The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 72: Arms Superintendent


In the end, Murong Ci reluctantly boarded the carriage. If she didn't follow his wishes, he would force her, but the end result was the same. Besides, after Zhou Huai died, Murong Yu just came out of the city and came here, isn't it strange

The two carriages turned around and headed for the city.

The carriage rattled, and the woods in the outskirts were as silent as death.

A slender beam of sunlight streamed in, and Murong Yu's handsome face, which was sunk in the shadows, suddenly lit up, as crystal clear as glass.

"How did Zhou Huai die?" He asked indifferently.

"He was stabbed in the abdomen and was dying. When Ben Gong asked him, his throat was cut with a plum-blossom dart." She briefly stated.

"Have you seen the person who silenced you?"

"I only saw a flash of a black shadow, and that person disappeared. It's a good light work." Murong Ci asked tentatively, "My lord is also going to the Military Weapons Supervision."

He nodded, his brows were as serious as water, "This king got a report that there was a change in the Military Weapons Supervision. Your Highness also received the tip and went to the Military Weapons Supervision."

She frowned, and said in a cold voice, "It's a pity that Zhou Huai was silenced before he revealed who committed the crime."

However, this also shows that there is a big problem with the military supervision, and the water is not shallow.

Murong Yu said coldly: "You saw Zhou Huai's death with your own eyes, and the criminals in the Military Weapons Supervision Department will guess that you will investigate this matter, and they will take precautions, and they have already alerted the enemy."

She restrained her anger, "Then stop covering up. What is the information that the prince received?"

A small piece of sunlight shone on his eyebrows, like a pearl shining in the night, "Selling weapons privately."

She just asked casually, but she didn't expect him to say it out loud, so she froze for a moment.

However, from this point of view, he also sent people to keep an eye on the military supervisor all the year round.

"What's your Highness' plan?" Murong Yu asked softly.

"No plan, I need to clear my mind first. What is your plan?" Murong Ci asked back.

"The matter of the military supervision is not simple, and it will take time to see the situation."

She chuckled in her heart. He said that, he was just like her, and didn't want to expose his whereabouts and plans.

The sun was shining, and his stern facial features were like carvings, gathering the colorful beauty of the world.

When they came to Dali Temple, Shen Zhiyan examined Zhou Huai's body. Zhou Huai had two fatal injuries, one was stabbed in the abdomen and the other was in the throat.

In fact, when Murong Ci asked Zhou Huai, he had only one breath left, and he was sure to die.

The person hiding in the dark was anxious to silence him, in order to hasten Zhou Huai's death and not let him speak.

Afterwards, Gu Huai personally sent Murong Yu away, and Murong Ci and Shen Zhiyan came to the inner garden wing.

Shen Zhiyan poured two cups of tea and smiled elegantly, "Your Highness thinks that Zhou Huai was killed by the military inspector."

She nodded, picked up the teacup and drank it down, "Zhou Huai must have discovered someone's secret and escaped from the military prison, but alarmed that person and was finally silenced."

He agreed, and his eyebrows turned cold, "Selling weapons privately is tantamount to collaborating with the enemy and treason, that man is so courageous"

"Military Weapons Supervision has Master Wanfang, Lord Cheng Wangtao, and Chief Zhou Huai. Those who dare to sell weapons privately, either Wan Fang or Wang Tao, must have some control over the Military Weapons Supervision."

"His Highness's analysis is very correct. However, selling weapons privately is a heinous crime. If there is a real incident, those involved will never plead guilty."

"This matter still needs to be investigated secretly. But let's make it clear first. Tomorrow, the Japanese Palace will go to the Military Weapons Supervision. You can go together."

"I'll wait for you at the Yamen of Dali Temple tomorrow morning." Shen Zhiyan smiled.

The two chatted for a few more words, Murong Ci took his leave and left.

The road from Dali Temple to the East Palace was neither far nor near, she thought it would be smooth, but she didn't expect to meet Princess Duanrou again.

Duanrou Princess Murong Shi, who was dumped before, thought about it and decided to go to Dali Temple to find Shen Zhiyan. Unexpectedly, halfway through the walk, they saw the prince's carriage again.

She chased after him in great surprise, "Your Highness Your Highness Your Highness"

The streets are full of traffic and bustling. Suddenly hearing this scream, passers-by turned their heads to look.

That girl looks like a daughter of a wealthy family, why is she chasing a carriage

His Royal Highness

Could it be the admirer of His Royal Highness

Ouch, there is actually a young lady who likes that idiot prince.

Qin Ruo recognized Princess Duanrou's voice, and told the coachman not to stop, so the slow-down carriage ran fast, and disappeared in a flash.

So Murong Shi chased her and ran for half a street. She didn't want to give up, she gritted her teeth and ran, but in the end she couldn't catch up, her legs were so soft that she lost all strength before she stopped, almost dying.

The Military Weapons Supervisor is located in the northwest of the Eastern Suburb Palace, and the entrance is a majestic gatehouse.

Everyone who comes in and out of here must undergo strict interrogation, check their identity, and also check the purpose of coming here.

Generally speaking, other important figures in the royal family, such as His Majesty the Emperor, Empress, and Prince, do not need to carry holy

According to the decree, the ministers of the DPRK and China must come here according to the decree, otherwise they will not be allowed to enter. Of course, there is one exception, the regent king who is under one person and above ten thousand people.

The guard inspected Murong Ci's token and let him go.

However, she noticed that a guard quietly left from the side and rushed inside.

"Your Highness, someone has gone to inform you." Qin Ruo sneered.

"It's okay. I just want to see how they receive me." Murong Ci sat in the carriage, his eyes were cold in the shadows.

It was agreed yesterday that Shen Zhiyan would come together, but today there were many things in Dali Temple, he couldn't leave, so he didn't come together.

In front is a row of houses, the style is quite like a palace, but the carved beams and painted buildings of the palace are a little less, more rough and simple.

In front of the room, Lord Wan Fang, the highest official of the Military Weapons Supervision, led a group of people to welcome him.

Murong Ci and Qin Ruo jumped off the carriage, those people bowed and saluted, and said in unison: "My humble minister welcomes His Highness the Crown Prince."

"Excuse me." Murong Ci smiled cynically, "You all have worked hard."

"Your Highness, please come in." Wan Fang waved his hands humbly, his smiling face was plump, and under the sunlight, the fat on his face was shiny.

Looking at his figure, he is comparable to a fat pig, full of fat, and rich as oil.

The Military Weapons Supervisory Mountain is high and the emperor is far away. Normally, the imperial court would not intervene. The officials here are on duty every day to drink tea, chat, eat and sleep. It's just that those craftsmen who really work hard work day and night.

Murong Ci greeted them with a smile, and glanced at the Military Supervisor, Wang Tao.

Wang Tao is thin and thin, and he is the kind who can't get fat no matter what he eats. His face is also thin and bony, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and his eyes are shrewdly moving around.

Coming to the main hall, naturally His Royal Highness the Crown Prince sits at the head. The servants offered tea, and Wan Fang hurriedly introduced: "Your Highness, this is the best tea in the military department, but it is naturally not as good as the tea in the palace. Your Highness, you will try it."

She smiled and took a sip, "Not bad, not bad, refreshing and sweet, good tea."

"Is Your Highness here to inspect today?" Wang Tao asked with a smile.

"Father wants me to come here to take a look around if I have nothing to do. This palace thinks that there are Lord Wan and Lord Wang looking at the Military Weapons Supervision. What is there to see? It’s been a year, and I’m experienced, so I can’t be more at ease.” Murong Ci smiled, “I told my father, and my father insisted on coming. There’s no way, I came yesterday, but in half a day Dao met a dead person, and that person is Zhou Huai, the head of your place. This palace felt that it was bad luck, so I simply went back to the city."

"Your Highness said this, and I am comforted by my minister. Thank you for your trust." Wan Fang bowed and thanked him, performing consummately, "Speaking of Zhou Huai, Mr. Wang, do you know what happened? How did he die in Lijun? On the official road not far from the prison"

"Your Highness, I do know a little bit. Zhou Huai was the most upright and honest man. He worked hard in the past few years in the Military Weapons Supervision, and made a lot of contributions to the Military Weapons Supervision. In the past two years, he has become obsessed with gambling for some reason. , and secretly gambled without letting his family know about it, and begged the officials and others not to publicize it.” Wang Tao continued, “A month ago, he lost three hundred taels of silver in a gambling hall, so he dare not tell him Mrs. Jia said. He said that his shrewd wife had to drive him out of the house when she found out. The officials and others lent him dozens of taels of silver and asked him to take it back to the gambling hall. But the thugs in the gambling hall He came to collect debts from both sides, and he actually killed Zhou Huai yesterday when he was out on errands."

"Hey, the colleague I saw every day just died like this. Life is impermanent." Wang Tao sighed heavily, "Master Zhou was addicted to gambling and lost his life in the end. It can be seen that this gambling is really untouchable. Your Highness, although Master Zhou is confused. So far, but at least I have worked in the Military Armament Supervisor for so long, I hope His Highness will see that he has worked hard for nothing, so don't tell these stupid things, and let him keep his reputation after death."

"Bengong remembered it. No wonder when I saw Mr. Zhou yesterday, he was full of remorse, tearful, and said something." Murong Ci and Qin Ruo looked at each other and sighed.

"What?" Wan Fang and Wang Tao asked in unison, quite anxious.

"He said he wasted his life by gambling. I didn't understand what it meant yesterday, but now that you say it, I will understand." She said heartily.

"It is indeed a lifetime."

Wan Fang and Wang Tao looked at each other and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Ruo reminded: "Your Highness, Didn't Your Majesty tell you to go to the factory to have a look?"

Murong Ci slapped his head, "Yes, yes, I almost forgot. Father is like this, he insisted on going to the factory for a walk. Lord Wan, Lord Wang, why don't you take me for a walk?"

Wan Fang and Wang Tao had no reason to refuse. They waited on them sadly, and walked to the factory behind.

The factory is so large that you can't see the end at a glance, and it is divided into different manufacturing areas. The craftsmen were all working hard in short clothes and shorts. When they saw a superior coming, they bowed and saluted before continuing to work.

Wan Fang and Wang Tao enthusiastically introduced what it was made of, and what kind of weapon it was, and their obsequious and flattering faces were disgusting.

Turned around and found nothing wrong. Presumably, these elite people will make their superficial skills beautiful, and they will never let people see the clues.

As soon as they came out of the workshop, they saw a person sitting in the main hall, drinking tea leisurely.