The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 117: Encounter on the street


Murong Ci wondered if he was angry or not, but he looked cold and his brows were calm, as if he was not angry. So take it easy.

Murong Yu's fingertips slid down from her forehead, and his manner was soft and gentle, "You seem to be avoiding me these few days."

She resisted the urge to slap that hand away, "How can I be thirsty, do you have tea here?"

"No. Only food."

"what to eat"

"Here." He pointed to his thin lips.

"Shameless." She couldn't help but roll her eyes, hey, you majestic Yuwang, can you stop being so childish.

"This king is a shameless rascal."

Before the words finished, Murong Yu bowed his head, raised her chin without hesitation, and kissed her soft lips fiercely.

Before the storm came, Murong Ci deftly squatted down, escaped from his grasp, and fled away crawling and rolling.

He was caught off guard and let her escape. Looking at her running away, a trace of tenderness appeared on the corner of his lips.

Back in the East Palace, Murong Ci talked with Qin Ruo and Ruyi about Gong Junhao's injury, but both Qin Ruo and Ruyi looked confused.

In fact, Murong Ci also has a lot of clues, and I don't know where to start.

"Whether the princess is lying or the prince is lying?" Ruyi rested her cheeks on her hands and muttered to herself sadly.

"Your Highness, could it be that both of you are lying?" Qin Ruo suddenly said, a bright light appeared in her mind.

"It's not impossible." Murong Ci beamed with joy, "Zhaohua and Gong Junhao both made false confessions in order to benefit themselves. It's just that only the two of them know the truth, and no one knows."

"Your Highness, why don't you think of a way to make one of them tell the truth." Qin Ruo suggested.

"If they lie on purpose, how can they tell the truth?" Ruyi blinked and said.

"It's like uttering the truth after drinking, as long as the method is clever, they can tell the truth themselves." Qin Ruo said happily.

"Then think of a clever way for His Highness," Ruyi said.

Qin Ruo glared at her, sighed heavily, "Unexpected."

Murongci thought about it all night but couldn't think of a solution. The next day she went to Jinghong Palace to visit Zhaohua. Concubine Qiao and the maid accompanied Murongshang, and they never left, worrying that she would do something stupid.

Murong Chang was depressed, his complexion was as pale as snow, his eyes were dark, and he didn't speak. He often stared at a certain place in a daze, or suddenly shed tears in a non-stop way, no matter how much others persuaded him, it was useless.

Concubine Qiao wiped away tears while talking to Murong Ci, and said sadly: "I know that Zhaohua is suffering, but I can't help her."

Yuan Xiu was very worried, "The maidservant said a lot of words to persuade the princess, but the princess didn't say a word, and I don't know if she listened."

Concubine Qiao cried: "How did Zhaohua encounter this? I thought His Majesty's marriage was a great joy, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

"Why don't I take the imperial sister out of the palace for a walk to relax." Murong Ci suggested.

"Alright. I'm always bored in the palace, and I'm worried that she will do something stupid." Concubine Qiao's voice was hoarse, her face was sad, and she was heartbroken for her beloved daughter.

"Concubine Qiao is also tired, why not go back and rest for a few hours."


With the support of the maids close by, Concubine Qiao left Jinghong Palace.

Yuan Xiu changed Murong Chang's clothes, and then boarded the carriage with Murong Ci to leave the palace.

The street was full of traffic and noisy, Yuan Xiu kept holding the princess tightly, worried that the princess would get separated.

Murong Chang was still unmoved by the scene in front of her, and walked stupidly, but she finally responded to them, she would nod and shake her head when they asked.

"Selling white sugar cakes, delicious white sugar cakes"

There was a man on the street hawking.

Yuan Xiu remembered something, and said: "Your Highness, the princess likes to eat white sugar cakes on the street the most. Every time she comes out and sees them, she will buy them and eat them."

Murong Ci smiled and said: "Then I will go buy it, you guys will wait by the side."

Qin Ruo didn't follow, but stayed to protect the princess.

Murong Ci bought a small bag of hot white sugar cakes. The owner of the street vendor is so nice, he gave her a piece to taste first, "The craftsmanship of making white sugar cakes in my family has been passed down from ancestors for hundreds of years. The neighbors say that my family's white sugar cakes are delicious. The most delicious, young master will take care of you in the future."

She responded with a smile, paid the silver and took the white sugar cake back.

But he saw the three of Murong Chang standing by the street, and two strange women standing in front of them, both of them seemed to be talking.

Murong Ci walked over suspiciously, but approached to the side.

"You've got the wrong person, why don't you leave quickly?" Yuan Xiu sternly scolded.

"Girl, you really look like a young master I know, may I ask if you are Mr. Rong's younger sister?" The eighteen-year-old woman asked Murong Chang urgently, with a happy expression on her face.

Murong Chang stared at the woman, his eyes were changing, as if he was frightened.

Yuan Xiu's gaze was as sharp as a sword, and he pushed the woman away, "What is Mr. Rong that my lady doesn't know?"

The woman fell backwards, but thanks to the support of the woman's maidservant, she didn't fall down.

The servant girl was angry with her master

, shrieked sharply: "How can you beat the emperor's feet with your own hands? Is there any law for the king?"

"Which eye of yours saw me beating someone?" Yuan Xiu asked fiercely.

"I can see your hand pushing my lady with both eyes," the maid retorted not to be outdone.

A few passers-by gathered around and whispered.

Yuan Xiu said angrily: "I told you that you have admitted the wrong person, what are you asking, get out of here!"

The elegantly dressed woman was extremely beautiful, but her brows were full of sorrow, "Don't be angry, girl, we are the ones who were rude."

Murong Ci walked over, handed the white sugar cake to Yuan Xiu, and said with a smile, "Miss is not what people in the capital call her."

"Young Master, my name is Xia Xiaolu, and I am from Jinzhou. I have been in the capital for four days with my maid, Chuntao, and we are staying at an inn." Wearing a summer shirt and skirt embroidered with blue flowers and clouds on a moon-white background, Xia Xiaolu looked like a woman in an empty valley. A lonely orchid, fragrant alone, "Young master, I came to the capital to look for someone, but unfortunately there are so many people, I don't have a clue yet."

"I don't know who the girl is looking for." Murong Ci asked politely, feeling that the girl was soft-spoken and a beautiful girl who was knowledgeable and sensible.

"It's none of our business to find anyone." Yuan Xiu said impatiently, "Young master, Miss feels unwell after standing for a long time, let's go."

"Master is talking, why do you interrupt?" Qin Ruo reprimanded in a low voice, "Miss is tired, you can take her to the tea house over there to have a rest."

Yuan Xiu opened his mouth, but did not speak after all.

Murong Chang, on the other hand, looked indifferent, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

Xia Xiaolu lowered her eyes shyly, "I came to the capital to find my sweetheart."

Her maidservant added: "My young lady and Mr. Rong are in love with each other. Mr. Rong promised my young lady that he will marry my young lady."

Murong Ci's thoughts moved slightly, and his surname was Rong again, "The girl's sweetheart, Mr. Rong, is from the capital."

Xia Xiaolu nodded, "Mr. Rong told me personally that he is from the capital. You are the elder brother of this girl."

Murong Ci nodded, Xia Xiaolu's eyes flickered between her and Murong Chang, and then said: "I was the one who was abrupt, please forgive me. Chuntao, let's go."

Yuan Xiu muttered: "It's really a bad world now, people are recognized randomly on the street."

Murong Ci watched the master and servant being gradually overwhelmed by the crowd, and said calmly: "Yuan Xiu, you are more fierce than Qin Ruo."

Yuan Xiu quickly lowered her head, and said respectfully: "The princess is in a bad mood, the servant is just worried that the princess will be bumped into."

Murong Ci didn't say anything anymore, Yuan Xiu's love for protecting the lord was considered loyal.

"Huangmei, try the white sugar cake." She took a piece of warm white sugar cake and handed it to Murong Chang's mouth.

"En." Murong Chang opened his mouth and ate.

"The princess ate it." Yuan Xiu laughed happily, "The princess likes white sugar cake the most."

"Then eat a few more pieces." Murong Ci handed those white sugar cakes to Yuan Xiu, and winked at Qin Ruo.

"Oh, Your Highness, I have a stomachache." Qin Ruo suddenly clutched her lower abdomen, bent slightly, and frowned, looking very painful.

"Did you get sick from eating and are you going to the latrine?" Murong Ci asked.

"Going to the latrine, Your Highness, Princess, you don't have to wait for the servant, I will return to the palace later on my own." Qin Ruo ran away clutching her belly.

"Qin Ruo, what's the matter?" Yuan Xiu frowned suspiciously.

"Perhaps I ate too much cold melon and fruit in the morning." Murong Ci didn't take it seriously, "Sister Huang, why don't we go to the teahouse to have a rest."

Murong Chang nodded numbly.

After spending more than half an hour in the teahouse, Murong Ci brought Murong Chang back to the palace.

At dusk, Qin Ruo came back and reported: "Your Highness, the servant searched for two streets before finding that Miss Xia."

Murong Ci asked, "Which inn does she live in?"

"I live in Kesiyunlai Inn. The servant asked the shopkeeper of the inn. The master and servant of Miss Xia are indeed from Jinzhou. They have been in Beijing for four days, and they are here to find someone."

"How could they have misunderstood the situation of the imperial sister at that time, let me tell you."

"The servant, the princess, and Yuanxiu were standing on the side of the street. Miss Xia and her maid were walking on the street and saw us by accident. Miss Xia opened her eyes wide in surprise, then she walked over quickly and stared at the princess. Look." Qin Ruo said in detail.

At that time, Xia Xiaolu looked at Murong Chang ecstatically, "Rong dare to ask girl, is your surname Rong?"

Yuan Xiu's eyes flickered, but Murong Chang's face was still ashen, as if he didn't hear Xia Xiaolu's question.

Seeing that Murong Chang was indifferent and didn't want to answer, Xia Xiaolu and Chuntao looked at each other, and then asked, "Miss, is your surname Rong?"

Yuan Xiu replied angrily, "My lady's surname is not Rong."

"Girl, do you know Mr. Rong?" Xia Xiaolu was anxious and pleasantly surprised, "I have something urgent to find Mr. Rong. If you know Mr. Rong, please tell me."

"My lady doesn't know Mr. Rong, you have admitted the wrong person, why don't you leave quickly?" Yuan Xiu said sharply.

Murong Ci also knew what happened after that, and he thought about it.

Qin Ruo was very puzzled, "Your Highness, Miss Xia went to the capital to find a man, why did she ask the princess if she knew her lover, Young Master Rong?"