The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 44: Shuoshu


Murong Ci said: "Auspicious was bitten by a ferocious cat, which reminded me of the recent murder case. I was thinking, what insects and beasts can bite people into injuries like auspiciousness? Princess Smart and quick-witted, I believe you can solve problems for the palace. How about this, the princess should go back to the mansion first, and seriously think about it, besides cats, what other insects and beasts can bite people like that. If you think of it, the princess will come quickly Bengong said."

After finishing speaking, she raised her eyebrows and blinked, expressing her complete trust in Princess Duanrou.

Hearing this, Murong Shi was very happy in her heart, she was as happy as drinking honey water.

His Highness praised her for being smart and quick-witted, and said that she could solve His Highness's problems. Your Highness, isn't this equivalent to praising her? Isn't it equivalent to recognizing her

"Your Highness, I will definitely think about this matter seriously and never let Your Highness down."

She said it swearingly, and her heart was full of joy.

Then she went back happily.

Ruyi smiled "puchi", "Your Highness's ability to fool people has become more and more refined."

Murong Ci let out a sigh of relief, "Finally sent her away. Ruyi, you send someone to find Zhiyan, and tell me that I want him to come to the East Palace immediately."

Ruyi took the order and went.

About half an hour later, Shen Zhiyan came back and was about to see the ceremony when His Highness said with great interest, "Follow me to the study."

In the study, Murong Ci described how Jixiang was bitten by a cat on the street, "The cat's claws are sharp, and Jixiang's left shoulder and arm have scars from the cat's claws, but the wounds from the cat bite are similar to the bite wounds from Sun Yumei and Xiaolu. Kind of alike."

"Really." Shen Zhiyan was delighted and excited, "Cats are always docile and don't know how to bite people, unless they are stimulated from outside or use something to lure the cat into a rage."

"It may not be a cat that bit Sun Yumei and Xiaolu. It should be about the same size as a cat to cause such a wound."

"His Highness's analysis is quite reasonable. For a while, I can't think of any insects and beasts that bite people and cause wounds like cat bites."

"Why don't we pick a few insect beasts and make a verification."

"Your Highness, this idea is very good. I will prepare it when I go back to Dali Temple today." Shen Zhiyan smiled pleasantly, "By the way, I went to Xiaoyin's residence to check, but I didn't find it. As His Highness said, it has been cleaned up .”

Immediately, they thought of several kinds of insects, such as rabbits, such as small dogs, such as monkeys.

Murong Ci suggested: "It's better to go around the street, maybe you will gain something."

He objected gently, "Your Highness was injured yesterday, so don't run around and toil, you need to rest more, why don't you go tomorrow."

She had no choice but to give up and agreed to go to Dongshi together tomorrow.

In the afternoon, she took a nap, and it was dusk when she woke up.

Qin Ruo came in lightly, held the jade-colored gauze curtain with a golden lotus hook, and said, "Your Highness, Xiaotao from Chunwu Courtyard is asking to see you. She has been waiting for half an hour."

When Murong Ci just woke up, his mind was still a little confused, and he couldn't remember who the maid named Xiaotao was.

It wasn't until she saw Xiaotao that she remembered that she was a court lady under Nanny Li in Chunwu Courtyard.

By the way, she said before that if they think of anything, they will come to the East Palace to report it.

Ruyi served meals in the main hall, Murong Ci sat in the main seat at the north head, took a sip of tea, waved Xiao Tao to get up, "Xiao Tao, what are you thinking of?"

Xiaotao stood up, lowered her head and replied: "Thank you, Your Highness. This servant recalls the past 20 years in Chunwuyuan when she is free. In the afternoon, this servant saw someone burning something, and remembered something."

"What's the matter?" Qin Ruo asked.

"It should have been five or six years ago. Because of the heat, many people slept on the floor in the backyard to make it cooler. One night, someone suddenly caught fire. At first, everyone didn't notice it. The person was burned to death before someone woke up. Afterwards, everyone got up and poured water on the man, but the man was so burnt that he couldn't tell the difference." Xiaotao said vividly.

"If someone is on fire, shouldn't they be able to shout? Didn't the people around hear the shouting?" Qin Ruo asked puzzled.

"My servant also finds it strange. But my servant remembers clearly that no one who was sleeping in the backyard heard the cry." Xiaotao replied.

"Who was that person who was burned to death?" Murong Ci asked, this matter is indeed interesting.

"I don't dare to say it." Xiao Tao muttered, a little panicked.

"Your Highness, forgive you for your innocence." Qin Ruo said.

"The person who was burned to death was named Cui Nong. Is he a member of the palace or a concubine who committed a crime and was dismissed? He seems to be a servant of Prince Rui's mansion." Xiaotao secretly glanced at His Highness, and was relieved to see that His Highness was not angry.

Murong Ci's heart was shocked, his brows were frowned, it was King Rui again.

She asked: "Did this incident happen before Liu Mei entered Chunwu Courtyard?"

Xiaotao thought for a while, and said with certainty: "Yes, a few days after Cui Nong was burned to death, Liu Mei entered Chunwu courtyard."

Murong Ci stood up and walked towards the dinner table, "Cui Nong is an old man of Prince Rui's Mansion, and it is taboo in the palace. You must not mention it to others in the future."

Xiaotao lowered her head in panic, "Yes, this servant will remember."


sp;Murong Ci picked up two plates of pastries on the table and handed them to Qin Ruo.

Qin Ruo put the two plates of pastries together, hugged them with a silk handkerchief, and handed them to Xiao Tao, "This is a reward from His Highness, you can go back."

Holding the pastry in her hands, Xiaotao was happy, kowtowed and left after thanking her.

"Your Highness, Cui Nong, the person who was burned to death was a maidservant of Prince Rui's Mansion, this matter is a bit strange." Qin Ruo pondered.

"As long as there is a fire, she will definitely shout. How can the people around not hear it?" Murong Ci tapped the table with a silver chopstick, "Unless she is killed first and then burned."

"What Your Highness said is very true. It is reasonable to report what happened in Chunwu Courtyard. However, Cui Nong's status is special, and Madam Li must not dare to report it. She just reported the death of someone in the Internal Service Bureau. The palace staff of the Internal Service Bureau did not I don't care about who died, just drag the corpse out of the palace." Qin Ruo said.

"Cui Nong was burned to death, which is too close to Liu Mei's entry into Chunwu Courtyard." Murong Ci's eyes turned, "Go and find out tomorrow if there was really a maid named Cui Nong in Prince Rui's Mansion back then."

"Yes." Qin Ruo replied.

"Your Highness, let's eat first." Ruyi reminded.

The next day, Murong Ci and Shen Zhiyan went to Dongshi together.

The commercial markets in Luoyang City are divided into the East Market and the West Market. The goods in the East Market come from all over the world. No matter how weird, hard to find, or rare things can be found here; Mainly, all-inclusive, you can find what you want in food, clothing, housing, transportation, curios and antiques.

There is no curfew in the country of Yan, so vendors, teahouses and restaurants in the east and west cities are open from beginning to end, and the streets are full of traffic and voices.

I don't know what a good day it is today. Many jugglers performed on the street. Some jugglers carried bowls, some smashed boulders in their chests, some juggled, and some directed small animals to perform. Array.

Today, Shen Zhiyan is still wearing a snow-colored light robe embroidered with bamboo leaves in silver thread, and his black and smooth hair is tied with a white jade crown. . His elegant and gentle handsome face had a spring-like smile, and all the boudoir girls who looked back at him lowered their heads shyly when they saw his overwhelming smile.

Murong Ci also attracted a lot of attention, but his soft and graceful appearance made many young women jealous.

They walked around and looked over there. Amidst the noise of the market, the fireworks in the market were so vivid.

Seeing a shop selling all kinds of birds, they went to ask the shopkeeper where they sold white rabbits and monkeys, and the shopkeeper said that there was a shop that sold small animals as pets for wealthy families.

After walking half a street forward, I saw a shop selling small animals.

Seeing them in brocade clothes and elegant demeanor, the man greeted them warmly.

"What do you two want to buy?" the man asked with a smile.

"What good introduction do you have?"

Murong Ci looked at the exquisite wooden cages on the wooden frame. Inside the cages were small animals, including white rabbits, monkeys, puppies, etc. Most of these small animals were small and delicate, with long, clean and soft hair , pretty and lovely looking, obviously well cared for.

The guy asked, "Did you buy it for yourself or as a gift?"

"It's fine to play by yourself or give it away, are these little beasts?" Shen Zhiyan glanced over, there are not many kinds of little beasts, but there are quite a few of each.

"Are there any rare play pets?" Murong Ci said in disgust, "These are too common."

"The two young masters came by coincidence. I got a few fresh and interesting play pets yesterday. Why don't you go to the inner hall to have a look?" The man said with a smile. Tired of playing, looking for something new and exciting.

Shen Zhiyan and Murong Ci looked at each other, and followed the staff to the inner hall.

There is a rather large animal cage on the floor of the inner hall, and there are seven or eight small gray-black animals in it.

Those little beasts were pecking at the vegetable leaves, making rustling noises.

"What kind of little beast is this that looks like a mouse?" Shen Zhiyan asked the buddy, looking interested.

"Although it looks like a mouse, but the mouse is not so big." Murong Ci stared at the small animals playfully, and a light seemed to flash in his mind. The size of these small animals is as big as a cat.

"This is a Shuoshu unique to the West Qin Kingdom." The clerk introduced, "Although the Shuoshu looks like a mouse, it is not a mouse. It is a very docile and cute little beast. Recently, many young masters have come to ask Are there any Shuo rats, so the owner asked someone to buy a few from the West Qin Kingdom."

Murong Ci said: "Shuo rat, white rabbit, and little monkey, bring one each and send them to the Shen family in Taifu's residence."

The man said happily, "Okay."

When paying the money, Shen Zhiyan asked seriously: "The shopkeeper, such docile little beasts as white rabbits and Shuoshu, wouldn't they suddenly go mad and bite people?"

The shopkeeper repeatedly assured that it would never happen.

"Shopkeeper, is there any way to make the docile white rabbit and Shuoshu suddenly go crazy and bite people?" Murong Ci asked casually.

"Master, you asked the right person. Our owner has been running this shop for more than 20 years, and he knows all kinds of small animals like the back of his hand." The shopkeeper laughed.