The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 74: The passion of the soul burns


Murong Ci was furious, "Are you cursing Bengong to die?"

He didn't let her intervene in the investigation, could it be that he was worried that she would find something that would not be good for him

Thinking of this, she had to investigate even more.

Murong Yu was drinking tea leisurely, the colorful sunlight flickered on and off on her snow-white face, like a piece of colored glass soaked in an ice spring under the moonlit night, spotless, it was the only beauty and purity in this world.

After entering the city, he got out of the carriage and went to the palace to handle government affairs. Instead of going back to the East Palace, she went to Dali Temple.

She told Shen Zhiyan exactly what she had seen and heard today, and he said in shock: "Your Highness suspects that Wan Fang and Wang Tao control the entire military department and suspects that they secretly sell weapons without telling the court."

She nodded, "The two principals are under their orders. I suspect that Zhou Huai, the principal, is honest and loyal to the imperial court. They silenced them only when they found out that they were secretly selling weapons."

"His Royal Highness decided to track down the Military Weapons Supervisor." Shen Zhiyan was horrified and disapproved, "Wan Fang and Wang Tao dared to kill the imperial court officials for their own self-interest, what can't be done is dangerous, Your Highness should think twice."

"No matter how dangerous it is, I have to investigate to the end." Murong Ci's bright eyes flashed with a determined cold light, "Smuggling weapons is a heinous crime. If things go on like this, our military in Beiyan Kingdom will suffer heavy losses. I must bring criminals to justice." justice"

"Then I will go with your Highness." He knew that His Highness couldn't be persuaded, so he had to risk his life to accompany the gentleman, "When will Your Highness act?"

"You are not skilled in martial arts, you will only cause trouble for me." She smiled brightly, "Don't worry, if there is Qin to protect me, nothing will happen to me. Besides, have you forgotten? I have practiced martial arts for many years, so I can protect myself."

"Your Highness must be careful. If there is any danger, withdraw immediately. The future will be long." Shen Zhiyan warned.

After leaving, Murong resigned for a trip to Shuyuxuan and left a message for Rong Zhan.

It is night, the night is like ink, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

When she was young, she and Qin Ruo rode horses to the eastern suburbs in night clothes, dismounted at a place two miles away from the military prison, and walked there.

Qin Ruo opened her eyes wide and looked around, and said anxiously: "Why hasn't Mr. Rong come here? Could it be that he didn't get the message His Highness left in Shu Yuxuan?"

Murong Ci shook his head, "Probably not. If he doesn't go to Shu Yuxuan after dark, Shu Yuxuan will also send someone to deliver the message to Tianxia Yizhuang. Unless Rong Zhan is not in the city today and has not returned to the city."

"Then why not come back another day," Qin Ruo suggested.

"Today is the best time." Murong Ci explained, "Wan Fang and Wang Tao must have thought that Bengong had been to the Military Weapons Supervision today, and would never go again. Bengong just visited the Military Weapons Supervision tonight."

"But there are only two of you, Your Highness and this servant, it's too risky." Qin Ruo worried, "Your Highness, safety comes first."

"Okay, I will be careful. Let's go in first. If there is any danger, we will withdraw immediately." Murong Ci walked forward first.

Qin Ruo followed quickly, secretly making up her mind: If His Highness is in danger of life, she will protect His Highness with all her might.

The countryside is dead silent, occasionally the roar of wild animals and the cry of big birds can be heard.

The vast night is like the best ink blue velvet, and a round of clear moon sprinkles thousands of brilliance.

The moonlight tulle is lightly drawn, and the military monitor is as silent as death.

There are heavy handles at the main entrance, so it is impossible to enter. There is a small gate in the northwest, but it was abandoned many years ago, and it is locked with a big iron chain all the year round. The palace wall there is relatively low, and it is not difficult to jump in with their lightness skills.

In the dead of night, they arrived at the small northwest gate, flew up and landed on the wall. Qin Ruo lowered her body, her eyes swept around like a radar, and then she waved her hand downwards, signaling His Highness to come up.

Murong Ci raised his breath and flew up, and followed Qin Ruo to fly down. At this time, there were no guards patrolling here, and they immediately fled into the darkness with cats on their bodies.

Nowadays, all countries focus on friendly relations and do not talk about war easily, so the factories stop at night.

In times of war or border turmoil, the armory supervisory factory would be working day and night.

Wanfang should be on duty tonight, but at this time the military prison was quiet and silent, they sneaked into the room behind the main hall and went straight into the counting room.

The Military Weapons Supervisor was heavily guarded all around, but the inside was lax, coming and going freely.

Murong Ci was furious, the armory inspectors deserved to die, they were so negligent and didn't pay attention to defense at all.

If no country sends people to infiltrate, then the important secrets of the military inspection will not be easily stolen by no country

The account room was locked from the outside and could only be entered through the window sill.

Fortunately, the window sash was not closed tightly, so they got in easily. Murong Ci had mixed feelings in his heart, he didn't know whether to be happy, angry, or sad.

The ignition was too eye-catching, so she ordered Qin Ruo to release the wind, and then went straight to the picture of the distant mountains.

When Murong Yu looked at this picture during the day, it was definitely not because he liked calligraphy and painting, but because this picture was weird.

At that time, she only glanced at it twice, and felt that the picture was a bit strange, but she couldn't tell what was so strange.

She looked at it in the dark for a moment, and when she opened the huge painting, it turned out that there was a universe inside.

What this painting is covering is a small door with a golden lock. She took out a thin iron wire and pierced it into the lock cylinder. The technique was quite skillful.

Not long after, the golden lock opened.

She opened the small door, and there was a hollow inside. There were a lot of things, including a few account books, as well as secret recipes for the production of state-secret artillery from the Military Supervision Department and even Beiyan Kingdom, the production patterns of rockets, and the production of peerless magic weapons. pattern, and so on.

she immediately hit

Open the account book and take out the night pearl lighting from the skirt.

Every time I read a page, my heart sinks and cools down, and my anger flies up an inch.

This is the real account book of the Ordnance Superintendent.

However, Murong Ci could not take away this account book, once he took it away, Wan Fang and others would find out and startle them.

However, if it is not taken away, there is no evidence.

In the end, she took a copy and took it away.

The master and servant left the counting room and went to the workshop.

Qin Ruo let out the wind at the entrance, and Murong Ci sneaked into the factory alone.

At this time, the factory was dark and full of shadows, eerie and treacherous. She concluded that there would be no guards inside, and walked in quickly without hesitation.

The pearl of the night was shining brightly, she successfully found the door that Murong Yu asked during the day, and took out the thin wire to unlock it.

She concluded that when this door was opened, there must be surprising discoveries.

The moment she opened it, she froze for a moment, it was an empty room.

The room is not big, with only a wicker chair and nothing else. However, the abandoned house does not seem to be dusty.

At this time, there was a noisy sound from a distance outside, and she listened carefully, it was the sound of fierce fighting and human voices.

Qin Ruo was discovered by the guards

Murong Ci's heart froze, and he was about to rush out, but a black shadow shot in like a shock, and the next moment, the door slammed shut.

She had already put the Ye Mingzhu in her arms, so she couldn't see who the black figure that flashed in like a ghost was.

The black shadow didn't move, and she didn't move either, they confronted each other coldly.

someone outside

should be four people

The door of the room was kicked open, and people from outside rushed in, looking for the target to kill in the room.

She crouched in a corner, minimizing her presence.

Just now that black shadow didn't know if it was an enemy or a friend, she didn't know what to do, so she didn't want to act rashly.

Bright silver

bright line

The light sound of the sharp blade piercing the flesh and blood was so clear in the dead night.

Murong Ci's eyes widened, he was stunned that the black shadow suddenly sprang up, swift as lightning, cunning like a ghost, the sharp blade shuttled between the four people, the cold light was like snow.

With four soft bangs, the four fell to the ground and died.

With just one move, the four of them were eliminated in an instant.


She asked herself that she couldn't do this weird killing move at all.

There were hurried footsteps outside again, and with a bang, the door was closed heavily, and the black figure seemed to have locked the door.

She stepped back immediately, clenched her fists and ready to go.

The black shadow approached her, and the mountain-like coercion made people feel pressured.

She retreated step by step, waiting for an opportunity to attack the opponent's vitals. At this moment, a voice stopped her.

"It's my king."

The deep and mellow voice has a strange and calming magic power in this dark night.

Murong Ci was forced to break out in a cold sweat, but luckily he didn't show his skills just now.

However, he also visited the arms supervisor at night.

When she stabilized her mind, Murong Yu knocked on the ground a few times, and then opened a wooden board.

She walked over and looked down, and there seemed to be a dim light below, which should be the entrance of the underground passage.

He jumped down quickly, landed firmly with a light jump, and then he stretched out his arms, "Jump down, I will follow you."

The people outside should be guards, who were already trying to open the door, she gritted her teeth and jumped down.

A pair of long arms caught her firmly and pulled her into his arms.

The warm chest burned her like a flame, she immediately broke free and looked around.

The brief physical contact made him ecstatic, it was a kind of passionate burning of the soul, a different kind of ecstasy.

Murong Ci raised his eyes and looked around, this is a spacious tunnel, damp and cold, with a dark red twilight coming from ahead, mysterious and eerie.

Murong Yu gave her a wink and walked forward first.

It was as silent as death, as if the whole world was gone, only this tunnel was left, and they were the only ones alive.

The sound of footsteps clearly echoed in the empty tunnel, and they walked forward cautiously, zigzagging and twisting.

There is a candle burning with pine oil on the stone wall every other section, which seems to never go out.

"This tunnel seems very long." His warm voice echoed in the empty tunnel.

"Do you want to go to the end?" She was a little hesitant, worried that Qin Ruo would be in danger, and worried that Qin Ruo would not find her, so she was thinking wildly.

"Since we're here, we need to find out." Murong Yu turned his head and squinted at her, "Your Highness is afraid."

Murong Ci didn't bother to answer this speechless question, so he glanced at him and walked forward. If she was afraid, she wouldn't come.

He smiled and continued walking, and suddenly a strange thought popped into his mind: Right now, there are only the two of them walking here, if suddenly the sky collapses, the earth trembles, the mountains shake, and the tunnel collapses, they will definitely be buried here. So, is he willing