The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 82: Linglong Pavilion


Although Qingyang Lane is located in a busy city, it is quiet in the middle of the bustle. It is a quiet and narrow alley that can only accommodate one person.

Murong Ci, Shen Zhiyan, and Qin Ruo stood at the west end of the alley, looking around.

"There are very few people in Qingyang Lane who pass by here. You pay the money and deliver the goods here. It only takes an instant and it's quite safe."

He was wearing an azure official robe, and a ray of bright blue sky leaked from the bright sky, shining on his elegant white handsome face, elegant and clear, with a kind of gentle and restrained brilliance, which would never steal the limelight and shine from others, It is a kind of existence that people cannot ignore, lonely and quietly blooming.

Qin Ruo speculated: "The person who sells the lotus cream should not be far from here."

Upon hearing this, Murong Ci suggested: "Then let's walk around the nearby streets."

So the three of them wandered the nearby long street, taking a look at every shop. Due to the hot weather and the scorching sun in the sky, I would sweat profusely and have dry mouth after walking for a while. Later, they found a restaurant to eat, and continued to wander after filling their stomachs.

When passing Linglongxuan, Murong Ci turned his bright eyes and went in first.

There were no customers in the store, and the clerk was dozing off while sitting on the side. The shopkeeper stood behind the counter and counted. When he looked up and saw a customer coming, he quickly woke up the clerk, and then smiled and said: "Three guests, our Linglongxuan All of them are high-quality jade articles, the three of you can take a look at them casually."

Shen Zhiyan nodded at him, and said proudly: "What I want to buy is the best jade in the world, I feel ashamed to buy the bad ones back."

The shopkeeper was even happier when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Master, you have come to the right place. I can guarantee that among the jade shops in the entire capital, our Linglongxuan has the best jade."

The clerk enthusiastically introduced the various exquisite jade carvings on the shelf to Murong Ci, and asked, "What kind of jade carvings do you want?"

"Your jade here is too cheap."

Murong Ci looked disgusted, and his disdainful eyes swept around, towards the inner hall, but the passage of the inner hall was dark and dull, and there was nothing to be seen.

She gave Qin Ruo a wink, Qin Ruo understood, and asked the buddy: "Do you have any blood jade carvings made of whole blood jade here?"

Murong Ci saw the shopkeeper chatting with Shen Zhiyan, so he walked quickly to the inner hall.

"Young master, you can't enter the inner hall."

The shopkeeper yelled and left the counter to chase after him, but Shen Zhiyan stopped him, "Your jade wares here are too bad, there must be better jade wares hidden in the inner hall, right?"

The shopkeeper couldn't get rid of him no matter what, he shouted anxiously and pushed him away angrily, and finally he could only call the assistant to stop him.

The buddy got the order and rushed to the inner hall quickly, and Qin Ruo followed.

The light in the inner hall was dim, Murong Ci looked at the bright jade carvings on the shelf, always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't see anything wrong.

The space inside is quite large, with shelves on both walls, two chairs and a small table on the east wall, and nothing else.

"My lord, how could you enter the inner hall casually?" the assistant reprimanded ferociously.

"My lord, you are not here to buy jade, you are here to make trouble." The shopkeeper also rushed in, blowing his beard and staring at him angrily.

"Don't mind the shopkeeper, my little brother is a jade idiot, he can't see good jade outside, so he thought you guys hid the jade here, so he rushed in to have a look." Shen Zhiyan smoothed things over with a smile, "Sorry, sorry. "

"There is nothing valuable in this inner hall. As for this? Why don't you let us come in and take a look?" Qin Ruo curled her lips, "Could it be that there are some shady things hidden in here or you have committed crimes and can't let others know?"

"What are you talking about?" the shopkeeper said angrily, "The jades in the inner hall are all priceless, how can I just show them to you?"

"This is priceless. My son's warehouse is more expensive than your jade here, and it is even more valuable. You can buy your shop." Qin Ruo raised her voice and said arrogantly, throwing a conceited wink.

"I heard that Linglongxuan specializes in high-end jade, but that's it, that's it." Murong Ci walked out disappointed, sneering.

In the end, the shopkeeper stared angrily at them and left, wishing he could make a hole in their backs.

They got into the carriage and went back to Dali Temple.

Murong Ci frowned slightly, "I've looked carefully at it, and there's nothing weird about that inner hall. But the shopkeeper's attitude is very weird, there's nothing in the inner hall, why didn't you let us go in and have a look?"

Shen Zhiyan pondered: "I read it too, and there is nothing wrong with it. But I always feel that"

She raised her eyebrows, "I know, the inner hall looks like nothing, but in fact there are things inside, such as organs or something."

He nodded, "Why is Your Highness interested in Linglongxuan and suspect that this store sells drug ointment?"

"No, Linglongxuan is very mysterious. I suspect that Linglongxuan has something to do with the Armed Forces Supervisor's private sale of weapons."

"Ah Your Highness, you are too bold."

"What's wrong?" She didn't understand.

"If Linglongxuan is really related to the smuggling of weapons by the Military Arms Supervision, then His Highness is going to scare the snake and throw himself into the trap." He was so frightened that cold sweat broke out, "How dare you buy the Military Weapons Supervision?"

Those weapons are all desperadoes with their heads on their belts. Your Highness must be careful not to act recklessly. "

"Well, be more careful in the future." Murong Ci thought for a while, and he was right, he must be very cautious next time he goes to Linglong Xuan.

Qin Ruo looked at His Highness, sincerely worried about His Highness.

It is necessary to investigate the smuggling of weapons by the military supervisory department, and to investigate the murder cases of small officials from the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry who were poisoned and killed. How can one person be so busy all day long like a spinning top

On the way back to Dali Temple, Shen Zhiyan was silent for a long time, and said: "Just now I did a lot of shopping, but I didn't find any suspicious shops. The two murder cases of Zhuang Qin and Gan Taizu can be investigated together, but right now I don't have a clue, I don't know yet. Where do we start from?"

Murong Ci thought over and over again, and said: "Qingyang Lane"

At the same time, he also called out; "Qingyang Lane"

Qin Ruo smiled and said, "Your Highness and Mr. Shen thought of getting together."

He smiled, radiant, "I sent two government servants to guard around Qingyang Lane day and night, hoping to find something surprising."

Go to the study.

After reviewing the hill-like memorial, Murong Yu leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes lightly, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

After a while, he stood up and walked out, but at this moment, a black shadow floated in, as treacherous as a ghost.


"I have something to report." Murong Yu turned around and walked a few steps into the hall.

"Yes." Ghosting closed the door of the main hall, turned around and reported, "There is something strange about the deaths of Wailang Zhuang Qin, member of the Ministry of Industry, and Gan Taizu, head of the household department."

"It's not a sudden death." Murong Yu's voice sank.

"No. According to Shen Shaoqing's inspection, he should have died of poison." Ghosting replied with his head bowed.

"What is poisoned and who is poisoned"

"Shen Shaoqing hasn't found out the real culprit yet. My subordinates have read the autopsy booklet of Dali Temple, and the death conditions of the two adults recorded on it are similar to those who died of poisoning due to overdose of drug ointment."

Murong Yu suddenly turned around, his eyes turned cold, "Really"

Ghost Shadow solemnly said: "Really."

Murong Yu believed in the ghost's judgment. A few years ago when they disguised themselves and sneaked into the South Vietnam to investigate, they saw a person who died of poisoning due to an overdose of drug ointment. Although many years have passed, the death of those two people is deeply imprinted in their minds.

But I didn't expect that there was an imperial court ordering an official to take drug ointment in the imperial capital

"His Royal Highness and Shen Shaoqing should have found out the real cause of their death." Ghost Ying said again.

"They have already found out that the two deceased died of drug ointment." Murong Yu asked repeatedly.

"Yes." Guiying replied, "They have been to the Supreme Hospital and talked to Director Shen."

"Back off." Murong Yu's black eyes froze coldly.

A Furong ointment actually poisoned the court and ordered officials

he didn't even notice

Just, I hope it doesn't endanger the people.

He strode out to the east palace.

All countries have expressly banned the cultivation of hibiscus, and hibiscus ointment has flowed into the imperial capital of Northern Yan Kingdom, and even endangered the capital officials. This matter is not simple

Murong Ci returned to the Eastern Palace, ate his meal, took a shower and changed his clothes, but he kept hesitating whether to go to Murong Yu, whether to tell him about the drug.

Although this incident is just a burgeoning incident for the time being and has no tendency to develop into a film, two Beijing officials have already died. Whether it is big or small, this is where she has difficulty making a decision.

This matter must be stopped, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous, but she has no clue for the time being, and she doesn't know where to track it down.

For example, seeing His Highness lazily leaning on the imperial concubine's bed, sometimes moaning, sometimes turning over with frowns, sometimes closing and opening her eyes, she really couldn't see it anymore, and said: "Your Highness, what are you bothering about?"

"You don't understand, and you can't help me even if you tell me." Murong Ci said lazily.

"It's getting late, why don't you pass on the meal. Think about it when you're full."

"Didn't you just eat it? I'm not hungry."

Murong Ci turned around and lay down irritably, "You step back first, and Bengong be quiet for a while."

Ruyi backed away quietly, and went to the dining room to see if the mung bean soup was ready.

Footsteps sounded, very lightly.

Murong Yu was standing at the entrance of the sleeping hall. At this time, the sky outside was a strange blue color, and the evening wind was blowing slightly, burning the last ray of bright red sunset glow in the western sky. The light in the hall is dim, and the lamps are not yet lit. All kinds of gold, jade and precious treasures are shining brightly. An indistinguishable man is lying on his side on the imperial concubine's couch, with his back to him.

She was only wearing a moon white silk mid-sole, which was like a white cloud covering her body softly. The middle single is a little loose, exposing one fragrant shoulder, and the black hair hanging down is like the best black satin, which makes the jade-colored fragrant shoulder more delicate and smooth, radiant and full of luster, sultry and seductive.

Murong Ci's mind moved, it didn't sound like Ruyi's footsteps, and it didn't sound like Qin Ruo. She suddenly turned over, and was shocked when she saw the handsome face of the visitor.