The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 109: Foresight


The bedroom was dimly lit, Murong Yu was leaning on the big pillow, his eyes were slightly closed, the blue color on his face had faded, but he was still very pale.

His thick long eyelashes moved slightly, and he asked, "She guessed that the young man in golden clothes is the third prince of Nanyue Kingdom?"

The ghost replied: "Yes."

Coincidentally, Murong Yu also guessed the identity of Young Master Jin Yi, just thinking that there might be other possibilities.

She is unmatched in her ability to speculate.

"How to deal with the captured Yue Clan remnants?" Ghost Shadow looked at the prince, the prince's eyes were full of admiration, presumably he was quite satisfied with the actions of His Highness the Crown Prince.

"Tough torture to ask them if Yue Jingchen has sent the secrets of the Military Weapons Supervision back to Nanyue Kingdom." Murong Yu's deep eyes suddenly brightened, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Does this still need to be pressed? When Yue Jingchen got the secret, he should have sent it back to South Vietnam immediately."

"Yue Jingchen has no roots in the Nanyue Kingdom, and no one he can trust. How could he give this secret to others and make a wedding dress for others. He has made such a great contribution. He must return to the country to personally present it to the Nanyue Emperor and win the favor of the Nanyue Emperor. .”

"What the prince said is true. The subordinates know how to do it."

"Send Yue Jingchen's head and the corpses of those remaining parties to the Nanyue Kingdom so that the Nanyue Emperor can see it with his own eyes."

Murong Yu's black eyes blinked lightly, and the most horrific mind-attacking technique flew down from the corner of his eyes.

Ghosting was stunned for a while, and said in horror: "This subordinate will do it now."

Murong Yu said again: "Let's keep the king's awakening a secret for now, don't make it public."

Guiying led the order to leave, but he couldn't figure out why the prince didn't let people know that he was awake.

On the side of the prince, of course, no one can be sent to report.

After sleeping for so long, Murong Yu didn't feel sleepy. He opened his eyes and recalled every detail of his experiences in Xuanyuetan. Sweet smile, thinking about how she will react tomorrow

The next morning, as expected, Murong Ci hurried to Yuwang Mansion.

Early in the morning, she received the news sent by Guiying that Murong Yu's injury had changed.

She was about to enter the dormitory when she saw the government doctor come out and asked anxiously: "Why is the prince's injury worse, or is the poisonous gas attacking his heart?"

"Your Highness, the prince's injury is stable, but the poisonous gas cannot be discharged, so it is not optimistic." The doctor said seriously.

"Is that poisonous gas attacking the heart?" She was burning with worry.

"Almost." The doctor felt that his tongue was tied up, his eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to look at her.

Murong Ci thought that he was frightened because he was worried about being punished, so he didn't think about it deeply. She called Qin Ruo and told him: "You go to Imperial Physician Shen quickly."

Qin Ruo took the order and went, Murong Ci hurried in, and the two maidservants quietly left.

The huge dormitory was as silent as death, Murong Yu lay unconscious on the bed, his complexion was frighteningly pale, without any vitality. If he didn't still have a little breath, she would have thought he was dead and would never wake up again.

She sat on the edge of the bed, held his warm big hands with both hands, looked at the unconscious man, and thought of the man who always held her hand, always took advantage of her, and always pestered her domineeringly, Thinking of the man who had done everything in his power and strategized, her brow bones ached, and hot tears welled up in her eyes.

Murong Yu felt the warm liquid dripping on his hands, knowing that she was crying, he couldn't help feeling mixed feelings, joy, pity and sigh in his heart.

Although he couldn't bear her sadness and grief, he couldn't let his efforts fall by the wayside.

Murong Ci stubbornly wiped away his tears, he is not dead yet, why are he crying

Besides, he is her deadly enemy, why should she be sad, shouldn't she be cheering

However, she just couldn't restrain the worry and sadness deep in her heart.

"If you die like this, I will definitely recruit male favourites after I ascend the throne, and sing songs every night."

"I know that you have been looking for someone. In fact, I know who she is and where she is. As long as you get better, I will tell you."

"Murong Yu, if you die, you will lose. This palace will give you a grand funeral, but your family will never be able to become an official."

She spoke in a hoarse voice, although she pretended to be tough, the grief in her voice was moving.

Murong Yu said coldly: "As many male favourites as you recruit, I will kill as many as you like."

Murong Ci was stunned, this domineering and stern voice, was he talking

He opened his eyes and struggled to sit up, she quickly went to help him, ecstatic, "Why did you suddenly wake up?"

He heard what she just said

He pulled her closer, pinched her delicate chin, narrowed his black eyes slightly, and a hint of danger emerged from the bottom of his eyes, "How dare you recruit a male favorite?"

"Why don't you dare say anything about you, woohoo"

He suddenly grabbed the back of her head, moved her head over, and kissed her lips precisely.

This unexpected attack made her flustered, she lay on top of him, she couldn't avoid it, but she didn't dare to struggle hard, she could only let him bully her.

Murong Yu eagerly sucked the tender lips, sucking in all the sweetness, tenderness and violence go hand in hand, and it is strangely harmonious and unified, there is a bit of violence in the tenderness, and a bit of tenderness hidden in the violence, which made her heart tremble a few times.

Murong Ci pushed him away abruptly, and patted his shoulder angrily, "How could you do this?"


He took a deep breath and frowned slightly, as if in pain.

Knowing that she hit his injured part, she felt a little guilty, "Bengong didn't do it on purpose."

He held her catkin, and she pulled it out forcefully, sat a little further away, and said coldly, "You've woken up a long time ago, haven't you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Murong Yu stared at her, her attitude was completely different from the past two or three days.

"Since the lord is awake, let's talk about business." Murong Ci put on an indifferent face of "invulnerability", and asked him how to deal with Yue Jingchen's corpse and the corpses of the rest of the party, as well as those who were captured alive.

When she learned that he ordered Ghost Shadow to bring Yue Jingchen's head and the corpses of those people to the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom, she couldn't help but be astonished.

After thinking about it, she couldn't help admiring his mind attacking skills.

Although Emperor Nanyue didn't pay much attention to Yue Jingchen, he was his son after all, and it's no wonder he wasn't angry when he saw his son's head and so many corpses. There is no doubt about the deterrence and warning of this move, and it will definitely cause shocks in the ruling and opposition parties of the Nanyue Kingdom.

Her heart was ups and downs, no one in the world had the guts to do like him, only Murong Yu had the strength to "provoke" a country like this.

If it is someone else, doing so will definitely anger the other party, and it is very likely to spark a war between the two countries.

As for him, the name of War Demon is famous all over the world, and the other party wants to stir up disputes between the two countries, so he has to weigh it carefully.

In her heart, besides admiration, she still admires.

"How to deal with Yue Jingchen's body?"

"Preserve it first." Murong Yu raised his eyebrows, "Although the Nanyue Emperor doesn't value this son, it is a great shame that the prince's body is being held by other countries. The Nanyue Emperor will send envoys to negotiate."

"At that time, we can ask for prices." Murong Ci sneered, "It's a pity that the secrets of the Military Weapons Supervision must have been in the hands of the Nanyue Emperor."

"You don't need to worry. In fact, as early as four years ago, this king has taken back the copy of the secret recipe of the artillery, the making of the rocket and the making of the peerless magic weapon, and replaced it with a fake one. .” He Sen sneered.

She was shocked, surprised and happy, "The leaked secret is fake."

He nodded solemnly, "It's really here with me."

She didn't understand, "But in the past few years, the military inspector has made rockets and artillery, how to do with fake secret recipes and patterns?"

Murong Yu said calmly: "The artisans who make rockets, artillery, and peerless magic weapons can make them without secret recipes or patterns. This king secretly placed their families in a safe place, so that they have no worries about food and clothing. Those craftsmen go back to visit regularly, and dare not disagree."

Murong Ci was speechless, the secret he learned today was like a bolt from the blue.

Not long after Murong Yu returned to the court, he took control of the Military Weapons Supervision, holding military secrets in his hands to prevent leakage.

This far-sightedness, she thought she couldn't do it.

However, when she changed her mind, she thought again, he holds the top secret of Beiyan Kingdom, so it doesn't mean that he can do whatever he wants

"I think that if you treasure a piece, the palace should also treasure a piece." She tentatively said.

"Your Highness wants to test this king." Murong Yu smiled in a half-smile.

"If you think it's a temptation, then so be it."

"This is originally a royal secret, so it's okay to give a copy to His Highness. I will copy a copy and give it to His Highness in two days."

Murong Ci didn't expect him to be so forthright, and was a little taken aback.

She suddenly remembered something, and asked, "How should those officials who take drugs be dealt with?"

He asked back: "How do you want to deal with it?"

"Ben Gong asked Imperial Physician Shen that taking opioids will become addictive. This addiction can be quit, but the process is very painful."

"His Royal Highness wants them to quit this addiction"

"This palace has thought about it, and in the name of the prince, they will be gathered in the palace and ordered to quit their addictions. The guards and palace people will be strictly guarded, and the imperial physician will be in charge of diagnosis, treatment and decoction. If they succeed in quitting their addictions, they will be dismissed and investigated, and they will no longer be hired in this life. Three generations are not allowed to be officials."

"According to His Highness's wishes." Murong Yu chuckled lightly, this method is not bad, "Who will replace the vacant official position?"

Murong Ci stood up, looking bright, "I have prepared a replacement official, and I will send someone to send you a list later."

He watched her go, pursing his lips and smiling.

How could he not know that she wanted to install someone of her own among the substitute officials

For him, though, it didn't matter.

After returning to the East Palace, Murong Ci started to handle this matter, summoning those officials who had taken drugs to discuss matters in the Eastern Suburb Palace in the name of Yu Wang.

On the morning of the second day, more than 20 people arrived at the Eastern Suburb Palace, and the servants in charge of the Palace arranged for them to rest and wait in the main hall.

After waiting for an hour, they didn't wait for Yu Wang. They became impatient, restless and anxious.

What is the reason why the king summoned them to the palace

They didn't expect that it was because of the drug cream, and they started complaining.

Murong Ci came late at noon, seeing their complaints erupting and daring to speak out, he smiled coldly.