The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 58: Poppy pollen


The main hall returned to normal order. In the silence, the young talents answered as usual. He Guang, colleagues from the Ministry of Rites, and ghost shadows walked around to supervise.

The short case where the man went to the empty building was particularly conspicuous, and he stayed there alone.

Murong Ci walked in lightly, and stopped at the short table where Fan Xiaowen had been sitting, his cold eyes swept over inch by inch.

There was originally some imperceptible powder near the inkstone, which she accidentally saw when she came to see Fan Xiaowen's illness. However, not anymore. She looked at the ground, and as expected, there was a little powder left on the ground.

"Your Highness, do you have something important to tell your subordinates?"

Wei Wenchang, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites who came to ask questions, bowed his body, and his honest and upright face looked extremely respectful.

Murong Ci lowered his voice and said: "It's nothing, I'm just looking around casually, you go and get busy."

Wei Wenchang left awkwardly, she immediately took out the silk handkerchief, wiped it on the ground under the inkstone, then quickly folded the silk handkerchief, and copied it into the wide sleeve.

This series of movements is sensitive, fast, and unrestrained.

When he turned around to look, she had already walked outside.

Back in the side hall, Murong Ci heard Murong Yu order the servants to carry the body out of the palace and return it to the Fan family, and said hastily: "Wait a minute"

He looked at her, his eyes slightly darkened, "Did your Highness find anything?"

"This matter seems simple, but I feel that it is more appropriate to invite the Shaoqing of Dali Temple to come for an autopsy. If there is no doubt after the autopsy, it will not be too late to send the body to Fan's residence." She said sternly, "I have already sent someone to Ask Shen Zhiyan to come, I believe he will arrive soon."

"Your Highness is very considerate, very good." Murong Yu said calmly.

She smiled lightly, hehe in her heart, and she didn't know whether he was mocking or praising.

Therefore, Imperial Physician Li couldn't leave, and had to wait for Shen Zhiyan to come, and the two of them would do an autopsy together.

After a while, He Guanglai asked for instructions: "My lord, Your Highness, what should I do now so that those people can go back?"

Murong Ci said coolly: "None of them can leave. Leave them in the main hall and order the servants to serve tea and refreshments."

He looked at Yu Wang hesitantly and asked Yu Wang for his opinion. Detaining people in the Hall of Martial Arts, isn't this telling everyone that they are all suspects

Murong Yu smiled but said, "According to His Highness's wishes."

He Guang took the lead and went.

Murong Yu drank a cup of tea and said in a low voice, "His Royal Highness, move forward and talk."

When Murong Ci saw him walking towards the inner hall, he knew that he had bad intentions, but he still gritted his teeth and followed in.

The inner hall was dimly lit, but there was a ray of skylight coming in from the window sill, making the dust flying in front of the window.

He stood in front of the window, right between half yin and half yang, the bright sky split him like a sword as cold as snow, half of yin and half of yang, mysterious and treacherous, as if from the Nine Serenity Hell The devil that climbed up. The yin is extremely dark and creepy, making the scalp tingle and creepy, while the yang is extremely bright and bright, the sun and white snow confuse people's hearts. But contradictoryly condensed in one person, both bright and sinister.

Such a contradictory person is unpredictable.

"My lord has something to tell me." She stood not far from the entrance, far away from him.

"Could it be that His Highness wants everyone outside to hear?"

Murong Yu turned around, that handsome face full of anger from man and god was full of ghostly aura, but it didn't damage the magnificence of that skin in the slightest.

Murong Ci had no choice but to take a few steps forward, waiting for the next sentence.

"Your Highness just went to the main hall, did you find anything?" He walked into the shadow of Chuo Chuo and stood in front of her.

"My lord is so concerned about Fan Xiaowen's death." She couldn't hold back the sneer from the corner of her lips.

"Your Highness, do you still remember being bound in a cocoon?" Murong Yu said with a sinister smile, and his voice was a little low.

She stared blankly, staring at him warily.

His deep eyes flashed a profound smile, "You instigated Princess Zhaohua, how should this king repay you, the instigator?"

The word "repay" is slightly heavier.

Murong Ci sneered, "Your Highness is wise and wise, and wants to be ahead of others in everything, how could he be bound by that "cocoon"?"

"Reciprocity has always been my king's preference."

"What does the prince think?"

Before she finished speaking, she felt her waist loosen. It turned out that the silk around her waist was loosened, and her robe was slightly loose.

She was so angry that she was furious, and immediately bowed her head and tied the silk silk.

And the instigator swept up behind her, bowed his head on her arched neck and sniffed carefully and deeply.

The icy skin is better than the snow, delicate and smooth, with a faint fragrance lingering in the nose, sultry, and the boundless spring scenery spreads out

Murong Ci suddenly noticed the warm breath on the back of his neck, his mind froze, his limbs froze, his whole body seemed to be frozen in ice, and he dared not move.

what does he want to do

Not satisfied with this, Murong Yu lightly touched the jade-white skin with his thin lips.

When warmth meets coolness, whose heart is burning with anxiety, the spirit of speaking

soul shock

She reacted quickly, turned away and glared at him angrily. Is this his "revenge"

A dignified iron-blooded general, if you want to be so jealous, you will be punished, it is stingy

No, he was so close just now, would he recognize her fragrance

He mentioned before that he remembered the delicate fragrance of the woman who lingered with him all night.

Her thoughts turned sharply, and she stared blankly at him, petrified into a stone sculpture.

Murong Yu is like a successful cat, with rippling eyes and a hint of evil spirit swaying, shadows are shadowy, and a seductive charm glistens in his magnificent handsome face.

Seeing his expression, she guessed that he didn't recognize him, or didn't connect with him, so she was a little relieved.

It's just that the eyes seem to be unable to move away.

He looked at her, and she also looked at him, their eyes intertwined, the silence was louder than the sound, like sparks bursting hotly.

"Where is His Royal Highness?"

Shen Zhiyan's clear voice came from the outer hall.

Murong Ci woke up suddenly, and turned around in embarrassment.

Murong Yu's gaze receded from the blazing heat, then turned a little cold, and he walked out quickly.

When Shen Zhiyan learned about them in the inner hall, he came to look for them, but when he met them, he was startled and bowed to see them.

It's strange, how did His Highness and Yu Wang come to the inner hall

Hey, why is His Highness's face so red that even his ears are red as if he had drunk too much wine? What's going on

"Zhiyan, Fan Xiaowen died during the essay test, please test it." Murong Ci walked out briskly.

"I knew that there must be a murder case to pass me into the palace." He laughed excitedly, but immediately closed his mouth.

It's a bad thing if there is a murder case, and the death is the most important thing, so it's hard to say.

Murong Yu sat down to drink tea and waited, but the palace servants had already exchanged a cup of tea.

Doctor Li briefly explained the results of his examination, Shen Zhiyan put on thin gloves and began to examine.

"Your Highness, Mr. Fan died of an asthma attack, there is nothing suspicious."

After a while, he took off his gloves and made a conclusion.

Doctor Li got the order to go back to Tai Hospital.

Murong Ci took out the silk handkerchief, "Look at what this is"

The way of autopsy is to know the technique of Qihuang and various herbal medicines. Although Shen Zhiyan is young, he has a lot of research on medical theory and medicine. He took Sipa and sniffed it closely, then took a closer look, "It seems to be poppie pollen."

"Really." She frowned.

"It's indeed poppies pollen, where did Your Highness get it?" Shen Zhiyan held up the silk handkerchief and stared at it for a moment, "No, there are other things mixed in. The powder made from crushed poppies mixed with pollen."

"Is this poppie pollen poisonous?" Murong Yu came over and asked, his brows slightly darkened.

"The whole plant of poppies is poisonous." He said with certainty, "Your Highness, where did you get the pollen from this poppy?"

"Earlier, I saw some powder beside the inkstone of the short case used by Fan Xiaowen. At first I didn't pay attention to it. Later, I went back and found that it was gone. It should have been wiped off by someone, but there was a little bit of powder left on the bricks under the case. I didn't notice it. Wipe it with a silk handkerchief and bring it out." Murong Ci's slender eyebrows condensed slightly, full of doubts, "Isn't it strange that there is poppy pollen next to the inkstone on the case? When I went back to look at it later, it had already been erased. In other words, some people worried that the pollen pollen would be discovered, and maybe the person who erased the pollen was the one who put the pollen next to the inkstone.”

"Poppy pollen has something to do with Fan Xiaowen's death." Murong Yu handsomely said coldly, "The doctor Li said just now that people with asthma have a lot to avoid, and pollen can induce asthma attacks."

"The external triggers of each asthma patient are different, but it is too coincidental that this poppy pollen appeared in Fan Xiaowen's case." Shen Zhiyan said decisively, with a firm look in his eyes, "From the autopsy, Fan Xiaowen is indeed Died of asthma, and this poppy pollen must be the main cause of his attack. However, Fan Xiaowen's asthma attack would not be fatal immediately, but he died of breath in a short time, because the poppy pollen was mixed with poppies The powder made from the japanese flower, this powder is poisonous, although it is only a small amount, it is enough to hasten his death."

"In other words, someone wants to put him to death." Murong Ci deduced.

"It's so courageous to commit murder in the essay test." Murong Yu's eyes turned cold.

"Who wanted to kill Fan Xiaowen and why did he want to kill him?" Shen Zhiyan was thoughtful, "Fan Xiaowen's family has a long history, he has been famous since he was a child, and in the next few years he became famous in the imperial capital. Among the young talents, he is the most popular for winning the literary test."

"As long as he's dead, isn't the chance for others to stand out?" She sneered.

"The murderer is really ruthless, killing people invisible." He said in shock.

"This method is not very clever, otherwise we would not have left poppy pollen for us to find." Murong Yu said, his eyes were slightly sharp, "The person in front of Fan Xiaowen is Wang Zheng, the son of the capital governor of the Capital Defense Department."

"Wang Zheng is indeed suspected. He learned from his father and has high martial arts skills. He stands out from the crowd among the famous princes in the imperial capital. He is upright, forthright, and upright. He doesn't look like this kind of harmful person with ingenious thoughts and insidious methods." Shen Zhi speak.