The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 119: looking for someone


Murong Ci asked Mr. Rong in front of him to sit down, and asked kindly: "How do you call this year Guigeng, Mr.?"

When he came to the Yamen for the first time, he was a little apprehensive, so he replied in a low voice: "Caomin's surname is Rong, his name is Tianxing, and he is twenty-two years old this year."

She asked again: "The name has a good idea. You don't need to be nervous if you have a wife. I'm just asking a routine question, and you can answer it truthfully."

He looked at Shen Zhiyan and the yamen servants outside, and replied, "Yes, my lord. The Caomin's family is poor and they haven't married a wife yet."

"Are the son's parents still there? How many brothers and sisters do the family make a living?"

"Caomin's father passed away a few years ago, and his mother was old. When she was healthy, she sewed and mended for the neighbors in the neighborhood. I have two younger sisters who were still young. I was an apprentice in a pharmacy for only two years. If Learning the ability to treat people and see a doctor is also a craft, and the situation at home will be better by then."

"Your ancestors were from the capital city"

"The four generations of ancestors lived in the capital, and the ancestors of the Caomin moved to the capital from other places to make a living."

"Have you ever left the capital?" Murong Ci stared at him, not missing a single bit of his expression.

"Caomin works as an apprentice in a pharmacy every day, not to mention leaving the capital, even taking a day off occasionally." Rong Tianxing replied.

"Thank you for your cooperation, you can go back first." Murong Ci said gently.

This Rong Tianxing is not the person she is looking for. Xia Xiaolu is well-educated, well-spoken, and has an outstanding temperament. Although she is dressed in a simple and elegant way, the materials and jewelry she wears are not cheap, she should be a lady from a wealthy family. It is impossible for such a young lady to take a liking to this kind of honest, ordinary-looking poor boy from a poor family.

Young Master Rong who came in next, was completely different from Rong Tianxing in terms of appearance and attitude.

Wearing a maroon brocade robe embroidered with riches and honor, he is quite handsome, and his words and deeds are frivolous and arrogant. He is a son and brother who can be seen everywhere in the streets of the imperial capital.

Shen Zhiyan whispered in Murong Ci's ear: "This man has a good family background, and his family runs a silk and satin shop."

She sneered, a silk and satin shop is so powerful

"My lord, please hurry up and ask any questions, I'm very busy." Mr. Rong glanced around with shrewd and frivolous eyes, and said slowly.

"What's your name, son?" she asked coldly.

"Rong Shaoqian."

"I don't know what Mr. Rong is busy with"

"That's too much, busy eating and sleeping, busy bathing and changing clothes, busy drinking with Xiaoyue'er and Xiaoxue'er and admiring the moon, busy"

"Why doesn't Mr. Rong marry a wife?" Murong Ci interrupted him.

"I'm not that stupid. Find a woman to control me." Rong Shaoqian smiled blithely, "With a woman at home, I can't accompany my Xiaoyue'er and Xiaoxue'er to drink and watch the moon. How boring and boring, isn't it? I'm not the kind of person who would give up an entire forest for just one tree, it's not worth it."

"Where did Mr. Rong's ancestors go?"

"My ancestors came to Jinzhou, and my grandfather moved to the capital to do business when he was young."

Murong Ci was a little happy, "Your family's ancestral home is Jinzhou, have you ever gone back to worship your ancestors?"

He snorted coldly, "I won't go to that dilapidated place in Jinzhou. There are no beautiful and gentle girls in the Qinlou Chu Pavilion there, who are far worse than Xiaoyue'er and Xiaoxue'er. My Xiaoyue'er and Xiaoxue'er are still charming and lovely." people"

Shen Zhiyan couldn't watch it any longer, and shouted in a deep voice, "Be honest and answer carefully."

She asked again with a cold face: "All these years, you have never been back"

Rong Shaoqian was a little more honest, but his eyes were still full of frivolity and disdain, "When I was eighteen, my father told me to go back to my hometown to worship my ancestors, and I went back once in that year."

“Never went back since”


"If your confession is false, Dali Temple will invite you back again. It will not be such a simple questioning then." Murong Ci's eyes were cold.

"I said my lord, you ask me what I want to do. I spend my days drinking and singing every night, but this is not against the law, and I haven't pretended to be a criminal." Rong Shaoqian was very impatient, yawned, "Please hurry up, my lord, I have to go back to sleep."

"You can go back."

"Seriously, my lord, you'd better finish asking. I don't want to come to Dali Temple again and be made fun of by my brothers." He stood up and said foolishly.

Murong Ci waved to the yamen servants outside and led them out. Then, she instructed Qin Ruo in a low voice: "Follow him back and ask the servants in his family."

Qin Ruo took the order to leave, knowing what to do.

Shen Zhiyan was puzzled, "His Royal Highness, you asked the young man surnamed Rong to come over and ask, is it related to Lin Shu's death?"

She smiled slightly, "Maybe it's related, maybe it's not."

"Ah" he was even more confused.

"I ran into a young girl on the street who was looking for someone in Beijing. Coincidentally, the lover she was looking for was also named Rong."

She told about Xia Xiaolu's situation, but Xia Xiaolu said that her lover was very similar to Zhaohua, and this Rong Shaoqian had no similarities with Zhaohua, so Rong Shaoqian should not be the lover Xia Xiaolu was looking for. However, Murong Ci didn't want to lose the only clue.

Shen Zhiyan finally understood, and said: "Please invite that Miss Xia to come and recognize someone


"Yeah, why didn't I think of this?"

Immediately, Murong Ci sent a yamen servant to Ke Ruyunlai Inn to find Miss Xia's master and servant.

Soon, the yamen servant came back and replied, saying that Miss Xia's master and servant were not at the inn, and the shopkeeper of the inn said they had gone out.

Shen Zhiyan said: "Then go to the inn to find them in the afternoon."

At noon, they sat together to taste the hometown dishes made by Lin Yu.

Lin Yu cooked a large table of dishes, which were delicious in color and fragrance, and his mouth watered just looking at them.

Murong Ci asked Lin Yu to sit down and eat together, she was not shy, she sat down readily, and introduced various dishes to everyone.

There was laughter and joy during the banquet.

A small official said with a smile: "Miss Lin, the mapo tofu you made is delicious, smooth, spicy and numb. I have never eaten such delicious mapo tofu."

Another little official also praised: "I like this scallion pancake the most. It is soft, glutinous and crispy, and it is also fragrant and has a special chewy texture."

Everyone praised one after another, and Lin Yu was embarrassed, and a thin blush was smeared on his round cheeks, "My lords, I am overwhelmed."

Murong Ci smiled and said, "I like this tofu fish soup the most. The fish soup is rich and the fish meat is delicious. It's perfect."

Shen Zhiyan smiled and said, "I like this stewed chicken nuggets best."

Everyone laughed and ate and made noises, and more than a dozen dishes were swept away.

After lunch, Qin Ruo finally came back.

Murong Ci drank tea in Shen Zhiyan's room and listened to her report.

Rong Shaoqian is indeed a well-known playboy in the neighborhood. He spends his time drinking, drinking and singing every night, either in the Qinlou Chu Pavilion, or on the way to the Qinlou Chu Pavilion. There are three brothels he often goes to, and he doesn't go home until the fourth watch, and sometimes he doesn't go back until the next morning.

No matter how his parents scolded him, it was useless, he was just good.

If Qin Ruo had asked the servants of the Rong family, Rong Shaoqian had indeed returned to Jinzhou when he was eighteen years old, and he had never been back since then.

Shen Zhiyan poured tea for His Highness, and came to a conclusion: "It seems that Rong Shaoqian is not the lover Miss Xia is looking for."

Murong Ci nodded, and there was no need to find Miss Xia to identify someone.

Rong Shaoqian has never been to Jinzhou, how did he meet Miss Xia, and they fell in love with each other

"The lover Mr. Rong that Miss Xia was looking for did not meet the requirements, and Miss Rong, who Miss Lin wanted to sue, also found no such person. They entered a dead end together. How could it be such a coincidence?" Shen Zhiyan frowned thoughtfully.

"I always feel that these two things are related. How could it happen that they both have the surname Rong?" Murong Ci raised the teacup to his mouth, but didn't drink it.

"Why don't you go find Miss Xia and ask Miss Xia to draw a portrait of Young Master Rong." Qin Ruo suggested.

"That's a good idea." He frowned and smiled.

"The slave is going right away." She beamed with joy.

"You haven't eaten yet, you have to eat first before going." Murong Ci instructed, "Go to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat, or go to the street to eat."

"The servant knows." Qin Ruo took the order and went.

Murong Ci and Shen Zhiyan looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

She drank tea slowly and said, "By the way, is there any other discovery of Lin Shu's body?"

He shook his head heavily, "I re-examined Lin Shu's body. Except for the sword wound on his heart, there was nothing else. Lin Shu was killed with a single sword. nothing."

She sighed again, "This murder case is really tricky, is it really going to be an unsolved case?"

someone outside

Murong Ci was about to go out to see who was eavesdropping on them, but Lin Yu walked in. Lin Yu's delicate eyebrows were full of disappointment, sadness, and helplessness, and he said: "My lord, you have tried your best, and I am already grateful and satisfied. If God really wants to let the murderer go free, I will not force it After a while, I will take my brother's body back to Yizhou for burial."

"Miss Lin, I'm sorry, we tried our best." Shen Zhiyan comforted, "But don't be discouraged. We have been investigating murder cases for several years, and it often happens that we have no clues and enter a dead end. Progress. But after a while, maybe new clues will suddenly appear, and then the truth will be revealed, and the murderer will be brought to justice."

"Really?" Her dark eyes widened.

"Really, it's amazing to solve a murder case." Murong Ci also comforted, "Don't worry, Miss Lin, we will do our best to investigate. But after all, it has been so long since your brother's case happened, and the place where the crime happened is not in the capital. There is indeed no progress. I hope you treat it with a normal heart, so that you will feel better, right?"

"I understand what you mean." Lin Yu said generously, and bowed to them, "The kindness of the two adults, I, Lin Yu, will never forget it."

"Miss Lin, don't be like this." Shen Zhiyan quickly went to help her up, but it was only for a while.

"I'm going to boil water for the two adults." She turned around and walked away quickly.

"I saw her cry."

He turned and sat down, shaking his head and sighing.

Murong Ci rested his chin and pondered: "Is there any connection between Mr. Rong that Miss Xia is looking for and Miss Rong that Miss Lin is looking for?"