The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 16: Blood jade is ominous


When those palace people heard the words, they all echoed, saying that the blood jade from the sky is exactly what was sung in the ballad, and it must be a disaster from the sky.

Gu Huai waved his hand to press them down, asking them to be quiet, and said solemnly: "The origin of these blood jades needs to be thoroughly investigated, and what happened in the palace has nothing to do with the songs in the city, it's just a coincidence. Don't talk nonsense , Disturbing people's hearts."

Liu An is the chief servant, and it is his responsibility to control the mouths of the palace servants, so he said seriously: "Did you hear clearly, Mr. Gu hasn't investigated it thoroughly yet, you are just saying with certainty that blood jade is falling from the sky, and everyone is idle." If you have nothing to do, if you dare to gather people under the wall to make irresponsible remarks, our family will not forgive you lightly."

The palace people all lowered their heads, "Yes."

Gu Huai and Shen Zhiyan walked around the Fengtian Palace, but found no other clues, so they left.

Murong Yu has heavy government affairs, so he also went back to deal with government affairs.

Murong Ci hurriedly went back to the East Palace to change clothes, and then left the palace.

At the palace gate, the carriage moved forward slowly, but suddenly stopped.

Qin Ruo lifted up the bamboo green curtain, and saw a handsome young man in a snow-white brocade suit standing outside the palace gate.

People can feel his spring breeze smile before seeing clearly.

If he didn't smile, he would be a clear, clean and gentle young master Pianran. If he smiled, it would be a little more comfortable and free and easy.

"Your Highness, it's Master Shen." Qin Ruo said with a smile.

"I know." When leaving Fengtian Palace, Murong Ci gave him a wink.

Shen Zhiyan bowed into the carriage, sat down with a smile, his posture was clear and coquettish, "Why does Your Highness suddenly have an interest in investigating this weird thing?"

Murong Ci raised his eyebrows, "Guess."

He understood, his brows were full of brilliance, "Your Highness has nothing to do, and investigating this weird matter should pass the time. Besides, for such a weird thing as blood jade from the sky, you can use your brain more. In the long run, your brain will become more agile. All benefits and no harm."

Qin Ruo pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Could it be that Mr. Shen is a roundworm in His Highness's stomach?"

"I have followed His Highness for many years, and I can still guess what His Highness thinks." Shen Zhiyan smiled confidently, winking at her with a romantic look.

"By the way, Your Highness, I have researched a fresh way of eating beef these days. When I have time, I will cook it myself for Your Highness to try." He said again, with great interest.

"Okay, let's do it today." Murong Ci clasped his hands lightly, and the blood jade in the pool of blood in Fengtian Palace was always lingering in his mind.

"What's a fresh way to eat it?" Qin Ruo's gossiping heart was aroused, and she asked curiously, "The roast duck made by Mr. Shen last time, I still have a lot of aftertaste."

Murong Ci still had a fresh memory of his new way of eating roast duck last time, wondering when he would eat it again.

It took him two hours to make the roast duck. After the roast duck came out of the oven, he used a clever knife technique to peel off the skin and meat of the roast duck piece by piece along the muscle texture and the characteristics of each part, and then used fresh Duck slices are wrapped in vegetable leaves, dipped in sauce, and put into the mouth

However, when they were enjoying the crispy and burnt deliciousness of the roast duck, he said: "Actually, the way to cut the roast duck with a knife is similar to dissecting an autopsy. Hands must be steady, and the roast duck must be handled gently and delicately, so as not to damage the roast duck or the corpse."

He was talking excitedly while being immersed in his own world, then he suddenly turned his head and saw that His Highness and Qin Ruo had already rushed out, throwing up against the wall.

"Lord Shen, this time your Highness is trying something new, can you stop talking about the autopsy?" Qin Ruo begged with a bitter face.

"Autopsy investigation is the ultimate pursuit of my life, and it has been integrated into my life, food, clothing, housing, transportation, rest and bathing," Shen Zhiyan said spitting, dancing with his hands and feet, like a high-spirited orator.

Murong Ci looked out the window, not wanting to talk to him anymore.

Qin Ruo rolled her eyes speechlessly, covered half of her face and turned her head.

The one-man show couldn't go on, his mouth opened, but he didn't feel embarrassed, because every time he talked loudly, the people around him would always turn around or leave silently. He asked: "Blood jade descended from the Fengtian Palace, what did His Highness find?"

"What did you find?" Murong Ci asked back.

"Master Gu and I didn't notice it." Shen Zhiyan frowned slightly, "But I found a set of footprints on the grass on the west side of Fengtian Hall."

"I also found it, it should be the man's footprints."

"However, this group of footprints doesn't mean anything. There are enshrined guardians in Fengtian Temple. It's not surprising that palace people usually go to Fengtian Temple."

She nodded, staring and said: "I think this matter is not that simple."

After discussing along the way, they soon came to Jinji Jade Ware, one of the five largest jade merchants in Luoyang City.

Shen Zhiyan and Murong Ci went into the jade shop together, and the shopkeeper greeted them warmly when he saw their brocade clothes, either rich or expensive.

Murong Ci took out two blood jades, the blood stained on the blood jades had been cleaned, the shape was like quail eggs, the inside of the jades was dark red like blood, and the lines were clearly visible like branches. She asked: "Shopkeeper, have you seen this kind of blood jade recently or do you have this kind of blood jade in your shop?"

The shopkeeper picked up the blood jade, held it up high against the sky outside, and carefully

Look, "This blood jade is extremely rare. Although this shop has sold blood jade before, this blood jade and the one in your hand are not sold by this shop."

"As far as you know, have other jade shops sold this kind of blood jade?" Shen Zhiyan asked.

"I don't know the details of other shops." The shopkeeper replied, "These two blood jades are high-quality goods, and they are very valuable."

"Can you see where it was produced?" Murong Ci hadn't had time to find the old jade craftsman in the palace to ask, so he could only ask after returning to the palace.

"I've been buying and selling jade articles for many years, but I really don't know where the blood jade is abundant." The shopkeeper looked away and didn't want to say more.

Shen Zhiyan took out the badge of Dali Temple from his pocket, waved it in front of him coolly, and asked seriously: "Dali Temple investigates the case, say what you know, don't lie."

The shopkeeper was taken aback, and then said: "We rarely sell blood jade in this business. Firstly, blood jade is extremely rare, and secondly, blood jade is an ominous jade. If there are distinguished customers who want blood jade, our shop will go to collect blood jade. Jade."

Murong Ci glanced at Shen Zhiyan, and frowned slightly, "Why do you say blood jade is ominous?"

"The origin of the blood jade is related to the corpse and the burial." The shopkeeper lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "The master of the rich family died, and the jade was buried with him. His family stuffed the jade into the dead mouth. This is the title jade."

"It's quite common for the dead to be buried with jade." Shen Zhiyan frowned slightly.

"I heard that some of the jade in the mouth of the deceased would fall into the throat and enter the body. Hundreds or thousands of years later, the dead blood of the corpse soaked the jade, and the blood slowly flowed into the heart of the jade, thus forming a dark red or maroon color. Blood jade. The blood jade in this kind of corpse is the most precious, but also the most ominous." The shopkeeper said.

"Is it possible that the blood in the jade will flow out later?" Murong Ci thought about it and asked again.

"Normally not. I have been doing jade business with my boss since I was a child, and I have never heard of it." The shopkeeper replied.

After coming out of Jinji Jade Shop, Murong Ci and Shen Zhiyan visited several big jade shops, they all gave the same answer, they had never seen or sold this kind of blood jade.

At this time, noon has passed, and it is the hottest time. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, the sun is in the sky, and the sun is very hot.

They visited a few, hot and hungry. Standing under the scorching sun, Murong Ci's smooth forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and his small face was flushed red by the sun, as delicate and beautiful as a burning peach, extremely touching.

Shen Zhiyan saw her such a pretty face, suddenly he couldn't take his eyes off a delicate and beautiful little face, dressed as a woman, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

Suddenly, his heart shook and he shook his head. How could such an idea come up

Must be dizzy from the sun

He suggested: "Your Highness is hungry, why don't you go to the nearby Deyue Tower to have a rest."

Dry-mouthed, she agrees.

When they arrived at Deyue Tower, the coachman drove the carriage aside, and Murong Ci was about to enter Deyue Tower when he heard several children singing:

The moonlight shines on the paradise, and the blood jade appears. The moonlight shines on the paradise, and the rain is all over the sky. The moonlight shines on the paradise, and the fish eat people. The moonlight shines on the land, and the jade steals the country.

Qin Ruo and Shen Zhiyan saw His Highness walking to the east, and hurriedly followed.

In a nearby alley, seven or eight children sang this song in a circle, looking innocent.

Murongci gave Qin Ruo a wink, and Qin Ruo walked over and asked softly: "Can you tell me who taught you this ballad?"

One of the older girls, an eight-year-old, replied: "I heard other people singing, and they sang along."

Shen Zhiyan left quickly and came back soon, with three more candied haws in his hand.

He squatted down, held up the candied haws with a smile on his face and asked, "Whoever answers my question, and the answer is good, I will reward a candied haws. You have to raise your hands quickly, otherwise you won't be able to eat the candied haws."

The eight-year-old girl said solemnly: "My mother said, you can't just take other people's things on the street. You are a bad person."

The other children ordered one after another, and then ran away in a hurry.

Shen Zhiyan froze on the spot, the corners of his mouth twitching, his expression dazed.

Qin Ruo joked: "I never thought that Mr. Shen would be despised by children one day."

He stood up, still holding three candied haws in his hand, dumbfounded, "Do I look like a bad guy? I, Shen Zhiyan, is a majestic young minister of Dali Temple. I look like a bad guy."

Murong Ci patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, my condolences."

Qin Ruo followed His Highness to Deyue Tower, and he screamed and followed.

Sitting down in the private room on the second floor, Murong Ci ordered a pot of tea and six hot dishes, and ordered the waiter to serve them quickly.

He cried and said, "Your Highness, what about the candied haws? Qin Ruo, do you want to eat it?"

"Okay, thank you Lord Shen." Qin Ruo wrapped it up bluntly, "I will take it home for Ruyi to eat."

"Those children should be singing that song with other children, and they don't know where the song came from."

Murong Ci stared and thought.