The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 14: must marry the prince


Murong Shi looked at the prince coquettishly and timidly, her heart beat faster, it was about to jump out of her chest.

At this time, her mood was very complicated, joy, shyness, and a little inexplicable fear, all intertwined and confused.

And the prince in front of her was extremely handsome, those deep and bright eyes seemed to be able to speak, with a trace of evil charm, teasing her.

"I will do whatever my Highness asks me to do." She lowered her slender eyelashes, and a thin blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Is that so, I want to see if your ability is better than the two concubines of this palace." Murong Ci let go of her, stood by the threshold and looked out into the bright and brilliant sunlight.

"Your Highness can test me."

Because of the prince's departure, Murong Shi suddenly felt a little lost, staring blankly at Prince Yulang's moon-like side face, her eyes became more and more fascinated.

Murong Ci ordered Ruyi: "Go and invite the two Liang Dies."

Ruyi immediately ordered the maids to invite Ye Liangdi and Wei Liangdi, not long after they came to the main hall, they were quite surprised to see a charming girl accompanying the prince.

After saluting, they asked respectfully, "What orders does Your Highness have?"

Murong Shi looked at the two Liang Dies, becoming more and more confident.

Not only were they born in a family of petty officials, they couldn't be compared with her at all, but also their looks were just average, and it was hard to be considered elegant. If she really becomes the crown prince in the future, she believes that she will definitely become the most eye-catching woman around the prince.

"Princess Duanrou of Yuwang Mansion wants to be the princess of this palace." Murong Ci raised his eyebrows lightly, his curled eyelashes fluttering like butterfly wings, "You have been serving this palace for a long time, just like the county concubine." The Lord talked about the most basic skills of serving me."

"Yes, Your Highness." Ye Liangdi and Wei Liangdi caught His Highness's hint, and then bowed to Murong Shi.

Murong Ci went to the study and took a few books to read.

In the main hall, Murong Shi raised her chin, and with an arrogant posture like a royal princess, she said in a condescending tone: "This princess will soon become a crown princess, and I will treat you well in the future. How to serve your highness is up to you." Please do not hesitate to enlighten me, both of you."

Ye Liangdi said softly: "I don't dare to teach you. The princess has golden branches and jade leaves. Today I will communicate with the princess."

Wei Liangdi ordered the maid to serve tea, then pursed her lips and smiled, "Princess, please sit down, let me talk first. Your Highness is very particular about food, especially likes to eat fish."

"Wouldn't it be nice to let the cook in the dining room cook fish every day?" Murong Shi curled her lips disapprovingly.

"The princess doesn't know. Although the chefs in the East Palace are good at cooking, His Highness prefers home-cooked dishes. After my sister and I entered the East Palace, they spent a month learning the home-cooked methods of several kinds of fish. Let His Highness be a little satisfied." Ye Liangdi said slowly.

"Your Highness is quite picky about meals. Cooking fish and soup for His Highness is the most basic skill in serving His Highness." Wei Liangdi smiled and said, "In the future, the princess will serve His Highness like this when she becomes a princess."

"" Murong Shi bit her lower lip, didn't she just learn how to cook fish? She couldn't be bothered.

Although since she was born, she has never touched the sun with her ten fingers, and she opens her mouth and clothes to stretch out her hands when she eats, but she has always been smart, and it shouldn't be difficult to make fish or something.

Thinking of this, she no longer struggled, and asked, "What else?"

A court lady stood by the threshold outside the hall and listened, then hurried to the study to report.

Ruyi smiled and said: "The Princess must have a funny expression after hearing what the two Liang Dies said."

Murong Ci held a booklet in his hand, and said: "This is the first time I found out that Ye Liangdi and Wei Liangdi's brains are quite easy to use."

On the side of the main hall, Wei Liangdi went on to say: "Your Highness likes to be quiet, for example, His Highness is reading or reading books in the study at this time, we also have to wait in the study, but we can't make a sound, let alone leave, we can only quietly stand."

"Can't make a sound and can't leave, isn't that going to suffocate?" Murong Shi asked in amazement, why does His Highness have so many eccentricities

"His Royal Highness will ask us to serve you at any time, so we can't leave. When you serve His Highness, you must pretend that you don't exist, and you must stand upright. Most of the time, you need to stand for one to two hours. Princess, let me show you once. You see."

Ye Liangdi stood upright, looking forward, holding her right hand with her left hand and putting it in the middle of her waist.

Wei Liangdi said gently: "This is not difficult. Since the princess loves the crown prince, I will give it a try today and stand in this position for an hour."

"This is too simple."

Murong Shi stood up joyfully, took a good posture and stood up straight.

Isn't it simple? The old mother in the palace taught her the etiquette in the palace, and she learned it all in a few days.

Ye Liangdi and Wei Liangdi glanced at each other, and said: "The princess must remember, don't look around, don't talk, just stand."

Murong Shi nodded, and went forward bravely, with a determined face.

They sat down to drink tea, looked at each other, almost inaudible smiles slipped from the corners of their eyes, and they understood each other.

Time passed inch by inch.

The maid went to the study to report back, Ruyi covered her mouth and smiled, "Ye Liangdi and Wei Liangdi have so many tricks, the princess has already stood for half a cup of tea."

Murong Ci sneered, "With the lively and boisterous temperament of the Princess, how could she bear this extreme tranquility?"

That's right, less than a cup of tea

After a while, Murong Shi couldn't take it anymore.

At first, she was still in high spirits, thinking that this was an extremely simple task, and it would not trouble her.

Gradually, my legs became numb, my waist was sore and limp, and my arms became so sore and numb that I was about to cramp.

"How long has it been?" she asked impatiently.

"Princess, it's not enough for a cup of tea." Ye Liangdi kindly reminded, "Don't you remember, Princess? I'll accompany His Highness by your side, and you can't make a sound. Your Highness doesn't like it."

"One hour passed quickly. We read books with His Highness, and we have to stand for more than an hour each time." Wei Liangdi lowered her head to drink tea, a slight sneer flashed in her eyes.

Murong Shi shut up, cheering herself up, persistence is victory.

The crown prince is waiting for her in front of her, and the position of the crown princess is within reach, and she cannot give up easily.

She twisted her body as little as possible to relieve the pain and numbness.

However, it didn't take long before the pain in my whole body became more and more severe. She frowned, gritted her teeth and insisted, a thin layer of sweat formed on her back and forehead.

In any case, she has to overcome many difficulties and become the prince's favorite princess.

After an unknown amount of time, her small face was pale, her beautiful eyes were half-closed aimlessly, and her body was shaking slightly, as if she was about to fall down at any time.

Ye Liangdi looked at Wei Liangdi, covered her mouth and said: "She will be fine."

Wei Liangdi said in a low voice: "She did it willingly, it has nothing to do with us. Besides, His Highness will protect us."


The voice is muffled.

I saw Murong Shi fainted on the ground, her small face showing a pale color.

Ye Liangdi and Wei Liangdi hurriedly called a few maids to help her to a chair and sat down, she faintly woke up, and only then did she realize that she had fainted.

Isn't it just standing still? She didn't even stand for half an hour, it was so useless.

However, His Royal Highness's preferences are even more strange, why the people who serve around him can't make a sound, but have to stand upright

"The Princess is sick, why don't you go back to the mansion first and rest." Ye Liangdi persuaded.

"If something happens to the princess, we can't afford it." Wei Liangdi said.

Finally, with the support of several court ladies, Murong Shi returned home.

In the study, after hearing Ruyi's report, Murong Ci sneered and continued to read.

Tonight, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the bone lanterns hanging under the eaves are blown horizontally by the cold wind, or spinning continuously, and the dim light and shadow are swaying like drunk.

In the study room, Murong Yu stared at the man with his head bowed, Mr. Yang.

This Mr. Yang is the world's number one illusionist who was examined by the world's number one village.

Previously, Murong Ci arranged for him to live in a safe place with Mr. Bai and Miss Su, but Murong Yu still found him.

"I don't know what the lord's order is." After waiting for a long time, Mr. Yang couldn't help asking, with a respectful attitude.

"I heard that your illusion is superb, and I want to see it."

Murong Yu was sitting in front of the desk, with his right hand resting on the armrest, his fingers clasped lightly, and his thumb was wearing a gold ring with a strange shape and a rough snake head.

Mr. Yang said: "It's a villain's honor to be able to perform for the prince."

After finishing speaking, he took out a square black cloth about the height of a person, and stretched out the two ends with both hands, showing this side first, and then showing the other side in turn. Repeatedly like this, it means that this black cloth is just an ordinary cloth, and there is nothing special about it.

He stared at Young Master Yang's actions and the black cloth without blinking.

"My lord, the villain will disappear in front of you."

As soon as the voice fell, the black cloth fluttered up, and then slowly fell down.

Murong Yu stood up, never taking his eyes off Young Master Yang and the black cloth.

The black cloth fell to the ground, and he was the only one in the study, and Mr. Yang disappeared.

Murong Yu's cold pupils swept across the room, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared. But what he was sure of was that Young Master Yang had actually disappeared before the black cloth fell to the ground.

He hooked his lips confidently, raised his head, and saw Young Master Yang hiding on the beam, "Come down."

Mr. Yang jumped down and flattered him: "My lord has sharp eyes, I was spotted by him at a glance."

"You are not a real illusion, what you are using is just a blinding trick. With the help of that black cloth cover, you used lightness kung fu to jump up to the beam, just relying on your extremely fast agility."

"My lord is wise and sees through the little tricks of the villain. That's right, what the villain has learned is these tricks that are a little more mysterious than tricks. It's just that the villain has been practicing lightness kung fu for many years, so he can deceive ordinary people."

"Who did you learn from?"

"The master of the villain is the same as the villain, bluffing and deceiving under the banner of illusion." Mr. Yang lowered his head in shame.

"You are self-aware." Murong Yu blinked inscrutablely, "Have you ever heard of someone in Jianghu who knows real illusion?"

"What the lord is talking about is the lost illusion villain of the ancient Jialan country, which I have never heard of." Young Master Yang said.