The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 60: The sword grabs love


"How can this work?" Old Madam Chu laughed when she was told, and she said meaningfully, "Even if you are cruel and don't marry, what will happen to the younger sisters behind you?"

Chu Jinyao had absolutely nothing to say now. She said Wanfu to Mrs. Chu, her voice cold and not like she was talking: "I see. Grandma Wanfu, I will retire first."

Mrs. Chu was always cold and hard, so she also felt sympathy for this granddaughter. She was obviously the direct daughter of the Hou family, but she was exchanged as soon as she was born. When she finally came back, her mother also raised another daughter. The family worked hard to choose a good marriage for her, and it seemed that it was settled, but this kind of thing happened in the end.

Old Madam Chu sighed and looked at Chu Jinyao with pity: "Go, just be quiet by yourself. After a few days, you will be ready to plan for the days to come."

After Chu Jinyao left, Mrs. Chu sat down by herself, still worried, so someone called Linglong over.

Linglong was originally serving Madam Chu here, and both of them were very familiar with her. Madam Chu didn't talk nonsense with Linglong, and she asked, "How are the five girls in good spirits these past few days? Don't you think about it and do something stupid?"

Linglong lowered her head and said firmly: "No, the girl is not the kind of person who despise herself."

"That's good." Madam Chu was relieved, and remembered another matter, "The incident that day was very easy to investigate, and it really was Chu Jinmiao who was making trouble. Such a vicious person should have been punished severely, but Fifth Girl The matter with Shizi is over, and Ning Ge’er likes Chu Jinmiao very much, if we lose her, won’t we be able to hold both ends?”

Linglong was shocked when she heard it. Madam Chu saw that Chu Jinyao's marriage was not going to happen, and she actually wanted to marry Chu Jinmiao to Lin Xining to keep her relationship with the Huailing County Prince's Mansion? If so, then Chu Jinmiao cannot be moved.

Linglong calmed down and said, "Old Madam, you are kind-hearted and naturally think of people's good. However, the fourth girl has no conflict of interest with the fifth girl, so she can ruin the fifth girl's reputation because of jealousy. Going to the temple greatly offended the Fourth Young Lady, and I am afraid that the Fourth Young Lady still holds grudges. If the Fourth Young Lady were to marry Ning Young Master, how do you know if the Fourth Young Lady would falsely accuse you of Ning Young Master and the old princess, and arrange the Hou residence? not good?"

When Madam Chu heard this, she hesitated: "She is the only one we can rely on in the Hou Mansion, so she shouldn't have the guts?"

Linglong said: "Who can say this for sure, the fourth girl probably won't be like this, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you will be afraid of what happens. Even if it is a chance of taking one out of ten thousand, once she does it, it is inevitable. This is very bad for our Houfu."

Mrs. Chu sounded reasonable, there is no need to do risky things, they have so many granddaughters, they can choose another one to marry, and there is no need to take advantage of Chu Jinmiao, an outsider.

Still a vicious outsider.

Linglong has been observing Madam Chu's face, and when she sees such an expression, Linglong will know that the persuasion is successful. Madam Chu thought that Linglong was still her own, so she trusted her wholeheartedly, which was why Linglong could persuade Madam Chu to change her mind with just a few words. But how could Mrs. Chu know that Linglong had already favored Chu Jinyao's position.

Linglong came out of Old Madam Chu's house and hurried to Chaoyun Courtyard. After she pushed the door in, she found that the maids were quietly standing outside.

Linglong asked quietly, "Is the girl in there?"

Lilac nodded to Linglong, and pointed to Dongshao with her finger. Linglong understood, originally wanted to enter the house to persuade Chu Jinyao, but finally gave up.

When Chu Jinyao felt uncomfortable, she liked to sit in the study, so they should not go in and disturb.

Inside the house, Chu Jinyao sat at the desk, turning over the large characters written in the past page by page.

How much effort did she take to learn these things in the first place. She thought that only those who worked hard and endured hardships would have a good life, but in her heart she despised Chu Jinmiao's sloppy attitude, but in the end it turned out that she was the complete fool.

Chu Jinyao turned the pages, and turned to a page of powerful and golden words. Chu Jinyao watched it quietly for a long time, but still stretched out his hand to cover it.

She was bullied by her sisters last time, and Zize helped her when she was helpless, but now she will soon be forced to be a side room, why is there no one by her side

Chu Jinyao said softly in her heart, Zize, didn't you say before that I would have a happy and smooth life in my life, and you also said that no matter what I wish, you will fulfill it for me. But now, someone forced me to be a concubine, can't you hear it

A tear fell from Chu Jinyao's cheek, and it happened to drip on Qin Yi's handwriting, blurring the word "Nuo" into a cloud of ink.

You broke your promise, Zize.

Wei Wupixing Daiyue finally entered Datong City at sunset. As soon as he entered the city, he rushed to the palace. When he arrived at the palace where Qin Yi was staying, the eunuch guarding the gate said, "The prince is not in the mansion, and His Highness has been in the military camp these days."

Wei Wu didn't care that he was covered in dust and rushed to the military camp on horseback. When he finally saw Qin Yi, the clouds in the sky had faded away, and the world revealed a drowsy twilight.

Qin Yi seems to have lost some weight in the past few days. The more he looks like his bones are distinct, his posture is like a sword, and his eyes are like a knife. Qin Yi was wearing a silver armor with bright yellow four-clawed python dragon embroidered on his sleeves.

Xiao Linzi also accompanied him, and now he is standing far away in the corner of the tent, wishing that he would not be able to breathe when he was born. After Wei Wu entered the tent, he quickly glanced at Xiao Linzi, unable to hide his surprise.

What did Xiao Linzi do to be so afraid of it

Qin Yi sat on the main seat. After hearing the voice, he only looked up at Wei Wu, and then lowered his head to flip through Di Bao: "Why are you here?"

Wei Wu immediately understood why Xiao Linzi had to hide so far.

Wei Wu picked up his mood and replied respectfully and cautiously: "Back to the Crown Prince, some minor or minor things happened in Taiyuan, and the servants did not dare to decide, so I brought them to report to His Highness."

The last time Qin Yi went to Taiyuan, it was just a pretext for the old concubine of the palace of Huailing County. Their real purpose was to connect with the people in the capital. The prince's departure from the capital does not mean that his control over the capital is weakened. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the old princess of the Lin family to celebrate her birthday, the people in the capital came to the palace in the name of giving gifts, and the palace was noisy in the past few days, whether it was the Lin family or other princes, it was difficult to watch everyone's movements. Taking this opportunity, everyone gathered in the prince's house one after another to report the movements of the palace and the court, and to discuss what to do next. The prince's military exploits are ready, it's time to look for an opportunity to return to Beijing triumphantly.

Even Wei Wu went to the palace of Huailing County in person in the name of giving gifts. In the original plan, the prince would stay in Taiyuan for several days, and after all arrangements were made, he would return to the border to gather military power and prepare to return to Beijing. But I don't know why, the prince didn't say a word after staying there for a long time, and went straight back to the border gate.

The plan was disrupted, which caused some minor trouble for the people below, but it was not a big deal. The real trouble is the prince.

Since the prince came back, his condition has not been very good, and all the people below are secretly concerned. Wei Wu didn't feel it when he heard it before, but when he saw it in person, his heart sank.

"What happened in Taiyuan?" Qin Yi paused for a while, then asked unintentionally, "What's the matter?"

Wei Wu hesitated for a moment, then said after deliberation: "It's not a big deal..."

Qin Yi didn't speak, but with so many years of experience of Wei Wu, he immediately saw that the prince was unhappy, and Wei Wu didn't dare to delay any longer, and quickly said: "Actually, it's the matter of the Marquis of Changxing, and it's a little bit different from the five girls in their family. relation."

"Chu Jinyao?" Qin Yi couldn't help but stop when he heard the name, and asked, "What happened to her?"

The prince even knew the name of the fifth girl... Wei Wuyue felt that he knew something very important. He no longer hesitated, and asked Su's father and Su's mother to make trouble, Su Hui asked for help, and Mrs. Chu took the whole family to the county king's mansion. Said all the things.

The more Qin Yi listened, the colder his expression became. When he finally heard Mrs. Chu and the county prince's mansion, they broke up into a quarrel. After returning to the mansion early, Qin Yi's body was nearly frozen. "They're so brave."

Wei Wu was not sure whether the "they" the prince said was referring to the Lin family, the Chu family, or the Su family couple, so he had to keep his head down so as not to say the wrong thing. Qin Yi paused for a while, took a deep breath, and picked up the tea cup to suppress the fire: "What did the Lin family say in the end?"

"Yesterday I received the news from the dog and flying pigeon. The letter said that the old princess of the Lin family intends to let the five girls be the concubine for the prince. They..."

Before Wei Wu could finish speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of porcelain bursting. Wei Wu secretly looked up, and found that Qin Yi's face was gloomy and frightening. The precious blue porcelain cup was knocked on the table. Looking carefully, there was a vertical crack on the blue glaze, which was actually crushed by Qin Yi.

Qin Yi let go, and the porcelain cup that was still neat just now was torn apart and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Wei Wu didn't dare to speak, but looking at the bloodstains on the broken porcelain, he didn't dare not ask: "Your Highness, your hand..."

"It's okay." Qin Yi stopped the eunuch who wanted to come forward to bandage his hands, and still looked up at Wei Wu, "Is this true?"


"What did the Chu family say?"

"When the servants left, the Marquis of Changxing did not express its position. In yesterday's letter from the flying pigeon, it only stated that the prefecture's house intended to make the fifth girl of Chu a concubine, and the attitude of the Marquis did not mention." Wei Wu looked at Qin Yi's face, He added, "They probably haven't agreed yet."

Qin Yi sneered: "If they are sensible, if they really dare to agree... I can't spare them the first one."

Wei Wu lowered his head, not daring to think about what the prince meant. After a while, Qin Yi waved: "It's none of your business, let's go."


Wei Wu and Xiao Linzi withdrew, and when they went out, Xiao Linzi closed the tent gently.

After the tent was closed, it suddenly became dark in the big tent, and when the door was closed, a gust of wind swirls in from the outside, blowing the flame of the candlestick up and down. Qin Yi stared at the candle, lost for a long time.

He once promised himself that he would give Chu Jinyao peace of mind in this life. He takes care of the affairs of the officialdom. Chu Jinyao only needs to be a daughter of a boudoir who does not know the hardships of the world. In the future, she will become an official wife, her husband-in-law will have a prosperous career, and her son will rise to the sky. She was so pampered, confused and happy to spend her life.

He used to think he could do it.

But the fact made Qin Yi speechless, and he didn't even dare to face it.

He is the Crown Prince of the East Palace, and he is the backbone of the army. He has too many family and country interests to consider, so before he knows it, he neglects the person he once swore to protect. Attacking the Tartars, confronting the emperor's younger brother, dealing with the forces in the dynasty, and controlling the situation in Beijing from afar, he has so many things to do, and when Chu Jinyao was falsely accused of his reputation and Mutu's property, he did not know that Chu Jinyao was When he was forced to be a side room, he didn't know either.

Qin Yi was simply frightened. If Wei Wu hadn't come to report, he would have let these people go, what a big mistake he made

Qin Yi sat alone in the tent for a long time. He thought about it a lot. Finally, he opened his mouth and called: "Come on, prepare ink."

In the Forbidden City, golden lions glared furiously, dragons danced their claws, and court officials in red and purple tassels bowed their heads, and hurriedly walked on the white marble steps solemnly and in a hurry.

In the east of the palace and outside the Wenyuan Pavilion in the south, the personnel exchanges are becoming more and more regular. From the outside, this is really an unremarkable little house, but the people who come and go here are all proud. There is no other reason, it is because this is the office of the cabinet, which is the highest ideal of the people under heaven.

Fan Zhengying walked all the way, and everyone he saw on the road stopped respectfully, folded his hands, and called out with a smile: "Fan Shoufu."

Shoufu, who was the emperor of the emperor, was popular and often accompanied the emperor. It can be said that it was the highest place that the literati of all dynasties could reach, and it was an example of scholars all over the world. Fan Zhengying is over sixty years old, but this age is still very young for the cabinet, especially since he is a bachelor of Wenyuange. Although Fan Zhengying is a high-ranking person, he is cautious by nature. He will always stop and nod and smile when he meets people on the road to say hello, no matter how close he is. But today Fan Zhengying couldn't care less, he almost ran all the way to Wenyuan Pavilion.

The officials who said hello on the way met, and they were all very surprised. Fan Shoufu is not in a hurry at any time, even in the winter solstice, he is very slow, when will he see him take two steps quickly? What happened today to make Fan Shoufu so anxious

An official next to him reminded in a low voice: "It seems that the prince has sent a letter."

The official was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't hide his excitement: "His Royal Highness is finally willing to come back?"

The other party shook his head inexplicably: "only Fan Shoufu knows that."

After Fan Zhengying arrived at Wenyuan Pavilion, he asked as soon as he entered the door, "The prince has written a letter? Where is the letter?"

Others hurriedly presented the letter to Fan Zhengying. Fan Zhengying had never been in such a hurry to marry his own grandson. He hurriedly took it over and looked at it. Canonized Crown Princess?"

In the Qianqing Palace, the emperor was also very strange: "He doesn't write a letter for a year to come back, that's all, a letter came unexpectedly, and he still asked me to give him a marriage?"

Of course, Qin Yi didn't say in the letter that the emperor would "give" the marriage. What he said was: "That is, the fifth daughter of the Marquis of Changxing, and Jinyao of the Chu family is the concubine of the crown prince."

The capital a hundred miles away was turned upside down because of a letter from Qin Yi, but in Datong City, after Qin Yi sent letters to the emperor, Shoufu, and Zhan Shi of the East Palace in turn, he became more relaxed and relaxed, even the faint feeling in his heart these days. Anxiety is also swept away. It is not so much that the matter of the side concubine forced him to express his position, but it was the practice of the Huailing County Prince's Mansion, which finally gave him a reason to cut the beard.

Damn concubine, the Lin family are really shameless, Qin Yi was completely annoyed, he decided to do it himself. The Lin family should go as far as they can.

As for Chu Jinyao's thoughts... Oh, it doesn't matter. If Chu Jinyao still wants to marry Lin Xiyuan as if his head was kicked by a donkey, even if he is a side room, Qin Yi will pull her out of the fire pit and pour the water in her head by the way.

Xiao Linzi and Wei Wu watched this earth-shattering marriage proposal completed in front of their eyes, and now their eyes were bigger than copper bells, and they didn't dare to say a word. After Qin Yi finished writing the letter to Fan Shoufu, he spread out another piece of paper with ease and wrote a letter to his subordinates. He moved his pen very quickly, and after he finished writing, he directly stuffed it to Wei Wu: "Give this letter to Zhong Fushi, and let him follow you back to Taiyuan to solve these messes."

Wei Wu took the letter with both hands and couldn't help but ask, "What's the solution?"

Zhong Fu is actually Jin Yiwei, and he is also a eunuch. The two of them are used to going up and down, but don't be misunderstood by the two of them.

Qin Yi snorted, thought about it, and finally said: "Forget it, it's her adoptive father and mother, and the eldest daughter of the Su family treats her well, so don't make revenge for her. If you're still not sure about the severity, go ask the Crown Princess."

Wei Wu was sweating wildly after hearing this. He just sent the letter, but the Crown Princess has already been called here. Wei Wu already understood the importance, he bowed and stepped back: "The slave understands, the slave retire."

Qin Yi's mood was much better than when he came, and he even said "um" to He Wei Wu. Xiao Linzi stood by and watched, silently slandering in his heart. The Crown Prince was also worried that it would be difficult for Miss Chu to take a heavy hand, but when dealing with them, why did he never worry about a heavy hand

Mrs. Chu was right. Seven or eight days later, the county prince's mansion really sent someone to be a lobbyist, and the person who acted as a lobbyist was Chu Zhu.

Chu Zhu is the daughter-in-law of the Lin family and the aunt of the Chu family. She returns to her parents' family as a married daughter, and she will neither be presumptuous nor attract attention, which is extremely appropriate. And Chu Zhu was already married and gave birth to children in the palace of Huailing County. The roots had already moved over, and the old princess was not afraid that Chu Zhu would not face the palace.

And after Chu Zhu knew what the old lady Chu said to the old princess that day, she also complained to the old lady Chu. Sitting in the Rongning Hall, she couldn't stop complaining to Madam Chu: "Mother, you are so true, if you have something to say, how could you be ashamed of the ancestors? Because of this, I have been tortured a lot these days. My mother-in-law and the princess run."

The old lady Chu thought that her daughter was also begging for life under the old princess, and she could not help but relax a lot. Mrs. Chu said, "I didn't think carefully that day. But so did your mother-in-law. What did you say, she clearly said that Jinyao would be the concubine of the world, but when things came to an end, she suddenly became a side concubine and demoted his wife to a concubine. Is that what people do?"

Chu Zhu listened but disagreed: "Mother, you can just tell me what you said, you can't say it outside. Sister-in-law and the sisters are about to fly into a phoenix, and they can give the prince of the county king's mansion and the county head. My elder brother is the concubine, this is already a good thing for many people to steal their heads, and you and the elder brother are still not happy?"

Madam Chu saw that the corners of Chu Zhu's eyes were full of pride, and she couldn't help but ask: "The matter of the county owner has been settled?"

"The decree in the palace hasn't come down yet, but the old lady of Zhenbei Hou's mansion has already agreed, saying that she will enter the palace to speak for the county lord. What kind of family is Zhenbei Hou's mansion, since their family has agreed, they must be stable."

The old lady Chu was curious: "Can you persuade the old lady of Zhenbeihou Mansion, how many things did you give?"

Chu Zhu compared her fingers, and Madam Chu was speechless: "So many?"

"It's more than that, it doesn't even count the four sets of clothes. Money is actually a trivial matter. This time, I was able to talk to Mrs. Qi because of my mother-in-law's favor in her early years. This time, thanks to others, if it wasn't for her The old lady Qi is familiar and can talk to the old lady, otherwise, no matter how much we send, we will not be able to deliver it to the old lady."

It turned out to be the case, but it was actually the favor of the old princess in her early years. No wonder the old princess' attitude was so arrogant last time, Changxing Hou's mansion couldn't help in this matter, no wonder the old princess was dissatisfied with Chu Jinyao and wanted to choose Gaozhi.

Chu Zhu and Mrs. Chu were talking privately inside, and the juniors also sat outside together, relatively speechless.

This time Chu Zhu came back and brought Lin Xining and Lin Baohuan with him. Lin Baohuan was fine, but Lin Xining was in a trance, looking uneasy.

"Cousin Ning, what's the matter with you?" Sixth girl asked with concern when she discovered Lin Xining's abnormality.

Lin Xining regained his senses, he couldn't help but glanced in Chu Jinmiao's direction, and finally forced himself to withdraw his gaze.

That day, Chu Jinmiao said that she had never met the Su family's parents, but Lin Xining didn't tell her, but he actually saw it.

When he came out to call someone, he happened to see Chu Jinmiao with her back to him, bowing her head and saying something to the couple in the Su family. Lin Xining didn't know what was going on at that time, she just thought that it was a pair of servants, Chu Jinmiao might have ordered them to do something, just happened to be calling him inside, Lin Xining didn't have time to talk to Chu Jinmiao and went back directly. Therefore, Chu Jinmiao did not know of his existence.

Later, when Lin Xining saw Su's father and Su's mother at Mrs. Chu's place, he realized that something was wrong. With his last hope, he deceived himself and asked Chu Jinmiao: "Cousin, you really don't know these two people, and you don't know them at all. Have you seen them?"

The later answer is self-evident, Lin Xining doubted himself at that moment, what kind of person has he liked all these years? Does he really understand Chu Jinmiao

Lin Xining couldn't think of it, and didn't dare to think about it. After returning home, he had been in a daze, and vaguely heard that the marriage between his eldest brother and Chu Jinyao seemed to have changed. Lin Xining knew that the eldest brother liked Chu Jinyao very much. He had been secretly preparing for this for a long time. If he wasted at the last minute, it would be too cruel to Lin Xiyuan.

Lin Xining knew that as long as he told the old princess, the princess, and even Lin Xiyuan about Chu Jinmiao, the marriage between Lin Xiyuan and Chu Jinyao would turn around immediately. Lin Xining went to find Lin Xiyuan, the words had reached his throat, and finally gave up.

He was reluctant. Just let him rely on his favorite fourth cousin for the last time. This time he can only feel sorry for his eldest brother and fifth cousin. This is what he owes them.

When going out today, Chu Zhu secretly asked him if he wanted to go further with Chu Jinmiao and change from cousins to husband and wife. Lin Xining was stunned, and was rarely silent.

In the end, Lin Xining told Chu Zhu not to mention this matter again, and let him think about it for himself.

For the sake of Chu Jinmiao, Lin Xining cruelly deceived his most beloved eldest brother, and watched as his eldest brother and Chu Jinyao missed out. Lin Xining felt extremely guilty. Seeing Chu Jinmiao now, she only felt a mass of anger rushing through her chest, but she couldn't find an exit. Lin Xining didn't want to face Chu Jinmiao again, but he was too obvious before, and now once he couldn't stop talking to Chu Jinmiao, let alone Chu Jinmiao, even other people noticed the abnormality.

Lin Xining looked tense and didn't want to explain, even Chu Jinmiao took the initiative to speak up. Chu Jinmiao was used to being clinging to Lin Xining. This was the first time she had been coldly treated by Lin Xining. Chu Jinmiao was displeased, and the expression on her face immediately became ugly.

Chu Jinyao was not in the mood to pay attention to the lawsuit between the two. In fact, Chu Jinyao was not interested in anything these days. She even began to doubt the rules of conduct that she believed in before. She was down-to-earth and lenient with others. Is it really wrong

Chu Jinyao was in a trance, and in a trance, she seemed to hear the voice of Su's father and Su's mother. Chu Jinyao was stunned for a moment, and then saw that the people around her were looking out. Only then did Chu Jinyao know that she did not have hallucinations, and it was indeed Su's father and Su's mother who came.

But this time, Su's father and Su's mother did not come by themselves, and there were several other people walking with them. Chu Jinyao's eyes shrank when she saw the clothes of one of them.

Flying fish suit, Jin Yiwei.

How could Su's father and Su's mother provoke these evil stars