The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 81: old acquaintance


Xie Linlang plunged into the workshop once again. Not only that, she also dispatched all the carpenters in the city to work in a small room. In addition, she collected iron in the whole city and let people put it into the furnace for re-tempering.

When people asked her what she was doing, she said that she was making a counterattack weapon, which made everyone feel at ease. After all, Xie Linlang has the ability to "turn a stone into gold" and turn corruption into a magical ability, so the weapon she made at this time , sure is extraordinary!

After dark, the water bandits over there finally started to attack the city, but it could be seen that it was only a feint attack, because they only sent a few hundred people to attack the city. After being stoned by officers and soldiers on the city wall, they quickly retreated. .

However, their behavior made the people in Xiangcheng very nervous, and the officers and soldiers who were replaced day and night did not dare to be careless at all. Whenever there was any situation, they would immediately report to Xie Linlang.

Xie Linlang rushed over from the workshop overnight after hearing the news of their siege, but by the time she arrived, those people had already retreated.

"what's the situation?"

After listening to her question, none of the soldiers who had fought an offensive and defensive battle had the strength to return. The officers and soldiers in such a small place would not even kill a chicken on weekdays. God knows that hundreds of fierce water bandits have just come to attack the city. How nervous are they

At this time, Mr. Huang came out. It is impossible for these people to be idle in extraordinary times, so he negotiated with Mr. Liu and exchanged the defensive command just now. He did it. With them here, Xie Linlang Still very relieved, just listen to him.

"Those water bandits were just feinting to attack, the ladder was set up, and the round of raids failed, so they retreated directly."

He thought about it and added, "They came here by swimming. Although those boats sent them a section, they stopped far away from the shore. I don't know why."

Xie Linlang heard the words, thought for a while, and said, "There can only be two reasons, one, they are afraid that they will get too close and cause you to be alerted too early, and it may be that there are heavy objects on their boat and they are too close. There is a possibility that it will run aground in the shoal."

If the former is fine, if it is the latter... She is a little curious about who the commander of the other party is, and she is so painstakingly attacking such a small city as her, she seems to know her very well...

Huang Lao felt that she was right, and at the same time admired how fast her mind was turning, he said.

"Then should we be prepared? If they have any offensive weapons on board, wouldn't it be very passive for us?"

Xie Linlang said, "I have asked Ru Nian to prepare, there are no trebuchets in the city, but it is not difficult to build two, but this group of people may come to attack the city tomorrow, and then I will ask Mr. Huang and Mr. Liu for more Help me pay more attention.

If they are still feigning attack, then you can solve it yourself and repel them. If there is any other abnormality, you can inform me again. In addition, I will send more people to help. Although Xiangcheng has few officers and soldiers, there are many young men. "

Huang Lao nodded and reassured her in return, "Sir Xie, don't worry too much. Although this group of water bandits are brave, we are not without soldiers and horses. His Highness said before he left that we want to protect your safety, so I have already Let the elite soldiers of the Red River Valley secretly enter the city, even if these water bandits really attack, we are not opponents in the water battle, but in the land battle, they may not be able to get a bargain!"

Xie Linlang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, "It's just thanks to you guys, if it wasn't for your support, I really wouldn't be able to be so stable."

Huang Lao smiled and said, "Young Master Xie is serious, you are the backbone of this city. We old people can do our little bit, we are already very happy."

Xie Linlang nodded, and then went down the city wall without saying much.

If she has time, she really wants to repair the southern city wall. After all, she didn't take care of it before, but now it's too late to repair it.

The next day, the water bandits continued to attack the city in the middle of the night. There were still hundreds of people, and the boats were still not approaching and swam over.

It was Mr. Liu who was vigilant that night. After careful observation, he suddenly found something wrong.

He found that sending people off by those boats seemed to be only part of the purpose. Their real purpose was to try, to see where the big boat could go so that it could be closest to the wall and not run aground.

And they were busy defending the city, and they didn't pay any attention to what the boat over there did after sending them off. Only he saw it.

Those boats were not only testing the water, they were also looking for the weakest wall. By the night, the closest they were to the wall was only a dozen meters!

Are they looking for a landing site? No, it's definitely not that simple!

After listening to the message sent by Mr. Liu, Xie Linlang became more and more certain that the other party had come with adequate preparations. The leader must have known her, or figured out the bottom line of Xiangcheng, otherwise, such a small town would cost a lot of money. Zhou Zhang, be careful, isn't it funny

So, in the daytime the next day, Xie Linlang came to the southern city wall again and shouted with her inner strength.

"Why don't you come out and talk? The fight hurts, maybe we can talk, can we reconcile?"

Her voice traveled far across the river, and after a while, the boat more than 100 meters away really moved.

They came over in a mighty way. In addition to the water bandits standing on the boat headed by them, there was also a person standing on the boat. When she saw who that person was, Xie Linlang felt a little stunned, thinking that there was probably no chance for reconciliation, and she would never die. Pretty much.

It was a thin and tall man, dressed in gray, and he looked no different from other water bandits. The only difference was that he had burn scars on his face and white gauze wrapped around his neck. Shuangyin's bloodthirsty pupils stared straight at him, as if there was an evil spirit hiding behind him.

Xie Linlang turned the Buddha bead in his left hand and faced him across the lake. At this time, the distance between them was reduced to a few dozen meters. The boats on the river were arranged in an orderly manner, showing the appearance of an inverted triangle.

On the tip of the triangle, Lian Ke, a man wrapped in white gauze, opened his mouth with a smile. His voice was not as gloomy as before, but extremely hoarse, as if his throat had been damaged by smoke.

"meet again… "

He smiled, revealing his pale teeth, his eyes flashing with excitement, "Xie Linlang, I haven't seen you for more than half a year, you are more beautiful than before!"

His words made the people on the city wall a little strange, and Xie Linlang's eyes suddenly sank as she raised her eyebrows.

"Your name is Lian Ke now, right? Well, Lian Ke, you really have a big fate! You escaped from me twice, if I were you, if I finally managed to save my life, I would have gone as far as possible. It's far away, but you're still here, you have to jump on the edge of courting death repeatedly, do you really think you have a third chance?"