The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 135


Chu Jinyao almost said "His Royal Highness", but she was firmly held back. Qin Yi had heard the movement a long time ago, but he kept holding himself back from looking at it. For this reason, when he saw Chu Jinyao's figure out of the corner of his eyes, he still couldn't help feeling distressed.

How could she lose so much weight, her belly is getting bigger and bigger, but she is getting thinner and thinner.

There were still many people in the Qianqing Palace. The emperor sat at the top and said, "You should be at ease now that you have met someone."

Qin Yi retracted his gaze and nodded lightly to the emperor on the dragon seat: "Since she is safe, then I will keep my promise, and I will take someone out of Beijing to the border gate."

Chu Jinyao's eyes widened when she heard this: "Your Highness..."

Qin Yi turned around and glanced at Chu Jinyao, his eyes full of comfort. Chu Jinyao received Qin Yi's meaning and forcibly suppressed the worry in her heart.

What did Qin Yi say to the emperor before her arrival? Now that the situation in the capital is so tense, once Qin Yi leaves the capital, doesn't this mean that he will hand over the power and credit that he can get at his fingertips

But the emperor was obviously very satisfied when he heard this. He ordered Qin Yi to enter the palace, but he did not expect Qin Yi to enter the capital alone. He also offered to hand over the rebuilding of the Guards to the Ministry of War, while he went to the border to clean up the remaining soldiers. Qin Yi released power so neatly that the emperor was satisfied, but also felt a little guilt.

Maybe he was really too harsh on Qin Yi, but there is only one lord of the rivers and mountains. Even if the rivers and mountains had to be handed over to the new lord after his death, the emperor had to choose this person himself.

King Su is also full of joy now, one mountain does not allow two tigers, Qin Yi leaves the capital, and the capital is his Qin Ji's world. Now that the emperor is not in good health, if there is an accident, Qin Yi can't even come back. King Su had an unexpected joy in his heart. He prepared many possibilities, but he did not expect Qin Yi to let go so happily.

King Su glanced in the direction of Chu Jinyao, and a sneer came out of his heart. Lovers don't love Jiangshan. He didn't expect his imperial brother to be such a fool. He hoped that Qin Yi would not regret it after he left the power center.

The emperor and King Su both relaxed, Qin Yi said to the emperor: "The court has nothing to do with the female family, just say anything to me, there is no need to involve her. She is still pregnant, so send her back first. Bar."

Of course, the emperor has nothing to disagree with about such minor details. The emperor is not a temperament to embarrass a woman. Seeing the emperor's agreement, the servant behind Qin Yi immediately walked towards Chu Jinyao, watching the person approaching step by step, Chu Jinyao suddenly had a very strange feeling.

The maid was halfway there, and a voice suddenly sounded in the hall: "Wait a minute."

Fang Pucun suddenly made a noise to stop the servant's movements. He glanced at Qin Yi, then turned to bow his hands to the emperor: "Your Majesty, this minister thinks this is impossible."

"Why is this?" The emperor was very puzzled, not only him, but King Su next to him was a little annoyed, secretly hating Fang Pucun for being talkative.

The emperor and King Su both relaxed a lot after hearing Qin Yi's words, but Fang Pu Cun's face was still tense. He glanced at Qin Yi again, still determined to trust his intuition: "It's a good thing that the prince is willing to go to the border gates to defend the enemy, but the border gates are dangerous, and it is not suitable for the princess to go along with her. In that case, it's better to let the princess stay there. In the palace, let the prince go to the border."

As soon as Fang Pucun's voice fell, the person behind Qin Yi immediately showed a resentful expression, this slut who reads the book of sages in vain! King Su also suddenly realized that it was so, if Qin Yi left with Chu Jinyao, he would have no worries in the capital, who knows what he would do. But if they leave Chu Jinyao in the capital, they can restrain Qin Yi's actions.

To calculate people's hearts, it is still Fang Pu's existence.

When King Su thought of this, he also cupped his hands and said: "Master Fang is right, the crown princess is inconvenient, and when she gives birth to a little emperor or a little princess in the future, it is not suitable for the climate of the border, it is better to stay in the capital, and the people in the palace can be close by. Regardless of the care, the prince can also lead the army to fight the enemy outside with peace of mind."

This is shameless, Qin Yi said calmly, "The lonely crown princess doesn't need anyone else to look after it. Even if the wind and snow are heavy at the border, it's not unbearable for people there."

Chu Jinyao also nodded quickly: "The concubine is not afraid of the hardships at the border. The prince is going to guard the border, and the concubine is willing to follow."

Fang Pucun hit the nail on the head at this time, and said coldly: "Prince Concubine and Prince Concubine are really in love with each other. Since this is the case, it is even more appropriate for the Concubine to go out of Beijing. What if the Prince takes the Concubine away from Beijing and immediately counterattacks the capital? His Royal Highness has no intention of revolting and committing crimes, and the presence of the Crown Princess is not a hindrance if you think about it."

The emperor visibly hesitated, Qin Yi saw it, and said coldly: "Whether Gu has any objection, how can a woman decide? If Guzhen has bad intentions, what about detaining a woman in the palace, Gu is not? As for the only one child, if Gu really has this kind of mind, when the Xuanfu incident happened, it was not too bad to push the boat along the river to become the emperor, but Gu did not do it, and now he returns to the palace according to the edict. Can't the emperor see that he is profiting by himself?"

Hearing this, Chu Jinyao sighed secretly, Qin Yi and Fang Pucun were both masters at calculating people's hearts and sowing discord, but now that the two of them met, this exchange was really silent and bloody. Chu Jinyao decided to hide in silence. On such occasions, the gods were fighting, so she should not get involved.

As for what Qin Yi said, Chu Jinyao didn't care much. The matter is urgent, he deliberately downplayed her position for her own good, Chu Jinyao understands it, so he doesn't take it to heart.

King Su couldn't stand when he was told, and hurriedly stepped forward to express his position: "Father, the sons and ministers are loyal and filial, and I hope you can learn from them."

Qin Yi glanced at it and said indifferently: "I didn't tell you, what are you rushing to admit to do? Are you guilty?"

King Su was blocked so much that he couldn't speak, and he couldn't help but feel a little resentful in his heart. Qin Yi has always been like this, and it is right to be arrogant and domineering, and they deserved to be stepped on by Qin Yi and paved the way for Qin Yi. It was like this when I was a child, it was like this when I was young when I was studying with Tai Fu, and now Qin Yi is weak and like this, King Su really had enough.

King Su's face was ashen, Fang Pucun glanced at it, secretly sneering at the table. Fang Pucun took a slight step forward and fought against Qin Yi himself, but his target was not Qin Yi, but the emperor at the top: "Your Majesty, the prince went to the border to show his loyalty, but there are many soldiers and horses in the border, and no one can Guaranteed what will happen. Therefore, it is not appropriate for the Crown Princess to leave the palace.

The emperor thought about it for a while, but was finally persuaded by Fang Pucun: "Qin Yi, since you are going to lead the army, it is not good for the female family to fight and kill all day long, so let the crown prince stay in the palace. Everything in the palace is not good. It is ready-made, and it will be easy to take care of when the child comes out."

Qin Yi endured his anger, and said to the emperor: "You asked the master to teach me benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, and family and country since I was a child, so I refused to enter the customs and defended the capital. I did all this for the sake of this ancestral country. Now You listened to their slander and told me to leave the capital. If you want your ministers to die, you have to die. Since you don't believe me, then I will leave as you wish. But you are also a family and a family. Because after I offended Xiao Qi, you sent me to the border without saying a word, but now, you asked me to leave my wife and children behind and go to the border alone to work for you? I still call you father, you say it yourself, you Doing this, is it worthy of me and my mother?"

The emperor looked embarrassed, and finally said with guilt on his face, "I know I can't help Wen Xiao. When I get to the bottom in the future, I will apologize to her. But now, you still have to keep the crown princess and prove your innocence."

"Prove your innocence..." Qin Yi recited these four words and couldn't help but sneered at the emperor, "You are innocent, so why do you need to prove yourself. I used to think that you are not a king or a father, but at least He is a kind and righteous person, but what you are doing now is disgusting. Some time ago, you would rather empty the treasury and let Xiao Qi be buried in a glorious way, but now, you actually say such a thing? "

The emperor turned his head away and stopped looking at Qin Yi. The eunuchs below understood what the emperor meant, and immediately came over to pull Chu Jinyao: "Prince Concubine, this servant will escort you back."

Chu Jinyao was surrounded by people in an instant, and she looked across the crowd to Qin Yi, just to find that Qin Yi was also looking at her. Chu Jinyao probably understood what Qin Yi's move was for. He was always accused of plotting rebellion, so Qin Yi used retreat as his advance, and started again in a place that was not far or near but had no eyeliner. He did not hesitate to risk his life to enter the palace. Now that this trick is to retreat to advance, the emperor will no longer doubt Qin Yi after this incident, and the smell is far and near, and it is King Su's turn to be suspected. The great cause is half completed, Chu Jinyao has been under house arrest for a month, and if she is under house arrest for a while, there is actually no loss.

Chu Jinyao was surrounded by eunuchs, Linglong held Chu Jinyao's arm angrily and patiently. But at this moment, Chu Jinyao ignored the turbulence around her. She quietly shook her head at Qin Yi across the crowd.

Focus on the overall situation, Chu Jinyao said to Qin Yi.

At that moment, Qin Yi was almost as long as half his life. He focused on the overall situation. The advisors in the East Palace said so, and so did the confidants in the Imperial Guard. But, what is the overall situation

At the age of sixteen, he focused on the overall situation, so he was sent to the border; at the age of seventeen, he focused on the overall situation and was full of family and country affairs against foreign enemies, so he did not know that Chu Jinyao was murdered for money, and he was despised by others. Yes, he almost didn't know when he was forced to be a concubine. Now that they have been going around for many years, they are married and their first child is about to be born. Chu Jinyao has suffered so many grievances in the palace because of him. Are people in this man-eating court

Qin Yi asked himself, if he were to be replaced by the emperor, and faced with a son who deliberately rebelled, would he keep this child as a threat to him in case the child gave birth to a boy

No, if it was Qin Yi, he would definitely kill the child unknowingly. Qin Yi is in the royal family, and he understands the mind of a royal man best. He would rather I be the one who blames the world, instead of teaching the rest of the world to blame me, a baby of the next generation. Killing Yongjue is the first way to think about it.

If the child dies, can Chu Jinyao still live

Qin Yi and Chu Jinyao looked at each other for a long time, his fingers under his sleeves suddenly moved.

Chu Jinyao has always regretted that Qin Yi was on the city wall many years ago, and she had no chance to see that arrow in front of thousands of troops. That was actually the opportunity for the two of them to meet. The young and vigorous crown prince, the nameless girl who just returned home, and the emperor and Xiao Qi who were far away and mysterious to her at the time, this arrow firmly linked the fate of several of them. Although Chu Jinyao didn't see Qin Yi's heroic appearance at that time with his own eyes, presumably, Qin Yi's archery skills were outstanding.

Now, Chu Jinyao watched the time go back and the scene reappeared. A cold light flew out from Qin Yi's sleeve, crossed Chu Jinyao's hair with the sound of strong wind, and accurately inserted into the heart of the eunuch holding her. Immediately afterwards, the few people who looked like servants behind Qin Yi also attacked, looking at their eyes and movements, where are the eunuchs.

Qin Yi is determined to initiate a palace change. And looking at the expressions of the fake eunuchs, this is probably the last resort.

The eunuchs beside Chu Jinyao fell one by one, but Chu Jinyao stood there unscathed. The remaining few people finally reacted, and immediately drew their knives and rushed towards Chu Jinyao. Chu Jinyao was shocked and horrified, and she could hardly control her trembling. At this moment, she suddenly burst out with great strength. She pulled out her hairpin with a squeak, and stabbed it where she could see and reach with her backhand. , and no matter who it is. The hairpin was fed with poison, and the deterrent effect was very good, but Qin Yi had already rushed to Chu Jinyao's side at this moment. He grabbed Chu Jinyao's shoulders. to the eunuch behind.

"Take the princess away!"

Chu Jinyao was in a hurry and chased Qin Yi for two steps, and was stopped by the guards behind him involuntarily: "Your Highness!"

Qin Yi didn't look back.

Chu Jinyao was sent out of the Qianqing Palace in a panic. The guards outside the Qianqing Palace heard something wrong and immediately went to the palace to rescue him. At this time, Qin Yi's people hiding outside also took the opportunity to attack, and the entire imperial palace was in chaos.

Chu Jinyao was forced to run with someone who didn't know whether it was an eunuch or a bodyguard. After running for a while, Chu Jinyao couldn't hold it anymore, and hugged her stomach to the ground.

Linglong also followed in the chaos. When she saw this scene, she panicked and shouted: "The amniotic fluid is broken, it's over, the crown princess has fetal gas!"

The person who was instructed to escort Chu Jinyao out was also panicked. He had never seen a woman give birth. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but panic: "What should I do? Do you want to ask His Highness for instructions?"

"Don't go!" Chu Jinyao suddenly burst out with astonishing strength, almost shouting with all his strength, "Don't go to distract him. Hurry back to Ciqing Palace, it's really impossible to find a nearby palace, for today's plan We have to induce labor as soon as possible, otherwise the amniotic fluid will break for too long and the child will suffocate to death."

"But..." The guard hesitated. He was the one who disguised as a eunuch and followed the prince into the palace. The palace was supposed to be in trouble, just in case, but the prince did it anyway. From a man's point of view, the guards can also understand the reason why the prince did this, but the prince raised the army for the prince's concubine. Now the prince was frightened and gave birth prematurely, and it seemed that it was very dangerous.

"No one is allowed to go." Cold sweat broke out on Chu Jinyao's forehead, her hair was wet in a moment, and her face was as pale as wax. Even so, Chu Jinyao still tried her best and insisted, "He is now Don't be distracted, help me back to Ciqing Palace, and no one is allowed to interfere with him."

Fang Pucun and King Su have been making rumors for a long time, but no one thought that Qin Yi would actually rebel. Once this step is taken, there is no turning back. Either he will kill his father and force him to become emperor, or he will die without a whole corpse and stink for thousands of years. There is no third possibility at all.

Chu Jinyao could see that Qin Yi's uprising was completely helpless, and he walked in a hurry. How could the other people in the Qianqing Palace not know about it? If Qin Yi aimed at the emperor when he shot the first arrow, there might still be many chances of winning, but Qin Yi came to rescue Chu Jinyao and missed the best opportunity for a sneak attack. In this way, Qin Yi's situation is actually better than that of Chu. Jin Yao's is much more dangerous.

Chu Jinyao was fighting to death herself, and no one could use such a thing to disturb Qin Yi's mind.

Chu Jinyao couldn't make it to the Ciqing Palace, so he hurriedly found a vacant palace, Linglong roughly swept away the dust, and hurriedly helped Chu Jinyao to lie down. Donggong had prepared a lot for the Crown Princess's baby, but in the end, it was useless. The guard hurried to Donggong to move her mother. Chu Jinyao had only one maid beside her when her first baby was shocked and gave birth prematurely. guard.

Linglong shivered anxiously, tears streaming down uncontrollably. Since she had to guard Chu Jinyao and boil hot water, she could not wait to give birth to two bodies by herself. Linglong stumbled and brought the water over, and quickly helped Chu Jinyao to clean the gap between her nails. Chu Jinyao's slender fingers clenched the quilt tightly, and she could almost see the pale knuckles. If it weren't for today, Linglong would never have imagined that Chu Jinyao had such great strength. There was poison hidden in the nails, and Linglong was afraid that Chu Jinyao would slash her fingers with force, so she quickly wiped Chu Jinyao's nails while shaking. Her body trembled uncontrollably, but after a while, Po Wen and Lilac finally came.

Chu Jinyao was in pain for one afternoon and one night, and the surrounding conditions were poor. Chu Jinyao really stepped into the gate of hell with half a foot. Chu Jinyao didn't know how long the pain lasted. She was barely conscious, and even when her consciousness began to drift, she finally heard a weak, thin cry like a kitten.

I don't know which palace maid shouted in surprise in her ear: "Prince Concubine, it's a boy!"

The people around seemed to be crying and laughing. Chu Jinyao's eyes were dimmed. She forced her eyelids to look at the newborn child, and suddenly an unspeakable heat surged in her heart. She was really exhausted, her lips were chapped and her voice was hoarse. Even so, she took her last breath and grabbed the hand of the person beside the bed and asked, "Where's Your Highness?"

This night was a well-known night in the history books, but it was covered up in every possible way. Many records are ambiguous and vague, as if they were deliberately blurring something.

Because the official history is really ambiguous, countless literati have been arguing about this thin page since then. Did Emperor Yan Cheng succeed to the throne

Opponents spoke fiercely. Emperor Yan Cheng was already the crown prince before he succeeded to the throne, and he had made great military achievements and was popular among the people. As a prince with a stable position, why should he risk rebellion? Others hold on to the edges and corners revealed by the official history. For example, King Su had no serious illness before, so why did he die suddenly after entering the palace? When Ye Li's abdication edict was issued, why didn't he discuss it with the cabinet

Descendants commented endlessly, but at the moment of history, Qin Yi's black uniform was stained with blood and dark spots. Until dawn, the Qianqing Palace was finally cleaned, and the emperor's edict was drawn up. The incident was in the afternoon. Although the emperor was frightened, he was barely able to hold his hand. He was waiting for the troops outside the palace to enter the palace to pacify the king of chaos. Blackened and polished, he finally realized that he probably won't wait for the righteous.

After getting the edict of abdication, Qin Yi didn't stay much, so he hurriedly walked towards the harem. Only then did Qin Yi know that Chu Jinyao was shocked and gave birth prematurely.

Qin Yi stood there for a long time, and hurried to the delivery room when he reacted. Standing in that unfamiliar and cramped palace, a nanny hugged her swaddling clothes and saluted Qin Yi in relief: "His Royal Highness, the concubine has just given birth to a son, mother and son are safe."

The servant standing behind Qin Yi wanted to remind the mama that she should change her title, Qin Yi waved his hand, indicating that it was not a big deal. The palace servant held the child in front of Qin Yi, Qin Yi glanced at Qin Hongyan, who was still like a monkey at the time, and asked, "Where's the Crown Princess?"

"The princess is inside, already asleep."

After Mrs. Wen said this, she suddenly heard a slight disturbance in the room, and Ms. Wen was startled: "Prince Concubine spent so much energy last night, and she still hasn't slept?"

Before she could finish speaking, a dark shadow crossed the corner of her eyes, and Qin Yi had already passed her in. Granny Wen opened her mouth, wanting to say things like bloody men in the delivery room should not enter, but she saw Qin Yi's black clothes and the bloody warrior in the yard, and she shut her mouth wisely.

Inside the house, Chu Jinyao was extremely tired and wanted to sleep several times, but there was always a line in her mind. When she woke up from the fog again, she saw Qin Yi sitting in front of the bed, looking like she wanted to get started but didn't dare.

"Your Highness..." Chu Jinyao shouted weakly, she wanted to stand up, but it took a long time to move her fingers.

Qin Yi almost used all his strength to gently hold her fingers: "It's all right, I'm back."

Chu Jinyao was lying on the bed weakly, and suddenly burst into tears. Qin Yi looked at her, distressed and helpless, and whispered, "Don't cry."

Don't cry, this is the first thing they said when they met. Two people who had nothing to do with this, the mountains and rivers follow each other.

- Don't cry.

-Who are you? Why are you in my jade perry

—… My name is Zize.

- Don't cry, I'm back.

The full text is complete.

The author has something to say: when I typed the three words "End of the full text", I suddenly burst into tears. The story of Qin Yi and Chu Jinyao is over. This is the first sentence they said when they met. The story starts here. Begin, end here as well.

It's so uncomfortable to write here, this familiar feeling like a lost love...

"Prince Prince" is my first time to try a long emotional story, because it involves a lot of hero and heroine rivalry and emotional development. When I first started writing it, I was uneasy about whether I could write it well. When Qin Yi appeared in the third chapter, I suddenly felt in my heart. It's stable, yes, this is the prince I imagined.

Qin Yi went from an arrogant and domineering young prince to taking responsibility for his family and country step by step. Finally, he helped the government in the chaos of the army and grew into a qualified emperor. He is probably a very contradictory person, ruthless but willing. She sacrificed herself for the people, dedicated herself to the country, but in the end she really rebelled... At first, it was just because Rong Ke had a prince father, and I suddenly fell in love with the identity of the prince, so I set up a prince with a completely different personality and almost a bit bad. Prince, but gradually fell in love with the unique role of Qin Yi.

Chu Jinyao's progress is probably a little more obvious than Qin Yi's. From the timid real daughter at the beginning, to a demure lady from the Hou family, and then to the prince concubine who is not scared everywhere, her career line and emotional line have always been the focus of the whole article. When I originally set it up, I wanted to write a warm, quiet, little padded jacket that smiled like the sun. When she didn't bring any swear words at the back, and turned around to run against Concubine Shu, I gave a silent wow. It turned out that Chu Jinyao also grown to this point.

In fact, I have always liked Qin Yi and Chu Jinyao's emotional dramas. Writing their rivalry scenes will be very relaxing and warm. I really like this kind of feeling that all crises come from the outside world, mutual trust and mutual redemption, this kind of fairy tale The love in it, let it stop here.

When I first met you, it was like returning from an old friend.

There will probably be a few extra episodes in the future, which are still updated at the original time. I am very grateful to the readers for their support. For about three months, I would like to thank the readers who invested in the mine, the readers who poured the nutrient solution, the readers who left comments, and the readers who subscribed. Without your support, I would It's hard to stick to this. Encounter with the story of "Prince Prince", I wish everyone a happy life and find their destined male protagonist.

I want to ask everyone to bookmark my author column, and I opened the author's Weibo a few days ago, and you can watch Jinjiang September Liuhuo by searching. Although it looks like a wild account, it is actually true...

The new article "I am a stepmother to my ex-husband" (Oh my god, the shameful name) is expected to open at 11.24, see you in the next story.

Well, the full text of "Prince Prince" is over, and the court of Chu Jinyao and Qin Yi has come to an end.

The end of this article is recorded at 1:00 on November 16, 2018.