The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 103: injured……


The face of the medicine man in black was dead white, his eyeballs were motionless, it could be seen that he was controlled by the medicine, and he only saw killing in his eyes.

Murong Ci was exhausted and struggling more and more, his arms were as cold and hard as steel, he didn't even notice when the soft sword slashed, the blood burst open, or the point of the sword pierced his body, and the blood gushed out. And the more you fight, the braver you are.

Her left shoulder was slapped by the opponent, causing burning pain, as if his nails were iron palladium sharp weapons, extremely sharp.

Suddenly, she remembered that the master who taught her a set of swordsmanship once said that if the opponent's moves are unusually fast and strange, she should stop with stillness and strike quickly with slowness.

So, she used that set of swordsmanship that she had never used before, and played slowly, unmoved by the outside world, forming a world of her own.

The medicine man in black attacked again and again, but for some reason, he couldn't attack her.

She danced the sword calmly, her movements were slow, and the soft sword drew a series of sword qi, and the sword qi was connected in a line, gathering more and more, interweaving into a net, covering her, isolating all the damage outside.

The opponent's attack became more and more swift and fierce, and hit her deadly point, but was blocked by the silver sword, and her poisonous snake-like sword tip pierced his heart in time, and immediately, blood flowed profusely.

However, no matter how much blood he bleeds, he will not feel pain or fall down. He is still brave and invincible, and his moves are endless.

Is this medicine man invulnerable

Murong Ci thought carefully, no matter how invulnerable he is, there must be a fatal weakness that can knock him down.

yes eyes

She pierced his eyes, and a silvery white pool flashed sharply, and the medicine man's eyes were bloody, it was too horrible to look at.

At the same time, she cut off his head again with another strike.

"The eyes are their weakness."

She raised her voice and went to help Murong Yu.

Murong Yu had already gained the upper hand against the two medicine men.

The phantom is psychedelic, the silver and white sword energy is intertwined into a net, and the black shadow in the black robe flows rapidly, burning like a black flame, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Not long after, the two medicine men fell down one after another, their eyes were destroyed and their heads were chopped off.

Murong Ci and Murong Yu looked at each other and smiled, as if fighting hand in hand and defeating the enemy, the joy was in their hearts, bit by bit, refreshing their hearts.

She temporarily forgot about exposing her skills, and he didn't mention it either.

They left here at once, and ran back the same passage they had come from.

However, before they found the engraved mark, he carved several marks with a dagger, and he did not see any marks when he returned the same way.

"What's going on, why are all the marks we made disappeared? Did we go the wrong way?" She was a little anxious.

"Don't panic. You can always find a way out." He stood in the middle of the passage and looked at both ends. "There are too many passages here, maybe we went wrong."

"what to do"

"Go forward."

Murong Yu took her little hand, she didn't break free, he smiled at her, and said softly: "No matter what, there is no unparalleled road."

Murong Ci nodded and gradually calmed down.

After walking for a while, they found that there seemed to be a stone room on the left side of the passage. Turning the mechanism, the stone door opened.

As soon as they entered, the stone door was closed immediately with a bang. They jumped in fright, turned their heads suddenly, and looked at each other.

She immediately went to find the mechanism, but there was nothing similar to the mechanism on both sides of the stone gate.

"We can't get out."

"We'll be fine, trust me."

Murong Yu held her small face in his big hands, with a firm smile and piercing eyes.

Looking at him, she felt relieved, and felt strange in her heart, as if if he comforted her, she would feel particularly at ease.

He took her into his arms and rubbed her back with his big hands tenderly.

At this moment, her restless heart seemed to have settled down.

"It seems to be the smell of lotus ointment." Murong Ci pushed him away, went to open the wooden boxes, picked up a delicate wooden box from inside, and opened the lid, "It really is a lotus ointment."

"There are more than ten boxes of lotus ointment." Layers of gloom appeared in his eyes, "If we hadn't found out about Mr. Jinyi's activities, these dozen boxes of lotus ointment would continue to poison the subjects of our Northern Yan Kingdom."

"It would be great if I could destroy these drug ointments." She said angrily, "Do you have a fire mask on you?"

"Yes." Murong Yu took out the fire pocket, "Let's find the mechanism to open the stone gate first, otherwise we will be burned to death."

They searched for a long time on the four walls, but they couldn't find the mechanism to open the stone.

She believes that there must be an agency

If their own people are trapped inside, there must be a mechanism for how to get out.

He took a wooden box, squatted down and knocked on the steel plate on the ground, one by one.

There was no gap between the steel plates, but somehow, he pried open a steel plate.

It's dark below, I don't know where it is, maybe it's also a stone room.

"Are you really going to do this?" Murong Ci was a little worried. It would be good to burn the lotus cream, but it would not be worth the loss if he killed himself.

"The bottom should be the last floor." Murong Yu said firmly.

When you're ready, light up these ayurvedic balms.

Watching the fire grow bigger little by little, watching the bright flame swallow

They looked at each other and smiled after swallowing those drug creams that had poisoned many people. Then they jumped down from the small hole.

He jumped down first and caught her below, and the steel plate closed automatically.

It was pitch black all around, and she couldn't see her fingers. Murong Yu held her little hand tightly, and slowly explored forward.

Just now, by the light of the fire, he looked down, and it was indeed a stone room.

Murong Ci suddenly remembered the Ye Mingzhu he was carrying with him, so he took out the kit and took out the Ye Ming Pearl the size of an egg.

The pearl is shining brightly, and there is a gleam of light in the dark world. After all, it is a ray of hope.

"Do you feel more and more wet?" Murong Yu asked in a low voice.

"Well, it's cold and damp." She felt that her feet were getting slippery, and it was no longer a hard ground.

They walked forward for a while, dumbfounded, and there was a dark water in front of them.

He bent down and put his hand into the water, "This water should not be stagnant water. Strange, the water is not cold."

Even in the hot summer, the water in pools, lakes, and rivers is cold, but here is dark and cold, with no sunlight, so how can the water not be cool

"There is only one explanation." Murong Yu beamed with joy.

"I see, the water here is connected to the hot spring water in Xuanyue Lake." Murong Ci smiled happily.

"If they are really connected, then it should be possible to swim out from here."


She put away Ye Mingzhu and took a step, but because the ground was wet and slippery, she slipped and lost control.

Murong Yu quickly brought her back and hugged her in his arms. She felt terrified and collected herself.

Their eyes met, as if time stood still.

He was reluctant to let go, she looked into his eyes, there was a touch of tenderness deep in there.

After the two got ready, they were about to walk into the water when he suddenly stretched out his arms to stop them, "Wait a minute."

She looked at him suspiciously. He picked up a stone beside him and threw it into the water.

The water is calm.

He tried again, this time with a larger rock, which made countless splashes.

"Are you worried that there are water monsters in the water?" She asked with a smile, admiring his thoughtfulness in her heart.

"It's always good to be careful."

Seeing that there was no reaction in the water, they walked into the water and started to swim when they reached the depths.

After swimming for an unknown amount of time, there was still darkness in front of his eyes, Murong Ci was exhausted, his limbs became heavier and heavier, and he couldn't swim anymore.

Murong Yu looked back and saw her lagging a distance behind, he knew that her left shoulder was injured and her physical exertion was too great, she hadn't had a good rest in the past two or three days, and she had been running all day, it was not easy to sustain until now.

He took her little hand and motioned him to pull his robe, and he led her forward.

She relaxed a little, gritted her teeth and endured, persisting

Finally, she vaguely saw a glimmer of light in front of her, and she was overjoyed.

But she is really tired and tired, she really wants to close her eyes and rest for a while

When he woke up again, Murong Ci saw a familiar snow-colored face, saw the familiar blue sky and white clouds, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You finally woke up."

Murong Yu hugged her ecstatically, God knows, just now he called her for a long time, but she didn't respond, he was worried that she would never wake up again, that deep fear gripped his heart firmly, It made him almost out of breath.

Fear, despair, grief, all kinds of emotions are intertwined, so unforgettable, he will never forget it in his life.

She was in a daze, letting him hold her, still a little dizzy.

Did they really come out of that underground world

"Let go of me," Murong Ci said softly.

"Your Highness, what does it feel uncomfortable?" He let go of her, his eyes filled with overwhelming emotion.

"It's okay." She asked worriedly, "Master Jin Yi knows we've come out, will he send someone to chase and kill us and your subordinates?"

"I didn't see them, maybe something happened." Murong Yu pulled her to stand up, his eyes were like eagles, "Let's go."

Only then did she realize that his condition was not very good either, his face was sickly white, and his lips were bloodless.

He was injured, the toxins in his body were not cleared, he didn't have a good rest, and he consumed so much physical strength that his iron body couldn't help it.

It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, they didn't care to leave Xuanyuetan because their bodies were soaked.

However, they only took a few steps when they saw a dozen men in black suddenly appearing.

Murong Yu and Murong Ci glanced at each other, it seemed that the ten or so people were sent by Mr. Jin Yi to kill them.

More than a dozen men in black were expressionless and attacked without any explanation.

In an instant, the murderous aura of Xuanyue Lake, which was filled with water and mist, soared, and swords, lights and swords were shadowed.

The big knife was wielded vigorously, the wind of the knife was fierce, and the internal strength was good.

The two soft swords are like swimming dragons, sometimes biting people unexpectedly like poisonous snakes, sometimes wrapping around the opponent's big sword, and sometimes sweeping thousands of troops invincible. However, the martial arts of the dozen or so men in black were not much inferior to theirs. In addition, they all had injuries and consumed a lot of physical strength. The two fought separately, and they were all at a disadvantage and retreated steadily.

Murong Yu knew that going on like this was not an option, these ten or so people had quite high cultivation levels, and they killed people without blinking an eye, so they were not easy to deal with.