The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 23: Stealing the country


The sun is shining brightly, the summer breeze is slightly smoky, the branches and leaves are lush, and there are patches of shade.

Murong Ci suddenly remembered something and asked, "Is Sun Yumei's death suspicious?"

Shen Zhiyan shook his head, "I went to the Feng family and asked the neighbors of the Feng family. Feng Ke and Sun Yumei have a very good relationship, and the family is harmonious."

She pondered: "The fish in Xiaoyue Pond can't eat people at all, and the fish in Luohe River can't eat people, so what kind of insects and beasts bit Sun Yumei and Xiaolu like that?"

His eyes were slightly cold, "I haven't thought that the mystery of His Highness Qing Yuan's blood rain has not yet been understood."

In the past two days, he couldn't sleep at night, and he couldn't think of a reason after thinking about it. He encountered unprecedented challenges. In the past, no matter how paradoxical, no matter how mysterious the murder case, no matter how sophisticated the layout, no matter how hard to catch the murderer, he could solve it. But this time, he felt deeply frustrated.

A ballad, blood jade from the sky, blood rain from His Highness Qing Yuan, fish eating people, simple layout, but no clues, he couldn't catch the most critical thread.

He didn't know what kind of dire consequences he would have if he didn't understand these things in time.

"I want to visit Qingyuan Hall." Murong Ci said.

"Well, I'll go too." Shen Zhiyan suddenly turned to look at His Highness, and was stunned.

The bright sunlight shone on His Highness's face, and the condensed and condensed beauty of the colorful world was not as good as His Highness's picturesque eyebrows, especially those eyes, which were as clear and clear as glass, and as shining as black jade. Slender eyebrows, black and Shen Ruoyu, that is a mysterious abyss that will sweep people's souls into it

Seeing his dazed expression, Murong Ci asked, "What's wrong?"

He realized that he had lost his mind, and said awkwardly: "It's nothing, it's just that something flashed by suddenly, but I couldn't catch it."

"What is it?" she asked.

"It just passed by in a flash, and I can't catch it." He walked forward with a guilty conscience.

At that moment just now, a crazy thought popped into his mind. He who was used to seeing His Highness's complexion actually felt that His Highness was somewhat feminine.

Even more beautiful than other women.

He quickened his pace, dispelling those ridiculous thoughts.

Arriving at Qingyuan Hall, Murong Ci went to visit his father first.

Although there were rumors flying around inside and outside the palace, the government and the public were in turmoil, and people were panicking, but the Qingyuan Hall was sealed off, and no one would tell Murong Cheng about these things.

She issued a blockade order, and if anyone dared to reveal a little bit to the emperor, they would be dealt with strictly.

Father's body is slowly recovering, and he is in good spirits today, and he even asked her about her homework.

"Father, don't worry, my son will be a competent prince." She smiled brightly, "Father also promises my son to rest in peace."

"Okay, okay. I don't believe in the nonsense of those priests anymore, and I don't pursue immortality anymore." Murong Cheng smiled lovingly, "You also have to learn a lot from Yu Wang, and learn the way of governing the country and keeping the country safe."

"My son will."

After saying a few more words, Murong Ci withdrew and saw two servants erecting a wooden ladder under the eaves of the hall.

Shen Zhiyan said: "Your Highness, I'll go up and have a look."

"Be careful," she warned.

Two guards supported the wooden ladder for protection, and Shen Zhiyan climbed up step by step to the top of the hall.

She walked forward for a foot, looked up, and he climbed up lightly and cautiously, while inspecting the roof of the temple.

The sun poured in, and the yellow glazed tiles gave off a dazzling light.

Finally, he stood at the top of the hall, waved to her, and showed a bright smile.

If he didn't want to show off his skills, Murong Ci would also like to go up and have a look.

Shen Zhiyan didn't come down until he inspected the time for a cup of tea.

After leaving the Qingyuan Hall, she asked eagerly, "Have you found anything?"

"I didn't find it." In fact, he had already expected this result, and he just went up to check it himself to be at ease. "The rain washed away all the possible clues."

"This result is expected." She exhaled in disappointment.

"Your Highness, I don't think this matter is over yet, and the people behind the scenes will not stop." Shen Zhiyan showed a mysterious smile on his elegant and handsome face.

"Jade Stealing the Nation" Murong Ci dare not imagine that the heavily guarded Qingyuan Hall will experience shocking changes.

If the scene of her father lying in a pool of blood becomes a reality, how will she bear it

The people behind the scenes won't stop, does it mean that the next thing to happen is the father

In an instant, all limbs lost all strength, and the cold air rose from the soles of her feet, as if an invisible hand was kneading her heart, she clutched her heart, unable to breathe

Shen Zhiyan couldn't help being surprised when he saw her face turning pale and panting, "Your Highness"

Her legs were slightly bent and she was about to fall, so he quickly supported her, "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Murong Ci tugged at his arm, and barely stabilized his body, "Could it be the father who will have an accident next?"

The man who steals the country steals the country

The palace was shocked, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses became mountains. The majestic and majestic palace, full of flowers and gold, became a bloody Shura hell.

"Your Highness, don't think wildly." Shen Zhiyan comforted softly, "What happened in the past few days is known to all civil and military officials, and there are many discussions and speculations in it. Many people have guessed what we guessed. However, my father said, Although his power is in the hands of the government and the public, there have been no changes in the palace, the capital, and the capital recently."

"Teacher Shen really said that." She stared at him, her weak and uneasy bright eyes contained infinite expectations.

That's right, Qin Ruo has already sent people to watch the movements of Yuwang Mansion, the movements inside and outside the city, and if there is any change, it is impossible for her not to know.

She was too nervous.

He nodded solemnly, His Highness's eyes were filled with deep panic and apprehension.

After accompanying His Highness for so many years, it was the first time he saw His Highness react so strongly, revealing his true feelings.

The palace walls are deep red, the palace roads are deep and long, and the summer wind blows past.

Murong Yu turned out from a palace door, watching the two people walking away slowly in front of him.

Shen Zhiyan supported Murongci, like a traveler who is struggling in a storm, hand in hand, life and death.

Nanfeng wiped away the coldness from Murong Yu's face, but it couldn't wipe away the frost from his eyes.

Thousands of houses in Luoyang City are lit up, and the palace is brightly lit.

The night wind blows, and the shadows of swaying branches leave a chaotic shadow on the vermilion palace wall.

Qin Ruo came back from the outside, Ruo noticed that she lowered her head, seemed to have something on her mind, and asked casually: "What's wrong with you, didn't you go to get His Highness's robe?"


Qin Ruo walked into the bedroom, and carefully put His Highness's robes into the red sandalwood trunk.

Murong Ci was sitting in front of the case, holding a book to read, "Qin Ruo, why did you come back so late?"

Qin Ruo has always been clear and assertive, she is rarely so distracted, something is wrong.

Qin Ruo came over, "Your Highness, when I went to Liushang Palace to pick up the robes, I heard something, which is a bit unusual."

The clothes and robes of the masters in the palace are not washed by the washing clothes, but by the Shangfu Bureau under the Six Shang Bureau, and the clothes of the Prince of the East Palace are also in charge of the Shangfu Bureau. The Liushang Bureau is located in the inner garden of the harem, far away from the East Palace.

If Qin wanted to take a walk today, she would personally go to the Liushang Bureau to fetch His Highness's robes.

"What's the matter?" Murong Ci's interest was aroused, Qin Ruo felt that something unusual must be weird.

"The servant heard the maids from the Shangfu Bureau discussing at the base of the wall. They said that two people died in the Chunwu Courtyard." Qin Ruo replied.

"oh who

"I don't know. The servant took his robes and rushed to the Chunwu Courtyard, just in time to see four servants coming out with two sacks, intending to drag the corpse out of the palace and throw it in the mass grave."

Chunwu Courtyard is located in the northwest of the imperial palace, and it is the most remote, dirtiest and darkest courtyard. The courtiers who committed crimes, and the concubines who committed crimes and were demoted to ordinary people, were all locked up there. As long as they step into the threshold of Chunwuyuan, it means that their life is over, and there is no more hope.

Murong Ci thought it was something strange, and turned his eyes back to the book, "Chun Wu Yuan dies every day, isn't it normal?"

Qin Ruo said: "My servant heard from those court ladies that the two of them had been dead for three or four days, and their bodies were pale, not the same as ordinary dead people."

Murong Ci seemed to think of something, and immediately stood up, his bright eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while he said: "Ruyi, change clothes for me."

"It's so late, Your Highness has to go out." Ruyi came in just in time, and when she heard His Highness's words, she immediately objected, "Your Highness, your cold has not recovered, and it's night again, so you can't go out of the palace."

"Qin Ruo." Murong Ci unbuttoned his robe and winked at Qin Ruo.

Qin Ruo silently stepped forward to change the clothes for His Highness.

Ruyi scolded Qin Ruo angrily: "How can you let His Highness go out to take risks? The past few days have been unsettled, so many things have happened, and the one who is at the forefront still wants His Highness to go out. Is An Sheng staying in the East Palace?"

Qin Ruo smiled, "I'm so happy, you and I can't stop what His Highness decides. You stay here and deal with it well, be smart."

While speaking, Murong Ci had finished changing his clothes. She patted Ruyi's puffy face, raised her eyebrows and smiled, "It's up to you here."

Ruyi watched them leave and sighed long.

At this time, it is inappropriate to go out from the gate of the East Palace. It is safest to leave the palace through the secret passage.

Riding on two fine horses, Murong Ci and Qin Ruo went straight to Tai Tuo's residence.

Lanterns hung high at the gate of Taifu's mansion, Murong was waiting at the side, and Qin Ruo went to knock on the door.

Not long after, the servant opened the door, poked his head out and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Excuse me, is Shen Shaoqing in the mansion? I'm from Dali Temple. I need to find Shen Shaoqing for urgent matters."

Qin Ruo said politely, only when she was carried out of Dali Temple could she see Shen Zhiyan the fastest.

The servant heard the word "Dali Temple" and immediately went to report.

Because the young master said that anyone from Dali Temple should report immediately without delay.

After a while, Shen Zhiyan hurried over, and when he saw Qin Ruo, he knew that His Highness was outside.

He sent the servants away first, then walked over to salute Murong Ci, and said in a low voice: "Why is your Highness leaving the palace so late? There is something urgent."