The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 312: I marry Your Majesty


Hall of Pure Heart.

Murong Ci lay on the imperial concubine's couch, resting with his eyes closed.

Qin Ruo asked puzzledly, "Why did Your Majesty do this?"

Ruyi also didn't understand, "Yu Wang treated His Majesty so well, why did you kill Yu Wang?"

Qin Ruo felt that His Majesty's temperament changed drastically after he ascended the throne, and he was ruthless, which was very sad. She asked again: "Your Majesty, in the past half a year, Yu Wang has treated each other sincerely and sacrificed his life several times to save him. Why does Your Majesty insist on killing him? Even if he is ambitious, he can think of other ways."

"Do you want to go down and accompany him?" Murong Ci said coldly.

"No but" Ruyi muttered, trembling with fright.

"Back off." Murong Ci said impatiently.

Qin Ruo and Ruyi looked at each other helplessly, and exited the bedroom.

Murong Ci took a piece of pastry and ate it slowly, suddenly felt dizzy, then slowly closed his eyes, and passed out on the imperial concubine's bed.

A man in black came in from the window sill, picked up the unconscious Murong Ci, and disappeared without a trace.

Murong Ci didn't know how long he slept, and when he woke up, he found himself lying on a bed in a room with his hands tied.

Both feet were free, she struggled to get down and ran out, however, the door was pushed open. Seeing someone coming, she opened her eyes in surprise.

"You are Mrs. Xiang"

"Are you surprised?" Mrs. Xiang's voice was soft, her whole body was clean, but she looked graceful and luxurious, "My people enter and leave the palace like walking on flat ground, and it's easy to bring you out."

"Why did you take me out of the palace?" Murong Ci asked coldly, his mood gradually calmed down.

"Being the emperor is different, calm and calm." Mrs. Xiang sat gracefully, "I have a very good deal to talk to you about."

"What deal"

"You are already the emperor of the Yan Kingdom. You follow me to find the Jialan relics and treasures, and help me rebuild the Jialan Kingdom. It is not in vain that you have the blood of the Jialan royal family on your body."

"Even if I have the blood of the Garan royal family on my body, do I have to help you?"

"Do you have a choice?" Mrs. Xiang smiled coldly, "Murong Yu is dead, you have no choice."

"Could it be that you don't know that his subordinates have already been taken under the banner?" Murong Ci sneered.

"You killed Murong Yu, how could his subordinates obey you?" Mrs. Xiang drank tea proudly, "Those ministers wished that you would disappear suddenly and give up the throne, so that they could bring King Yong back to the capital and support him as emperor .Your life and death, they don't care at all."

Murong Ci gritted his teeth, his bright eyes were filled with icy murderous intent.

Mrs. Xiang raised her eyebrows, "Furthermore, I have used illusions on you, and I have already controlled your mind. Even if you don't want to help me, you can't resist my illusions, the end result is still the same, obediently let me order. "

Murong Ci was furious and asked through gnashing of teeth, "When did you cast illusion on me?"

"That night you had a nightmare, dreaming that Murong Yu personally killed your father."

"I had that nightmare because of the illusion. I killed Murong Yu because of the illusion."

"If it is a real illusion, it can naturally control anyone, but it has been lost." Mrs. Xiang smiled softly, but it seemed to be poisoned, extremely vicious, "You have this idea in your heart, and my illusion can affect you and guide you. Make the best decision."

Murong Ci glared angrily, and the flames of anger burned fiercely in his eyes.

Mrs. Xiang sighed: "Being an emperor is really different. He is cruel and ruthless. Murong Yu has helped you so much, and he has sacrificed his life to save you several times. He is sincere to you, and you can do it."

Murong Ci said sternly: "I will never help you rebuild the Jialan Kingdom, you are dreaming."

Mrs. Xiang sneered, "That's up to you."

At this time, two maidservants came in and followed the master's order to take Murong Ci out.

This is a house with a carriage parked outside the small gate. Murong Ci secretly thought, could Mrs. Feixiang want to take him away from the capital

The maid wanted her to get into the carriage, and now her hands were tied, and she couldn't escape even with martial arts. Besides, she is pregnant, so it may hurt the baby, so let's find another way.

But at this moment, there was an extra person on the wall of the alley. Murong Ci was about to get into the carriage, when he looked up, he couldn't help but smile lightly, not even half shocked.

The man stood facing the wind, his black robe fluttering in the wind, and a cold and terrifying murderous aura lingered all over his body.

Mrs. Xiang frowned in surprise, "Didn't you be beheaded?"

That person is Murong Yu.

Before he could blink, he was already standing in front of the carriage, his eyes were as cold as a sword, "Are you sure that the one who was beheaded outside the palace gate is this king?"

"Did you kill my father?" Murong Ci angrily asked Mrs. Xiang, full of murderous intent.

"Didn't you believe that Murong Yu killed it?" Mrs. Xiang asked calmly.

"That's right, at first I thought it was Murong Yu who killed the emperor, but later on I felt more and more wrong."

"how wrong"

"If he really ordered Wuying to kill his father, with Wuying's ability, it is impossible to do it at that time, and it is impossible for the imperial sister to bump into him." Murong Ci said, "In order for the imperial sister to bump into Wuying, you identified Wuying. , and arranged to strike at that time. It's a pity that cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness."

"I see." Mrs. Xiang said calmly, "Then why did you kill Murong Yu?"

"Because we're going to make a show to make you relax your vigilance." Murong Yu smiled, but he wasn't actually doing a show.

Mrs. Xiang narrowed her beautiful eyes coldly, and suddenly made a move, with an extra dagger in her hand, and shot at Murong Ci fiercely and swiftly.

The silver light of the dagger flickered, appearing like an electric shock.

Murong Yu had been on guard for a long time, and when the opponent made a move, he attacked with vigor. That

11 The dagger flew to the side and fell to the>

Mrs. Xiang flew up, jumped onto the wall like a gust of cold wind, and fled quickly.

However, Ghosting and Wuying had already been waiting here, like two eagles suddenly soaring up and attacking her together.

Murong Yu untied the thick rope that bound Murong Ci's hands, and said softly and self-blamingly, "A Ci, I'm late."

She smiled, "It's not too slow."

He took her and left, and the carriage parked on the street outside. A dozen or so men in black suddenly appeared in front of them, all of them were menacing, and they were all subordinates of Mrs. Xiang.

"It's still too late to get out, otherwise I will die here, and I can't blame this king." His voice was slow and clear.

"Up" a man in black said.

Eighteen people suddenly appeared on the walls on both sides, each holding a hard bow with five arrows on the bow, and the sharp eyes like nighthawks made people shudder.


Murong Ci was secretly happy, knowing that Murong Yu would not come here alone.

When a dozen or so enemies saw the Archers on the wall, they couldn't help feeling terrified. Naturally, they have heard of the reputation of the Divine Arrows. Many of their brothers died at the hands of the Divine Arrows.

"Give you one last chance, don't leave"

Before Murong Yu could finish his sentence, the dozen or so people had disappeared without a trace.

Murong Ci only felt a gust of cold wind sweeping past, and the speed of his escape was comparable to that of a hurricane.

Out of the alley, he helped her into the carriage, as if he worried that she was a fragile jade porcelain treasure.

As the carriage moved forward, he took a piece of delicate and soft pastry and put it in her mouth to feed her, and then poured a cup of warm tea, pampering her so tenderly that it was unbelievable.

"You don't have to be like this, I'm not a three-year-old child." She's not used to it, isn't she pregnant with his flesh and blood

"After returning to the palace, Master Shen came to check the pulse. If my child is frightened in the slightest, I will definitely tear Mrs. Xiang's body into pieces." Murong Yu said calmly.

"I'm fine, and your baby is fine."

"Let Mrs. Shen take a look, so I can rest assured." He held her hand, "Aci, I will strengthen the defense of the palace, especially the Qingxin Hall. There will never be a second time for this kind of thing."

"En." Murong Ci ate two pieces of pastries and took a sip of tea, he was really hungry.

"A Ci, you have already beheaded the Royal King Murong Yu. From now on, I will walk in the palace as Yan Feiyang, the male favorite of His Majesty the Empress."

"As long as you like it."

"By the way, didn't you doubt me? Why did you replace me with a death row prisoner wearing a human skin mask and behead him?"

"Could it be that you really want to be beheaded by me?" She smiled, and put her hands on his shoulders, "I did suspect you, but if you want to kill your father, you won't be so easy to be discovered by your sister."

"It's better to know me." Murong Yu kissed her palm lightly.

Yesterday in the Golden Palace, she ordered him to be dragged outside the palace gate, halfway there, two guards dragging a death row prisoner suddenly appeared. Afterwards, he was knocked out by the ghost and taken away, and locked in the East Palace.

She asked: "There is doubt about the death of the emperor, why didn't you tell me?"

He said: "On the night of His Majesty's death, Wuying saw a black shadow haunting the Qingyuan Hall and chased after him, but the shadow's lightness kung fu was very powerful, and he disappeared after him. After that, he chased to the Qingyuan Hall and saw The black shadow came out of Qingyuan Hall and wanted to chase after him, but he still went to see His Majesty first. When he went, His Majesty had already passed away."

Murong Ci nodded, "When Wuying rushed there, that person had already killed Emperor Father. The person Mrs. Xiang sent to kill Emperor Father must have used illusion, Wuying couldn't catch up."

Murong Yu said solemnly: "I ordered Wuying to investigate, and I also guessed that Mrs. Xiang did it, but there is no real evidence, so I didn't tell you."

She squinted at him, "Are you going to never tell me for the rest of your life?"

He laughed, "No, it will always be found out. Ah Ci, you beheaded me to show the public, and you have another purpose, to let me, a treacherous minister who has been in power for six years, arrogant and domineering, and good at playing tricks, die justifiably, and hide it from the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. , and then lead the snake out of the hole."

Murong Ci raised his eyebrows coldly, "Unfortunately, no one is your opponent. It's too easy to win this battle, and it's too unfulfilling. I hope that some of the ministers in the court will show up. I just want to make an example to others."

Murong Yu said meaningfully: "I'm dead, those old fellows will naturally become arrogance, and I won't let you harm Chao Gang."

It's best if she moves her bright eyes.

Arriving at the gate of the palace, ghosts and shadows came to report that Mrs. Xiang had already obeyed the law, and all her followers were taken into custody.

Back in Qingxin Hall, Qin Ruo and Ruyi saw Murong Yu helping His Majesty in, they were so shocked that their eyes almost fell off.

"Your Majesty, the lord was not beheaded." Qin Ruo was always calm, but this time she wasn't.

"Whether he is a man or a ghost, the one who was beheaded yesterday is clearly the prince," Ruyi was so frightened that she hid behind Qin Ruo, stammering.

"This king is a ghost, he came back to claim his life." Murong Yu said solemnly, "Quickly go to the imperial hospital and pass on Master Shen."

"Yes." Ruyi whispered to Qin Ruo, "So, Yu Wang is not dead"

"Hurry up and send someone to pass on Master Shen." Qin Ruo pushed her.

Murong Ci returned to the bedroom and leaned on the imperial concubine's couch, "I'm hungry, go prepare meals."

Qin Ruo happily stepped back, that's great, Yu Wang is not dead, Yu Wang will protect His Majesty.

Murong Yu brought a brocade box and opened it, "A Ci, you promised me, don't you forget it. On the wedding day, I hope you can marry me wearing a nine-dragon opera-phoenix gold hairpin."

Murong Ci raised his eyebrows playfully, "Don't you marry me?"

He laughed, bowed and saluted, "Okay, I will marry Your Majesty."

ps: Tomorrow should be the finale. Spread the flowers, Olala.