The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 117: The border has changed


The emperor himself had already left, and Chu Jinyao, the prince concubine, didn't even know it. Chu Jinyao was shocked and frightened. If Qin Yi hadn't come over tonight, Chu Jinyao would have almost thought that he had been abolished, and now he is confined in Changhe Garden.

Qin Yi's demeanor was very happy. It could be seen that he was really happy without having to go to the morning. Qin Yi suddenly found that Chu Jinyao's eyes were not right, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter, what kind of eyes do you have?"

Chu Jinyao had mixed feelings in her heart. She shook her head and said, "It's nothing, I'm just surprised. I thought that for such a big event, there would be at least an expedition ceremony, but I didn't expect that my crown princess would be like an outsider. do not know anything."

"What an outsider." Qin Yi frowned and tapped Chu Jinyao's forehead lightly, "Another person thinking wildly."

The pregnant woman is sentimental, and her mood changes as soon as she changes it. Chu Jinyao also knows that she thinks too much, but she can't control it. Living alone in a place almost isolated from the world, and seeing Qin Yi only after a few days, Chu Jinyao instinctively felt uneasy and flustered.

"Your Highness." Chu Jinyao said, "I want to go back to the palace."

Qin Yi's face condensed slightly: "Why did you suddenly think of it? Did someone here make you unhappy?"

"No." Chu Jinyao paused for a while before saying very lowly, "Everything is fine here, but without you. I don't want to live here anymore."

Qin Yi was surprised, and his pupils shrank uncontrollably. He thought that these people outside disturbed Chu Jinyao to raise the baby, but he really did not expect that this was the reason.

If Qin Yi used to sneer at such words from Tiansheng, but now Qin Yi believes it, there is really a person in the world, as if he was born to restrain him.

Three years ago, Qin Yi couldn't hold back Chu Jinyao's tears. He violated his own principles for the first time, and told her to stop crying. He couldn't look back at this opening. Now Qin Yi hears Chu Jinyao's low voice. Softly said, "Everything is fine here, but without you." On the surface, he was calm and calm, but in his heart he had already retreated thousands of miles and could not be defeated.

"Okay." Qin Yi encircled Chu Jinyao and hugged her to his chest. It was the place closest to his heart, the safest, but also the deadliest, "Come back if you want, I'll clean up the palace, I'll pick you up soon."

Chu Jinyao knew that Qin Yi's "cleaning up" was not only to clean up the Ciqing Palace, but also to clean up the restless people in the palace.

The emperor had just left the capital, and Qin Yi was left to monitor the country. Chu Jinyao didn't know if it was a good thing to fight at this juncture, but Qin Yi said this, Chu Jinyao was relieved and waited for him wholeheartedly.

Maybe it was because she was pregnant, or maybe it was because she was getting better and better in the past year after getting married, Chu Jinyao deeply felt that her brain was going to be useless. Whenever there is a problem, Chu Jinyao's first reaction is to go to Qin Yi.

After making an agreement with Qin Yi to return to the palace, Chu Jinyao's mood suddenly improved. Not only did she smile more, but she could even eat half a bowl more every day.

Chu Jinxian was still very strange: "What's the matter with you, you suddenly became energetic."

"It's nothing, I just feel that it's not good to be bored all day like I did some time ago. I'm not alone now, it's better to be more cheerful."

Thinking of the changes outside during this period of time, Chu Jinxian thought that it was the emperor who left the capital, the prince was justifiably supervising the country, and Chu Jinyao was happy for the prince, which was why he was in such good spirits. Chu Jinxian always passed by the government and politics, she just casually sighed: "The emperor went really fast this time in person, I didn't even react, so he took people away."

"Isn't that true?" Chu Jinyao also agreed, what a big event the emperor's trip should be, such a rapidity makes people feel unreal, but the accompanying people hide dragons and crouch tigers, these adults will never do unreasonable things, Chu Jin Yao thought for a while and said, "Going to an expedition is different from sacrificing the sky. The soldiers are expensive and fast. Maybe this is the norm in the military. Besides, there are many capable people in the entourage, and the adults who accompany the army know more than us."

"Yes." Chu Jinxian nodded, "I heard that many princes, grandchildren, and princes accompany them. It's no wonder that every family in the capital is scrambling to go there. I'm afraid that after returning, there will be new powers and dignitaries rising."

This is true. The emperor brought an elite army of 300,000 people. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a gilded battle. Since ancient times, the battlefield has been a place to fight for the future. Not to mention that there is an emperor in this army. Mind you, this is a blockbuster time. Therefore, during this expedition, many noble families in the capital tried their best to stuff their own children into the team, but they once shied away. This kind of situation is actually not very beneficial to the East Palace. In the already balanced chess game, there are several new rising stars who have been promoted by the emperor. No matter from any point of view, it is not a good thing for the prince's family.

Chu Jinyao saw it clearly and avoided speaking. Anyway, Marquis Changxing didn't go with the army. Since it had nothing to do with his family, Chu Jinyao just watched the fun.

It is ashamed to say that Chu Jinyao is the daughter of an honorable person, her great-grandfather started out with military exploits, her father was also a consul in the barracks, and even her own background was inextricably linked to the war, but she still knew little about marching and fighting. . Chu Jinyao's only understanding of the army was probably Qin Yi's exploits in forcing the Tartars back two years ago and turning defeat into victory. And Chu Jinxian didn't care too much about this. The two talked about the brothers and husbands of those ladies in Beijing who went to the battlefield, and talked about the news of various families in the capital, and then they raised the topic.

It can be said that Chu Jinyao's words that day touched Qin Yi's heart, and it hit the softest place in the middle. Chu Jinyao's words seemed to turn on a switch, and Qin Yi suddenly couldn't help but want to bring Chu Jinyao back. If it wasn't for this, Qin Yi didn't even know, he had suppressed this thought for so long.

But Qin Yi is a rational and prudent person who grew up with the most stringent heir education in the empire. Even if he thinks about it again, Qin Yi is not at ease to bring Chu Jinyao back until all dangers are eliminated. Only Chu Jinyao is fragile enough, and now she has another more fragile little life in her stomach, Qin Yi really doesn't dare to take a little risk.

The emperor goes on an expedition and the crown prince supervises the country. This is the orthodox etiquette, not to mention that Qin Yi is old and has been in charge of the government for many years. It is really justifiable to take over the political power. But the matter of supervising the country is really thankless, and it is a shame to do it badly, but it is so good that it is a troublesome thing to wait for the emperor to come back.

The things Qin Yi had to deal with suddenly increased several times, and the friction between him and the various forces in the DPRK and China also increased suddenly. Managing politics from the sidelines and supervising the country during the war are completely different things. Now that the emperor is not there, Qin Yi needs to make decisions on behalf of the emperor, and the emperor of this dynasty is still a master who has ignored the government for many years. When it comes to actual interests, how much resistance should Qin Yi face.

The most virtuous princes in history are the princes who unfortunately died before they ascended the throne. Because they did not issue a policy, they are the most perfect future kings. Once he really takes power and touches or hurts the interests of courtiers from all sides, Qin Yi's unanimous good reputation in the court and the opposition will suddenly cease to exist.

The situation between the DPRK and China was intertwined, Qin Yi was entangled by the situation, and the forces around him became more and more complicated. Under such circumstances, how could Qin Yi dare to bring Chu Jinyao back. Qin Yi can arbitrarily arrange his own people in Changhe Garden, but not in the palace. In this way, it is safest for Chu Jinyao to stay in Changhe Garden.

Although this is true, Qin Yi is still full of apologies to Chu Jinyao, and he clearly agreed to her. On the contrary, Chu Jinyao was very considerate, and in turn comforted Qin Yi. Qin Yi is so busy now, Chu Jinyao just hates herself for being unable to help, so why is she willing to rush him.

The weather is getting colder and the days are getting shorter. Today's weather is not very good, with dense clouds and cold winds. There are many plants and trees in Changhe Garden. Although spring and summer are prosperous, it is not very pleasant in this late autumn. The withered branches hummed in the wind, and the silver charcoal burned silently in the room. Chu Jinyao sat on the Luohan bed and coaxed Brother Lu softly: "Brother Lu won't cry, Fifth Aunt will let him You bring the milk soup here."

Brother Lu likes to eat this the most on weekdays, Chu Jinyao dug out a spoonful of milk soup and carefully handed it to Brother Lu's mouth, but Brother Lu continued to cry, his face flushed and he started to burp.

"What's the matter?" Chu Jinxian was also anxious. She took Brother Lu from the nanny and walked around the ground with the child in her arms. Perhaps she smelled a familiar smell. Brother Lu gradually stopped crying, but she still She twitched her neck slightly, unable to open her crying eyes.

Anyway, she stopped crying, Chu Jinyao coaxed the child to sweat, she handed the hot milk soup to the maid behind her, and she let out a long sigh of relief: "Raising a child is really tiring. Brother Lu, what's wrong? , why are you crying suddenly?"

The nurse who was serving Brother Lu was scared to death when she heard it, and she said quickly, "Prince Concubine, the women take care of the young master with all their heart, and never slack off."

"I know, I'm not blaming you." Chu Jinyao was helpless. This nanny was found by the Zhao family. She usually takes care of the child cleanly and diligently. Chu Jinyao is just a question, not a suspicion of her. Chu Jinyao never thought that she could scare others like this with a single word of her own. She considered herself to be a sensible and reasonable person, and she just spoke in a very gentle tone.

Chu Jinxian broke the siege and said, "Children are hard to take care of, maybe the bedding is uncomfortable, so he didn't sleep well."

Chu Jinxian walked a few times with her arms in her arms. Brother Lu could be considered to be asleep, but she still hugged Chu Jinxian and refused to let go. Chu Jinyao has learned a lot of tips for taking care of children from Chu Jinxian these days, but seeing this scene, she still thinks that raising children is really not easy. She couldn't help but put her hand on her stomach. Will this child toss her like this in the future? It doesn't work how others coax, only the mother is willing to stop

If this is the case, what kind of expression will Qin Yi have when he sees this scene? Thinking of this scene, Chu Jinyao smiled slightly. She got up and walked to Chu Jinxian's side, looking at Brother Lu carefully: "You will toss your mother."

Chu Jinxian smiled lightly at this, looking tired but relieved. Chu Jinyao looked at the child, and for some reason, something strange appeared in her heart: "Brother Lu is not a grumpy temperament. He was fine before, why did he suddenly cry?"

The nanny is very superstitious, and when she heard this, she lowered her voice and said in a daze: "Prince Concubine, I heard that the child's eyes are not closed, and he is most psychic. Brother Lu suddenly burst into tears, maybe he felt it. What's wrong, that's why I want to find the eldest young grandma."

Without waiting for the palace eunuchs in the room to react, Chu Jinxian glared at the nurse first: "What nonsense, you dare to mention these godly things in front of the Crown Princess."

The nurse's face was embarrassed, and she apologized and apologized. Chu Jinyao didn't believe in these things at first, but at this moment, her heart suddenly palpitated.

The heartbeat accelerated abnormally, Chu Jinyao clutched her heart, and before she could understand what was going on, the sound of thumping footsteps could be heard outside the house. Even if Changhe Garden is the Li Palace, it is a royal site after all, and being in a hurry is a taboo. Once such footsteps appear, it often means that what happened has gone far beyond imagination, making the people below even ignore the taboos of etiquette and law. .

"Prince Concubine." The eunuch who passed on the letter ran in disarray, with an unimaginably pale face. "The front line was defeated, and the emperor was captured in Xuanfu!"

In just a few words, Chu Jinyao didn't seem to understand. She stopped for a long time, as if using all her strength, and asked, "What did you say, the emperor was captured?"

The eunuch knelt on the ground, crying uncontrollably: "Reporting to the Crown Princess, the servants dare not lie, this is indeed the news from the front line, and it is estimated that the capital also knows it now."

The sound of the vessel falling to the ground suddenly sounded in the rich and warm palace. The emperor, the emperor, was the emperor of the entire dynasty. The emperor was captured, and this is the sky falling for the entire empire.

Chu Jinyao's face was pale, and she barely managed to maintain her spirits. She asked in a loud voice, "The emperor has brought an army of 300,000 people, among which are the elites of the Shenji battalion and the firearm battalion. What are they doing?"

With an army of 300,000 people, how could the commander and emperor be captured by the enemy

The little eunuch cried and said: "The 300,000 elites on the front line were wiped out, half of them died in battle, and the other half were either captured alive or fled."

"What about the Duke of England, Duke of Fuguo, the commander-in-chief, and the accompanying lords?"

"The two princes, General Chai and the Minister of War were killed in battle, and the rest of the adults were killed."

Chu Jinyao's eyes darkened, and she couldn't help but take two steps back, and was quickly supported by Linglong, who was scared and lost her soul: "Prince Concubine..."

What life and death do not know, in this case, the king is captured, and these accompanying civil and military officials have to die. Chu Jinyao took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down, but she couldn't restrain her trembling slightly.

The front line was defeated, the emperor was captured, and the Xuanfu on the battlefield was only a day's journey from the capital. And Changhe Garden is in the western suburbs, just on the route to Beijing! As a prince concubine, she is a female, far away from the palace, and pregnant. What's more, her news in the western suburbs is not a secret.

The author has something to say: Emperor: Let me show you what it means to be a qualified obscure emperor, thank you.