The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 128: Fox tail


Qiu Shuang told Mother Hong that she should take the medicine powder back to Ciqing Palace and find a chance to hide by Chu Jinyao's side. These are all fake. Concubine Shu won't give Mammy Hong a chance to go against the water or take a bite. As soon as Mammy Hong steps out of Kunning Palace, the people waiting in the dark will swarm to discover Xiao Qi's death and catch Mammy Hong. This "real murderer".

Mammy Hong is from the East Palace. Even if Mammy Hong is not important to Chu Jinyao, it doesn't matter. The maid next to the Crown Princess appeared in the Kunning Palace late at night. When she was discovered, the empress had already been killed, but this madam had the powder on her body that had harmed the empress.

Coincidentally, the time happened on the eve of the emperor's return to the palace, and the tricky things in it, even the yellow-mouthed children outside the palace could figure it out.

Originally everything went according to Concubine Shu's plan, only the last link was left, catching the thief and catching the stolen goods. It's just that I don't know where the flaw was discovered by Mammy Hong. Perhaps Concubine Shu took her to the Kunning Palace with great troubles, perhaps it was because of the strange quietness of Kunning Palace, or when Qiu Shuang said she was sent out to reunite with her niece. It was too sure. Mammy Hong finally found out that her last relative in this world had probably left, and she didn't have the chance to wait until tomorrow to tell Chu Jinyao that she was willing to go to Zhuangzi and spend it peacefully in the countryside. half life.

Mammy Hong even realized that she couldn't leave Kunning Palace. Once she takes this step, she will bring disaster to the crown princess. There is no reason for this calamity. This is not a simple struggle for power and profit in the harem. This is deliberate murder. Mammy Hong had met a lot in the first half of her life, but now, she couldn't let the heroes of the entire Forbidden City, the crown prince and the crown prince suffer this kind of injustice.

Therefore, Mother Hong used the greatest strength in her life to touch the pillar and die.

No one would have thought that a humble old lady could have such subtle insight and such a strong heart. Mammy Hong's death disrupted Concubine Shu's plan, but the problem was not that big, because Queen Qi had already died.

After Xiao Qi died, do the remaining questions still matter? Who in the palace wants Xiao Qi to die the most, and who is most afraid of letting Xiao Qi, who has been seized of power, see the emperor, needless to say

Soon, Qiu Shuang, the palace servant on duty at Kunning Palace, let out a shrill scream. Her scream almost alarmed half of the court. Concubine Shu, who seemed to get up in a hurry, soon arrived at Kunning Palace. Unbelievable: "The Empress is actually dead? How is this possible!"

Chu Jinyao had already changed her clothes, and was about to go to the bed while reading a book while waiting for Qin Yi, when she suddenly heard cluttered footsteps outside the house. By the time Chu Jinyao arrived at Kunning Palace, there were already many people inside and outside Kunning Palace.

Chu Jinyao's face was heavy, Xiao Qi died after taking poison? Chu Jinyao didn't believe it at all. Empress Xiao Qi is not a person who will commit suicide at all, let alone at such a time. The emperor will return to the palace in a few days, and Empress Qi will not choose to commit suicide at this juncture, no matter from which point of view.

"Prince Concubine." Linglong hesitated and wanted to stop Chu Jinyao, but Chu Jinyao waved his hand and walked in resolutely.

Chu Jinyao went to Ciqing Palace and Kunning Palace countless times, and walked up this palace road to greet Xiao Qi. Those days of forbearance or tit-for-tat are still vivid in my mind, but Chu Jinyao really did not expect that one day she would see such a scene standing in the same position.

Xiao Qi later died of poison in the inner room, and the mother Hong, who I just saw today, died in a tragic state. Chu Jinyao turned her eyes away after just one glance, and couldn't bear to look again.

Concubine Shu seemed to have been standing for a long time. When she saw Chu Jinyao, she tickled her lips invisibly: "Prince Concubine, you are here."

Chu Jinyao's gaze slowly shifted from the palace to Concubine Shu, her face was expressionless, and even her eyes were cold: "Concubine Shu came so quickly. The palace gate was locked, but Concubine Shu was able to appear right away. Kunning Palace. It seems that Concubine Shu can sense this news without anyone needing to pass it on."

Concubine Shu smiled lightly: "Prince Concubine is very busy in managing the inner palace. Maybe she is too busy, and she doesn't even have a clear mind. The person here is obviously from the Prince Concubine's palace."

Chu Jinyao sighed in her heart when she thought of Hong Mama. Since Xiao Qi was seized from power, she has been keeping people watching Xiao Qi carefully. However, every day after dark, the gates of the palaces are locked. Kunning Palace has become a closed inner court, and it is inconvenient to spread news inside and outside. Concubine Shu's people took advantage of this time to make trouble. In fact, not to mention Chu Jinyao, even Empress Xiao Qi herself, did not expect that Qiu Shuang, who has a head and face and was still used for reuse, would suddenly attack and in turn give Empress Qi a knife.

"It's someone in my palace, what can I say?" Chu Jinyao looked at Concubine Shu's eyes without showing any signs of weakness in her eyes, "Does Concubine Shu know something? That's why I can't wait."

Concubine Shu shook her head in disappointment, sighed softly, and said, "Prince Concubine now has a very important status, you alone in the palace, and the prince's voice outside the palace. I'm just a concubine, how can I dare to say that the prince is the prince? What is the concubine? It's just, the crown prince, why do you need to kill all the people. It's good for others and yourself to stay on the line. Even if the emperor is coming back soon, the queen has already become like this, and it won't hinder you at all, you Why do you have to let her die?"

Chu Jinyao raised her eyebrows gently: "Why, Concubine Shu has already convicted me without any evidence? You are not afraid to provoke the unspoiled souls by saying this in front of the queen's palace."

Concubine Shu just smiled at this, it was obvious that success was imminent, Rao was so patient, Concubine Shu couldn't help it anymore, she was implicitly proud, and smiled softly at Chu Jinyao: "The death of the queen, none of us will do this kind of thing. There is no master. Conviction depends on the emperor's intentions."

Concubine Shu immediately left with her entourage. Chu Jinyao stood in the cold wind, and the fluff on her hood was blown around by the wind. She just stood on a stick of incense.

From the beginning, it was a huge conspiracy.

After pulling Xiaoqi into the water, he persuaded the emperor to go to the expedition in person. After that, the six princes were suspended in the air to supervise the country. In the end, that almost absurd defeat.

The Xuanfu incident was not accidental at all, it was a carefully planned conspiracy by these people.

Now that this day has come, she and Qin Yi have been unable to stop, but King Su sent the emperor back to the court with the merit of welcome, and Concubine Shu also killed the queen on the eve of the emperor's return to the palace. After all, besides their own people, who else would know the emperor's return date so well? Since entering the customs, Qin Yi's grasp of the emperor's whereabouts has always been delayed, but now, Chu Jinyao is very sure that the emperor will come back tomorrow.

Facing the cold and clear night sky, Chu Jinyao exhaled a long breath, which condensed into white mist in the cold wind, and gradually dissipated in the gorgeous but deadly carved Kunning Palace.

On the other hand, Qin Yi also opened the news from the dark guard.

Half a year ago, someone saw a thin and thin scholar who had been in and out of Prince Su's mansion. Later, this person disappeared, and when he saw him again, he had become a military advisor in the Wara Barracks.

Qin Yi clenched his fists silently, and the secret letter almost turned into powder in his palm.

The next day, as expected, the palace received news early in the morning that the emperor was eager to return to the palace, so he rushed to the palace quickly, and it was expected that he would be able to enter the palace today.

The ostentation of the emperor when he returned to the dynasty was completely incomparable to that when he set off for an expedition. Three months ago, 300,000 elite generals and more than 60 high-ranking officials walked down this road with the emperor, but when he returned, only the emperor was left.

Where is the heroic soul.

When the emperor finally returned to the long-lost court, before he could take a breath, he heard the news that Xiao Qi had died. The emperor's eyes widened in amazement, staring at the person in front of him motionless: "What did you say?"

The green-clothed eunuch almost dripped with cold sweat, lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, the Empress, has gone."

The emperor froze for a long time: "When?"

"Last night."

The emperor closed his eyes, his chest heaving up and down. Last night, she had never had any disaster or disease, so how could she leave so strangely? Who is it that she couldn't even allow them to see each other for the last time

When the emperor left the palace, he was really dissatisfied with Queen Qi, but after all, she was his little wife who had indulged him for more than ten years. Even if he blamed her and ignored her, he never thought that Queen Qi would one day be better than him. early.

The emperor paused for a long time before asking this sentence: "Where is she?"

The emperor stood in Kunning Palace and finally saw Xiao Qi again, but this time it was already separated by life and death. Concubine Shu stood behind the emperor, she calmly glanced at the emperor's expression, raised the handkerchief to wipe the corners of her eyes, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, you have just returned, you must mourn and change, take care of the dragon body! If there is a spirit in the sky, I must not want to see the emperor hurt the dragon body for this matter."

After finishing speaking, Concubine Shu sighed indifferently: "The Queen is much younger than me. I never thought that it was the young Queen who left first."

I don't know where this sentence was poked, and the emperor was surprisingly angry: "She died of poison, and she was killed by poison! What the hell is going on, who is so bold!"

Obviously, the emperor did not think that the queen had taken the poison himself, and all the signs indicated that it was murder.

Concubine Shu showed an embarrassed look, but she shook her head and said nothing. When the emperor saw Concubine Shu's expression, he knew that this matter was different. He asked with a sullen face: "Say, who is it!"

Concubine Shu sighed, and a palace maid behind her said timidly, "When the Empress arrived, the Empress was exhausted. There were no outsiders in Kunning Palace at that time, but..."

The palace maid quietly glanced at Chu Jinyao behind her and said in a low voice, "However, the maid next to the Crown Princess has committed suicide in fear of sin in Kunning Palace."

Chu Jinyao looked straight ahead, without turning her eyes in any other direction, Linglong took a slight step forward, and scolded with a face: "Presumptuous, there is no evidence now, who gave you the courage to dare to disrespect ghosts and gods, slander the dead, and call Hong Mammy committed suicide out of fear of sin?"

The palace maid was so trained that her neck shrank, and she lowered her head and did not dare to speak. Concubine Shu glanced at the emperor's face, with a slight smile in her eyes, which turned into grief and anger in an instant: "It's simply lawless, in front of Your Majesty, who would allow you to speak as a servant?"

"Concubine Shu's words are really biased." Chu Jinyao took over the words and said, "It was your maid who made up her own mind and replied without permission. You don't reprimand when she makes slanderous remarks. Instead, you correct it with Linglong. You are rude. ?"

"What is wrong?" Concubine Shu sneered, "Then the princess said, what is wrong with my palace maid? In the middle of the night, why did your maid appear in the queen's palace? Yesterday, the queen was poisoned by someone, and this old slave happened to be When she appeared in Kunning Palace, according to this palace, she probably poisoned the queen to death, and then feared that the emperor would come back to punish her, so she committed suicide in fear of the crime."

"If she committed suicide out of fear of crime, she could have taken the poison and died happily. Why did she have to hit a pillar?" Chu Jinyao stared at Concubine Shu and replied, "Concubine Shu probably didn't come into contact with many history books, and she hit a pillar and died. All of them are forced to help but do it heroically to show her integrity. Concubine Shu can go to the history books, or look for the archives of Dali Temple to see how people who really committed suicide in fear of crime died."

Concubine Shu got stuck for a while after being refuted. Chu Jinyao did say exactly what was going on at the time. Generally, people who are afraid of committing crimes will not find a way to die that is too uncomfortable for themselves in order to make a quick decision, and it is even more impossible to hit a pillar. Concubine Shu paused for a moment, and quickly changed her rhetoric: "A person who commits suicide in fear of crime can't use common sense, she is to escape His Majesty's punishment, as for how she died, this is just a personal choice. On the contrary, she Appearing in Kunning Palace, and having nothing to do with the Queen's death, this is ironclad proof."

"When she appeared in Kunning Palace, it was probably kidnapped by others. If she was suspected just because she appeared in Kunning Palace, why didn't Concubine Shu suspect the several palace maids and envoys beside the Queen? In my opinion, they have accumulated years of experience. Yue is by the Queen's side, and the Queen's clothing, food, housing, and transportation are in their hands. It should be easier for them to poison the Queen. Mammy Hong is an outsider who brought poison to the Queen. The Queen's vigilance is so serious , how can you enter?"

"The Empress transforms people with virtue, how could the people around her betray her?" Concubine Shu said, "In order to exonerate the people around her, the Crown Princess can't slander the Queen's virtue and reputation."

This is also thanks to Concubine Shu being able to say it. Xiao Qi will convince people with virtue? Chu Jinyao dismissed it, but the emperor was willing to believe it. Once a person dies, all the shortcomings and mistakes will be vanished, and the good in life will be magnified infinitely.

Qiu Shuang has been listening outside the hall with her ears pricked up, and when she heard this, she rubbed her red eyes hard, flew into the hall, and knelt into the hall, crying: "Prince Concubine, you can say whatever you want, but the only thing you can't do is to wipe out the slaves and maids against the empress. Loyal! Miss Lanyu has been killed by the murderer for the sake of the lady. The slaves only hated that they didn't grow three heads and six arms at that time, so they couldn't stop the murderer and save the lady. Your Majesty, the lady always looked forward to your return, and even ordered the slaves when she was dying. Comb your hair, she is looking forward to you so much, you must be the master of the empress!"

The emperor's voice was hoarse and asked, "Did you see that the one who did it was the old slave outside?"

"The slave maid didn't see the direct process, but the slave maid came back after fetching water, just in time to see Hong mama coming out of the main hall."

The emperor showed a look of anger, Linglong panicked, and quickly looked at Chu Jinyao, counting on Chu Jinyao to restore the disadvantage. However, Chu Jinyao did not look at the emperor, but turned to look at Qiu Shuang: "You will tell me in detail the situation you met with Hong mama yesterday."

Qiu Shuang showed a look of alertness, and said carefully: "The maid was instructed to dress up at that time, and the slave went out to fetch water and clean her hands. Who knew that when she came back, she happened to meet Hong mama, she was in a hurry, and she walked out with her head lowered, and the servant was suspicious. , I hurried in to see the maid, only to see... The slave was shocked and angry, and immediately ran out to stop Hong mama, Hong maid was very surprised when she saw the slave maid, she wanted to coax the slave maid to get close, so that the slave maid could be killed by poison, slave maid Naturally she refused, so she hurriedly called the people outside. Seeing that the matter was exposed, Mammy Hong jumped off the wall and hit the pillar directly to kill herself. Before she died, she said that there is no evidence of this death, so nothing can be found out. "

Death without proof, indeed death without proof. After Xiao Qi, Lan Yu, Hong Ma, everyone died unwillingly.

Chu Jinyao was angry in her heart, but her mind was still very calm. Concubine Shu's eyes were full of pride and demonstrations, but Chu Jinyao saw it in her eyes, but her heart became clearer and clearer, she said slowly, "You are lying."

These four words sounded loudly and stunned everyone. Chu Jinyao asked someone to take something, and she continued: "If it's true, as you said, and you were not approached by Mammy Hong, how could your button be on her?"

As soon as Concubine Shu saw the button's face changed greatly, Qiu Shuang also remembered that when she coaxed Mammy Hong out yesterday, Mammy Hong really bumped her hard. hide on the body.

Qiu Shuang glanced around, and hurriedly said: "The slave girl remembered it wrong, Hong mama saw the slave and ran over to arrest him. The slave maid and her entangled for a while before they got out. The button was pulled down by her during this time. Yesterday The slaves were so panicked that I remembered it wrong for a while..."

Chu Jinyao snorted coldly and turned to look at the emperor: "Your Majesty, this slave is upside down and her testimony is vague. If she has really experienced such an important detail, how could she remember such an important detail? This can only prove that she is lying, she testimony is not credible.”

Concubine Shu immediately retorted: "Why is it not credible, because she identified the people around the prince, the prince said her testimony was not credible?"

"Concubine Shu is so determined as soon as she opens her mouth, I'm afraid she knows something, so she dares to attack like this."

"Enough is enough!" the emperor shouted, "She has already left, and you still refuse to let her stop. Let's all go out, I will make my own decision on this matter."

The author has something to say: [Xiao Qi goes offline]

When Xiao Qi came out before, she said that she is the small boss of the palace fight, because the big boss is Concubine Shu.