The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 38: The third gray hair


"Is he stupid"

Ruyi and Qin Ruo looked at each other, and then looked at His Highness.

In the darkness, Xiaoyin's delicate eyebrows slowly retracted, staring at a certain place, her eyes were calm and empty, and there was a mysterious smile on her lips.

Murong Ci asked unhurriedly: "Blood jade from Fengtian Palace, how did you arrange the blood jade, where did so many human blood come from, and where did it come from?"

"You want to know?" His brows were shining brightly, which was the pride and confidence of a successful plan, "That day, the enshrinement was cleaning the Fengtian Hall as usual, and I ran out quickly while he was not paying attention, poured the blood jade into the blood, and then I ran back. But the priest thought that I had been mopping the floor in another hall and never went out."

"Indeed, it doesn't take much time to set up that situation. Where did you hide the blood jade and human blood before?" she asked.

"Your Highness is so smart, how could you not think of it?"

Xiaoyin seemed unwilling to answer any more, looked at a certain place and smiled softly, as if he had completed something without any regrets.

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, followed by Shen Zhiyan's clear voice: "Your Highness, it's me."

Qin Ruo went to open the door, and he walked in, out of breath, which showed that he came all the way.

He glanced at Xiaoyin, slightly surprised, "Isn't he the servant of Fengtian Palace, why did he assassinate His Highness?"

Murong Ci recounted Xiao Yin's confession, Shen Zhiyan pondered, his elegant handsome face was as bright and clean as jade in the dim light and shadow, "He seemed unwilling to tell where those blood jade and human blood came from. "

She nodded, "I think so too."

"Your Highness, he committed suicide"

Qin Ruo screamed and rushed to open Xiaoyin's mouth, but it was too late.

Dark red poisonous blood flowed out from the corner of Xiaoyin's mouth, part of it flowed into the throat and entered the viscera.

Shen Zhiyan immediately stepped forward to check, regretfully said: "He has already hidden the poison between his teeth."

"I always feel that he assassinated me because he wanted to die." Murong Ci's jade-like eyes were shining brightly, "First, he has no martial arts and only relied on brute force to assassinate me; , he should have inquired about Ben Gong's whereabouts in advance, and waited there; third, he had worked in the palace for many years, and he should know that assassinating Ben Gong in that place would be easily caught by the guards on the spot, and he also knew that in the palace It is very difficult to assassinate Bengong."

"It seems that he really wanted to die to assassinate His Highness." He was puzzled, "Why did he assassinate His Highness?"

As he spoke, he examined Xiaoyin's body, starting from the head.

Murong Ci watched from the side, his eyes fell on Xiaoyin, scanning inch by inch.

Suddenly, she fixed her eyes, reached into his sleeve, and took out a hair.

Qin Ruo was puzzled and said: "Half of this hair is silvery white, Xiao Yin is so young and has black hair, how could there be silvery white hair in his sleeves?"

"This silver-white hair is very similar to the gray hair that was found on the corpses and beds of Shuren Bai and Shuren Mo." Murong Ci held up this hair, thoughtfully.

"It looks very similar." Shen Zhiyan continued to examine Xiaoyin's body, but found nothing else, "Xiaoyin is a mystery, he is enshrined in Fengtian Temple and asked about his promotion."

They returned to the East Palace, and not long after, Jin Sheng was brought by the guards.

The news of the prince's assassination in the palace has spread throughout the palace, and even the inaccessible Fengtian Palace has also heard about it. Now that the prince summoned him, there must be no good fruit, maybe his head would move, he was so frightened that his face was ashen, and he scolded that little bastard, Xiao Yin, for bringing him into trouble.

He knelt down with a "plop", burst into tears, and yelled miserably: "Your Highness, this servant really doesn't know anything. That little bastard, Xiao Yin, dared to assassinate His Highness, so he should be decapitated, but this servant really knows nothing." do not know anything"

He prostrated himself on the ground, with snot and tears, as if he had been wronged by the sky, worse than Dou E.


Shen Zhiyan slapped the table violently, Jin Sheng was so frightened that his body trembled, he was too frightened to speak out.

Murong Ci asked coldly, "Does Xiaoyin live with you?"

The promotion answered "yes", and Shen Zhiyan asked again: "You and Xiaoyin are together every day, how can you not know what he does?"

Jin Sheng knelt on the ground, with his arms propped on the palace bricks, trembling all over, and stammered: "Although this servant is with Xiaoyin every day, he is the same as usual. Whatever the servant asks him to do, he does nothing. What's wrong? I really don't know why he assassinated His Highness. If I see any signs of this, I will definitely turn him over to His Highness."

"Think about it carefully, what's unusual about Little Silver lately?" Murong Ci's brain ached from his yelling voice at every turn.

"You'd better think carefully before answering, otherwise His Highness will never forgive you." Shen Zhiyan picked up the teacup and smiled coldly.

From Jin Sheng's point of view, his sneer was a bloodthirsty and cruel evil smile. Jin Sheng seemed to see himself dying under torture, so he lowered his head and thought hard.

Suddenly, he raised his head in surprise, met Shen Zhiyan's "gentle" gaze, and immediately lowered his head, "The servant and Xiaoyin lived in the same room. One night, the servant got up at night, and when he came back, he saw Xiaoyin coming back from outside. At that time The servant thought he was going to the latrine too, so he didn't think much about it. Thinking about it now, the direction he came back was not the direction of the latrine."

It seems that Xiaoyin is really weird, Murong Ci

Asked, "When did this happen?"

"Just three or four days before the blood jade that fell from the sky in Fengtian Temple." Jin Sheng replied.

"Think about it, what's unusual about him when he came back from outside?" she asked again.

"Think about it," he lowered his eyes guiltily, "Because it was night, the slave was in a daze, and couldn't see clearly, right, the slave remembered, and the slave lay down and continued to sleep, and heard a slight sobbing sound, yes, It should be crying. Because on the second day, the servant saw that Xiaoyin's eyes were red and swollen like walnuts, so the servant thought it was the wind outside."

Shen Zhiyan and His Highness looked at each other, and then asked: "Do you know which year Xiaoyin entered the palace and first worked in which palace as an errand, where is his hometown, and who else is there in the family?"

The promotion was embarrassing and frightening, "I only know that Xiaoyin was assigned to Fengtian Hall for committing crimes in three years. As for his hometown and relatives, I really don't know."

Murong Ci asked Qin Ruo to take him out, it would not be difficult to find out Xiao Yin's background, the Internal Servant Bureau should have a record.

Immediately, Qin Ruo went to the Internal Service Bureau to retrieve the files.

Murong resigned to the study and placed three hairs on the desk.

At this time, the slanting sunlight was just shining on the desk, and her small hands and a white wrist were bathed in the sunlight, slender, delicate, like jade, and her snow-white complexion was like transparent glass under the sunlight, graceful and beautiful.

Shen Zhiyan was looking at the three hairs, but suddenly noticed the catkin and the white wrist, and couldn't help staring.

This is a superb jade carving with ingenious workmanship.

It is impossible for the most outstanding old jade craftsman in the world to carve such a flawless treasure.

It's a gift from God

No matter how slender and feminine a man is, it is impossible for him to have such hands.

He seemed to be fascinated, staring blankly at the jade hand, his mind agitated.


Murong Ci yelled, and found that his eyes were straightened, and his amazed eyes fell on his hands.

She suddenly realized something, her mind moved, she lowered her hands calmly, and said loudly: "Zhiyan."

Shen Zhiyan finally came back to his senses, embarrassed and embarrassing, a red cloud floated on Yubai's cheeks.

"What Xiaoyin said, that he poured human blood and blood jade in front of the Fengtian Hall while he was promoted, should be credible." The place where he was standing happened to be half yin and half yang, and half of it was crystal clear like beautiful jade. Half of it is as dark as midnight, just like his temperament, clear and elegant, yet humorous and funny. During the autopsy, he looks quite different. He is serious and rigorous, and he is a community of contradictions. Walking in the palace, you will definitely be seen, and you will be interrogated by the guards."

"He didn't tell where the human blood and blood jade came from. It should be to protect his accomplice." Murongci continued to analyze, "With his ability, it is impossible to sneak into Chunwu Courtyard and kill Bai Shuren and Mo Shuren, and then Bring out human blood. Therefore, he is not the murderer who killed Shuren Bai and Shuren Mo."

"Bai Shuren and Mo Shuren have gray hair on their bodies, and Xiao Yin also has gray hair in his sleeves, so Xiao Yin should have an accomplice who murdered people to take blood, and then handed over the human blood and the blood jade to him." Shen Know what to say.

She nodded, then, who is Xiaoyin's accomplice

In the Imperial Palace of Yan State, the emperor usually handles government affairs and receives ministers in the upper study. Yu Wang is in charge of the government, so naturally he is also in the study to approve the papers. However, in order to avoid unnecessary speculation, Murong Yu did not sit on the imperial case, but set up a book case on the east side of the main hall.

Finally, he finished approving today's memorial, drank the tea in his cup, stood up and stretched himself.

The dark guard came in without any sound, "My lord."

"We have news from the Western Qin Kingdom." Murong Yu asked in a deep voice, a wave of turbulence rose in his deep eyes.

"The spies lurking in the Western Qin Kingdom reported that there was no trace." Wuying bowed his head.

A look of disappointment flashed across Murong Yu's deep eyes, "This king wants you to secretly investigate the ancient Jialan country, is there any progress?"

Wuying said: "The subordinates and others have been investigating secretly, but there is no clue."

Murong Yu said in a low voice: "Continue to investigate. You sent someone to secretly investigate what happened in the palace recently, but did you find anything?"

"I can't find any clues." Wuying frowned, "It's strange to say that the people behind the scenes who arranged these things were clever, and they acted extremely covertly, without leaving any clues."

"What did the prince and Dali Temple find?"

"These days, the crown prince and Shen Shaoqing often investigate cases together, and they seem to have made some progress. The subordinates dare not get too close, so they don't know exactly what they have found."

Murong Yu nodded, and retreated without a trace, followed by Xiao Yingzi, who was sent by Liu An, the chief servant.

Xiaoyingzi's voice was thin and soft, "My lord, His Royal Highness was assassinated in the palace today and was injured."

"Oh." Murong Yu pressed his sword eyebrows slightly, "Is the prince seriously injured? Has the assassin been caught?"

"The assassin was caught on the spot. The slave didn't witness it with his own eyes. The supervisor said that His Royal Highness's injury is not serious." Xiao Yingzi replied.

As soon as the words fell to the ground, he felt a black wind sweeping across his eyes, and the golden python flew into the air.

The upper study room was empty, and he was the only one left.