The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 71: You can meet anywhere



Murong Yu came out of the bathroom wearing a moon white silk singlet, the dim light of the dormitory illuminated the drops of water on his forehead, crystal clear like ice crystals.

After drinking a cup of tea, he took out a book to read for a while before going to bed, but there was a knock on the door in the silent summer night.

The sense of rhythm is very strong and there is no shadow.

Murong Yu went to open the door, Wu Ying came in with a bow, and said: "My lord, the spies from the Western Qin Kingdom have reported that there is still no trace of the girl."

Murong Yu nodded slightly, his brows were deeply furrowed, as if he was used to the answer, "Keep looking."

Wuying took the order, and said again: "The prince ordered his subordinates to investigate the source of the blood jade, but they have not found anything yet."

"The origin of the blood jade can't be found?"

"My subordinate went to the Eastern Chu Kingdom and met an old jade craftsman who had been with the jade all his life. He looked at the blood jade and said that the origin of the blood jade should be Yuqing Mountain in the Eastern Chu Kingdom, but he couldn't be sure. .”


"It was rumored that blood jade was produced in Yuqing Mountain a hundred years ago. Not long after the court found out about it, it sealed off Yuqing Mountain, and even the farmers and hunters within a radius of ten miles had to move away. Since then, there have been soldiers in Yuqing Mountain to prevent the common people In and out."

"Eastern Chu State sealed Yuqing Mountain with the intention of excavating blood jade. In the past hundred years, Yuqing Mountain should have produced a lot of blood jade." Murong Yu narrowed his eyes mysteriously, "Perhaps the blood jade that appeared in Fengtian Palace was really produced by Yuqing Mountain."

Wuying was puzzled, "How can we talk about the blood jade produced in Yuqing Mountain? They should all be in the imperial palace of the Eastern Chu Kingdom. How could they appear in the imperial palace of the Northern Yan Kingdom?"

Murong Yu's deep eyes were cold and sharp, "Blood jade is extremely rare, even if there is a jade field that produces blood jade in Eastern Chu, it will not easily let the blood jade flow out. But the fact is that Fengtian Palace suddenly appeared so There is only one explanation for the bloody jade: Some people spare no expense."

Between the lightning and the flint, there was something piercing the stone and cracking the cloud, and Wuying suddenly understood a little bit, "What the prince means is that the incident of the blood jade falling from the Fengtian Palace is related to the royal family of the Eastern Chu Kingdom."

"More than that, the ballad, those suspicious cases, murder cases, and the successive layout may all have something to do with the royal family of the Eastern Chu Kingdom."

"But haven't those suspicious and murder cases been clarified? Isn't the person who arranged the plot and the murderer Cui Nong, the concubine of King Rui?" Wu Ying was shocked.

"Cui Nong didn't tell where the blood jade came from until she died, and she didn't explain how she possessed strong martial arts, because this is her secret, and she can't tell it after she dies. Maybe Cui Nong is just a child at the mercy of others. chess piece." Murong Yu said in a deep voice.

"What the lord means is that Cui Nong did not arrange this whole situation alone. She has an expert behind her, and that expert should be the royal family of the Eastern Chu Kingdom." The hand stretched so long.

Murong Yu smiled fleetingly, "This king has placed so many spies in Eastern Chu, and the emperor of Eastern Chu is wise and resourceful, so he will also place spies in other countries."

Wuying couldn't figure it out again, "However, with such a complicated and confusing situation in Dongchu Guobu, why is there any attempt to frame the prince?"

Murong Yu grinned coldly, "That ballad is directed at this king. The Eastern Chu Kingdom wants this king to be a target of public criticism, and become a treacherous minister who is scolded by the subjects."

Wuying was terrified, "In this way, there will be civil strife in our Northern Yan Kingdom. When the government is in turmoil, the Eastern Chu Kingdom will send troops to attack. If the South Yue Kingdom and the West Qin Kingdom form an alliance with the Eastern Chu Kingdom, then our Northern Yan Kingdom will Wouldn't the country"

Murong Yu's eyes turned cold, "How could this king give them a chance?"

Wuying nodded, and stopped thinking about it, because he believed that the prince has the power to control the country, and he will not let Beiyan's domestic chaos.

"By the way, my lord, my subordinates have received news that there has been movement from the military supervisory department."

"What's the matter with the Ordnance Supervisor?"

Wuying told his master what his subordinates found, with a heavy expression on his face.

The Military Weapons Supervisor is responsible for making all battlefield weapons, which are the strongest blade for a country's powerful soldiers and fierce generals, and the key to the invincibility of the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Northern Yan Kingdom.

Once an accident occurs in the military supervision, the impact will be very bad, and the military may be in turmoil.

Murong Yu's eyes were cold, it seemed that he was going to the Military Arms Supervision.

The Military Weapons Supervision is not located in the imperial palace, but in the northwest of the Eastern Suburb Palace. Except for the officials and craftsmen of the Military Weapons Supervision, even the ministers of the court cannot enter without an imperial decree.

This morning, Murong Ci and Qin Ruo took a carriage to the eastern suburbs, but they were stopped by someone while passing through the street.

Qin Ruo opened the car curtain, and a clear and cheerful voice came in: "I will go wherever your Highness goes."

Standing in front of the carriage was a pretty girl, wearing a pink and purple summer shirt and a purple silk skirt, with a purple jade hairpin inserted into her slanted hair, and her eyebrows were crooked with a smile.

Princess Duanrou, Murong Shi.

Murong Ci's heart skipped a beat, and he reluctantly said: "I have important matters to attend to, so I will meet the princess some other day."

While climbing up, Murong Shi smiled and said: "I'll go too, I won't delay His Highness's affairs, His Highness just treat me as Qin Ruo."

"The princess has a noble status, how can he be compared with a slave?" Qin Ruo laughed, and immediately squatted beside the coachman, blocking her way.

"Qin Ruo, I want to go up, let me go." Murong Shi said anxiously.

"Princess, Your Highness really has something important to do today, so we can't delay any longer." Qin Ruo explained in a good voice.


Just stay with His Highness, and won't bother His Highness, let alone delay His Highness' affairs. "Murong Shi smiled and said, this time she was determined and insisted on following.

"How did you separate the sesame and red beans last time? Did you think of a quick way to separate them?" Murong Ci held his forehead speechlessly, "If you haven't thought about it yet, the princess should go back to the mansion and continue thinking about it. If you think about it, come to Bengong."

"Your Highness, I've been thinking about it for a few days, but I just can't figure it out." Murong Shi said with a smile, "But then I went to a shop that sells red beans and asked the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper said, just find a suitable sieve and sieve the sesame seeds. Yes. Your Highness, I tried it, and it really works."

"The princess asked others for the solution, not the princess's own idea, so it doesn't count." Qin Ruo laughed.

"But I really can't figure it out." Murong Shi pouted her lips aggrievedly, and looked at His Highness the Crown Prince in the carriage with wonderful eyes.

"Princess, I really have something important to do today. Why don't you go to Shen Zhiyan, and I will go to him later when I finish my work," Murong said.

"Is that so?" Murong Shi tilted her head and hesitated.

Without paying attention, the carriage dashed forward like an arrow leaving the string, passing by her.

If she got any closer, she would be hit.

She froze for a moment, then instinctively ran after her, "Your Highness, wait for me, Your Highness, Your Highness"

Passers-by stopped to watch one after another, unable to stop their gossiping hearts, Your Highness

Could it be His Royal Highness, who is that girl chasing the carriage

Qin Ruo urged the coachman: "Hurry up, we can't let the princess catch up."

Murong Ci smiled slightly, and finally got rid of the dog-skin plaster, "Qin Ruo, you are smart this time."

Qin Ruo returned to the carriage and said with a smile: "The princess has been chasing for such a long time, and even shouted loudly, many people are watching."

Murong Shi chased for a while, seeing the carriage getting farther and farther away, she could only look at the carriage and sigh while panting heavily.

The carriage rushed all the way to the east gate, and soon left the east gate, heading towards the palace.

Passing through a forest, Qin Ruo suddenly smiled and asked: "If the princess really looks for Mr. Shen, won't Mr. Shen be bored to death?"

"That's none of my business." Murong Ci smiled narrowly, "In the future, if the Princess comes to look for Ben Gong, I will send her to Zhiyan."

"That's a good idea." Qin Ruo smiled.

"Your Highness, there is a man in front who fell down and seems to be bleeding." The driver outside said suddenly.

Qin Ruo's face suddenly turned cold, and she opened the car curtain and looked forward, "Do you want to stop and take a look?"

This is in the suburbs, it is better to be cautious.

Murong Ci asked the coachman to slow down, and looked out the window, the man was lying on the side of the official road, bleeding a lot.


She ordered urgently, jumped out of the carriage in a hurry, and Qin Ruo followed.

The man on the ground was about forty years old, wearing an official uniform, and was stabbed in the abdomen. The blood flowed like spring water, staining the official robe red, and there was a large pool of blood on the ground. He was gasping for breath, dying, and when he saw someone coming, he raised his eyelids to take a look.

"You are a member of the Military Weapons Supervisor. How could you be injured by a knife? Who hurt you?" Murong Ci's expression was serious. It would be great if Shen Zhiyan was there, at least he could stop the bleeding first.

"I am Zhou Huai, the head of the Armament Supervisor, and you are" the wounded said with difficulty.

"Bengong is the prince." She frowned, "If something happened to the military inspector, please tell me quickly."

"someone is a rapist, uh"

cold as snow

stabbed him in the throat like an electric shock

Zhou Huai tilted his head and died, closing his eyes forever.

At the same time, Murong Ci stood up and turned around to look around. Not far away, a big tree with lush branches and leaves flashed a black shadow, which disappeared in an instant.

Qin Ruo frowned and said, "Your Highness, this is the Plum Blossom Dart. Could it be that Chief Zhou found someone committing a criminal offense in the Military Weapons Supervision, so he was silenced?"

Murong Ci nodded, staring coldly, "It seems that the water in the military supervision department is very deep."

"What's the best way to go now?"

"Not going today, put Zhou Huai into the carriage and go to Dali Temple." Murong Ci ordered and got into the carriage.

"Yes." Qin Ruo called the coachman to carry the corpse up together.

There was the sound of a carriage running behind, and Murong Ci looked back through the small window, the carriage looked familiar.

The carriage slowed down and stopped half a foot past them.

She saw a person she was too familiar to jump out of the carriage, she was startled, and quickly shrank back.

Could it be such a coincidence that I could meet him anywhere

Qin Ruo was slightly shocked, what should I do? What would happen to Yu Wang when he saw Zhou Huai's body

Murong Yu's cold eyes swept over Zhou Huai, and Shen Lang said: "Your Highness, do you want me to go up or His Highness to come down?"

Murong Ci sighed helplessly, and slowly got out of the carriage, only to see him go back and get into the carriage.

What's the meaning

ask her to get in his carriage