The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 67: Can't help it


Qin Ruo followed behind, didn't you see them? Why didn't they come

Murong Ci thought in his heart, he threw away his hand angrily, and said coldly, "My lord, please respect yourself."

His tone was angry and fiery, and his exquisite eyebrows were full of anger.

Murong Yu stepped forward, and she retreated step by step. At this time, she had woken up from her initial instinctive reaction, she should not reveal too much, and restrained her edge

Behind her is the vermilion palace wall, leaning against the palace wall suddenly, there is no way to retreat, a trace of coldness comes in through the robe, her hands and feet are cold.

He stared at her, his handsome face was icy cold, like a polar glacier that had experienced tens of thousands of years, the chill piercing his bones.

Just as she was about to slip away, his long arm pressed against her side, enclosing her between him and the palace wall like cold iron, he raised his other hand and pinched her mouth.

With a little force on her fingers, her delicate face was sunken.

"What are you doing?" Murong Ci yelled angrily, and knocked off his hand, but it didn't help at all, and it caused him to treat him even harder.

"You want to match this king with Princess Zhaohua." He exerted all his strength, pinching her lips into a pout, which gave off a bit of natural pink allure, stirring people's hearts.

"Why would I do this? My lord misunderstood." Her face was normal, but her heart was in a state of chaos. He brought her here on purpose. Damn it

"Do you know it in your heart?" He had deep and lonely eyes, his eyes were as fierce as a knife, "No one has ever been able to manipulate this king."

Murong Ci stared at him quietly, his heart was beating rapidly, his robe was soaked through, whether it was from cold sweat or hot sweat.

He is a minister, and as a minister, his wealth and life are always at the mercy of the emperor.

No one has ever been able to manipulate the king

This sentence clearly shows his ambition

"Does the prince really want to manipulate everyone and kill them all?"

She sneered ironically.

Murong Yu's eyes flicked, as if there was a flash of light.

They are all extremely intelligent people, so he naturally knows the deep meaning of this sentence.

His sword eyebrows flew wildly, "Could it be that this king is not taking life and death now, even if it is your life, this king is like crushing an ant."

Murong Ci naturally knew that he had this ability. At this time, his handsome face, which was as beautiful as Qiongxue, was full of cruelty, which was very frightening.

"Then what are you waiting for, my lord?" She smiled brightly, quietly aiming her right hand at his vitals, ready to strike at any time.

"The king is waiting"

He suddenly approached, hot breath gushed out, and the faint fragrance of agarwood lingered around.

She seemed to be scalded, she turned her head, but he moved her towards her fiercely.

The four bright black pupils seem to be immersed in the clear mountain stream, shining and pure, clearly reflecting each other's small figures, as if illuminating their souls hidden in the depths of their lives.

As if being stared at and illuminated by such a pair of extremely pure, extremely bright, and extremely deep and far-reaching eyes, Murong Yu involuntarily fell into the rippling autumn water, unable to extricate himself.

A ray of golden and transparent sunlight shone on her face, turning her snow-like complexion into crystal-clear and translucent glass.

The slender and thick eyelash feathers rest like butterfly wings, fanning down the small crow-blue silhouette.

Fragments of sunlight flicker on the eyebrows and eyelashes, colorful and bright, just like the dew on the delicate flowers in the early morning.

Her chest rose and fell slightly, exhaling like orchids, the breath was free, if there was nothing, it was seductive.

This is a natural temptation, a mass of scorching heat rose from Murong Yu's chest, slowly spread, and penetrated into all limbs and bones.

He approached her eyebrows in a strange way, Murong Ci was startled, and turned his head away.

The scorching breath poured around, she felt like a feather brushed by, but there was a heat wave rolling up from the soles of her feet, and her whole body was hot.


She pushed sharply, and the mountain in front of her remained motionless.

His shortness of breath eased a little, and his slender fingers caressed her slightly frowning eyebrows.

She seemed to be shocked by electricity, and instinctively blocked his hand, taking this opportunity to push him away forcefully.

This time, he let her go.

Murong Ci glanced at him, and ran away hastily, as if there was a ghost chasing after him.

Murong Yu watched her run away in a panic, his thin lips curled slightly, three parts narrow, three parts joyful, four parts gentle that he didn't even notice.

Qing Yuan Hall.

When Murong Ci stepped into the bedroom, Princess Zhaohua was chatting and laughing with the Emperor of Northern Yan Kingdom.

Murong Chang sat on the side of the dragon couch, hugged his arm, and leaned his head on his shoulder, looking like a spoiled daughter, with curved lips, eyebrows and eyelashes, as sweet as honey. And Murong Cheng patted her little hand lightly, his smiling face was full of doting, he didn't know what happy and funny things he was talking about before.

"You little brat, your mind is full of dirty things."

Although there was a little responsibility in his tone, it was more of affection and doting.

Murong Ci's eyebrows were a little sore, his heart felt empty, and seemed to be filled with some salty liquid, dangling.

in this life she

It is impossible to have the opportunity to act like a spoiled child to the father like Zhaohua, to be with the father in the attitude of a daughter, and to say something that has nothing to do with the palace, the court, and government affairs. There will never be a chance

Ever since her father asked her to disguise herself as a man, she has lost many opportunities.

"Brother Prince is here." Murong Chang greeted warmly and affectionately, "Brother Prince, sit over there."

"My son salutes the emperor." Murong Ci bowed and saluted.

"Forget it." Murong Cheng smiled, "Zhaohua insists on you to help pick and choose. The answers to the top three are all on the record. Please take a look, Prince."

"Yes." She went to pick up the three answer sheets and read them carefully.

There were footsteps outside.

She knew that it was Murong Yu who had arrived.

Murong Chang's eyes flashed, and he immediately got up from the dragon couch, and stood upright beside him, with a graceful and graceful posture.

With a movement of Murong's eyes, he understood something.

It seems that my daughter still hasn't given up on Murong Yu.

Murong Yu gave a symbolic salute, "I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

Murong Cheng didn't mind his attitude, and said with a smile: "Zhao Hua said that the three selected in the contest are all excellent, but I don't know how to choose a son-in-law. Please help me and the crown prince."

Murong Yu said indifferently: "This is a major matter of the princess's marriage, I dare not make random comments."

"Yuwang, your vision is much better than that of their juniors, I can trust it. It's rare that Zhaohua wants you to take a look, so you can just say a few words." Murong Cheng looked at his beloved daughter kindly.

"Your Majesty's vision will never be wrong." Murong Shang took the three answer sheets from the elder brother of the prince, smiling brightly, "Please enlighten me, my lord."

Murong Yu glanced at the three answer sheets, ten lines at a glance, "I don't know what His Royal Highness thinks."

Murong Ci couldn't understand what the imperial sister was thinking today, so I really asked them to help choose a son-in-law

Furthermore, why did the imperial girl smile so charmingly in front of Murong Yu on purpose? Murong Yu won't be jealous because you are about to get married.

"Gong Junhao, Rong Qingting, Yang Pengfei, Father Huang, and my son-in-law feel that these three people are rare heroes in the imperial capital. They are all on par in terms of family background, talent, learning and appearance. If my son-in-law is Zhaohua, I will I don't know how to choose." She looked puzzled.

"Your Majesty, I'm a man. Women and men have different perspectives and views on choosing a husband and son-in-law. I'm worried that I will mislead the princess and waste her life." Murong Yu said calmly.

"This palace is just collecting the opinions of the family, but the prince said it's all right." Murong Chang smiled softly, but her heart was very miserable: If I can't marry you in this life, I will miss my life.

Murong Cheng also said: "But it's okay to say, it's just a discussion."

Murong Yu deliberated for a moment, and finally said: "Gong Junhao is weak and timid, the princess is the emperor's daughter with golden branches and jade leaves, if you want to choose a son-in-law after marriage, Gong Junhao is easy to control."

Murong Ci said: "Gong Junhao is indeed cowardly and cowardly, but his mother, Mrs. Gong, is the most powerful wife in the imperial capital. After marriage, can the imperial sister control Mrs. Gong and other big families? Will she be wronged?"

Murong Cheng laughed and said, "Don't you know your imperial sister's temperament? She is the only one who bullies others. There is no reason for her to be bullied."

Murong Chang's eyes fluttered, and he smiled mysteriously, "I also think Gong Junhao is good, but I still need to think carefully."

Murong Cheng asked her to go back to her bedroom and think about it, but she would have to choose a son-in-law early tomorrow morning at the latest.

Murong Ci thought that things would not go so smoothly, that Zhaohua would have something wrong, but he didn't expect that an imperial decree was issued the next morning to confer the marriage.

The prospective son-in-law is Gong Junhao.

She felt that Zhaohua chose Murong Yu according to his wishes, but why did Zhaohua do this? Is there any mystery in it

At this point, the wedding of Princess Zhaohua and the eldest son of the prime minister's palace was announced to the world, and the palace began to prepare for the wedding ceremony.

As for the wedding date, it is now May, and the gates of hell are open in July, so it is not suitable for weddings. If it is June, it will be too hasty. Murong Chang said that August is just right, and Murong Chengen agreed.

On this day, Murong Ci took Qin Ruo out of the palace, and secretly visited the First Villa in the World and the Phoenix Tower.

Murong Yu didn't send anyone to the No. 1 Villa in the World to ask to see the owner, and Rong Zhan immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

Ever since Murong Yu made a fuss in the Phoenix Tower, for a while, the court officials did not dare to go to the Phoenix Tower to seduce young people, but seeing that the King of Yu hadn't moved, he couldn't help thinking about those young people, so he went secretly again.

That night, Rong Lan received a handsome young man and a servant, this young man was even more delicate than the young man in the Phoenix Tower, one could tell at a glance that he was a woman disguised as a man. Rong Lan guessed that it must be a girl from a rich family who came here to have fun, so she ignored it.

Half an hour later, for some reason, this boy got into trouble with Mr. Li, a dude who often came to the Phoenix Tower and the wealthy family.

Mr. Li is well-known in the capital as vicious and vicious. Because his uncle is the servant of the official department and his family has endless money, he bullied the market and robbed the women of the people. Secretly spent money and two private. Ever since he saw the taste of a jade-like boy in Phoenix Tower a month ago, he has come to entertain every night, almost playing with all the teenagers in Phoenix Tower.

As long as he doesn't cause trouble in the Phoenix Tower, Rong Lan basically doesn't care about him.

But tonight, Mr. Li had a big fight with that young man with exquisite and noble features but ruthless and not to be trifled with.