The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 42: remnants


The sky is vast, the starry sky is bright, and the moon is like gauze.

The lights are brilliant, the light and shadow are blurred, and the palace road is deep and long.

Run across the palace road, pass through the small garden, turn around the chaoshou veranda, turn around the pavilions and pavilions

Murong Yu dragged her little hand almost across the entire palace, ran wildly for a long time, and finally arrived at Changqing's residence.

Murong Ci was panting violently, his face was blushing, his legs were weak, and he couldn't speak a word.

"Are you ok"

Seeing her like this, he blamed himself a little, just now he was in a hurry and didn't expect how His Highness's body could compare with his own.

She waved her hands, her throat was dry and uncomfortable, and her robe was wet with hot sweat, sticking to her body.

If it was in the past, running this little way would be nothing, but today is special, she was injured and bleeding.

Your legs are fluttering, why are they so soft

Murong Yu quickly supported her and put his arms around her. When he met Wenxiang nephrite again, his firm mind wavered again, swaying leisurely.

At this time, many palace people gathered in the front yard, both men and women, whispering and talking about Changqing's death.

In full view, she quickly broke free, feeling her body getting hotter, "I'm fine."

Liu An came out of the room, saw them, and immediately walked over quickly and bowed to salute, "My servant pays homage to His Royal Highness, the Prince."

Murong Yu waved him to stand up, "My lord, go in and have a look." He said softly to Murong, "Your Highness, why don't you rest for a while?"

Murong Ci felt better and walked on.

This courtyard is where the palace servants of the Internal Service Bureau live. There are bunk rooms and single rooms. Changqing lives in a double room. His roommate Changqing is on duty tonight, so he is not here now.

Murong Yu walked in after her, the room was neat and clean, there was no sign of a fight, Chang Qing was lying on the hard wooden bed, peaceful and serene, as if he had just fallen asleep. However, his face was blue and black, his lips were black and purple, and there was black blood at the corner of his mouth, and his ten fingers were black, which seemed to be signs of poisoning.

Murong Yu picked up the teacup on the table, put it close to his nose and sniffed it, "It's arsenic."

"When Changqing died, he didn't struggle or suffer. He seemed to be very peaceful. All signs showed that he died of poison." Murong Ci came to a conclusion, but Shen Zhiyan's re-examination will be required before the final verdict can be finalized.

"He should have committed suicide by taking poison." Murong Yu put down his teacup, his cold eyes swept over the corpse inch by inch.

"Why did Changqing commit suicide by taking poison? Could it be that he guessed that sooner or later we would find out that Xiaoyin was not clean?"

"There are two possibilities for Changqing's suicide. One is that he knows he can't escape, and he can't get away with the assassination of the small bank. The other is that if he dies, the secret he has guarded for more than ten years will not be made public."

"The secret he guards is related to Xiaoyin, what kind of secret is it?" Murong Ci pondered.

At this time, Chang Qing's roommate Chang Qing was brought back by Liu An's men.

Murong Yu asked him a few questions, and he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, panicked and terrified, he kept wiping his sweat while stammering his answers.

Although he shared the room with Changqing, he should know nothing about Changqing and did not lie.

Murong Ci ordered the two guards: "Carry the corpse to the East Palace, put it together with Xiaoyin's corpse, and protect it with ice."

Protect the corpse for Shen Zhiyan's inspection tomorrow.

Liu An picked up his whisk, dispersed the surrounding palace people, and temporarily sealed the room where someone died.

Murong Yu's eyes darkened, and he asked: "Boss Liu, Changqing is younger than you, you should know when he entered the palace and how he works in the palace."

"My lord really asked the right person." Liu An held his whisk on his arm, his dead white face was extraordinarily sharp in the dim red light and shadow, "The slave personally picked him into the palace. He was only seventeen or eighteen years old at the time."

"Then he has been in the palace for twenty or thirty years. Where in Changqing's hometown are there any relatives at home?" Murong Ci asked.

"Changqing's hometown is Qingzhou, yes, it's Qingzhou." Liu An's face brightened, and he suddenly remembered something, "Yes, I remembered that when the slaves selected the group of people in Changqing, it happened to be King Rui is also there, and King Rui said that Changqing is quick in his hands and feet, and he is clever, so the servant picked Changqing."

Murong Yu's deep eyes flickered with shadows, the darkness was unclear.

Liu An seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, and panic flashed across his face, "Your servant has said something wrong, my lord forgive me."

Murong Ci smiled and pursed his lips. King Rui is her imperial brother, but she has never seen him since she was born.

King Rui and King Jing are taboos in the palace and court, and no one can say anything about them.

In the years before she was born, Emperor Murong Cheng of the Yan Kingdom did not establish a crown prince, and the seven princes fought openly and secretly, attacking each other for the position of crown prince, and put each other to death. Among them, the struggle between the old three kings of Rui and the old six kings of Jing was the most intense, and the court was also divided into two camps, the party of King Rui and the party of King Jing.

Nineteen years ago, King Rui and King Jing led troops into the palace in the name of the Qing emperor, and they ended up being shot and killed on the spot.

The rest of the princes were useless, crippled and crippled. What the seven princes did made Murong Cheng heartbroken. He expelled the surviving princes from the palace, and ordered that they would never return to Beijing. Since then, titles such as King Rui and King Jing have become taboos in the palace and court.

Murong Ci didn't expect that Chang Qing would have something to do with the disappeared King Rui.

"The Internal Service Bureau has Changqing's records, why not send someone to fetch them?" Liu An suggested guiltily.

"No need. This king will go to the Internal Service Bureau in person." Murong Yu looked at His Highness and winked.

"Director Liu, you can deal with the matter here." Murong Ci led the way.

"Respectfully send off His Royal Highness, respectfully send off the prince." Liu An slowly got up from his bowed body, his white face was cold and treacherous in the dim shadow.

When the two giant Buddhas arrived, the Internal Service Bureau was shocked and almost turned into a mess.

Fortunately, the king and the crown prince came here not to take people, but to look for records.

The Internal Service Bureau did not dare to neglect, and many people searched together, and soon found the records about Changqing.

Murong Yu and Murong Ci read it briefly, and took the booklet back to the East Palace. Although there were only a few words in the booklet, they knew the contents.

In the dead of night, the palace lanterns gradually went out, and the patrolling guards walked by from time to time.

They walked slowly under the sky full of stars, and the moonlight swayed like a veil.

Murong Yu suddenly said, "Your Highness thinks there is a possibility that Chang Qing will be killed?"

"If Changqing was poisoned, he would not be so peaceful lying on the bed, and his robes would not be so neat." Murong Ci carefully recalled the situation at that time.

"The murderer didn't force Chang Qing, nor did he poison him. The murderer just went to see Chang Qing, said something to him, put down the arsenic, and then left. This king thinks this is a possibility." His warm voice whispered The silent night flows, with a different kind of dark charm, "The reason why Changqing willingly committed suicide by taking poison, maybe the murderer was kind to Changqing, maybe Changqing wanted to protect the murderer, maybe Changqing knew the murderer's secret, only death can keep this secret."

She had to admire his speculation and mind, all kinds of possibilities are not impossible.

Only Chang Qing knows the truth.

She sighed, "This thread is broken again."

Murong Yu walked very slowly, his deep eyes were piercing in the dark night, "Perhaps we can infer some facts from some clues. When Qing was seventeen or eighteen years old and Liu An was picking someone, so King Qiaorui met .Isn’t it strange that a majestic prince, who is so favored by His Majesty, would actually praise a humble brat?”

Murong Ci was startled suddenly, why didn't he think of it

"Chang Qing is the eyes and ears of King Rui An in the palace." She said decisively.

"Very likely. When King Rui and King Jing were killed, His Majesty ordered a strict investigation to check all the palace people. Half of the palace people were either killed or expelled from the palace. However, there are always one or two fish that slip through the net. Changqing may It was the fish that slipped through the net."

"Changqing adopted Xiaoyin, and Xiaoyin's life experience is a mystery, so could Xiaoyin have something to do with King Rui?"

This speculation and assumption was so bold that even she gasped.

Murong Yu said: "Xiaoyin first arranged for the Fengtian Palace to drop blood jade, then assassinated you with a mortal heart, and then committed suicide by taking poison. Maybe he committed suicide also to protect his party, most likely to protect the people behind the layout."

Murong Ci was startled when he heard that, the air-conditioning came from all directions, his hands and feet felt a little colder.

Take out a small thread, and you can pull out a string.

Little Silver may be related to King Rui, so the person he protects behind the scenes is very likely to be the remnants of King Rui

Where is the remnant of King Rui hiding? What is his plan

The whole layout points to Yu Wang Murong Yu, why does the remnants of King Rui point to him

Thinking of this, she was shocked to feel that her back was sweaty and chilly.

Tonight, Murong Yu stayed in the East Palace and took her to check on Xiaoyin's residence. After so many things happened, they ran for more than half of the palace together, and spent half the night sorting out the myriad of mysteries and making bold assumptions. , Speculated that she had doubted his intentions and intentions, and felt that he wanted to remove herself from the strange and mysterious cases that happened recently.

Now, with his speculations, he pointed the finger at the remnants of King Rui, which made her more sure of his hidden intentions.

However, his bold speculation is not entirely impossible.

"This is just my conjecture. Let's see Shen Zhiyan's autopsy results tomorrow."

Murong Yu's black eyes narrowed coldly, the starlight fell into his eyes, like a shining stream of light, a mysterious and deep abyss that would swallow people up.

Murong Ci peeked at him sideways, and it happened that he also turned his head, and his eyes collided with each other. She was a little flustered, and turned back immediately.

I don't know why, but my eyes are pitch black, and even the slightest bit of starlight and faint redness are gone.

When he noticed something strange, she had almost fallen to the ground.

Lifting his iron arms, he held her in his arms, and he called out in a deep voice, "Your Highness, Your Highness"

She leaned against him softly, her eyes closed, her face was as pale as paper under the starlight, her lips were so white, there was no blood in them.

The bandaged wound on her left arm was bleeding, and her robe was stained red. She must have lost a lot of blood before she fainted.

Murong Yu picked her up in his arms and walked quickly towards the East Palace.