The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 18: blood rain


Seeing the certainty and smile on Murong Shi's face, and seeing the coldness in His Highness's eyes, Shen Zhiyan said seriously: "Princess, it's not expensive to read with me. It's enough for Your Highness to have me as a companion."

Murong Shi raised her chin and nodded deeply, "Of course the crown prince's companion is expensive and not expensive. Mr. Shen, you are also the young minister of Dali Temple. You are so incompetent." She looked at Murong Ci, puffed up her chest, "Your Highness, from now on, I will accompany you every day as my companion, serving His Highness on the saddle."

Murong Ci restrained the urge to throw her out, noncommittal, and looked at Shen Zhiyan coldly.

He understood what His Highness meant, and a sly look flashed in his eyes, and said: "The princess was born in the Royal Palace, which is extremely expensive, so he is naturally qualified to be the prince's companion. But it is not so easy to be the prince's companion. Dare to ask the princess, Are you familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics? If you want to accompany the prince, the most important thing is to recite the Four Books and Five Classics backwards. Why don’t you recite Mencius to His Highness first.”

Qin Ruo and Ruyi looked at each other, how could Princess Duanrou be able to recite it

"This..." Murong Shi scratched her head, showing a bit of embarrassment, "I learned it from my master a few years ago, but after so many years, I forgot."

"Princess, why don't you go back and ask a master to teach you the Four Books and Five Classics, and after you have memorized the Four Books and Five Classics by heart, come and see Your Highness."

Shen Zhiyan was amused in his heart, he had known for a long time that Princess Duanrou was ignorant, even after studying with his master for a few years, he still played truant every day to climb trees to dig out bird nests and go down the river to catch fish. Furthermore, she was born in a general family, and the Royal Palace was quite negligent in cultivating her descendants in terms of literature.

Murong Ci walked out, let out a long breath, "Master Shen, I have something important to discuss with you."

He followed immediately and left Murong Shi there.

Murong Shi watched them leave, wanted to stop them, but just opened her mouth, biting her lower lip unwillingly.

Qin Ruo persuaded: "Master, it's getting dark, you should go back to the palace first."

Standing at the gate of the palace, Murong Shi looked back at the East Palace, her heart became more determined.

A fish-belly whiteness appeared in the eastern sky, and the first light of the sky pierced the thick darkness like a sharp arrow.

Amid all the silence, a muffled thunder rolled from the distant sky.

The servant Yuan Shun who was on guard at the emperor's bedchamber was awakened by Menlei, raised his head in a daze, saw through the thin window paper that it was still dark outside, and then fell asleep again.

Then, there was a pattering sound outside the hall.

The first rain in early summer sifted down like beans, beating on the yellow glazed tiles, tinkling.

Yuan Shun didn't feel sleepy anymore, he simply got up and went to see His Majesty in the bedroom.

His Majesty slept soundly, and the spacious imperial tent was as quiet as death.

Then, Yuan Shun gently opened the door of the palace and looked outside.

The slanting wind in the early morning, wrapped in water vapor, rushed towards his face, and the cold air penetrated directly to the bottom of his sleeves and the skirt of his clothes, and he shivered suddenly.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, his face was full of astonishment and suspicion, and he opened the door of the palace a little.

Suddenly, he gasped violently, covered his mouth subconsciously, and panic and fear intertwined on his face.

how so

He didn't dare to delay any longer, and rushed out to find someone.

East Palace.

Murong Ci was very thoughtful, woke up by the early morning rain, tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep again.

The hurried footsteps had been lowered, but she still heard them.

She sat up and supported her aching head, "What's wrong?"

Ruyi tied the jade-colored gauze curtain with a lotus golden hook, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "The servants in the Qingyuan Palace are here to report."

"Father's something happened." Murong Ci's heart suddenly picked up, he immediately got down on the bed, pulled his robe from the hanger, "Change clothes for me."

"Your Highness, don't panic, Your Majesty is fine." Ruyi hurriedly reassured, "Yuan Shun and other servants witnessed it with their own eyes, His Highness Qing Yuan was raining blood."

Murong Ci's heart fell back to its original place, but his brows frowned, the second thing in that ballad really came true.

It's just that the master is raining blood, isn't it strange

When she came outside, the air-conditioning and water wind rushed straight in. She looked at the gray sky, at the continuous palace covered by the continuous rain, and at the blurred and dense scenery washed by the early summer rain, suddenly she felt a surge in her heart. There was a panic.

There were quite a few palace people standing in front of the Qing Yuan Palace, panicked and at a loss.

Liu An was standing under the porch with his whisk in his arm, looking at the bloody rain below, his shrewd face was a little anxious and worried.

Seeing the prince coming, he saluted through the rain curtain, "Your Highness, I dare not destroy the scene, so I will salute you here."

Ruyi held an umbrella for His Highness, and Murong Ci stood ten feet in front of the hall, with reddish rain under his feet.

Murong Ci looked over and saw that the rainwater under the steps of the hall was redder, like a murder scene washed by rain. And the rainwater falling from the eaves of the temple has returned to its original transparency, but occasionally there is a trace of blood.

She stepped onto the palace steps dripping with rain, and wishfully put away the plain bone palace umbrella painted with hibiscus.

"Your Highness, Yuan Shun stood up when the sky was getting dark, and saw scarlet rainwater flowing down from the eaves of the hall." Liu An said with a serious expression, "This is absolutely true, and these few have all witnessed it with their own eyes."

"Have you sent someone to the roof to look at it?" Murong Ci felt depressed.

"The rain will subside later, and the servants will send some

Take a look at the roof. " Liu An said.

"Is the father awake?" She looked at Yuan Shun and walked into the hall.

"Your Majesty is awake, but it's still early and he hasn't got up yet." Yuan Shun led the way and entered the bedroom.

On the dragon couch, Murong Cheng closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep, his face was peaceful.

Murong Ci didn't want to disturb his father, so he asked Yuan Shun in a low voice, "It's really as Liu An said."

Yuan Shun nodded, "I dare not hide it."

The voice of Liu An ordering the guards to go up to the roof to check came from outside. She came to the steps outside the hall and waited for the result.

At this time, Concubine Xiao's Luanjia hurried over, and she was startled when she saw the reddish rain on the ground, she glanced at Murong Ci indifferently, and went into the bedroom to visit His Majesty.

Three wooden ladders were erected on the eaves of the hall. Because it was wet and slippery after the rain, the guards could only look up from the top of the wooden ladders, and they all said that there was nothing wrong with the roof.

Not long after, the Prince Regent Murong Yu, Minister of Dali Temple Gu Huai, and Minister of Dali Temple Shen Zhiyan arrived at the same time after hearing the news.

Murong Yu looked at the light red blood all over the ground with a gloomy expression.

The rain soaked his black python robe, the hem of the robe and the sleeves of the clothes were soaked, which showed that the journey was in a hurry.

It has been raining for more than half an hour, and the rainwater accumulated on the ground is still light red, which shows that there is a lot of blood.

His gentle gaze involuntarily swept towards the prince standing aside. Murong Ci was originally waiting for Shen Zhiyan to report, but suddenly he noticed a gaze staring at him, so he turned his eyes to look. The eyes of the two collided, and she subconsciously turned her gaze away, slightly confused and a little uncomfortable.

She didn't know why it happened.

Gu Huai asked Liu An, Shen Zhiyan inspected the scene, and walked in front of the prince, half of his body was soaked by the rain, "Blood water dissolves in rain water, and it is impossible to tell whether it is human blood or dog blood."

She nodded, "This incident is unusual, just like yesterday's blood jade, I think it is man-made."

At this time, the palace people gathered under the corridor on the east side were whispering.

"This incident is too weird. There is no blood rain in other palaces, but His Majesty Qing Yuan's blood rains."

"Yesterday, the blood jade from Fengtian Palace has not been investigated yet, and something happened again early this morning. This blood rain is strange."

"Could it be God's punishment"

"Do you still remember what was sung in that ballad? The first two things have been fulfilled. Will there be fish cannibalism next?"

"I guess, 80% will, I guess someone is going to die."

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful not to be overheard by the manager."

Liu An glanced over gloomyly, and those palace officials immediately shut up, not daring to discuss any more.

He asked the regent: "My lord, this matter"

Murong Yu's eyes darkened, "Order the palace servants to clean up the front of the hall."

Liu An got the order and went to tell the palace servants.

Gu Huai pondered for a while before saying: "My lord, this incident this morning fulfilled the second thing in that ballad. Could it really be related to that ballad and where did that ballad come from?"

Although he didn't believe in the theory of strange powers and chaotic gods, these two incidents were too coincidental.

Murong Ci asked: "Did you check if any palace people disappeared or died?"

"I ordered the people below to investigate, and according to reports, no one in the palace was missing or died." He replied with a frown.

"No one in the palace disappeared or died, which means that the blood used in these two incidents did not come from the palace." Shen Zhiyan said.

"Lord Gu, find out the truth as soon as possible." The world was damp and gray, and Murong Yu's pupils were dark and shining, as if he was the only one awake.

"I obey." Gu Huai bowed his hands and saluted, his heart began to feel anxious.

This blood rain is not easy to fall, but it happened to fall in the emperor's bedroom. This matter is no small matter, and it is even more shocking than the blood jade that fell from the sky in Fengtian Temple yesterday. Just imagine, if the blood rain of His Majesty Qingyuan was man-made, then the perpetrators would enter and exit the Qingyuan Palace as if they were in an uninhabited state, wouldn't it be easy to murder His Majesty

Therefore, the safety of His Majesty has become a sharp sword hanging in everyone's mind.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He saw Yu Wang negotiating with the commander of the Imperial Guard in a low voice, and arranged for the patrolling of the palace and Qingyuan Hall.

When the rain stopped, everyone dispersed.

Murong Ci went in to see his father, said a few words and left.

As soon as she stepped out of the hall, she heard footsteps behind her, footsteps that were all too familiar.

"Your Highness, take a step to speak." Murong Yu said in a low voice.

"Can't we say it here?" She raised her eyes to look directly at him, discarding those chaotic thoughts.

He walked straight to the corridor on the east side, and she had no choice but to follow.

His jet-black hair was stained with one or two tiny crystal drops of water, and his handsome face was extremely cold.

"Did your Highness find anything?" He said coolly.

"I haven't found it yet." Murong Ci said indifferently. After being washed by the rain, the green leaves are bright and fresh, and the delicate flowers are still swaying in the wind.

From the eaves of the temple, drops of rain fell intermittently, like pearls with broken strings.

Murong Yu turned to look at her with clear eyes, "Your Highness, it is best not to go out these few days, and stay in the East Palace. Please rest assured, Your Highness, this king has ordered the Imperial Guard Commander Meng to strengthen the defense of the Qingyuan Palace and the palace patrol. Make sure His Majesty is safe and sound."