The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 70: The wind and snow in the carriage


The sky is full of stars and glazed light, the moonlight is as thin as gauze, and the night scene on a good day is beautiful and intoxicating.

However, Murong Chang was not in the mood to admire the moon and stars at all. Because what she hates the most in her life is waiting for others.

Now she has to wait at the gate of Yuwang Mansion in the middle of the night. If Murong Yu doesn't come back, then she has to wait until dawn

It took only a cup of tea, but her patience was worn out. Xiong Jiu stepped up the stone steps in high spirits, swept away the weakness before, raised his delicate and shiny chin high, "This palace is Princess Zhaohua , I just met Xiaoxiao on the street and was overly frightened, now I want to go to the palace to rest."

The two guards looked at each other, and then shouted: "How do I know that you are Princess Zhaohua in the middle of the night? How could Princess Zhaohua be outside the palace? Princess Zhaohua is His Majesty's favorite princess, and she must be sleeping in the palace now." "

Before they could finish speaking, they saw a jade tablet with exquisite carving and full body shining in front of them.

They stared at the jade plaque intently, and then rubbed their eyes to identify it carefully. Yes, it was indeed a jade plaque that revealed the identity of Princess Zhaohua.

"The humble official has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and offends the princess, and I hope the princess will forgive me."

"A lowly job has eyes but no eyes, and a lowly job has no heart. The princess forgives the sin."

They humbled and pitifully begged for mercy, and Murong Chang walked in haughtily.

At this moment, Murong Yu had no intention of going back home.

After coming out of the Phoenix Tower, he guarded in a hidden place outside the Phoenix Tower.

The summer night hangs down like a curtain, and the stars are shining brightly. The white figure is especially eye-catching in the night.

A carriage slowly drove out from the alley, and the driver was Qin Ruo. Murong Ci jumped up, got into the carriage and sat down, still wearing the silver mask.

Murong Yu, who was hiding in the dark, raised his hand to give an order, and a black figure sprang out from the dense darkness, shooting towards the carriage like a bolt of lightning.

It was the ghost of the dark guard.

The incident happened in an instant, Qin Ruo saw a group of black shadows rushing towards the carriage, and said in shock: "Your Highness, there are assassins"

Murong Ci was startled, and quickly ran out of the carriage.

When the ghost shadow flew towards him, it sent out a fierce force of energy, and if Qin Ruo went forward, he also released a force of energy to counteract it.

If he tried his best, there would be no chance for Qin Ruo to resist

He only used three successes.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already exchanged ten strokes.

Murong Ci stood on the carriage and watched the battle, and saw that the masked man in black was just playing with the zither. This man doesn't look like an assassin, what is his background

Qin Ruo was provoked by ghosts many times, and gradually became impetuous, and chased away, even away from the carriage.

Murong Ci shook his head and laughed, but he was sure that Qin Ruo would not be in danger.

Sure enough, the Lord came.

Murong Yu jumped up from the darkness and stood on the roof beside the street, standing between the sky and the earth, under the night.

The night wind blows, and the black robes fly like black flames.

That stern and sculpted face is like a viburnum woven with pure snow, blooming in the mysterious and treacherous dark night, white and noble, rich and graceful.

She was stunned, shouldn't he go back home? He deliberately ambushed her here

Murong Yu flew down like a giant eagle, and flew up like a roc spreading its wings.

A domineering force struck face to face, Murong Ci stood facing the wind, several thoughts flashed through his mind, flashes of lightning, thunder and thunder.

If you make a move to deal with it, it is very likely to expose your skills.

He ambushed her here just to force her to make a move

He should have recognized her as early as in the Phoenix Tower.

Murong Ci stands tall and tall, and Mount Tai collapses in front of him without changing his face.

His slender fingers hit her slender neck, strangling her lifeline. He also stood on the carriage, his black robes slowly falling down like black wings.

The warm fingers scalded the skin around her neck, and she stared at him in the night wind, neither sad nor happy, without waves or ripples.

Murong Yu's dark eyes hide a faint murderous look, but they are full of starlight, and the radiance turns around, shining and charming.

Raising his hand, he took off her silver mask.

She doesn't move, let him.

The moment the silver mask turned into silver powder between his fingers and fluttered in the wind, a delicate and clear face emerged in the night.

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness." There was no surprise in his low voice, and he let go.

"Did the lord come to protect me because I was worried about the danger of returning to the palace late at night?" Murong Ci said softly and smiled coldly.

"Where did this come from, Your Highness?"

"Phoenix Tower."

"It turns out that His Highness was also in the Phoenix Tower not long ago. Then His Highness should have seen what happened to Princess Zhaohua in the Phoenix Tower. Why didn't His Highness come forward to rescue the princess?"

"Of course a hero like the prince will be able to perform the scene of the hero saving the beauty. I just need to watch it from the sidelines."

Murong Yu walked into the carriage stately and sat down gracefully, "What are you doing in the Phoenix Tower?"

The carriage was full of shadows, his handsome face turned into a natural luminous body, shining like cold jade.

Murong Ci sat down at the farthest place from him, "I just went to have fun, I didn't expect to meet Zhaohua. By the way, has Zhaohua returned to the palace yet?"

His deep eyes were as black and translucent as ice crystals, "This king has already sent someone to escort the princess back to the palace."

She smiled and said: "Zhaohua rarely leaves the palace, so he will not go back easily."

"Your Highness means"

"Your Highness is wise, you will understand after thinking about it." She smiled coolly, "It's late at night, and I should go back to the East Palace. Isn't Your Highness going back to the Palace?"

"No rush." Murong Yu spoke softly.

Murong Ci secretly pondered what he wanted to do

Suddenly, the carriage moved forward, and she opened the curtain to see that there was a driver in front of the carriage.

Before, she was concentrating on thinking, but she didn't notice that someone got into the carriage.

The carriage drove at high speed, and hurried past the imperial capital under the darkness of night.

Soon arrived at Yuwang Mansion, the carriage stopped, she was thinking about his intentions, when suddenly she felt that there was an extra person beside her, and the warm and masculine fragrance of aloes pervaded her whole body, covering her.

"I'll go down first." She seemed to get up calmly, but she was actually a little confused.

"No hurry." Murong Yu pulled her to sit down, and whispered a warning in her ear, "Your Highness, you better not meddle in other people's business, otherwise"

Murong Ci only felt that his voice, body, and even breath were full of predatory, which made her feel uncomfortable.

She collected her mind and sneered impeccably, "Otherwise, why is this palace meddling in my own business?"

His voice was slow and sinister, "If Your Highness wants to try this king's methods, how can this king be so stingy, and His Highness will be satisfied."

She leaned forward, or moved to the other side, and he followed, clinging to her, speaking ambiguous whispers, and doing things that made people blush and heartbeat.

At this moment, she only felt that her whole body was hot, as if the surroundings were full of wanton flames.

The shadows were blurred, and the dark fire was flickering, flashing on her jade-white face, full of dark charms, extraordinarily alluring.

Murong Yu stretched out his long arms around her body and grabbed her hands, which was equivalent to half-embracing her from behind.


Murong Ci was so angry that he almost gnawed his white teeth, struggling fiercely, regretting that he didn't get out of the car decisively just now, regretting so much that his intestines were green.

It is not easy to escape from the clutches of the devil.

With a retraction of his arms, he embraced her like iron, put his chin on her shoulder, and rubbed her heavily.

This pose is so hot that people can't imagine, this Chi Guoguo's teasing frivolity makes her want to tear him to pieces.

He slightly bowed his head, and easily kissed the jade-white skin on the side of his neck, which was smooth and tender.

This quiet and distant body fragrance seems to have been smelled somewhere.

The scorching heat in his chest and lower abdomen left him no time to think about it. He took it for granted that he had become more intimate with the prince recently and was naturally familiar with the fragrance of the prince.

Murong Ci couldn't take it anymore, she was about to explode, she turned her head suddenly, found a target and bit down hard.

That is the most vulnerable part of the ear, if a sharp edge passes by, blood drops will appear immediately.

In the flashing shadows, the tiny drops of blood set off against the snow-white skin, making it extraordinarily beautiful.

The sharp and fine pain in the ear was only for a moment, and it was nothing to Murong Yu. He let go, and she fled like an amnesty.

It's no fun to push too hard, and it's not fun to jump over a wall in a hurry.

In the dim light, he wiped the drop of blood with his hand, stared at the drop of blood on his fingertip with his lips curled up, smiled slightly, and then put his fingertip into his mouth, as if the tiny drop of blood held the person's breath.

Murong Chang waited for a long time but did not wait for Murong Yu to come back, suddenly heard from the butler that the prince had an invitation, so he happily followed.

Seeing the housekeeper walking out, she frowned suspiciously, "Steward, go further and you will find the gate, the prince won't be outside."

The butler replied: "The prince is outside."

She had no choice but to follow, and when she saw Murong Yu jumping out of the carriage, she couldn't help being overjoyed, when she was about to run over, she saw another obtrusive person: the elder brother of the prince was actually standing aside.

how could they be together

Murong Yu said solemnly: "It's late at night, please trouble His Royal Highness to escort the princess back to the palace."

When seeing the imperial sister galloping towards him, Murong Ci understood the "good intentions" of bringing him to Yuwangfu.

As a result, the imperial sister must be furious.

When Murong Chang heard this, his small face was covered with frost, but his expression changed in an instant, he was frightened and helpless, as pitiful as he could be, "My lord, I have suffered so much in the Phoenix Tower. Scared, won't you send Ben Gong back to the palace? Ben Gong is so scared."

"I believe His Royal Highness will protect the princess well, and the king will send a few more guards to escort her along the way, so nothing will happen." Murong Yu said ruthlessly.

"My lord," she called coquettishly.

"His Royal Highness, please." He looked at Murong Ci indifferently, completely ignoring Murong Chang's coquettishness.

"Sister, don't bother the lord when it's late at night, let's go back to the palace." Murong Ci gave her a wink and went to pull her into the carriage.

Fortunately, Murong Chang was not stupid, even though he was reluctant, he got into the carriage and bid farewell to Murong Yu.

She understood that if she kept pestering her, she would only make him angry.

Or find another way.