The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 102: No pregnancy test


The concubine leaned on the pillow, her face bloodless, and the tip of her chin was almost only bone.

Chu Jinyao sighed when she saw Lian Concubine's appearance: "Miss Lian Concubine, your body and bones are yours, and you should take care of yourself."

Lian Concubine's face was miserable, she was holding the little red dress in her hand, and her tears rolled down: "It's only two months... It's my fate that I'm not qualified to give birth to an imperial heir, if he is reincarnated in the belly of another concubine Here, why is that?"

The concubine cried bitterly while holding the little clothes, and Chu Jinyao, a bystander, was heartbroken. Chu Jinyao couldn't say the comforting words, "You are still young, and there are still opportunities in the future." They both knew very well that their pity and concubines depended on their children. After a while, he never came again. The emperor is very affectionate, and the women in the harem are all staring at them, so there is no chance for the concubine to conceive a second child.

Not only has he lost his flesh and blood, but he can't see a way out in his future life. Who can accept such a thing. Lianbi's crying eyes were all red, Chu Jinyao sat with her for a while, and comforted her softly: "Miss Lianbi, you are weak in childbirth, so be careful that your eyes are broken. People always have to look forward, If the fourth prince has a spirit in the sky, I definitely don't want to see you like this."

Concubine Lian was still stunned, not sure if she heard it or not. Chu Jinyao paused for a moment, and simply started with the small clothes in the hands of the concubine: "Miss, are you all made of these clothes?"

"Yes." The concubine looked at the delicate and small tiger clothes in her hand, her eyes were gentle and sad, "This is the practice of our hometown. I have been in the palace for too long, and I can't remember the details, so I can only grope through my memories. "

Chu Jinyao asked about Lian Concubine's hometown and slowly guided her, asking many details before and after the miscarriage. Lian Concubine also knew that she had no family background, and could not fight against these powerful children in the palace, so she was very careful since she became pregnant, and she did not go out if she could not go out, and she was also careful about the things at the entrance.

Chu Jinyao looked at an incense burner in the far corner of the inner hall, and asked, "Miss pity, what kind of incense are you used to incense?"

Lianbi followed Chu Jinyao's gaze and saw the incense burner in the corner of the room, shook her head and said, "I'm not used to this smell, so I don't usually use it very much. After I got pregnant, I never used it again."

Concubine Lian was not a lady from a rich family, so she had the habit of incense. Chu Jinyao nodded thoughtfully, she talked to Concubine Lian again, and then got up to leave without disturbing Concubine Lian's recovery.

Concubine Lian was about to get up to see them off, but was stopped by Chu Jinyao, the palace maid supported Concubine Lian slowly back to the bed, Concubine Lian covered her mouth and coughed twice, and said to the maid next to her, "Prince Concubine You Lao still remembers me, I can't get up to see each other, Gui Yan, you go and send the princess out."

Gui Yan was probably one of the few capable people around Lian Concubine, Gui Yan wished Chu Jinyao a thousand blessings, and then led Chu Jinyao out. Chu Jinyao's mind is full of doubts now. Because she has no clue about witchcraft, she tried to come to Lianbi to find a breakthrough, but after chatting with Lianbi for a long time, she became more and more confused. Just listening to the description of the concubine, it seems that there is no chance for Xiao Qi to take advantage of it, but even with such careful protection, the concubine was still attacked, was calculated to have a miscarriage, and almost died.

Chu Jinyao vaguely heard something from the words of the concubine, but this kind of inspiration flashed away, and she did not catch it.

When going out, Chu Jinyao happened to meet a palace maid. The palace maid was carrying a pile of clothes to the backyard to wash. When she saw Chu Jinyao, she hurriedly knelt down in fear.

Gui Yan didn't take this matter to heart, but Chu Jinyao stopped strangely and asked, "Is this Lian Concubine's clothes?"

The little maid who was doing the laundry found out that the Crown Princess was actually asking her, and she was shocked and scared, and she could hardly even say a word: "Back to the Crown Princess, it's the Empress's clothes."

Gui Yan looked strange: "Prince Concubine, what's wrong with this palace maid?"

"It's nothing." Chu Jinyao shook her head and smiled, "I just asked casually."

Guiyan will be suspicious. After Chu Jinyao came out with Linglong and others, Chu Jinyao sat on the chariot and whispered to Xiao Qianzi: "You will find a way to go around the backyard of Lianbi and sneak out a piece of Lianbi's clothes."

ah? Xiao Qianzi was very obviously stunned, but he didn't ask anything, and absolutely obeyed the order. Linglong stood aside and heard it. She kept talking all the way, and after returning to the Qide Hall, she secretly asked Chu Jinyao, "Prince Concubine, what are you doing with your concubine's clothes?"

Some eunuchs in the palace have special hobbies, so they like to steal the clothes of palace maids. However, what did the Crown Princess do to take the concubine's things

Chu Jinyao also felt that this matter was embarrassing, she just felt that it was not good to speak up in person, so she let Xiao Qianzi go along in private. Chu Jinyao couldn't explain it now, she shook her head and said, "I have another use."

She needs to use the concubine's clothes to confirm one of her guesses.

That day, when Xiao Qi returned home in a hurry, Qin Yi knew about the witches that night. Qin Yi was so annoyed by Xiao Qi, she was like a fly, she couldn't be beaten to death, but she was still flying around, using some tricks that didn't make it to the stage. Because the matter of witchcraft has not been confirmed, this matter still belongs to the harem. Qin Yi is not willing to intervene directly, so he has left a lot of people for Chu Jinyao to listen to and dispatch. With Qin Yi's help, it was much easier for Chu Jinyao to do things immediately, and it didn't take long for Xiao Qianzi to deliver what she wanted.

Chu Jinyao picked up the fabric and sniffed, and sure enough, she smelled a faint fragrance. Linglong stood and watched, more and more puzzled: "Prince Concubine, what are you doing?"

"Lian Concubine said that she doesn't like to use spices, and she stopped completely since she became pregnant. At the time, I vaguely felt that something was wrong, but I didn't catch it. When I met the little palace maid who was washing clothes, I suddenly realized, Lian Concubine. She said that she doesn't like to use incense, but when I saw her a few times before, there was a faint fragrance lingering on her body. It's just that incense is burning everywhere in the palace, so no one noticed it." Chu Jinyao carefully followed the pity. When he found a place, Chu Jinyao looked solemn and said to Linglong, "Bring some needles and threads, and remove all the threads in this place."

Linglong also realized that the matter was important, and turned around in a hurry. Chu Jinyao instructed a few girls to remove the pattern on the front of the concubine's chest little by little. The embroidery in the palace is rich and noble. All kinds of flowers and birds are made of pure gold thread sipped with cotton thread and pressed into gold thread for embroidery. Chu Jinyao picked up the gold thread that was removed, looked left and right, called Xiao Qianzi in, and whispered. one thing.

After a while, Xiao Qianzi came back with a dignified expression, and whispered to Chu Jinyao, "Reporting to the Crown Princess, your guess is correct, there is indeed something wrong with those gold threads. My master said that there are musk, safflower and other things on the gold threads. The smell is probably concocted by a special method, but the ladies like to incense on the clothes, which hides the smell of the embroidery."

When Chu Jinyao heard this, there was a certain feeling, and at the same time, a chill appeared on her back. After Xiao Qi, it must be an embroidery girl who bought into the Shangyi Bureau and used special spices to treat the embroidery thread. This little fragrance will definitely not affect anything, but it is scary enough to wear it for years. In particular, the empress in the palace loves luxury comparisons. There are embroidery everywhere on the clothes, even the close-fitting underwear. It is no wonder that after decades of close contact, no one in the harem can get pregnant.

Thinking of this, Chu Jinyao was shocked. The clothes in the harem were all made by the Shangyi Bureau. How long has Chu Jinyao been wearing such clothes

Linglong and the others suddenly found that Chu Jinyao's face was wrong, they were startled, and quickly asked, "Prince Concubine, what's the matter with you?"

Chu Jinyao's face was pale, and she was barely calm: "Go and pull out all the clothes in my box, hurry up!"

Linglong didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly sent Kikyo to get the clothes. When Chu Jinyao stood up, her head was dizzy, and Linglong quickly supported her: "Prince Concubine?"

"I'm fine." Chu Jinyao asked people to spread the clothes on the couch, and she personally recognized them one by one. It was just a fortune among misfortunes. Chu Jinyao disliked the tailoring of Shangyi Bureau's clothes, so she didn't like wearing Shangyi Bureau's clothes. Instead, she brought the fabrics herself and directed the maids to make them. Since the clothes were cut by himself, he was naturally embarrassed to send them to the Shangyi Bureau for embroidery, so most of the embroidery on Chu Jinyao's clothes was done by the maids around him. In this way, her exposure to musk is very short, and there should be no harm to the offspring.

Seeing Chu Jinyao hurriedly taking out the clothes, Linglong's few maids immediately figured out the joints, and their faces turned pale with fright. Kikyo said anxiously, "Prince Concubine, why don't the imperial physician come over to show you?"

"No." Chu Jinyao shook his head, "Xiao Qi is deeply hidden, and it is not appropriate to startle the snake now. If the imperial doctor who came secretly colluded with Xiao Qi, it would be bad."

When Qin Yi returned to the East Palace today, he was keenly aware that the atmosphere was not right.

The people serving in the palace were still waiting respectfully, as if they were the same as usual, but Qin Yi felt a lot quieter inexplicably. Qin Yi remained calm, but kept silently observing Chu Jinyao while eating, and when the meal was over, he would understand where the crux came from.

After the meal, the maid packed up the cups, and Qin Yi took Chu Jinyao to the inner room. Chu Jinyao was not in high spirits all night. Qin Yi pulled her to sit beside him and asked, "What happened today?"

Chu Jinyao was surprised: "I have tried my best to cover it up, is it obvious?"

"It's not obvious." Qin Yi looked into her eyes and said, "It's just obvious here."

Chu Jinyao was dejected: "I haven't figured out what to say yet. I tried my best to cover it up, but I didn't want to affect your appetite for dining, but you still found out."

"What's wrong?" Qin Yi softened his voice and asked softly.

"It's about the heir." Chu Jinyao still felt uncomfortable thinking about this. She couldn't help but think that she wasn't pregnant yet, it was because of her physique, or because Xiao Qi's plan was successful.

Chu Jinyao knew it was bad to think like this, but she couldn't control it.

Chu Jinyao paused and said with some difficulty: "Your Highness, I have asked someone to investigate something today, so let's start with the concubine."

The concubine is also a pitiful person. The harem has been pregnant for many years, and only the concubine, who has been favored once, is pregnant with the prince. It turned out that everyone in the harem only thought that the concubine was lucky, but now that I think about it, Queen Qi also contributed greatly.

After Xiao Qi, this move was really vicious, and everyone used it to guard against eating, but who would think about the clothes. The fabrics in the palace are tributes from all over the country, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs distributes them to the palaces, and then they are cut into garments by the Shangyi Bureau. The local official presented tribute to the palace, and even if he had ten courage, he did not dare to do anything on the tribute, so there would be no problem with the fabric, but the problem was in the Shangyi Bureau.

The embroidery skills of women in the palace are well-known, and there is a lady in the Shangyi Bureau who is particularly skilled in embroidery. Many favored concubines like to have her embroidered patterns. But who would have thought that this woman is the queen's person. She embroidered with specially treated thread, and after embroidering it has a faint fragrance, but the palace loves burning incense, and this sweet fragrance did not attract attention. Over time, Chu Jinyao didn't know how many embroidered women Xiao Qi developed in the Shangyi Bureau, but the concubines who didn't realize it paid the price for Xiao Qi's jealousy.

Lian Concubine is a palace maid, and even after being favored, she has not been canonized, so she is naturally not qualified to be made by Shangyi Bureau, so she escaped the disaster like this, so she is pregnant. Later, it was revealed that Lian Concubine was pregnant, so it was no wonder that Xiao Qi couldn't hold back her anger. Of course Empress Qi couldn't hold Lianbi, so when Lianbi was eight months old, she deliberately put heavy material in her clothes, causing Lianbi to have a miscarriage soon. Stay in the backyard and use the purple jade petals to lead people to the East Palace. Afterwards, according to Empress Qi's plan, she should "inadvertently" dig a witch doll under the purple emerald flower in the East Palace. 's birthday horoscope.

It's a pity that Xiao He defeated Xiao He, Xiao Qi buried something under the flower, but Chu Jinyao found out that the flower was withered, and saw Xiao Qi's plan ahead of time. One wrong step, one wrong step, Xiao Qi failed to dig out the witchcraft in public, so he could not frame Donggong for deliberately mutilating the unborn prince in order to secure his position. Because Chu Jinyao took the initiative to take out the things, and the evidence was not sufficient, Xiao Qi insisted that the witchcraft was done by Chu Jinyao, but Chu Jinyao refused to admit it, the two were half and half, and the emperor was not sure about it what is the problem.

Later, Chu Jinyao went to look for Concubine Lian, and Queen Qi made a special plan to ensure Concubine Lian had a miscarriage, so the fragrance on Concubine Lian's clothes was particularly heavy, and Chu Jinyao felt vaguely that something was wrong until she saw Concubine Lian that day. Clothes, she finally figured out what went wrong.

Concubine Lian said that she never smoked incense, but her clothes were fragrant, and Concubine Lian and the palace maid were careless, they just thought it was pre-infused by Shangyi Bureau. life.

The more Qin Yi listened, the darker his face became: "How dare she touch her clothes?"

"It's embroidery." Chu Jinyao corrected.

These are all the same to Qin Yi. Qin Yi's brain is spinning very fast. No wonder Chu Jinyao is in a bad mood tonight. Did Xiao Qi's poisonous scheme affect Chu Jinyao? Qin Yi doesn't care about women like the emperor, but it's not enough to move on Chu Jinyao. His face was terrifyingly cold, and he immediately called Xiao Linzi over: "Go and ask Imperial Doctor Gao to come."

Chu Jinyao didn't stop her this time. She didn't dare to ask an imperial doctor during the day because she did not dare to guarantee the imperial doctor's camp, but when Qin Yi spoke, it must be his own.

Before Imperial Physician Gao came, Qin Yi held Chu Jinyao's hand with a bit of strength, and Chu Jinyao was held in pain. But Chu Jinyao would rather endure it than remind him, in this case, only the person around him can make people feel at ease.

"It'll be all right."

Under the lamp, Qin Yi's eyes were amazingly bright, as if there was endless power in them, and there was also a deadly danger lurking around the corner. Chu Jinyao looked into Qin Yi's eyes, and suddenly her nose became sour: "Well."

She really didn't dare to think what she would do if she was really killed by Xiao Qi and had no hope of having an heir, but at this moment, Chu Jinyao was willing to gamble and trust Qin Yi.

Qin Yi will not let her have anything to do.