The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 98: Gan is the most loyal believer of the Demon King


In fact, Xiaoxi didn't understand it very well. His Royal Highness closed his heart because he encountered a terrible thing. Can this deadly knot be solved only by encouragement and affirmation

But when he heard that he finally understood, he couldn't help but say with a sour face.

"I figured it out, the son just didn't want to hit him to make him sad, but when I was learning to cook, the son's mouth was poisonous, and he wasn't so good at talking at all! You are biased!"

Xie Linlang's expression froze for a moment, then she coughed dryly.

"It's also a good thing for me to be strict with you. You see that you are so good at cooking now. It will be a big plus for you to find a wife in the future!"

"Humph! Come on! It's still early now, so don't waste your time with me, son, go find your sweetheart Prince!"

While he was talking, he pushed Xie Linlang out, and when he finally closed the door, he watched her say something extremely sour.

"Anyway, even if he gives you poison, you can still take it, hum! You heartless man!"

After he finished speaking, he slammed the door shut, Xie Linlang hugged the teapot and almost hit her nose!

"Eh? Your jug... "

"No more!!"

Xie Linlang was frightened by his fierce tone, and sure enough, the man's heart was needled at the bottom of the sea.

Xie Linlang held a teapot and stood at the door to complain to herself.

"I didn't think about it, okay? Look at this pot, the new product of the sika deer series that came out of the tin workshop, there is only one set. I saw that you liked the deer and sent it to you immediately. How could you wrong me so much? "

Xiaoxi didn't say a word, and Xie Linlang didn't say anything. It's just that every child has a temper when they get older. Thanks to her good character, she would be beaten three times a day!

When she was about to go back, someone suddenly stopped her.

"Thank you sir."

Xie Linlang turned around and saw Yu Ranxiang wearing a black hat standing under a magnolia tree, looking at her quietly.

Xie Linlang paused for a moment, then smiled quickly, "Miss Yu, are you feeling better recently?"

After Xia Junshu's mother and daughter came over, they soon fell ill due to incompatibility with the soil and water. After recuperating, they have been recuperating. They were reluctant to leave, because they felt unsafe wherever they went except by Xie Linlang's side.

Later, Qin Jue came back, met them, and chatted with them, and their sense of tension was weakened a lot, and it is said that some women who escaped from the Xia family will come to Xiangcheng in the near future. When there are many people, they can also take care of each other.

Yu Ranxiang took a few steps forward and looked at her worriedly.

"Young Master Xiaoxi said before that no one is allowed to disturb you, so I couldn't see you either. Are you injured? I haven't seen you going out these days."

Xie Linlang held the pot and said with a smile, "I'm fine, by the way! Did you see how heroic I was when I beat the gangsters away? Now, how do people spread my word about me in the city? Are you fascinated by my handsome side? "

Yu Ranxiang couldn't help but smile.

When the situation in Xiangcheng was at its most tense, all the people in the house went to help. Her mother had been begging for the blessing of the Bodhisattva, and she also wanted to help, so she covered her face and helped cook with the women left in the city.

On the day of retreating from the enemy, she was pushing a cart to deliver meals to the officers and soldiers in the south wall. Xie Linlang didn’t come down because she had no appetite, so she held the last meal and waited under the city wall, waiting for Xie Linlang to go down the city wall. Now, when will it be given to her.

Unexpectedly, the city wall that had been holding on for a few days was suddenly pulled down by the water bandits!

Like most people in the city, she has a sense of impending doom!

Especially her, she knows too well what will happen to these women if the defense of the city fails and the water bandits go ashore, so she has the will to die at that moment!

She thought, if those water bandits attacked, whoever dared to touch her, she would stab that person to death before committing suicide! Better than going through hell again!

It turned out that Xie Linlang could actually counterattack at this time!

She doesn't even have a big boat, and she doesn't need to get close to those water bandits. With just a strange glowing thing around her, she can make the other party's boat spontaneously burn for no reason!

When the enemy wanted to break their tails to survive, she sent a small boat to intercept them, and with just some strange fire bottles, they could wipe out their entire army!

All kinds of miracles, extraordinary people can imagine!

Yu Ranxiang was completely stunned at the time, until the screams of the bullies came, she suddenly recovered, and then couldn't help but red eyes.

After going through so many things, this is the first time that she has seen bad guys come raging, but was beaten so badly that she could only escape!

This kind of redemption that does not need to wait is really good! It is really nice to be blessed by this transcendent strength.

And at this time, Xie Linlang shot a crucial arrow!

The fire burned the world, and her arrow seemed to be able to break the devil! At the same time, her smiling voice was arrogant and contemptuous, shocking!

She said she was the devil of hell.

Then she killed the one who started the dispute, reaping most of the water bandits' lives.

I believe that at that moment, her figure standing under the fiery red sky, and that sentence, will become a nightmare that all the water bandits who survived will never forget.

When Yu Ranxiang heard this, there was only one thought in his heart.

If the Demon King is like Xie Linlang, who can protect her own people and kill all invaders no matter what the circumstances, then she would rather be the Demon King's most loyal believer and submit to her forever!

Seeing Yu Ranxiang staring blankly at herself, Xie Linlang stretched out her hand and shook it in front of her,

"What's the matter? Do you still have lingering fears when you remember what happened a few days ago?"

After Yu Ranxiang came back to her senses, she nodded and shook her head shyly.

"I... No, I'm not afraid at all, I even went out to help."

"Is it?"

The situation was tense before, Xie Linlang really didn't pay attention to this, but she still subconsciously praised.

"Miss Yu is awesome! You dare to come out and help at that time, you really don't want to be a man!"

She was so sweet, that Yu Ranxiang couldn't help laughing. She looked at Xie Linlang and thought to herself, this person is really interesting. When she is fierce, she can make the water bandits flee, and when she is gentle, And yet so genial.

Thinking of this, her heart skipped a beat, she quickly regained her senses, and said in a low voice.

"What am I? Young Master Xie is afraid that he doesn't know, now it is said that you are the Lord of the Sun! You don't need to approach the water bandits, just borrow the light of the sun to wipe out the enemy. Such a miracle is better than the fairy tales. The descriptions are great!"

Xie Linlang embarrassedly touched the pot in his arms, and asked curiously about something.

"What about Qin Jue? What do the people in the city say about him?"