The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 74: Newly married run-in


"His Royal Highness..." Linglong leaned down and whispered into Chu Jinyao's ear, with a tone of schadenfreude, "His Royal Highness was not very happy and sent her outside. Fortunately, Eunuch Lin came in soon, so nothing happened."

Chu Jinyao nodded thoughtfully, Qin Yi was not happy, and even reprimanded Erhua for going out, she could have expected it. However, Chu Jinyao couldn't guarantee that Qin Yi was unhappy because the maid made her own decision, or was it just because she was a descendant of Xiao Qi

Chu Jinyao originally made up her mind to make herself a dignified and virtuous crown princess. Her background is not a good one, so people can't make mistakes. But today was just a flower, which made Chu Jinyao angry.

What's more terrifying is that Chu Jinyao can vaguely feel that the source of her anger is Erhua, but not Erhua.

Chu Jinyao hurriedly suppressed her thoughts of crossing the border. She is very grateful to Qin Yi for being good, and wants to live a good life with him, but she is a person after all, and it is impossible not to plan for herself before being nice to others.

To put it bluntly, there is only one prince, but there can be many princes. Qin Yi's good life does not mean that she, the crown princess, can live well, especially, the crown prince's concubine is stipulated in the etiquette and even has a formal title.

No woman wants to watch her husband take a concubine. People may still have trouble with her husband and husband's family, but in the palace, who can make trouble? What's more, a strong and thoughtful person like Qin Yi really wants to take a concubine. Is she in charge

Therefore, the best way is to maintain the current situation. Chu Jinyao takes out a part of his sincere concern for Qin Yi, but also guards the boundary rather than crossing it himself. This boundary is the concubine. This is good for both parties, she won't get carried away because of her momentary favor and end up doing horrific things, and Qin Yi is also thinking about the friendship between the two of them in the past years, and always treats her with respectable concubine.

This is very good, this is the most respectable husband and wife state among the wealthy. Things like getting mad because the maid was approaching him was not allowed to happen again.

Chu Jinyao secretly warned herself, and then gave up. However, for some unknown reason, her relaxed mood suddenly turned bad.

Chu Jinyao didn't realize that he was venting his anger: "These four maids, it's impossible not to deal with them."

Linglong fully agrees, with different positions and diametrically opposite ideas. Linglong stood on Chu Jinyao's side, and naturally, these people who were trying to share their girl's favor were not pleasing to the eye. Although he has only been in the palace for two days, no one inside or outside the East Palace can see that His Royal Highness is very indulgent towards the Crown Princess. exception

Presumably the four girls of Fenghuaxueyue also saw His Highness's attitude towards the Crown Princess, and then their minds relaxed. Otherwise, the prince's fierce name is just a joke. So far, there are no other women in the East Palace. It's not that no one wants to climb the bed, but those who dare to climb the bed have been dealt with severely by the prince.

Linglong said: "Girl, you are not worthy of being angry with them. They saw how good your Highness was to you, and thought that their appearance would be so highly valued by His Highness, so they dared to give it a try. Yinu maid, look at this Erhua. It was pushed out to test the waters.”

When no one was around, Linglong was still used to calling Chu Jinyao a girl. Today, Chu Jinyao was inexplicably upset when she heard these words, and she warned Linglong, "Don't say such words. We just entered the palace, when we need to be cautious, how can we get carried away just because of His Royal Highness's freshness and connivance? You are not allowed to say such things, you will beat other girls in a while, don't think we are really favored, so dare to take it lightly. This is a temporary illusion, we still have to rely on our own footing. "

Linglong frowned when she heard this. She wanted to tell Chu Jinyao several times that this was not the case. Today, when Chu Jinyao was dizzy, the prince's face suddenly sank and it couldn't be faked. The prince has been ups and downs in the deep palace for so many years, if it is really fresh, can he let his expression be revealed? It must be really worried, and this is why I can't care about other things. This subconscious reaction cannot be deceived.

However, the authorities are obsessed, and Chu Jinyao is reluctant to let down his guard easily, and dare not entrust his wealth to the crown prince. This is also human nature. Linglong can understand, so she did not persuade Chu Jinyao in the end, but let Chu Jinyao slowly test the bottom line of the prince.

What's more, today is different from the past, it's better to be cautious and suspicious in the deep palace.

Linglong no longer mentions the matter of the prince. She also found out that Chu Jinyao didn't know what was wrong, and she was angry with herself when she mentioned the prince. Linglong changed the subject wisely: "Girl, what should you do with the four girls in Fenghuaxueyue?"

When it comes to business affairs, Chu Jinyao cut off those useless thoughts and arranged them carefully. "Things gather together, people are divided into groups, and the same is true for the management of the back house. If we deal with them, it will be a waste. I am the crown princess, and dealing with a few palace maids is too much for them."

"what do you mean… "

"Divided." Chu Jinyao said, "Let them solve their problems by themselves. It's not that there are no other palace people in such a large Ciqing Palace."

Linglong has understood: "The slaves understand. What are we going to do?"

"Don't suffer from widowhood, but suffer unevenly." Chu Jinyao pointedly said, "We only need to hold out one person, give her dignity, and give her rewards. The rest will be left to them."

"Prince Concubine's plan."

"You stop coaxing me, that is, you are willing to use such words to deceive me into being happy."

Who is the other person who refuses to coax Chu Jinyao? Linglong smiled without saying a word, and withdrew thoughtfully: "The slave and maid are going to make arrangements. By the way, Crown Princess, we moved the dowry over yesterday, and it is still locked in the apse. Would you like to see the dowry list?"

On the day of the wedding, Chu Jinyao's dowry was also carried into the East Palace. Dowry can be said to be the most important support for a woman. If the dowry is rich, the woman will have confidence in her husband's family. As the daughter-in-law of the royal family, Chu Jinyao doesn't need to think about having confidence in front of the emperor and the crown prince, but this does not mean that the dowry is not important. There is no shortage of management anywhere in the palace. Whether it is a palace concubine or an imperial concubine, if there is not enough money in the palace, even if there is a pet, it is not easy to go.

Chu Jinyao thought about it and said, "Bring it here, I'll compare it."

Chu Jinyao's dowry is quite expensive. After all, she is the crown princess, and just for the sake of appearance, the Marquis of Changxing will not show timidity in the dowry. The Marquis of Changxing has been operating in Taiyuan for three generations. It can be regarded as a noble place. Due to its favorable geographical location, it has accumulated a lot over the years. It's just a pity that Chu Jinyao's grandfather was defeated a bit, but even so, giving her a decent dowry was more than enough.

What's more, the Marquis of Changxing had high hopes for Chu Jinyao, which was almost a speculative bet. Maybe the future of this Marquis' mansion depended on Chu Jinyao. With this thought in mind, the Marquis of Changxing paid more attention to Chu Jinyao's dowry. All the dowry from the royal family were taken away, and the Chu family also accompanied the dowry equivalent to the royal family's dowry.

Therefore, Chu Jinyao's dowry list is particularly impressive. Her wedding is cumbersome and time-consuming. Every link of the six rituals is a good day for the Ministry of Rites, and every time she comes, she will bring a corresponding gift. The prince's wedding is not a matter of one person, it is a matter of the entire court, and even the entire country. Everything is carefully selected by the Ministry of Rites, taken from the treasury, and sent to Chu Jinyao. Her betrothal gifts are very particular. The number of items, the quality, and the weight of each item are clearly recorded on the list, and they will be included in the history of the country in the future. Therefore, when Chu Jinyao looked at the dowry list, she was very relieved. For a while, no one dared to touch these things.

Chu Jinyao carefully compared the dowry list. She has a lot of things, so she needs to know what she has. Nominally her expenses are allocated from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, however, what really costs money is not her own food and clothing expenses.

Thinking of this, Chu Jinyao sighed. The expenses in the palace are really terrible. In this place, you can't do anything if you don't manage it. It's amazing to go out every day to spend money for palace maids and eunuchs. Chu Jinyao put down the list and looked at the blue tiled sky outside the house. Unmelted snow remained in the gaps of the glazed tiles, shining coldly in the sunlight.

Just looking at it, you can feel the solemn, gorgeous, and cold here. It was already very cold in the capital in December. As the sun approached, cold winds rushed out from all directions. During the day, the bright palaces gradually became silent, like a giant beast lurking in the dark. In the shadows, the expressionless palace maids and eunuchs lowered their heads and hurriedly walked through the cold wind.

This is where she will live the rest of her life. How long she can live depends on how long she can live.

Winter twilight is really unpleasant, especially in the Forbidden City. Chu Jinyao sighed softly, put down the dowry list, and planned to call someone in to change clothes. Just as she stood up, she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps outside, and someone outside the door shouted, "His Royal Highness is back."

Chu Jinyao didn't feel refreshed, and immediately ran out: "His Royal Highness!"

As soon as Qin Yi entered the room, there was a sweet warmth coming towards him, and then a man walked over from the west room and shouted crisply, "Your Highness!"

Qin Yi took off his cloak under the service of the inner envoy, and when he turned around to see her, there was a smile in his voice: "Are you awake?"

In fact, Qin Yi didn't want to go out today. It would be too disappointing to be called out to meet the courtiers the next day after his wedding. However, his wedding involved a very wide range of people. Meet a few people appropriately. His younger brothers were getting older and there was no shortage of troubles.

He left Chu Jinyao alone in the apse, feeling somewhat uneasy in his heart. When I met my ministers today, I always thought about this. After seeing a few important people, Qin Yi didn't know why, but just wanted to come back and take a look. Chu Jinyao is not a person who can talk and get along with people easily. She has been used to it for so long after being brought back to the Chu family.

When Qin Yi braved the cold wind to return, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Chu Jinyao jumping over to greet him. Chu Jinyao is so old, it is naturally impossible to run and jump like a child, but in Qin Yi's eyes, her demeanor, actions, and words all confirm this.

"I woke up a long time ago!" Chu Jinyao muttered in dissatisfaction, Qin Yi took off his heavy coat, stretched out Chu Jinyao's hand, and led her to the inner hall: "Yesterday's big wedding, today there are many When people come over to give gifts, I don't want to show up. It's still early when I leave. Seeing that you are sleeping soundly, I can't bear to wake you up."

Is this explaining to her? Chu Jinyao was flattered and replied, "I understand that Your Highness is the Crown Prince, so naturally there are many serious things to do."

"Seriously." Qin Yi didn't know what to think, glanced at Chu Jinyao, and suddenly smiled.

Chu Jinyao originally thought that what she said was very virtuous and sensible, but when Qin Yi smiled like this, she felt that her words didn't seem right. If the outside world is serious, then what is immoral

Chu Jinyao was a little embarrassed, but she actually scolded herself in it. Seeing that Qin Yi was still smiling, she shouted angrily, "Your Highness!"

Seeing that Chu Jinyao was really annoyed, Qin Yi held back his laughter and pulled her to sit on the couch: "Are you still used to it today?"

Chu Jinyao was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he was asking if he was used to the East Palace. When Chu Jinyao heard this, she was very moved. When she first met Qin Yi, how arrogant and arrogant he was, how could she care if others were used to such trivial matters? Even if he is separated from Qin Yi's temperament, it is quite rare for him to notice this place in light of the identity of the prince.

Chu Jinyao's heart was moved, and her eyes softened unconsciously: "It's all okay. As long as you think that His Highness is in front, even in a completely unfamiliar place, you won't feel scared anymore."

These words directly poked into Qin Yi's heart. He also smiled, raised his hand to squeeze Chu Jinyao's face: "Who did you get the scriptures from? We haven't seen you for a few days, but you can talk."

"How can anyone teach me." Chu Jinyao squinted at Qin Yi, and seemed very dissatisfied with Qin Yi's words, "I clearly said it after seeing His Highness."

Qin Yi couldn't help laughing, he understood, why there were always kings in the past dynasties who planted women's sexuality, and the Taifu always persuaded him that women's sexuality was all false, and he must be diligent in government and love the people. Just because of Chu Jinyao's two words, she was going to ask for the grace of another official position. Qin Yi also felt that she was dizzy, and she accepted it all.

The two of them spoke in a low voice in the inner hall.

The two of them didn't eat in their own palace tonight. The emperor and queen set up a banquet, and Chu Jinyao and Qin Yi still had to attend in their formal attire. Compared to yesterday's state banquet, today is a family banquet. Qin Yi and Chu Jinyao soon changed their clothes and went out together.

Qin Yi accompanied Chu Jinyao and slowly walked out of the Ciqing Palace. Chu Jinyao is both a bride and a princess. Today, she is naturally dressed in bright red, walking in the twilight of Sihe, as steady as a burning fire.

For a man, having a stunning beauty standing beside him is really a good thing, even Qin Yi can't be exempted from the custom. Qin Yi looked at Chu Jinyao and asked curiously, "Why do you have a sullen face?"

Chu Jinyao looked at Qin Yi seriously: "It looks majestic and imposing."

Qin Yi laughed lightly. Seeing that Chu Jinyao was still serious, he nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, you can play by yourself."

The last time Chu Jinyao entered the palace, she had to rely on walking, and today she can use her footsteps to travel. After she and Qin Yi appeared, it immediately caused a great sensation. The maids and eunuchs along the road stopped and bowed down from a distance. The eunuch who delivered the letter saw them and immediately shouted: "His Royal Highness, the Crown Princess is here!"

The people chatting and laughing in the palace paused. Countless people stood up to salute Qin Yi and Chu Jinyao: "To participate in His Royal Highness, see the Crown Princess."

Chu Jinyao walked by Qin Yi's side, slightly behind half a step, and with his indifferent expression, he passed through the road that the crowd gave way. After reaching the first seat on the left, Qin Yi stood up, turned around and said, "No gift."

Chu Jinyao followed Qin Yi, and when she saw this, she gave a slight and decent smile, and nodded lightly to everyone below.

According to the unwritten rule, people with higher status will appear later. Qin Yi and Chu Jinyao are the most noble existences in the world after the emperor and empress. When the two of them arrived, except the emperor and empress, everyone else had already taken their seats. As soon as the two of them showed up, everyone got up quickly, Chu Jinyao stood above, watching Wu Yangyang saluting them, it was really shocking.

The prince and princess have already taken their seats, and soon, the emperor and the queen will also arrive. After everyone greeted the emperor, the grand royal family banquet began.

This banquet was held for the prince's wedding. Qin Yi and Chu Jinyao were naturally the protagonists. Chu Jinyao was the first official appearance, and it was the focus of everyone's attention.

Suddenly appearing on such an occasion, Chu Jinyao couldn't help but feel at a loss. Fortunately, such banquets have very uniform requirements for women, that is, being dignified, smiling, and well-mannered. Chu Jinyao was still a bride, so she took advantage of this. Most of her just laughed and didn't speak. If someone came to make a toast, Qin Yi would drink it and leave the task of speaking to Qin Yi.

After a while, Chu Jinyao touched Qin Yi lightly and whispered, "Your Highness, I'm a little dizzy."

Hearing this, Qin Yi reluctantly turned around and glanced at Chu Jinyao, but his hand was already supporting Chu Jinyao's arm intuitively: "I saw that you were drinking happily, and thought you were good at drinking. In the end, you just had a stance, How much did you drink before you fainted?"

Chu Jinyao felt that her head was floating, as if her whole body was stepping on the clouds, and she had nowhere to focus. In the chaos, only her left arm was strongly supported by one hand, as if this was the only point of focus left in her entire body. Chu Jinyao knew that it was Qin Yi, as long as she thought of this, even if it was a grand and dignified royal family banquet, even if she accidentally got drunk, it didn't seem to matter.

Because Qin Yi is here.

Qin Yi hid the movements in his sleeves, and calmly supported Chu Jinyao, letting her whole body rest on him. Qin Yi said to Chu Jinyao in a low voice, "I'll have someone serve you sober soup. If someone comes to make a toast later, you don't have to drink it, I'll block it."

"En." Chu Jinyao responded, raised her head with watery eyes, and added sincerely, "Your Highness, you are so kind."

Chu Jinyao's eyes were bright and lustrous, and they were crystal clear and translucent in normal times, more moist than others with tears in their eyes. Qin Yi watched for a while, then suddenly leaned down with a smile, and asked Chu Jinyao in a low voice, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Chu Jinyao blinked in confusion, obviously not knowing.

Seeing Chu Jinyao's appearance, Qin Yi didn't hold her accountable, but just smiled meaningfully.

The second prince and the third prince came to toast, just in time to see Qin Yi and Chu Jinyao's actions. The second prince was stunned for a moment, and immediately smiled ambiguously: "It seems that we are not here at the right time."

Qin Yi now has no time to take care of these entertainments. When he saw the person coming, the smile on his face faded again: "So it's you, the second brother, the third brother."

The second prince raised the wine bottle in his hand and said to Qin Yi in a loud voice, "Congratulations to the emperor on his new marriage, and I wish the emperor and his sister-in-law a good relationship for a hundred years."

The relationship between the second prince and Qin Yi is neither good nor bad. Qin Yi went to school alone in Wenhua Hall at the age of five, while the second prince grew up in Ganxi No. 5. Over the years, Qin Yi and the second prince have had few opportunities to meet each other, not to mention their personal friendship. As for the third prince, the direct son of Empress Qi... Heh, then there's no need to mention it.

Qin Yi listened to the second prince's words, drank the bottle of wine quickly, and then he wanted to send these people away. Chu Jinyao is drunk now, why should she show it to other men

The second prince was very surprised when he saw that Qin Yi did not shirk and drank it all in one go. When did Qin Yi give face like this

The second prince smiled and said, "It's said that it's different after getting married. I didn't believe it at first, but now I read the emperor's brother and realized that it's true. The new marriage between the emperor's brother and the emperor's sister-in-law is really enviable, but the emperor's sister-in-law doesn't Have a drink?"

"She is invincible." Qin Yi used his strength to block Chu Jinyao behind him, and looked at the second prince badly: "If the second brother really wants to toast our husband and wife, it is enough for me to come forward."

"It's natural." The second prince said with a smile, his eyes swept across Qin Yi and Chu Jinyao, and he drank the wine in his cup calmly. The third prince, who was standing behind the second prince, flashed disdain in his eyes, raised his glass perfunctorily, and left with the second prince.

The second prince and the third prince are not yet married, and their seats are very close. After arriving at his seat, the third prince finally stopped hiding his disdain: "Our eldest brother, as always, has his eyes above the top, and he is noble and high."

The third prince is also the direct prince, and the mother is still the favored Xiao Qi, so she naturally speaks without any scruples. Hearing this, the second prince hurriedly came over with a smile and said, "I see that the crown princess seems to be drunk. It's human nature that the prince doesn't want to be seen by others."

The third prince sneered disapprovingly. The second prince glanced in Qin Yi's direction and said to the third prince with a smile: "You haven't enlightened yet, so naturally you don't understand the beauty of it. When you pass next year, the queen will make arrangements for you. You will understand when you get married."

The third prince was fourteen this year, and it was indeed not time to arrange a special female official, but the children who grew up in the palace were born precocious, and the third prince knew what the second prince was talking about when he heard it.

The third prince snorted coldly and didn't care. The second prince, however, thought of the drunken state of the woman he had just seen, and pondered silently in his heart, it seemed that he should also choose a princess.

Chu Jinyao had a very vague impression of the second half of the family banquet. She was dizzy and always felt like she was shaking, but she was afraid that she would embarrass Qin Yi by embarrassing herself, so she forced herself to laugh throughout the banquet. Nearly two years of court practice have allowed her to subconsciously maintain a standard smile no matter when and where.

Later, when the emperor was happy and announced the banquet, Chu Jinyao walked out of the palace slowly. Fortunately, fast is a taboo in the palace, but slow is not wrong. When she was conscious again, she found herself being held and crossing a high threshold.

Chu Jinyao was surprised, and the alcohol in her mind was awakened by seven points: "His Royal Highness?"

"it's me."

Only then did Chu Jinyao breathe a sigh of relief. Also, in the deep palace, who would dare to hold her, besides Qin Yi? Chu Jinyao rested and rested her head on Qin Yi's arm. After a while, she suddenly realized that something was wrong: "Is this in the East Palace?"

"if not?"

"How can you bring me back? This, this... so many people are watching!"

"Okay, calm down." Qin Yi's arm was hard, holding Chu Jinyao, who was trying to move around, "I'm home now, what you said today, we'll take it slow."

Family? Chu Jinyao was taken aback by this word. It turns out that Donggong is already home

Xu was because he was drunk, and Chu Jinyao's words were much bolder than when he was sober. She hummed very lightly, rubbed her cheeks on Qin Yi's body, and said in a low voice, "Where there is His Highness, it is home."

The author has something to say: the legendary wine strong cowardly

All the emotions in the world, when you realize it, it is already too late.