The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 21: Prince's worries


The regent arrived and personally inquired about the murder case. Gu Huai was a little flustered, but he didn't show his expression.

Although it was a murder case that caused a sensation in the city, there was absolutely no need for the regent to come to Dali Temple in person. He had to deal with government affairs that were more urgent than this murder case, and there were so many important family and state affairs. It was a bit inconceivable that he would come to Dali Temple in person.

Perhaps this murder case is related to that ballad, and the first two events of that ballad both happened in the palace.

Thinking of this, Gu Huai felt that the responsibility on his shoulders was greater.

Shen Zhiyan's hands were still wearing thin gloves, and he smiled like a breeze, "It's unfortunate that your Highness came down, I checked the body."

"What is the deadly injury of the deceased?" Murong Ci walked towards the corpse and asked directly.

"Who is the deceased? Have you found it?" Murong Yu stood beside her, staring at the wound on the deceased's face, "The wound on her face"

"My lord, Your Highness, the deceased was about thirty years old, and her identity is temporarily unknown. She had many bite wounds on her face and limbs, and some of the wounds were bitten off." Shen Zhiyan put away his indecent smile and said seriously talking.

"The dead man was killed by a fish?" She asked excitedly, a surge of blood suddenly surged up.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. The deceased's wounds should have been bitten by some kind of sharp-toothed insects, but not necessarily by fish." He continued, "There are several deep wounds, and the deceased should have bled a lot. , it can be seen that she was not dead at the time. However, these bites were not fatal."

"Where is the fatal wound of the deceased?" Murong Yu's eyes were a little bit cold.

"The lower officials were almost negligent just now. The deadly wounds of the deceased were in the viscera, and the viscera ruptured and died." Shen Zhiyan's clear voice was like a trickle, which relieved their anxiety. "From the results of the autopsy, the lower officials can conclude that , the deceased was first crushed by the internal force of the murderer, but he was not dead yet. Then the murderer let some kind of insects bite the dead, and the deceased saw several terrifying insects biting himself under serious injuries, and frightened to death even if he did not die. After she died completely, the murderer threw her into the Luo River, and arranged it to look like fish cannibalism. Therefore, the murderer who killed the deceased should be a person with a high level of internal strength."

Murong Yu asked suspiciously: "If the internal organs are broken, there should be bleeding from the seven orifices. Did the deceased have bleeding from the seven orifices?"

Shen Zhiyan replied: "When the lower official first saw the corpse, he did not find blood from the seven orifices of the deceased, but when the lower official did the autopsy, he found that the murderer should have cleaned up the corpse, so there was no sign of bleeding from the seven orifices."

Murong Yu nodded, "If fish can eat people, it must be a very large fish with very sharp teeth. However, there should be no such fish in the Luohe River."

Murong Ci thought about it: "The murderer intentionally set up fish-eating people, so it is to coincide with the fish-eating people in that ballad. This is already the third thing."

Gu Huai bent down and cupped his fists, "Don't worry, Your Highness, the lower officials will definitely hunt down the murderer as soon as possible."

At this time, a yamen servant outside reported that a man named Feng Ke had come to claim the body.

Gu Huai asked the yamen servant to bring the person in, and when Feng Ke saw the face of the deceased, he burst into tears, "Yu Mei Yu Mei"

He lay on the corpse and howled like a pig, distraught.

Everyone in the morgue kept shaking their heads. Although Gu Huai and Shen Zhiyan had handled many cases, it was very difficult to witness relatives mourning and crying because their relatives died innocently.

Murong Yu's face was as cold as cold water, he was indifferent.

Sadness filled Murong Ci's heart, seeing his expression, he couldn't help but slander: cruel and heartless.

The yamen servant took Feng Ke out, and everyone followed suit.

She wanted to know what happened to the deceased before he died, so she went to listen to the police and question Feng Ke.

Feng Ke wiped away his tears and told about the situation of his wife Sun Yumei this morning. He is a craftsman, has a good relationship with Sun Yumei, and has a pair of children. Today, Sun Yumei said that she would go to the street to cut fabrics and make summer clothes for her children, and buy some vegetables and fish on the way back. However, she hadn't come back to make lunch at noon. He was anxious and angry, and worried about what happened to his wife, so he went to the street to look for her.

He searched twice in the place where his wife often bought vegetables, but he couldn't find her. He also asked some familiar vegetable vendors, but they all said that they did not see Sun Yumei shopping today. His heart sank, and suddenly he heard some people on the street talking about Luohe fish cannibalism, so he went forward to inquire.

Hearing that the person in Luohe who was bitten to death by a fish was a woman in her thirties, Feng Ke's heart fell to the bottom of the valley, and he rushed to the place where the Luohe incident happened.

When he arrived at the Luohe incident, he realized that the corpse had been carried away by the government servants, and then he went to Dali Temple to identify the corpse.

Murong Ci and Shen Zhiyan left the room, and he said as he walked, "Feng Ke looks like an honest craftsman, so he shouldn't be lying."

She nodded, "The deceased, Sun Yumei, should have been abducted when she went to buy fabrics or finished shopping, and then killed by the murderer."

"It should be a coincidence that the murderer chose Sun Yumei. If it wasn't Sun Yumei, it would be another Sun Yumei."

"It seems that the murderer chose people at random to kill. The murderer possesses martial arts skills, so it is not difficult to carry the corpse to the Luo River to throw it away." Her bright eyes were filled with a cold light.

"It seems to be another case without a head." Shen Zhiyan's brows were filled with the coldness of autumn water, "The nails and ten fingers of the deceased were neat and clean, and there was no trace of struggle. It can be seen that the murderer hit the target with one blow, and the killing method was crisp and neat. , leaving no trace

trace. If I hadn't focused on checking the internal organs of the deceased, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find out the real cause of death of the deceased. "

Murong Yu walked over with heavy steps, black rolling golden robes blowing without wind, "Your Highness, I will send you back to the East Palace."

Murong Ci hated everything arranged for her by others, raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "It's still early, and I have other things to do in the palace, so I'll go back to the East Palace later. If the prince has urgent matters, don't bother me."

"Your Highness needs to rest." The tone was gentle, but there was an air of unambiguousness, as if he was the master of her life.

"I want you to take care of it" she almost blurted out, and changed the words, "If Bengong feels unwell, he will rest naturally. Besides, Zhiyan will take care of Bengong, and I am very relieved to have him send Bengong back to the East Palace. "

Murong Yu's dark handsome eyes were as cold as the bone, as quiet as an abyss, staring at her as if he wanted to swallow her up.

Shen Zhiyan originally had a smile on his brows, but now his smile froze into frost.

He was the prince's companion, and he should be with the prince at all times, so he never felt that there was anything wrong with standing by the prince's side.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was not suitable, no, very unsuitable to stand beside the prince.

This idea was too inexplicable, and he didn't know how it came up.

However, he felt that there was an invisible battlefield between the crown prince and the regent, siege the city and conquer the land, swords and swords, either you die or I die, if he doesn't leave, he will become cannon fodder.

He was about to take a step, but he saw Murong Yu turn around and leave, with his arms flying swiftly, curled up like battle flags.

Shen Zhiyan felt that today's regent was acting weird, as if he had robbed some treasure from the regent's hand.

Murong Ci said softly: "I have something to tell you."

Shen Zhiyan took the prince to the wing where he was resting, closed the door, and poured hot tea.

Murong Ci took a sip from his teacup, frowned and said, "So, there is no way to investigate Sun Yumei's case."

"The murderer didn't leave any clues, so it's hard to track down." He suddenly thought of something, and said joyfully, "The murderer deliberately made the world think that this murder was fish-eating people, so we can look at the whole incident and start with the ballad. Bu said so In a big game, these incidents cannot be done by one person, there must be many accomplices."

"From how to start with the song, can you find out where the song came from?" She rubbed her brows.

"Your Highness, do you see anything in this ballad?" He asked cautiously.

Seeing his cautious expression, she knew what he wanted to say.

She winked, he opened the door, looked left and right, closed the door again, turned around and sat down, and said in a low voice, "Your Highness also feels that the ballad points to someone."

Murong Ci glanced at the window sill, and said vigilantly: "I have already thought about it. The next step is Jade Stealing Kingdom"

The things in the ballad have become facts one by one. If the ballad really points to that person, will there be earth-shaking changes in these two days

The palace changed dramatically, blood flowed like rivers, the country changed hands, and the Yan Kingdom ceased to exist.

She had already asked Qin Ruo to pass on the order, and everyone was on strict guard and obeyed the order.

In fact, Shen Zhiyan had already had this speculation, but he didn't dare to say it easily.

"What is your majesty's plan?"

"I can only be cautious in every possible way, and secretly order someone to protect my father."

In the past few hours, what Murong Ci felt the most was that he couldn't do what he wanted.

In the past, she kept a low profile in the East Palace, secretly contacted the courtiers, and managed the No. 1 Villa in the World and the Phoenix Tower. She was full of fighting spirit, but now she realized that her power was insignificant in front of Murong Yu. The most important thing is that Murong Yu holds more than half of the Imperial Palace Guards, the Capital Defense Division and the Fourth Gyeonggi Battalion in the hands of Murong Yu. Only the Capital Defense Division is likely to obey her.

Just today, Murong Yu brought her back to the palace, ordered the doctor to diagnose and treat her, and took her to Dali Temple to inquire about the murder case. He also cared about her as the crown prince. However, she couldn't see through, couldn't figure out why he did this, maybe he was just acting

The tide of darkness was pressing on her step by step, and the sense of crisis of the overthrow of her family and country tugged at her heart all the time, making her breathless.

"Your Highness, there is no need to worry too much. The ballad may not be taken seriously, and the intention of the person behind the scenes is not yet known." Shen Zhiyan reassured.

"I have been thinking about how to make His Royal Highness Qingyuan rain blood." Murong Ci's bright eyes drooped slightly, full of distress.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time today, but I haven't come up with a reason yet." He noticed that her complexion was pale and blue, and asked worriedly, "Your Highness, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just have a headache." She held the teacup unconsciously, as if the residual temperature of the teacup could warm her cold heart.

Shen Zhiyan touched her forehead with the back of his hand, startled, "Your Highness, you have a high fever."

He immediately stood up, pulled her away, "I'll take you back to the East Palace to rest."

Murong Ci did not refuse, and returned to the East Palace under his escort.

Qin Ruo and Ru felt that His Highness's body was so hot, they were shocked, and hurriedly summoned the imperial physician.