The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 48: crack


Shen Zhiyan's face was full of doubts, why did An Guiren assassinate His Majesty

More than ten years ago, An Guiren's legs were beaten and crippled, and then she was demoted by His Majesty as a commoner and thrown into the Chunwu Courtyard. As a result, she felt resentful and thought about revenge all the time for more than ten years. But now her legs are intact, this what's going on

He touched his chin playfully, always feeling that there must be something inside.

Murong Ci stared at An Guiren, and asked with a half-smile: "An Guiren, what happened recently, the blood jade from the Fengtian Palace, the blood rain from His Royal Highness Qing Yuan, the case of Sun Yumei in Luohe, and the case of Xiaoyuechi Xiaolu, all of them It was arranged by you, did you spread the ballad in Shijingxiangmo, didn't you?"

"Your Highness, do you have evidence?" An Guiren smiled coldly, her features were beautiful, like a withered rose that had been crippled by the harsh sunlight of midsummer.

"I really don't have any evidence." Murong Ci said coldly, "Your layout is quite clever and subtle, and you don't leave any traces."

"Assassinating Your Majesty is already a heinous crime, enough to tear her to pieces." Murong Yu took a sip of his tea and said gracefully, "The layout is exquisite, but there is always a way to solve it. Your Highness testified that An Gui is the person behind the scenes. I believe His Highness." Having seen through those layouts, this king would really like to hear how His Highness has seen through the recent suspicious and murder cases."

"Your Highness, please explain." Gu Huai clasped his hands, feeling quite ashamed that after so many days of investigation, he found nothing, but His Highness solved it.

"The first is the blood jade from the Fengtian Palace." Shen Zhiyan raised his eyebrows, "An Guiren first killed Bai Shuren and Mo Shuren in the Chunwu Courtyard, drained their blood, and then immediately sent the blood to Fengtian Palace, where it was placed A hidden corner. The Fengtian Temple is dedicated to Jinsheng and Xiaoyin, who clean it every morning. Taking advantage of Jinsheng not paying attention, Xiaoyin went out with the bucket of human blood, and quickly poured the human blood and blood jade on the blue bricks in front of the hall. Xiaoyin confessed everything before committing suicide."

"In this scorching summer, human blood will soon change color and solidify." Gu Huai questioned, "When the officer saw the human blood, the blood had not completely solidified."

"The blood jade from the sky happened at the time of Chen, and An Guiren took advantage of the time when the people in the Chunwu Courtyard hadn't got up, and took the Bai Shuren and Mo Shuren to a hidden corner and killed them secretly." Murong Ci raised his eyebrows, "An Guiren's light work is extraordinary. It is not difficult to avoid the patrolling guards and come to Fengtian Temple with the bucket of human blood."

An Guiren's face was calm, as if these things had nothing to do with her.

Murong Yu's eyes were fixed, and he asked: "Blood jade is rare, there are not so many blood jade in the palace, where did Mrs. An get the blood jade?"

Murong Ci said: "I have to ask Mr. An about it."

There was a hint of sarcasm in An Guiren's mouth, and he didn't answer.

Gu Huai thought about it: "The blood jade from the sky coincides with the blood jade in that ballad, how did An Guiren spread that ballad?"

Shen Zhiyan was quite excited, and said with flying eyebrows: "My lord, I went to Chunwuyuan to see it. Outside the backyard wall of Chunwuyuan is a palace road, and outside the palace road is the outermost palace wall of the palace. In other words , Chunwu Courtyard is close to the palace wall, An Guiren has extraordinary lightness kung fu, and no one notices when entering and leaving the palace and Chunwu Courtyard. She can fly out of the palace in disguise and spread songs."

Gu Huai was even more puzzled, "Didn't Mrs. An's legs be disabled? Why are they still intact and she was a concubine in the harem more than ten years ago. When did she practice such powerful martial arts?"

"I'll talk about these things later." Murong Ci stared at An Guiren, who was still as calm as an old monk in meditation.

"His Highness Qing Yuan is raining blood, what's going on?" Murong Yu looked at her with interest.

"His Royal Highness Qingyuan used dog blood, not human blood. An Guiren first killed a few dogs in the city, took the dog blood, and smeared the dog blood on the yellow glazed tiles of Qingyuan Hall in the dead of night. She smeared it evenly, as if painting a wall. When it rained heavily that day, the rain washed the glazed tiles, and the dog's blood on the tiles would fall with the rain, turning into blood rain." Murong Ci stepped down from the court desk with an extraordinary expression , Qiyun self-generated, "This is like a woman who has a thick layer of makeup powder on her face. If it is rained, the makeup powder on her face will be washed off."

"How did she predict that it would rain that day?" Shen Zhiyan asked with a frown, surprised that His Highness had solved the mystery of the rain of blood, and he admired His Highness's ingenuity and ability to investigate and solve cases more and more.

"No matter how good her lightness kung fu is, if she tampers with the top of the Qingyuan Hall, it will inevitably cause disturbances." Murong Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, "The Qingyuan Hall is the emperor's bedroom, heavily guarded, ten steps and one guard, cross patrolling, she How to do it without anyone noticing”

"That's why I want to ask Mr. An." Murong Ci looked at Mr. An and raised his eyebrows confidently.

"Didn't His Royal Highness decipher all the layouts?" An Gui asked sarcastically.

"That's right, the Qingyuan Hall is heavily guarded, and it's hard to escape the eyes and ears of those old guards. Besides, it takes a lot of time to smear dog blood on the roof of the hall." Murong Ci narrowed his bright eyes slightly, coldly, "An Guiren Very smart, and there is a helper, the maid Liu Mei. Before they went to the top of the hall, Mrs. An used a drug to stun all the guards, because

She is so good at lightness kung fu, those guards are often drugged as soon as they find out that there are black shadows haunting them. It is not difficult to know which day will rain before the early morning. "

Gu Huai praised: "Your Highness's analysis is very good. His Highness Qingyuan's blood jade coincides with the rain in the ballad. Then the death of Sun Yumei in Luohe and Xiaoyuechi Xiaolu's death are the fish-eating people in the ballad. Murderer"

An Guiren's face was cold and silent, like ashes in a fire pit, the sparks were slowly extinguished.

Shen Zhiyan said: "An Guiren met Sun Yumei by chance, and Sun Yumei died innocently. The same is true for Xiaolu, who died unjustly. An Guiren shattered the internal organs of Sun Yumei and Xiaolu with one palm, beat them to death, and threw them into Luoyang City. The river and Xiaoyue Pond are made into the illusion of fish eating people."

Murong Ci said: "She set up the Luohe River and the Xiaoyue Pool in the palace respectively. The purpose is to cause panic in the palace and the people of Luoyang City, so that everyone can firmly believe in the prophecy of the ballad. An Guiren, there is nothing wrong with this palace's speculation. Wrong."

An Guiren's face is like a bleak and desolate deep winter, everything is withered, chilling the silence.

"How did the wounds on the face and arms of the deceased Sun Yumei and Xiaolu be caused?" Murong Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty and Your Highness have done an inspection. Although the wound caused by the cat's mad bite is somewhat similar to the wounds of the two deceased, it is not a cat. We went around the East City and finally bought a white rabbit, a little monkey and Shuo Shu, use these three small animals as a test." Shen Zhiyan replied.

"Shuoshu is a small animal unique to the Western Qin Kingdom. It is somewhat similar to a mouse, but it is not a mouse. In recent years, many wealthy people in the capital like to keep pets, and cats, white rabbits, and monkeys are common pets. Those rich and noble families are tired of playing with them, so they turn their attention to Shuo Shuo and buy Shuo Shuo to raise." Murong Ci continued, "White rabbits, monkeys and Shuo Shuo are docile play pets, and they usually don't hurt or bite people. People. When white rabbits, monkeys and rats are stimulated by external sources, their temperaments will change drastically, especially the rats."

An Guiren's cold and lonely eyes flickered slightly.

Murong Yu became interested in Shuoshu, "How to make Shuoshu go crazy and bite people?"

Murong Ci sneered, "I asked the shopkeeper that there is a way to lure Shuoshu to go crazy. There is a kind of fruit in the Western Qin State called Huomaguo, which is made into powder and made Shuoshu When the rat smells it, within a short while, the Shuo rat will change its temperament and bite people in a frenzy. Ben Gong and Zhiyan did a test in Dali Temple. Huoma fruit also has an effect on white rabbits and little monkeys, but it does not affect the Shuo rat. It had the greatest impact. Shuoshu bit a big hoof with many scars, which are eight or nine points similar to the wounds on the arms and faces of the two deceased."

Shen Zhiyan said clearly: "Mr. Angui kills people first, and lets the crazy rats bite the two dead while they are still alive. This will create the illusion of fish eating people."

Gu Huai stroked his short black beard and nodded, "However, how did Mr. An get Shushu and Huomaguo?"

"For Mrs. An, it's common to go in and out of the imperial palace and Chunwu Courtyard, otherwise she wouldn't go out of the palace to kill people." Murong Ci looked at Mrs. An again, "Mr. An, your layout is brilliant and perfect. Clues and clues, don’t you want to know why Bengong suspects you?"

"His Royal Highness is really wonderful in solving these mysterious and murder cases. I would like to know why. However, His Highness seems to have no evidence to prove that I arranged and killed people." An Guiren said gently, his voice was calm and hoarse.

"It is true that you did not leave any clues. So far, the only clues that Bengong and Zhiyan have found are three gray hairs." Murong Ci raised his eyebrows lightly, "When you were killing Shuren Bai and Shuren Mo, when Shuren Bai was dying, Pinch the gray hair that fell from your head. Besides, you also left one on their bed, and the third one was found on Xiaoyin. However, I didn't suspect you at first, because You cover your head and face, I don't know that your hair is gray. You cover it up very well."

"This is what is called the Skynet's recovery, sparse but not leaky." Shen Zhiyan concluded.

"You want to convict me with just three gray hairs," Mr. An sneered mockingly.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, I will give you a big gift later." Murong Ci's eyes were shining brightly, "I speculate that you will not kill people after you set up fish to eat people. You set up this trick." The purpose is to point at Yu Wang, make everyone suspicious and wary of him, and let him fall into the vortex of rumors of killing the king and usurping the throne, right or wrong?"

An Guiren didn't answer, the corners of his lips moved slightly, and his smile was vague, mysterious and unpredictable.

Although she didn't answer, everyone regarded her as acquiescing.

The rest of the people were shocked when they heard the four words "Kill the king and usurp the throne", and their faces were filled with horror.

Murong Yu was still in a good mood, "These days, my king has heard a lot of rumors and received a lot of strange looks, and it turned out that it was all thanks to Mrs. Bai'an."

This topic is too embarrassing and sensitive, Gu Huai changed the topic in a timely manner, "Concubine Zhao was not killed by Mrs. An."

Shen Zhiyan replied: "Concubine Zhao's death should have nothing to do with Mrs. An, we will discuss this matter separately."

Murong Ci stared at An Guiren, his eyes suddenly became sharp, "You assassinated Father Emperor because you wanted to avenge a single person."