The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 97: Guide autistic teenagers online


Qin Jue frowned when she heard that Xie Linlang hadn't woken up yet.

How can your body handle it after sleeping for so long? At least eat something before going to sleep.

However, considering that Xiaoxi was not Xie Linlang's opponent at all, he went to the kitchen to stew the meat first, and then went to find her with the food box in person.

As soon as he opened the door, the smell of stewed meat in the yard drifted into Xie Linlang's room. She moved her nose and shouted when she heard the door open.

"Xiaoxi? Have you stewed meat? Bring me a bowl too!"

Qin Jue walked through the outer hall and entered the inner room. Hearing Xie Linlang's energetic voice, he knew that Xiaoxi was lying to him by saying that she was not awake. Thinking of this, he put the food box on the table.

"It's already here, but you still don't get out of bed, do you want me to feed you?"

When Xie Linlang heard that Qin Jue had delivered the meal, after being stunned for a while, she couldn't help swallowing!

Not greedy, but afraid!

Originally, in order to improve life, Xie Linlang came up with iron pots and porcelain bowls, and the taste of the food in the house skyrocketed!

In the end, I didn't know what was wrong with Qin Jue. Whenever he was free, he would cook a meal for her, and he was also considered talented. The fried vegetables were fragrant for ten miles, but no one else would eat them, only her.

That's it! !

He loves to cook with more predictability. Yueguo is a special product of Yueguo, and Yueguo is famous for its dark cuisine. The people of Yueguo are also known as perverts on the tip of the tongue. You can imagine how difficult it is to predict. eat!

The bile in Qin Jue's stew is made from animal bile. Using it to stew the meat can indeed make the meat soft and dense. For someone like Qin Jue who can't taste the taste, it seems that From the taste, the meat becomes a lot more delicious, but it is bile!

There is also this fragrant leaf, it is sour, extremely sour!

Xie Linlang originally wanted to say it, but when he first ate it, because he found that he had lost his sense of taste, he was a little distressed and endured it.

The second time she saw that the back of his hand was hot and red, she endured it.

The third time he heard her compliment against his will, he couldn't help but smile, because she smiled very well, so she endured it!

Then she got used to it when she endured it. If she pierced him at this time, wouldn't it seem that she was hypocritical and deceived before

Fortunately, she doesn't eat it every day. She eats it once in a while, just remembering bittersweetness.

Countless thoughts flashed through Xie Linlang's mind, and when she finally sat down at the table, a smile naturally appeared on her face.

"How did you cook? Haven't you been very busy lately?"

Qin Jue took the food out of the food box, Qing Jun's profile lowered slightly.

"Knowing that I'm busy, still hiding in the room and not coming out?"

Xie Linlang thought he was talking about being lazy, and wanted to explain quickly, and listened to him quickly answering.

"Those things are boring when you're not here."


"Eat." Qin Jue handed her a pair of chopsticks as usual.

"Uh, thank you." Xie Linlang took it with some puzzlement. What does Qin Jue mean? Could it be that she can still be interesting on official business? Is she funny

But soon, her mind was quickly taken away by the aroma of the food in front of her!

She was pleasantly surprised to find that the stew in front of her didn't seem to be overly prepared! Because the color of vegetables with bile is ugly, and the meat in front of her is bright red and fragrant, she thinks she can do it again! Maybe it's food

Thinking like this, she picked up the bowl and couldn't wait to take a big bite!


She paused, Qin Jue sat down beside her, ready to have dinner with her, but when he saw her expression, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Xie Linlang stared at Qin Jue in disbelief, and spoke after a while.

"What kind of immortal are you, you haven't eaten for a while, and your craftsmanship has grown so amazingly!"

Qin Jue was stunned for a moment, then smiled, the young man was very good-looking when he smiled, like the melting ice and snow in early spring, with a cold tenderness.

He lowered his eyes and smiled and took a piece of meat to Xie Linlang, and said earnestly, "Eat more if you like it. If it's not enough, there's still more in the pot."

"Yeah!" Xie Linlang finished speaking and ate a big mouthful. Qin Jue, who had always had a bad appetite, couldn't help but eat more.

After eating, Qin Jue inexplicably wanted to stay for a while, so he repeated the big and small affairs that happened in the city in the past few days.

He spoke very carefully, and Xie Linlang listened very carefully, and occasionally praised him.

Qin Jue's deserted pupils were obviously much brighter than before, but after he had said everything, he didn't seem to have any reason to stay, and Linlang wanted to be lazy, so he had to work harder to keep things in the city together. It's all handled well.

With that in mind, he got up and left.

When he was far away, Xie Linlang suddenly jumped up and desperately looked for water to drink!

As a result, the water in the house was not enough, so she went to Xiaoxi's house next door to find water.

Xiaoxi, who was doing the reckoning, looked at her a little dazedly.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Xie Linlang was pouring water all the time, he understood, and couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune.

"Your Highness cooks for you again?"

Sure enough, what the young master said is right, no one is perfect, and he can't compare with others, but his cooking is definitely better than His Highness's cooking!

Xie Linlang raised her head and poured it directly with the pot in her hand. After pouring a pot of water, she felt that she was alive.

"Xiao Xi, tell the kitchen how much meat you will buy in the future, and if you buy more meat you save, you will need to salt it..."

But Qin Jue didn't know that when he made it, he also added salt and the extremely sour fragrant leaves, and the taste was a fusion of salty to bitter and sour to twisted!

Take a bite and go to heaven, no joke at all!

Seeing her like this, Xiaoxi felt a little sympathetic, "I said, son, why do you do this? If it's not delicious, just say it. I think as long as you say it, he won't do it again."

Xie Linlang sat at the table, holding the teapot a little aggrieved.

"Don't you think I don't want to? I didn't say it before, and I said it after so many meals. Wouldn't it seem like I'm so hypocritical? Of course, this is secondary, and the most important thing is that Qin Jue..."

"What's up with him?"

"Don't you realize that Qin Jue is a very closed person

Even in the face of Huang Lao who has been following him, he will not show much emotion.

As for me, not to mention, you saw it when I first met him, he is just like a hedgehog, whoever gets close will stab him! Moreover, she is so sickly that she is on the verge of blackening at any time.

Although he is better now, he still suppresses his heart and emotions, as if he is wearing armor, there is always a feeling of being rejected thousands of miles away. "

Xiaoxi was confused, "So, what does this have to do with his poor cooking??"

Xie Linlang rolled his eyes at him, and said proudly, "That's a big deal! No matter how hard he cooks, he only eats it for me! There's no chance for others to eat!

What does this mean? This shows that after my unremitting efforts, he has been slowly accepting me!

A self-enclosed child like him is careful even if he accepts people, so he cooks for me, helps me with affairs, etc... In this almost caring way, he expresses his closeness to me.

And the only thing I have to do is to affirm and encourage him when he does something!

Only in this way will he express more, so that he can step out of isolation and loneliness and become a cheerful and optimistic young man! "

Xie Linlang said so much in one breath, took a deep breath, and finally concluded.

"All in all, what I'm eating now is not dark food, but the city wall that closes his heart! All the hardships I'm eating now are to guide him out of the shadows as soon as possible!

So no matter how unpalatable this meal is, it is extremely poisonous! I have to eat it for him too, anyway, I have opened up a hundred poisons and won't invade! "