The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 311: Beheaded for public display


Murong Ci's heart ached like a knife, and a huge wave of hatred gnawed at her heart, "I will definitely kill you"

Murong Yu laughed out loud, so proud and contemptuous.

Afterwards, he took Murong Cheng and turned into white smoke and disappeared without a trace.

"Father, Father"

She was sitting on the bed, unable to move no matter what, she was crying so hard that she couldn't bear to live

It was dawn, and Ruyi cried out worriedly in front of the bed: "Your Highness, Your Highness, wake up, Your Highness!"

Murong Ci woke up suddenly, seeing Ruyi's nervous and worried face, he was startled, gasped violently, and then slowly calmed down.

"Did Your Highness have a nightmare?" Ruyi said softly, just now His Highness kept screaming, as if calling "Father Emperor", His Highness should be missing the late Emperor.

"What time is it?" Murong Ci closed his eyes, only to realize that his eyes were wet and the pillow was also wet.

"The time is right. Your Highness might as well sleep a little longer."

"I will lie down for a while, you should step back first."

Ruyi withdrew, Murong Ci wiped the corners of his eyes, closed them, and recalled that nightmare. Could it be that day and night have dreams

Did Murong Yu kill his father

On this day, she sent someone to send a message to invite Murong Yu to come to the East Palace.

Murong Yu hurried over, supported her as soon as he saw her, and asked anxiously: "A Ci, are you feeling unwell?"

She said no, "I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well last night."

"No wonder you don't look well. What are you thinking about?" He asked dotingly, helping her to sit down.

"We're going to get married in four days. I always feel that it's too hasty. I want to postpone it for a month, okay?" Murong Ci frowned, with worry on his face.

Murong Yu held her face, "A Ci, do you not want to marry me?"

She quickly said: "It's not that I just feel that I'm too hasty"

He stared at her deeply, "Do you feel uneasy in your heart?"

She nodded, "It's because too many things have happened in the past few days, all of a sudden I"

"I understand. Recently, you have been anxious about enthroning, and you just learned that you are pregnant, and then you are going to marry me. These things happened too bitterly, and it is natural for you to be unable to accept it for a while."

"I'm just not ready to be a mother, and I'm not ready to marry you, will you blame me?" Murong Ci's disturbed and anxious appearance is endearing.

"Why would I blame you? Maybe I was too anxious and shouldn't force you." Murong Yu blamed himself.

"Too many things have happened recently, I think we'll get married a month after taking the throne, okay?"

"All right."

She leaned against his chest, closed her eyes, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He embraced her, stroking her arm with his big hand.

On the day when the new emperor ascended the throne, the sun was shining brightly, the sky was blue, the palace was full of joy, and there were red silk hangings everywhere.

The vigorous bells and ritual music resounded through the palace, striking people's hearts.

The Golden Luan Hall is resplendent and resplendent, with a vivid golden dragon coiled around golden and purple columns, as if it is about to take off.

The civil and military officials headed by the imperial king Murong Yu and Yang Taiwei bowed to the dragon chair throne at the north head, shouting long live, long live, long live.

On top of the dange, Murong Ci stood with her head held high, wearing a twelve-pronged crown on her head, and wearing a black crown dress. Her exquisite, luxurious and graceful makeup outlined her cool and majestic Fengyan, and she was surrounded by imperial majesty, domineering and majestic. .

"Ping body." She waved the black embroidered dragon coat.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Civil and military officials said in unison.

She turned around slowly, stretched out her arms, and then sat down, extremely agile and domineering, but flowing like a cloud.

Murong Yu raised his head and stared at her, with a gratified smile in his eyes and brows.

Murong Ci also looked at him, with a slight smile in his bright eyes, "If you have something to do, you will leave the court if you have nothing to do."

Yang Taiwei, Rong Guogong, Qing Guogong and others had no choice but to make trouble today so that His Highness the Crown Prince would not be able to ascend the throne, but now they can do nothing. Because their sons and grandsons were arrested by Murong Yu again.

After the morning court, she came to the upper study room, where she served tea, then withdrew and closed the hall door.

Murong Yu saluted and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty."

Murong Ci also bowed and saluted, "Congratulations, my lord, congratulations to my lord."

"What do I like"

"You are about to become the emperor's husband, isn't it hi?"

"That's right." He put his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead, "The government affairs of the court will trouble Your Majesty from now on."

"Physician Qiao said that my fetus is not stable yet, so I can't be tired. I have to trouble the prince to take care of it. Those who are capable will work harder. You won't refuse, will you?"

"When your health is better, I will return the power to you." Murong Yu stared at her burningly, "It turns out that you are so beautiful in all your costumes that you have taken my soul away."

"Not serious. This is the study room." She was coquettish.

"What's wrong with going to the study room? Throughout the dynasties, there have always been a few emperors doing romantic things with their favorite concubines here."

"Okay, I'm tired, let's go back to Qingxin Hall to rest, and you have to finish approving those memorials within an hour."

"It's a trivial matter, it only takes half an hour. I'll find you later."

Murong Yu held her small face and pecked her lips before letting her go.

The next day, morning.

Civil and military officials played a few things

, After the discussion, Murong Yu was going to retire from the court in the future, but he didn't expect that Ah Ci had something to say.

Murong Ci sits high on the golden seat of the dragon chair, his eyes are cold, and his voice is sonorous, "Yu Wang Murong Yu, since returning to the court for six years, he has supported his troops and self-respect, arrogant and domineering, disrespecting the royal family, bullying his colleagues, and committing countless crimes. My order I have listed 18 crimes, all my lovers, listen carefully."

The ministers were astonished, some looked at Murong Yu, some whispered, some sneered sullenly, with an expression of retribution for revenge.

Murong Yu's handsome face slowly condensed frost, but he remained calm, staring fixedly at the tall woman.

Qin Ruo, a female official next to the dragon chair throne, said in a loud voice: "Yu Wang supports his troops, he is self-respecting, he is good at power and tricks, he loves power and position, forms cliques for private interests, kills the king and seeks rebellion."

Murong Ci stood up and stood on top of the dange, with a cold and charming face, a smile that was not a smile, "Murong Yu's 18 crimes of murdering the king and conspiring against the emperor are all capital crimes, and they are sentenced to death."

The Golden Palace was in an uproar.

Someone said happily: "Your Majesty is wise."

Taiwei Yang said carefreely: "None of the 18 crimes committed by Yu Wang has been framed, and His Majesty has ordered you to do so. Murong Yu, why don't you kneel down and plead guilty?"

Murong Yu stared at her intently, as if only the two of them were left in the entire golden palace, or as if the entire golden palace had disappeared, and the whole world was eerily quiet.

"Come here, drag it out of the palace gate, and behead it for public display at noon"

Murong Ci's voice was as firm as iron and could not be disobeyed.

The ministers who were attached to and admired Yuwang knelt down to beg for mercy, while those ministers who had always been against him loudly reprimanded those ministers who begged for mercy. So the civil and military officials were divided into two camps, and the debate turned into abuse and humiliation in the market.

Four guards entered the hall and took Murong Yu under arrest, but he kept staring at her, without any resistance, without a rebuttal, without superfluous expressions, as if his heart was ashamed.

"Dragged outside the palace gate, beheaded for public display"

Murong Ci said coldly, firmly.

The four guards escorted Murong Yu out immediately, the moment he turned around, his eyes were as cold as dead ashes, but suddenly he burst out laughing, sad and vigorous, lingering in the mid-air of the golden hall, floating outside the hall.

There were still ministers pleading for mercy, and she said solemnly: "Plead for the traitor again, and we will be punished for the same crime."

Yang Taiwei and others said in unison: "Your Majesty is wise."

"Yang Aiqing, I order you to supervise and execute, are you willing?"

"I obey the order." Yang Taiwei said happily.

"My dear friends, you can go and have a look outside the palace gate."

"Your Majesty is holy." Everyone said in unison again.

Murong Ci walked down Danchi, closed his eyes, and opened them again, with tears in his eyes.

It was originally a clear sky for thousands of miles, but suddenly there was a gust of wind, and clouds of haze were piled up in the sky.

Outside the gate of the palace, there were huge crowds of people, hundreds of civil and military officials supervised the beheading, and the people of the imperial capital watched, the grand occasion was unprecedented.

"Yuwang has been in power for five or six years, and there has been no major incident in our country of Yan. Even the country is prosperous and the people are peaceful, and the weather is good. Why do you want to kill Yuwang?"

"I heard that Yu Wang has committed 18 crimes, all of which are capital crimes, by supporting his troops and self-respect, forming a party for personal gain, killing the king and plotting rebellion."

"I see, it's the new emperor's ascension to the throne, the three fires, and the emperor's sword, to kill chickens and monkeys."

"Although Yu Wang has managed our Great Yan Kingdom well, but for the royal family, his crime of manipulating the government cannot be pardoned."

"Your Majesty is very pitiful."

"According to me, if the King of Yu is not dead, our new emperor, His Majesty, will never sleep well."

"But, isn't Yu Wang going to marry His Majesty? Isn't Your Majesty pregnant with Yu Wang's flesh and blood?"

"With regards to the royal family, who can tell clearly that the emperor's family has always been ruthless. As long as someone threatens the throne, they will kill the grass."

The common people were talking about it, but the criminal Murong Yu was tied hands and feet, kneeling in the center, and two executioners stood aside. They drank a swig of wine, and then sprayed on the gleaming silver sword.

Taiwei Yang sat on the prison platform, picked up a fire lottery, and was really excited, as long as Murong Yu died, no one in the court would oppose him, the era of Taiwei Yang has come

He snickered in his heart, and threw down the fire lottery fiercely.

The executioner got the order and slowly raised the sword. As for Murong Yu, who was kneeling on the ground, he was wearing a gray prison uniform, his head was drooping, and his hair was tightly tied in a purple-gold crown, emitting a purple-gold light, reflecting the bright sunlight from afar.

The cold light of the big knife was dazzling, and it was cut down fiercely.

Many people did not dare to watch this bloody scene, turned their heads and closed their eyes one after another.

A cloud of hot blood splashed up, and the bloody head rolled to the ground with a bang.

Murong Yu finally died

Yang Taiwei stood up, feeling agitated, then sneered and walked away.

Civil and military officials and common people gradually dispersed, but Murong Shi, Shen Zhiyan, and Shen Zhili stood there blankly, Murong Shi murmured: "Third Uncle is dead!"

Shen Zhili burst into tears like rain, and said in a hoarse voice: "Brother, why is Your Majesty so cruel and cruel, what did Yu Wang do wrong?"

Shen Zhiyan said sadly: "As the saying goes, once a person sits on the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, his temperament will change drastically, and he seems to be a different person. Your Majesty is no longer the Highness I know."

Perhaps Murong Yu has ambitions, but he has also done a lot for His Majesty, why is His Majesty so heartless and cruel

Shen Zhili's knees softened, and he fell to the ground with tears in his eyes, "Why did Yu Wang die and never see Yu Wang again?"

Murong Shi suddenly remembered something, and pulled his hand nervously, "I am from Yuwangfu, will Your Majesty kill me?"

He hugged her and said resolutely: "Princess, I will definitely protect you and protect your life."

Even if he risked his life, he still had to protect the princess.