really kill her in the end, but what he meant in his words was equivalent to a break. She thought that it would take a long time to see each other again. Who knew that she didn't go to the capital, but he came in person.

Shen Junqing raised her slender fingers and took off the mask. Under the mask, his face was handsome and elegant. When his attitude was not strong, those phoenix eyes looked very gentle.

"Linlang is really ruthless. When they parted, there was really no news at all?"

Xie Linlang wondered a little, could it be that the trouble was so fierce, he thought she was joking

I have to say, Shen Junqing really thinks so.

Xie Linlang is the child he watched grow up, that is his, her every move, every thought should be within his grasp.

At the beginning, she said she was going to repay her kindness, but he didn't allow her, but she still left. In his opinion, it might be like a child's tantrum and then running away from home, but her tantrum really took too long.

"Master Emperor." Xie Linlang was a little helpless, "If I remember correctly, we are no longer master and apprentice." He wanted to kill her, and she also kowtowed three times, the meaning was very clear.

The emperor didn't get angry when he heard the words. This time he had a surprisingly good temper. He thought that he had done a good job of psychological construction on the way and just listened to him.

"A teacher for one day, a father for life, Linlang, the connection between you and me is not something you can just cut off unilaterally and disappear."

Xie Linlang widened her eyes when she heard the words, "So what else?"

Seeing her like this, Shen Junqing squinted and smiled.

"You probably don't understand the meaning of being a teacher. The meaning of being a teacher is that the connection between you and me cannot be cut off in this life unless you die."

Xie Linlang suddenly stopped talking.

This made the emperor a bit of a headache. He actually didn't want to be so strong, but as the head of the family, he has been in command of the family for a long time. No matter how gentle and elegant he looks, his domineering and desire to control are deeply rooted, so if there is, He always reveals it unconsciously, but Xie Linlang doesn't seem to like his strength.

Seeing that she was safe, he paused and looked towards the riverside street.

"If I remember correctly, half a year ago, this place was still a small town that no one cared about, but as soon as Linlang came, it was full of vitality."

Xie Linlang paused and looked up at him. Many things in Xiangcheng are very important. If this person finds out...

But she soon quieted down.

The emperor is suspicious by nature. He must not have come today. Maybe he has been here for a while. The changes in the city are no matter the details, and he is sure that he knows the details.

Sure enough, she heard the emperor say again.

"If I didn't go there myself, I wouldn't know that the tin ware that is popular in the capital came from here, and the exquisite tin drill is actually tin stone?"

He said, and looked at Xie Linlang with admiration, "I thought that making paper and ice was already a highlight of Linlang's talent, but I didn't think so, is that just the tip of the iceberg?"

Xie Linlang said in a low voice, "Wenwan accessories are just gadgets to make money. The emperor knows it. I like money."

The imperial teacher shook his head, "But Linlang, who likes money so much, gave up the official position of the Ministry of Household and donated all the real estate in the capital to Shanxuetang."

This is the most unhappy point for him, because she doesn't even want a place to live, not even a future of money, it can only mean that she really doesn't plan to go back, she doesn't even want him.

Xie Linlang had a headache. She was in a complicated mood. She didn't want to say more, so she stood up and gave a salute.

"It's getting late, and Linlang has to go home for dinner. If the emperor likes Xiangcheng, it's okay to stay longer, but Linlang, I won't accompany you more."

After she finished speaking, she turned around, but a person appeared silently in front of her. She didn't look flustered, just raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Master Emperor, what does this mean?"

Shen Junqing said in a deep voice, "Linlang really doesn't know what it means to be a teacher? Since Shen Shaofeng can't bring you back, I will come in person."

Xie Linlang held the Buddha beads and smiled indifferently, "Didn't Shen Shaofeng tell you how he failed?"

The emperor shook his head and said slowly.

"He will fail, just because he cares about his old relationship and doesn't want to really tear his face with you.

You do have the ability to instantly kill others, but in order not to be demonized, you can only make one move within a quarter of an hour, but as a teacher, this person is not the only one. "

After he finished speaking, a few more men in black walked out and stood behind Xie Linlang.

"Now you can choose, kill one person and be stunned and take away by me, or leave with me without killing one person?"

When he said this, he smiled calmly, "Of course, you can also choose to take down the Buddhist beads and start killing. If you can have people from all over the city buried with me, what is there to fear as a teacher?"